How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 57


Yan Shiying tried her best to control her beating heart, and said shyly, "When did you find out?"

She didn't ask him if he saw this kind of words, all the photos were burned by him, she didn't believe he didn't see it.

But he remained calm as if nothing had happened, and his attitude was the same as usual to her, even more gentle.

The hand caressing her head was so gentle, but it made her feel almost mechanically cold and weird. This kind of emotional control made Yan Shiying feel a sense of scalp tingling.

Geng Wen'an's smile remained the same, but his eyes were as deep as a deep pool, "Why, are you scared?"

Yan Shiying shook her head, her voice muffled, "I'm just curious...why did you help me?"

Before Xia Fanyi found out, he quietly took away the photos and destroyed them. This move was clearly premeditated.

Yan Shiying couldn't help thinking back to the times when she was about to be bumped into by several people. At that time, it seemed that Geng Wen'an had saved her from the crisis in time. This series of actions was clearly helping her, but why did he

"Because you are my sister."

Yan Shiying raised her head in surprise.

Geng Wenan stopped, "Just remember, I will always be on your side. If you want to do something, you can do it boldly, and I will help you deal with the aftermath."

He was smiling in the very dark room, his smile had a kind of elegant charm, but the pupils of his eyes were unfathomable.

At this moment, he was as solid and unshakable as a mountain standing behind her forever, as if he would unconditionally support her no matter what she did, and he would not be shaken by anything.

This kind of sense of stability beyond love and similar to that of family members made Yan Shiying astonished, but at the same time, a trace of absurdity burst into her heart uncontrollably.

But the longing and aggression that he unintentionally showed a few times ago were all fake

The smile on Geng Wen'an's face suddenly faded, he blinked slowly, his black pupils stared at her, bent down, wrapped his arms around her waist, and lowered his head to invade.

He sucked-licked-licked the tip of her tongue, and after a while he withdrew his lips and tongue, and asked her in a wet and hoarse voice: "Do you understand?"

His eyes were bright and unpredictable, but the fiery longing quietly leaked out from his every move, containing some kind of restrained deep emotions, and a wisp of flames spewed out only after she lifted a little cover.

Just this wisp was enough to burn her to death.

Yan Shiying bit her lip and nodded, but she thought firmly in her heart—

Such a person must not be offended.

She may not associate with him, but she must not become an enemy with this kind of person.

Geng Wen'an hugged her and kissed her for a while, then suddenly laughed, and in the darkness, his laughter fluttered against her ears along with his breath.

"Why are you so good today?"


Yan Shiying secretly uttered a dirty word in her heart.

He was talking about the three-day tour in the temporary banquet hall.

Even Yan Shiying couldn't help feeling slightly hot on the face being molested.

He wanted to find an excuse to push him away, but he grabbed his wrist first.

"Don't worry, I've looked around here, there's no one around here, it's safe."

Geng Wen'an said with a smile, and heard him sigh after a while.

"But Shiying, your methods are still too soft."

Yan Shiying raised her head in confusion, but only saw a little bit of cold light like a blade in the darkness.

Yan Shiying finally understood the meaning of Geng Wenan's words on the day of the training camp.

Because Jiang Ruotong's suitor was dissatisfied with the training questionnaire she submitted, he threw the dozens of A4 papers she had submitted on the ground in front of everyone.

Although Geng Wen'an didn't say anything at the scene, news came in the afternoon that the brown-haired man had his leg broken by a falling object and could no longer be the person in charge of the training camp.

The new person in charge of the training camp is a boy with a baby face who often smiles. Yan Shiying knows him, and that baby face often goes in and out of Geng Wen'an's president's office. Before Yan Shiying could hand in the new questionnaire, Babyface told her privately that she had completed it.

Yan Shiying knew that her premonition at that time was indeed right.

A character like Geng Wen'an cannot be easily provoked. If he becomes his enemy, he can only be killed in the cradle first, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Fortunately, Qin Shuyao was robbed of the opportunity and stood on Geng Wen'an's side first. She not only had an invisible helper, but also brought her and the Yan family a steady stream of profits because of his smooth career.

But it seemed that even Geng Wen'an didn't know who the person who took the photo was. His act of burning the photo made Yan Shiying completely exclude him from the list of suspects, but if it wasn't Geng Wen'an, who would it be

On the day of the official training camp, Jiang Ruotong didn't know if the news of the brown-haired man had stimulated her. She didn't show up at Shengbo until that day.

Although she is the real heroine, she has been absent for so many days, even if the director knows her identity, he is dissatisfied.

Unexpectedly, the screenwriting department seems to have been prepared and distributed a new script.

In the new script, Jiang Ruotong is no longer the only heroine, and a new dual setting has been added for the heroine, played by Jiang Ruotong and Yan Shiying respectively.

Yan Shiying found out that the scenes assigned to her were all the scenes she had rehearsed most familiarly since she replaced Jiang Ruotong. It could be seen that the scriptwriting department was already trying its best to minimize the loss.

Although the proportions of the roles of the two are slightly different, Jiang Ruotong still has more roles in general, but Jiang Ruotong is still very dissatisfied when he is separated from the "only" status.

Afterwards, she was invited into Geng Wen'an's conference room, and when she came out, Jiang Ruotong accepted the fact unwillingly.

Because she became one of the two heroines, Yan Shiying added a lot of rivalry scenes with Xia Fanyi. Every day when she plays against him, besides the basic positioning, it also includes a lot of physical contact.

Xia Fanyi always felt that she was not good enough, even when she was in a drama, she liked to cling to her everywhere. She just thought of blowing the air by herself on the balcony, and in the blink of an eye Xia Fanyi appeared again like a ghost.

Xia Fanyi pretended not to see the disgust on Yan Shiying's face, but saw the beautiful scenery of rolling mountains outside the balcony, and warmly pulled her to lean against him to take pictures.

The wind here is very comfortable, blowing on her face with a bit of warmth and refreshingness, messing up her hair, and flying it around his cheeks and neck.

While Xia Fanyi raised his camera, he quietly glanced at the person leaning in front of him. His eyes swept over her beautiful eyebrows and her innocent posture one after another. Itches.

Xia Fanyi stretched out his other hand to fix the camera, wanting to hug Yan Shiying's shoulder in his arms. But as soon as he raised his hand, Xia Fanyi retracted his hand and changed his posture.

In this almost hugging posture, Xia Fanyi clearly felt his heart being touched softly again.

At this moment, Xia Fanyi deeply realized what liking is.

I like it so that I want her to know it, and I try my best to hide it to please her.

Liking turned out to be to cover up the momentary joy even if the fingers touch.

What I like is when I want to hug her shoulder when taking pictures with her, but I dare not put it down quietly.

Xia Fanyi couldn't help feeling an urge to embrace her fiercely regardless of everything, but he held back after a brief battle between heaven and man in his heart.

This painful and anxious desire is burning every minute and every second with her. When will... the end

When it was their turn to rehearse alone, Yan Shiying always felt that Xia Fanyi seemed to be getting more and more wrong.

In the past, it was only occasionally that he would suddenly lean up to her neck, take a deep breath imperceptibly, or add a plot on his own. But this time, when she was supposed to loosen her waist in the next turn, Xia Fanyi kept hugging her tightly as if she couldn't hear the lines, and didn't let go until she reminded her.

Even with the normal hand-to-hand contact, the skin was slowly being rubbed and caressed inch by inch along the inside of his wrist... Yan Shiying finally couldn't help it when Xia Fanyi crossed his fingers tightly and pressed him to the ground.

"Xia Fanyi?!?"

She looked at him in surprise, but saw Xia Fanyi tilting her head towards her as if nothing had happened, "Huh?"

Yan Shiying bit her lip, "What's wrong with you today?"

"I'm just playing with each other normally." Xia Fanyi blinked innocently, not only did not let go of her fingers, but further pressed her to the ground, spreading her arms to completely cover her in the shadow of his body.

"Look... isn't the drama tension coming out?"

Xia Fanyi clasped her other hand nonchalantly, and approached her with a pure smile, "What do you think of this line and this movement?"

His voice was pure, as if he was just thinking about the plot of the script, and he couldn't hear the slightest abnormality.

Yan Shiying didn't speak, but frowned and turned her head away.

At that moment, Xia Fanyi's eyes quickly revealed a greedy light that was completely different from his voice.

Before Yan Shiying could speak, Xia Fanyi quickly got up and let go of her, "I'm just kidding."

He said with a smile, and calmly stretched out his hand to pull her up as if nothing had happened, "Let's go, you must be hungry? There is no one there at this time."

Yan Shiying got up silently.

Xia Fanyi walked in front and opened the door, and suddenly heard Yan Shiying say behind her: "Xia Fanyi."


"Please don't do this in the future." Yan Shiying lowered her eyes and said word by word, her voice was gentle but indifferent, "I don't like..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the sound of a door slamming shut.

Yan Shiying raised her head slightly in astonishment, and saw that Xia Fanyi was filled with a stormy aura, and walked in front of her in a few steps.

Before she could speak, he pressed her onto the stage with lightning speed and kissed her hard.

He suppressed all her weak struggles and whimpers almost tyrannically, and greedily swallowed her short panting together, plundering her lips like an unrestrained wild beast.

Day and night, the wish that she dreamed of was finally fulfilled, Xia Fanyi briefly ignored the shackles that had been worn on her hands and feet all the time, forgetting everything, and yearning for her almost fanatically...

After the kiss was over, Xia Fanyi still closed her eyes and gasped violently. The man's heavy breathing echoed in the small rehearsal room, but in the room where no one spoke, it showed an almost depressing solemnity.

Xia Fanyi slowly opened his eyes, facing Shiying's eyes that were gleaming but drawn away, his heart tightened suddenly, a sad coldness silently extinguished his passion.

wake up.

"What are you doing."

Yan Shiying's voice condensed like ice rang in his ears, and Xia Fanyi panicked almost at a loss.

What happened to the last person who liked her is still vivid in his mind. The nightmarish scene pierced his chest like an ice blade, which made his mind go blank for a moment.

No, I can't let her know... Just give me a reason, he can't even be friends...

Xia Fanyi let go of her like an electric shock, and was so panicked that she could hardly speak: "Yes, I'm sorry, I just mistook you for Qin Shuyao..."

After uttering these three words, Xia Fanyi saw that her eyes froze suddenly.

She rubbed the corners of her lips that were stained with kisses, stood up and slapped him across the face.

A loud slap sounded in the room, knocking one side of Xia Fanyi's face to one side.

Yan Shiying didn't even look at it, she opened the door without hesitation, turned and walked out.

Xia Fanyi stood there for a while with his hot cheeks on his face, only a few words in his head.

It's over.

He's crazy to come up with such a terrible excuse...

Annoyance and unwillingness gradually flooded his entire chest, and the tingling sensation on his face kept reminding him of what absurd things he did just now.

Xia Fanyi stood quietly for a while, and suddenly pulled out an ugly smile.

That's okay... At least, this way he can continue to stay by her side.