How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 76


He couldn't remember exactly when he fell in love with Yan Shiying, but he still clearly remembered the way she suddenly looked up in front of the glass window of the cafe and smiled at him when he first met her.

The astonishing feeling as if the ice and snow had just melted was firmly engraved in his mind like a canvas that would never fade.

Now she smiles like this too, but he mostly watches her smile like this to others...

He doesn't expect to really have her, and he doesn't care if she uses him, as long as she doesn't abandon him, he can endure no matter what.

When he came back to his senses, he found that the front of her skirt was in a mess, and the tie was completely loose.

Ji Luoqing almost panicked to tie her neckline, and fled in panic as if she had done something wrong.

After walking a certain distance, he turned his head and found that Yan Shiying was still unconsciously asleep, and his slightly parted red lips exuded a different kind of glamorous luster in the sun.

Ji Luoqing couldn't help stroking her upper lip, while suffering from her own depravity, at the same time unable to extricate herself from immersing herself in the sweet pleasure brought by her immorality.

Watching Ji Luoqing lower her head and lose her mind for a long time, Yan Shiying couldn't help but waved her hand in front of him, "What are you thinking?"

Unexpectedly, Ji Luoqing was startled by this wave, and directly dropped the score sheet in his hand to the ground.

After regaining consciousness, he quickly picked it up, and Yan Shiying realized that the clothes he was wearing were of a unique style. After asking, I found out that he was a volunteer who maintained the field and recorded the game for the teacher.

At this time, the previous game had just ended, and there was still a long time before the next game started, but several other volunteers around had all gone to rest, and only Ji Luoqing could be seen in the huge sports field.

Looking at Ji Luoqing again, he was already so busy under the sun that his forehead was sweating slightly, and his cheeks were slightly flushed. Compared with the image of those few volunteers who were dressed in fresh clothes, he was in a state of embarrassment.

It seems that every time I see him, he is either helping the teacher or doing volunteer temporary work everywhere.

Yan Shiying smiled at him, "Let me help you."

But before he could speak, another male voice came from the side.

"Yan Shiying! So you came here, I've been looking for you for a long time."

Xia Fanyi trotted towards Yan Shiying, the smile on his face was brighter than the sun.

"You don't know where your things are, do you? I'll take you there." Xia Fanyi said, pulling Yan Shiying's hand away without any explanation.

Ji Luoqing, who was hesitant to speak, was left behind, watching their backs silently, and after a while he lowered his head and wiped his glasses silently.

After Xia Fanyi took Yan Shiying's hand, his heart beat fast, and he walked carefully all the way, for fear that Yan Shiying would ask him to let go.

He didn't dare to turn his head, nor did he dare to look at Yan Shiying. He was afraid that as long as he looked at Yan Shiying's eyes, his liking and admiration would run out of his eyes.

Too obvious love will only make him farther and farther away from her, and he no longer dares to lose anything from her.

The touch of his hand was so soft that his back was sweating, Xia Fanyi walked forward sullenly, the more he held her hand, the faster his heart beat, and he couldn't help but secretly scolded himself for being worthless.

But Yan Shiying suddenly said: "What are you talking about?"

As soon as he heard her voice, Xia Fanyi let go of his hand reflexively, and turned to look at her after he realized it: "Ah, oh...they are the things you trained in."

Only then did Yan Shiying remember that she had left in a hurry, and that there were still a small number of items left behind in the training camp.

But it's nothing important, and it doesn't matter if you don't take it.

"No, you can help me deal with it."

"... You don't want them all?" Xia Fanyi confirmed to her with a strange look.

"En." Yan Shiying nodded, then suddenly smiled at him, "Thank you."

She smiled politely and distantly, it was obviously just an ordinary smile, but it caught Xia Fanyi's eyes, but it made him choke his breath, and grinned involuntarily.

This was the first time she had smiled at him in a long time.

Xia Fanyi thought happily as if he had picked up candy from a bitter gourd, and felt that he could laugh at this for another ten years.

Just as he was having fun in his heart, suddenly a boy who was playing a ball in the corridor passed by Yan Shiying.

Obviously the boy and the ball were several people away from Yan Shiying, but a hand forcibly dragged Yan Shiying to him.

"Are you okay?" Yue Xiuning raised her arm to check around with a worried expression, as if he really cared for her non-existent wound.

The boy with the ball: "???"

Xia Fanyi: "???"

While inspecting Yan Shiying, Yue Xiuning suddenly smiled meaningfully at Xia Fanyi from her invisible perspective.

Xia Fanyi was instantly ignited by this laughter like a firecracker.

He knew before that Yue Xiuning was insidious, but now he knows... Yue Xiuning is insidious and inhuman!

No wonder some people call him Yue Laogou, he is a real dog!

Yue Xiuning had already let go of her naturally, put her in his pocket and asked calmly, "Where are you going?"

"Go to the props room."

Xia Fanyi answered before Yan Shiying could speak. He stood between Yue Xiuning and Yan Shiying, and pulled Yan Shiying behind him, "Sheng Bo has a new batch of clothes, which are all for the performance. I'll move it for her."

After speaking, he smiled at Yan Shiying again, "I forgot to tell you just now, I'll help you take care of it later."

As early as a few months ago, Sheng Bo had confirmed the performance time, and because of Jiang Ruotong, a new heroine and plot were added, and the costumes that arrived this time are used here.

The performance time is coming soon, she has to quickly try on the costumes to see if there is any problem, and also to preview the effect on the lighting stage.

Xia Fanyi also knew that she would not refuse, so she looked at Yue Xiuning provocatively after speaking.

Since he had his help, of course nothing happened to Yue Xiuning.

Of course Yue Xiuning knew what Xia Fanyi meant, but he still smiled lightly and said, "I'll be with you..."

Before the words were finished, a thin figure jumped out from behind Yan Shiying and bumped heavily on Yan Shiying's shoulder.

"Ah, sorry."

Standing behind Xia Fanyi, Yan Shiying was caught off guard, and couldn't help but look in surprise at the black and thin boy beside him who looked like a monkey spirit.

He obviously didn't have any sincerity to apologize, he just gave Yan Shiying a cold look, turned around and was about to leave. Xia Fanyi grabbed him before he even took a step.

"Is that how you apologize?!"

Yue Xiuning also blocked the boy's way, "I want to leave now, did she say she forgives you?"

Seeing these two people stand up for her, the boy's expression became even more disdainful.

Yan Shiying heard him mutter something in a low voice, as if to say that it's no wonder that XX's position was taken away.

Yan Shiying suddenly remembered where she had seen this person before. When she went to the classroom in the department, every time she saw Jiang Ruotong, she always followed this monkey boy. Her eyes are always on Jiang Ruotong.

The performance is approaching, but Jiang Ruotong's attendance at rehearsals is getting less and less, presumably her suitors have some opinions.

Unfortunately, today, these two people happened to be by her side. It seemed that this boy was going to be in bad luck.

Sure enough, the two of them became more serious when they saw the boy's attitude.

This person actually bullied the person they liked under their noses. It happened that they had nowhere to vent their anger. Today this person hit their gunpoint.

But seeing Yan Shiying suddenly saw something from the window, she didn't intend to care about their affairs at all, so she turned around and hurried back.

Xia Fanyi, who had just stopped the monkey spirit boy, immediately had a heartbeat, "Yan Shiying! Where are you going? Aren't you going to try on costumes?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he knew that he was talking for nothing, because Yan Shiying walked away from his sight as if he hadn't heard him, and finally disappeared from his sight.

Xia Fanyi glanced out of the window, and immediately saw Ji Luoqing who tripped over something and fell on the playground.

The heart shrank suddenly, and there was a subtle pain rising from the chest.

The unwillingness, despondency and frustration of watching her leave was pouring into his chest like cement, making him unable to make a sound.

Yan Shiying... what should I do.

How humble do I have to be to hold you in my arms.

Turning to look at the monkey boy with a disdainful expression behind him, Xia Fanyi's expression became extremely cold.

Yan Shiying maintained her "deep love" Ji Luoqing's personality in an extremely professional manner, as soon as she walked to the playground, she would boo and greet Ji Luoqing.

Seeing Yan Shiying who had gone and returned, Ji Luoqing was so surprised that he didn't know what to say, he didn't even care about the scratch on his arm.

A group of people had gathered on the playground at the moment, two groups of people with ropes on their feet, seemed to be preparing for a two-person three-legged race. Seeing that Ji Luoqing was checking the ropes for them without paying attention to the wound, Yan Shiying frowned slightly and stopped Ji Luoqing who was still going to check.

Glancing at the volunteers who were laughing and holding their mobile phones, Yan Shiying smiled at him.

"Let me help you."

On the other side of the three-legged team, a boy who looked like a chestnut saw Yan Shiying and immediately grabbed the man beside him.

"Boss! Look at that..."

Shang Xuhuai was concentrating on looking at the list of sports in his hand, calculating which other sports could secure the first place, when he was constantly being pulled by the arm, he turned his head impatiently.

Turning around, he saw Yan Shiying who was helping Ji Luoqing to check the binding situation.

Shang Xuhuai's eyes froze all of a sudden.

The chestnut boy next to him was still yelling softly: "It's sister-in-law, boss, do you want me to call sister-in-law?"

After finishing speaking, Shang Xuhuai stared at him as if he was looking at some alien creature.

Chestnut boy: "?"

Shang Xuhuai: "..." stare.

Chestnut boy: "Old... big?"

Shang Xuhuai: "Why don't you continue talking?"

The chestnut boy came to his senses, and quickly asked tentatively: "Then, sister-in-law, do you want to..."

Shang Xuhuai turned his head expressionlessly: "Whether she comes or not is none of my business."

This attitude really confuses the chestnut boy, obviously last time he saw these two people flirting, it was pretty sweet, wasn't it

Suddenly Shang Xuhuai broke the string on his feet without saying a word.

Chestnut man: "????" Boss? ?

"Ah, it's broken." Shang Xuhuai read aloud expressionlessly.

"Get someone to help you."

Brother Chestnut immediately had a flash of inspiration.

This is not it! What do you mean by meeting your sister-in-law? !

Before Shang Xuhuai could open his mouth, the chestnut boy ran up to Yan Shiying.

Yan Shiying, who was smiling and kindly helping others a moment ago, laughed mercilessly after seeing the broken rope on Shang Xuhuai's feet.

"It's so miserable, why did the rope break just before the start of the game?"

Yan Shiying raised her lips gloatingly, "It's God's will, you retire, you're doomed."

Brother Chestnut only felt that the boss seemed to be so angry that his facial features shifted for a moment.

The next moment, he dragged Yan Shiying to his body, grinning grinningly and said, "I happen to be short of a personal match, so it's you."

He tightly hugged Yan Shiying's waist, and said in a cold voice, "You accompany me."

Looking at Yan Shiying who was constantly struggling to break free from his embrace, Shang Xuhuai's eyes showed a cold and prey.

Yan Shiying, I like you.

But the more this is the case, the more I want to step on you.

Because only in this way, you will never forget me.

The author has something to say: Confused Speech: Is there any conflict between I like you and I want to kill you