How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 5


A few days later, Yan Shiying successfully received the notice to join the drama club. Before joining the club, she needs to go to the logistics department to get some quota materials.

The logistics department was received by people from the Student Union. When Yan Shiying walked in, she noticed that the girl at the door exchanged glances with the person next to her when she saw her. She immediately remembered that the setting of the original body in the plot was "except Qin Shuyao doesn't have any friends other than her, because she has a bad temper, is difficult to get along with, and has a strange taste (?), so many people in the academy don't like her", she is simply a person who everyone hates.

Although she is completely unclear about the conflict between the original body and these two people, from Yan Shiying's point of view, apart from how to disturb the plot line, she needs to worry about it, and these other issues are nothing to her. .

Yan Shiying walked over as usual, and sure enough, she saw that the girl was smiling and talking to the previous person just now, but the next second she turned her face down and looked at her expressionlessly.

Alas... Only the original owner with real self-respect would be angry with this kind of trick.

Yan Shiying said without changing expression: "I'm here to get the things from the drama club."

"Oh, then wait a while." The girl concentrated on arranging the materials on the table without looking up, as if she was going to leave her alone.

Yan Shiying lowered her eyes and took a quick look at her.

The girl was wearing the school uniform uniformly issued by Augustine, her hair was tied up with ordinary black-headed ropes, only a few of them were untied at the neckline, and a rose gold necklace gleamed around her neck.

Yan Shiying immediately leaned on the table and asked casually, "Where did you buy this necklace?"

The girl followed her gaze and landed on her chest, "Is this one? C's Heart of Rose series, I bought it at the flagship store in the city."

Yan Shiying let out a "huh" as if she had discovered something, "I remember, this one seems to be a new limited edition from the C family, right?"

The girl's eyes lit up immediately, and she sat up straight, "Did you see it? This limited edition is not available to ordinary people, and I have waited a long time to get it. Do you know how many people have ordered this necklace? Light There are seventy or eighty in our school... "

The girl seemed to have been opened up, chatting with her endlessly. Yan Shiying listened nonchalantly, but secretly laughed in her heart. Sure enough, dressing is a topic that women can never escape.

Probably because the original body rarely praised others, Yan Shiying only blew a few rainbow farts. The girl's cheeks were already flushed with joy, and when the topic ended, the girl had already called out "Yingying" one by one.

When Yan Shiying asked about receiving supplies again, the girl quickly took the warehouse key and stood up, pointing her to the seat next to her, "There are chairs over there, sit there and wait for me."

The other girl looked at her in surprise, as if she was surprised that the girl's attitude towards her had changed a hundred and eighty degrees.

Yan Shiying chose a seat and sat down. Before long, she heard a burst of familiar music.

Yan Shiying's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately turned her head to look at the door, only to see two tall men appearing at the door one after the other amidst the sound of the BGM.

"Why did this kind of thing call us..."

A swan-like boy with a straight back and a straight body strode in.

[Xia Fanyi, the most favored youngest of the Xia family, a veteran member of the Shengbo Drama Club. After falling in love with Qin Shuyao, he fought with his brother for her. After being blocked by his parents, he matured overnight in frustration, and finally became the ruler of the Xia family.]

Another slender boy with flirtatious peach blossom eyes also walked behind Xia Fanyi.

"Okay, okay, it's not that Wen An has no time."

[Yue Xiuning, an actor of Shengbo Drama Club and a member of the external relations department, a veteran in the field of love, romantic, loves to hunt for sex, after confirming Qin Shuyao's intentions, the prodigal son turned around and cut off all contacts with female friends.]

Yo, it's actually the male lead!

Yan Shiying looked at the two with great interest.

Rao Yan Shiying had seen many handsome guys with outstanding looks, but she couldn't help but be amazed at the first sight of Yue Xiuning.

This face alone is definitely the appearance of a male god. He obviously didn't smile, but his eyes always seemed to be filled with smiles, as if he was born to be a luminous body. It seems that the surrounding dust can be illuminated.

He wore a hot pink coat around his waist, but he didn't look feminine at all. With his short light chestnut hair and tall body, he looked like a cover model of some Japanese magazine. Yan Shiying noticed the surroundings of him. Several girls were staring at him in a daze.

Standing next to such a luminous body, Xia Fanyi was not compared at all. Unlike Yue Xiuning, who seems to be emitting hormones all the time, Xia Fanyi looks like a well-educated child from an aristocratic family. He has an outstanding temperament. Of course, the most amazing thing is his buttocks...

Yan Shiying's eyes moved to his waist and hips involuntarily. She had never seen a man with such an upturned butt. The waist was strong and powerful, the buttocks were tight and full of elasticity, the waist was narrow and the legs were long. The proportions were amazing.

Yan Shiying was amazed in her heart, but suddenly found that they were the only ones, and Geng Wen'an was not here.

The two people who appeared on the stage now already looked like this, and Yan Shiying faintly looked forward to what Geng Wen'an would be like.

However, after asking the system Yan Shiying before, he found out that Geng Wen'an had more to do with the original body than Qin Shuyao.

Geng Wen'an was originally the son of a close friend of the Yan family. When he was a child, he moved into the Yan family for a period of time due to family changes. He is still Yan Shiying's half brother.

At that time, Yan Shiying didn't understand anything, so she worshiped and relied on Geng Wen'an like her own brother. Later, Geng Wen'an moved out of Yan's family, and when she grew up, she found that Geng Wen'an was just the son of a poor merchant. Since then, they have alienated Geng Wen'an, and the two of them have never met in private. Yuanshen didn't even know that Geng Wen'an was in the same school as her.

After Geng Wen'an fell in love with Qin Shuyao, because she looked down on Geng Wen'an's background, she persuaded Qin Shuyao to stay away from him both openly and secretly, and she never gave him good looks when she met him at school.

But Geng Wen'an is by no means a simple person. On the surface, he seems to be the one with the worst family background among the three. Although he has a good relationship with Xia Fanyi, Yue Xiuning and the others, he is far inferior to the two in terms of family background and connections. Yan Shiying has noticed that his professional grades are almost the first in his grade, and he is even the president of the drama club one level higher than Yue Xiuning and the others.

You must know that those who can join Shengbo are either rich or have a background, such a wealthy family as Xia Fanyi is even more popular in Shengbo, but it is Geng Wen'an who really sits on the throne of the president.

Not to mention that in the subsequent episodes, Geng Wen'an annexed several companies in succession for Qin Shuyao, becoming the number one person in the business world, including the seemingly unstoppable Yan family.

At that time, Yan Shiying let alone deal with Geng Wen'an, even Ouyang Jinkong could trample her under his feet.

Yan Shiying also saw Geng Wen'an's name when looking through her friends list that day, but she didn't send any news, but changed the note from "Geng Wen'an" to "Brother Wen'an".

If he meets Geng Wen'an, Yan Shiying has prepared a "reunion after a long time" to act out for him.

At this moment, Yan Shiying suddenly heard a dispute not far away.

"You have gone too far! Please apologize!"

"Hey, don't be too ignorant, do you know what you are talking about?"

It seems that some seniors and freshmen had conflicts. Yan Shiying only felt that the voice was a little familiar. She poked her head curiously, but only saw a few tall boys forming a row. Yin Yin Zhuo Zhuo could see a The back view of a girl with a high ponytail.

Immediately afterwards, the girl's clear voice sounded: "First, I don't call you hello! Second, I only know that you have done something wrong, and those who have done something wrong must apologize!"

What's going on, this familiar embarrassing and impassioned line... Yan Shiying's whole body trembled, she looked in a different direction, and her heart froze for a moment.

Qin Shuyao!

Why is she here

Yan Shiying subconsciously looked at Xia Fanyi and the others, and sure enough, she saw that the two were attracted by this scene, and stopped to watch with relish.

Hearing Qin Shuyao's words, the faces of several senior boys became ugly, and one of them laughed, "This elementary school girl, what's your name?"

Qin Shuyao is not afraid: "My name is Qin Shuyao."

"Okay, Qin Shuyao," the man looked at her meaningfully, "What we just said is still valid, if any of you can sing the song just now verbatim, I will consider lending you props, and I will also apologize to you."

Qin Shuyao stubbornly raised her head, "As long as you can sing well, can you keep your word?"

"Yes." The boy added, "Now, in front of everyone."

The girl next to her tugged at the corner of Qin Shuyao's clothes as if she was afraid of causing trouble, and begged in a low voice, "Shuyao, let's go, I don't want it..."

"No, I must ask them to apologize to you." Qin Shuyao stared at them intently, "Sing, just sing!"

She took a deep breath and stood up, folded her hands on her abdomen. At this moment, the halo outside the window hit Qin Shuyao inexplicably. In the dazzling white light, only her singing was left pouring into every corner around her...

Yan Shiying listened to Qin Shuyao humming an unknown English song, and she could tell that Qin Shuyao's voice was in good condition, with a penetrating voice, and it was effortless to sing high notes. Among the singers, big and small, she had heard nice...

But wait a minute, why are the people around me so mesmerized? !

Yan Shiying watched in horror as the people around her shook their heads and shook their heads along with the singing. After Qin Shuyao finished singing, she even shouted Qin Shuyao's name while applauding, and some people whistled and cheered again and again, as if she had strayed into the What is the scene of an ancient idol drama, and she is the group performer behind the protagonist of the scene.

A few boys apologized to Qin Shuyao and the others disheartenedly in such an overwhelming situation. The girl who was protected by Qin Shuyao stood up and blew her rainbow fart with tears in her eyes: "Shuyao, you sing so well! marvelous!"

Qin Shuyao smiled lightly, "I just want to seek justice from them."

The girl nodded gratefully, "Well, let's go back, everyone is still waiting for us."

Just when Qin Shuyao turned around and supported the girl to leave, Yan Shiying looked sideways at Xia Fanyi and Yue Xiuning over there.

That expression is definitely the reaction of someone who sees the heartbeat.

They were tempted by Qin Shuyao.

Interesting... It's just that I just came out and met once. Is this the halo of the heroine in this world

Or... is this the way the script of this world works

The girl who had gone to the warehouse came over with something at this time, handed it to her and said, "Congratulations on becoming a member of the drama club."

Yan Shiying raised her head and smiled at her, reaching out to take the supplies under the girl's friendly gaze.

Looking through the supplies, they were almost all medicines to prevent heatstroke, and there was also a member card exclusive to Shengbo. Yan Shiying rubbed the smooth card and fell into deep thought.

Although she had joined the drama club first, she was still one step behind Qin Shuyao. What surprised her the most was that there was no such scene in the setting plot. The starting point of their intersection was from the drama club, but why did the hero and heroine meet early today? Could it be that her butterfly has messed up the original script? Or would Qin Shuyao meet these two long before the school celebration

Whatever the reason, it turned out to be against her. But such an accident made her guess again, and she deliberately started calling the system in her mind.

The system remains motionless as if dead. Yan Shiying sneered in her heart, didn't it know that its silence confirmed her guess

Thinking about it, Yan Shiying followed the girl to another table to fill out the receipt form.

Yan Shiying thanked her again, took off the pen cap and was about to write, when suddenly her body was bumped.

This not only made her fall to the ground suddenly, but also caused the whole table of documents to fly on the ground.

The location where she fills in the information is relatively hidden, and she can't meet anyone with her at all, so this person... clearly did it on purpose!

Yan Shiying endured the pain and sat up from the ground, ignoring the pain in her shoulders, she raised her head and stared fiercely, but she was caught off guard by her eyes, which were as cold as a pool of cold.

It's Shang Xuhuai.

He looked at her condescendingly, as arrogant and cruel as a boa constrictor staring at its prey. The almost sharp coldness made Yan Shiying feel that the blood in her body was frozen for a moment.

He only glanced at her, without any expression, stepped on her information and walked over as if no one was there.

Only Yan Shiying was left covering her aching shoulder, inexplicably horrified.

What's going on, did she do something to offend Shang Xuhuai? In the way he looked at her just now, it was clearly...
