How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 78


Qin Shuyao was standing not far from the car accident, watching the scene in front of him coldly.

Her hand holding the phone was still trembling slightly, but until she saw that familiar figure fell to the ground, she seemed to be on a road that could not be turned back. disappeared from her body.

Qin Shuyao couldn't help thinking of the scene when Shang Xuhuai came to her that day, that is, the conversation that day completely changed her future destiny...

"I'm here to discuss cooperation with you."

"Qin Shuyao, let's make a deal."

At that time, Qin Shuyao didn't understand what the certainty of victory on Shang Xuhuai's face meant. She just subconsciously rejected him, and she was even more unwilling to cooperate with this person who hurt her best friend by bullying and humiliating her.

Qin Shuyao refused without thinking, but the words she heard from him next hit her rationality like a stormy sea.

"Your best friend is with Ji Luoqing, why, don't you want to take revenge on her?"


Her first reaction was that he was lying to her. Yingying did her best to help her catch up with her senior, and listened to her talk to her time and time again, so she didn't believe that Yingying would do such a thing.

It must be Shang Xuhuai wanting to use her fabricated reasons!

But there was a faint uneasiness in her heart, as if she had been covered by an invisible layer of paper all this time, and Shang Xuhuai came here today to be a knife to pierce this layer of paper.

This sense of unease encouraged her, and she agreed to follow Yan Shiying's dinner party with Shang Xuhuai.

On that day, Qin Shuyao saw a scene that turned her world upside down.

That night, Qin Shuyao had a nightmare. The dream was full of images of her favorite person and her best friend embracing and kissing. Just looking at it made her feel bloody.

Since then, she has been in a daze for several days.

She originally thought that as long as she persisted, there would be hope to be seen by Ji Luoqing one day, she naively obeyed Yan Shiying's words and believed that she would not harm herself.

But in the end, she was stabbed heavily.

She always thought that Ji Luoqing seldom talked to her because of his personality, but she didn't expect that the reason for all this was that he fell in love with Yan Shiying.

While feeling bitter in her heart, Qin Shuyao still wanted to make a final fight.

She firmly believed that it was impossible for Ji Luoqing to have no affection for her, otherwise why would he give her a necklace? Why take the initiative to ask her to care about her wound? Why protect her from Shang Xuhuai's bullying

All these made her feel that she still had a chance to recover.

Qin Shuyao repeatedly flipped through the few chat records with Ji Luoqing, encouraging herself a little bit, so that she had the courage to ask Ji Luoqing to take the initiative.

However, this meeting made her completely disappointed.

Not to mention treating her differently, his indifference towards her made her heart ache.

She has worked so hard for so long, but she can't see the slightest bit of her existence in his eyes.

It was as if he had put his whole heart on another person, and he had only a few cheap sympathies for her.

With the follow-up with Shang Xuhuai last time, there is no psychological obstacle for Qin Shuyao again.

She secretly followed Ji Luoqing to the destination, and accompanied him through a long wait in the wind.

It wasn't until she saw the person that she finally knew what the date he was so eager to go on was.

Seeing Ji Luoqing's shy yet joyful eyes when she secretly looked at Yan Shiying, that scene was as if someone had opened a big hole in her chest, and the empty pain was mixed with overwhelming hatred.

Even Shang Xuhuai's insult to her was not comparable to the pain caused by Yan Shiying's betrayal of her. Thinking of how grateful he was to her, Qin Shuyao felt naive and resented Yan Shiying's use of her.

At the same time, she also saw Xia Fanyi who appeared with Yan Shiying.

Xia Fanyi's appearance reminded her that she didn't have nothing.

Even though Yan Shiying snatched her Ji Luoqing, she still had Yue Xiuning and Xia Fanyi.

She's just been through setbacks and hurts and can't wait to prove herself through their liking.

If it was Xia Fanyi, if it was them, they would definitely not abandon themselves...

"Can you come and see me tomorrow? I have something to tell you."

With a little desire to be comforted, she sent a message to Xia Fanyi.

The meeting and confession with Xia Fanyi made her desperate as if she had grasped the last straw.

"Xia Fanyi, I... I like you."

He didn't know what kind of expectations he had in these words, but fate seemed to be playing a joke on her, and all she got was Xia Fanyi's almost cold apology.

Obviously, he would be happy for a long time when she responded proactively in the past, but at this moment, seeing her expression on the verge of crying, he just said lightly that he would pay her the bill.

First Yan Shiying, then Ji Luoqing, then Yue Xiuning, Xia Fanyi... They left her one by one, leaving her alone in the end.

Qin Shuyao fell into the pain of almost collapse, and didn't even care about the earthquake-like shaking when Xia Fanyi refused.

Since then, Qin Shuyao has often had a dream. In the dream, she is the heroine surrounded by stars.

Xia Fanyi, Yue Xiuning, and Geng Wen'an all fell in love with her, almost pampering her like a princess, jealous of her alone.

Ji Luoqing is not as cold towards her as he is now. He did not know when he fell in love with her, but because Xia Fanyi and the others took the initiative to attack her, he secretly suppressed his emotions. He couldn't love her, which was completely different from her current role. Swap, he is the one who silently has a crush on her.

In the dream, although she was still the poor student from poor background and low status, she looked like a princess with infinite beauty.

Because Xia Fanyi and the others are prominent figures in the college, and they take good care of them, the people in the college also treat her differently.

The most important thing is... Yan Shiying in the dream is just a small character that she recruits and can come and go as soon as she wants.

She didn't enter Shengbo, didn't recognize Geng Wen'an, and didn't have Xia Fanyi to follow her around. Yan Shiying was faithful like a dog beside her, charging forward and overcoming obstacles for her everywhere.

The dream came to an abrupt end after she encountered a car accident, but Qin Shuyao vaguely understood something from this dream.

It was Yan Shiying... She was the one who took away everything that should belong to her!

If it weren't for Yan Shiying, she might have enjoyed everything in her dream now. But she foolishly believed her from the very beginning and regarded her as her only best friend.

Thinking of how she was bullied by Shang Xuhuai, she resisted not daring to confide in Yan Shiying, not wanting her to worry, and how she suppressed Dai Yijie's secret dissatisfaction and tricks against her for her, and she even wanted to Well, when I get the quota to go abroad, I must take Yan Shiying there too, and do my best to protect her from being targeted by Shang Xuhuai.

But all of this was broken by Yan Shiying himself.

Everything around her now should belong to her.

After that, Qin Shuyao thought more than once that she would be fine without her. She suppressed her nausea and began to approach Yan Shiying and establish a good relationship with her. I also like the false appearance of her as a friend, so that she can let her guard down.

Every time she and Yan Shiying forcefully smiled and got close to each other, her heart would trample her on the bottom of her feet thousands of times.

Later, in order to test whether the things in her dream were true, she and Shang Xuhuai jointly created the illusion that she was being bullied, and attracted Yan Shiying to take the bait.

To her surprise, upon hearing that she was in trouble, Yan Shiying came here alone without hesitation, not caring about her own safety at all.

This kind of behavior moved Qin Shuyao slightly, and she couldn't help but wonder if there was something unspeakable between Yan Shiying and Ji Luoqing? Could it be that she has fallen in love with Ji Luoqing a long time ago, but because she said she likes Ji Luoqing first, so she has been holding back

Although she still wanted to take revenge on Yan Shiying, she never questioned her heart of treating herself as a friend, because she would still sincerely defend her as before.

This kind of warmth caused Qin Shuyao a little pain. Therefore, in order to prove whether the scandal that broke out in the Yan family in the dream was true, when she used Yan Shiying to join the Yan's group, she still felt a little guilty in her heart.

Although she is only an intern, because of Yan Shiying's relationship, everyone in the group takes good care of her.

But after contacting the media to break the news, Qin Shuyao was convinced by the series of reactions after the scandal that her dream was indeed true, because the series of reactions of the public and Yan's after the scandal broke out were exactly the same as in her dream.

That day Qin Shuyao made an appointment with Shang Xuhuai and told him that she was willing to cooperate with him

Shang Xuhuai also hated Yan Shiying, and wanted to trample Yan Shiying under his feet. But she is different from Shang Xuhuai - she hates Yan Shiying.

She has been taken away by Yan Shiying, and she has nothing, so Yan Shiying can only give everything to repay.

"What do you want me to do?" Qin Shuyao asked.

Shang Xuhuai was very satisfied with her transformation, he said: "The best way to deal with Yan Shiying is to destroy her most important thing."

"So you should ask yourself this sentence, what do you want to do?"

the most important thing

Qin Shuyao remembered what Yan Shiying talked about most when chatting with him, which was...

St. Platinum performance.

Since she attaches so much importance to Shengbo and performances, if she gets into a car accident and loses her legs, will she still be as proud as she is now

"When is Sheng Bo's preview?" She asked abruptly.

"Aren't you Yan Shiying's best friend? Why do you still ask about me?" Shang Xuhuai laughed, and replied a little casually: "It's the day after tomorrow."

Qin Shuyao leaned back on the chair all of a sudden, with a dazed expression.

Perhaps this is God's will, the day that Yan Shiying rehearsed coincides with the date of her own car accident that she saw in her dream.

It's time for Yan Shiying to pay the price.

Qin Shuyao looked at Shang Xuhuai, showing a cold smile that was completely different from before, "Thank you, Shang Xuhuai."

When the familiar white car appeared from the farthest point of sight, Yan Shiying was still on the phone.

Seeing that she walked onto the sidewalk after hanging up the phone, and guessed that she would leave the road in a short time, Qin Shuyao called her from the phone booth without hesitation.

The woman in the middle of the road looked down at her phone.

With just a few seconds of time difference, the white car rushed out of the sidewalk crookedly and drove towards the dazed woman who put down her phone.


The piercing sound of wheels, exclamations, and sirens were intertwined to compose the picture she expected.

Qin Shuyao hung up the phone and walked out of the phone booth with a very calm expression, and even a strange and calm feeling of relief.

After confirming that the car hit her alone, Qin Shuyao turned and left.

Yan Shiying, don't blame me, you forced me...

At the same time, a familiar figure boarded the ambulance together.