How To Become A Great White Moonlight

Chapter 95


Yan Shiying admitted straightforwardly, "Yes."

Hearing Yan Shiying's answer, Xia Fanyi's cheeks paled instantly. After a while, he said in a low voice: "...why?"

"Yan Shiying, why on earth are you doing this?!"

This is equivalent to telling him that the beginning of his entire relationship was a lie, and all his forbearance, restraint, jealousy, sadness... all seemed like a huge joke.

Compared to Xia Fanyi, who had an ugly face, Ji Luoqing, who was on the side, fell into a trance like a dream.

The possibility rising in his heart made his heart tremble slightly, he wanted to let himself not have such high expectations, but the words of Yue Xiuning and Xia Fanyi all pointed to that possibility.

This made Ji Luoqing feel dizzy from being hit by a pie falling from the sky. He always thought that a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the hopeless darkness, as if urging him to catch it.

If Yan Shiying hadn't been there, Ji Luoqing could hardly hold back and asked the two of them what was going on with the substitute and chasing him.

But she saw Yan Shiying chuckled, her smile was both innocent and evil.

"Because it's fun." Yan Shiying raised her lips almost maliciously, and whispered each word: "It's really... so interesting to see how you are being played around."

She is like a piranha blooming to the extreme, bright, dazzling, beautiful and dangerous.

Several people's faces turned pale for a moment.

This is a bad woman through and through.

She approaches them with a mask on, makes them swoon over her, and then makes them fall to pieces and bruises.

Several people never realized that they were planted.

Then I heard Yan Shiying say again, "Since you all know, let's break up."

Yan Shiying propped her chin, and said flatly: "We have reached this point, and there is no need for us to meet after that."

As soon as the words fell, several people's faces were extremely ugly because of her words.

The anger of being fooled and the pain of being deceived are mixed with an inseparable unwillingness. Such extremely contradictory emotions are constantly splitting up and down in the hearts of several people, driving them almost crazy, but they can't say anything to stop them.

Abandoning everyone in one breath... How dare she

Could it be that in her mind, no one is important, anyone can be recruited and come and go as soon as they are called

While the few people were silent, the air pressure on their bodies became lower and lower, and there was an almost terrifying depressive atmosphere in the room.

"Yan Shiying... What about me? What am I?" Yue Xiuning said with a pale face, and his voice sounded like he wanted to strangle her to death.

The self-esteem and pride that was put down for her was in exchange for this relationship that was on thin ice, but she tore it mercilessly in the blink of an eye. Yue Xiuning only felt that the arrogance and unwillingness in his heart made his heart twitch with pain.

Yan Shiying seemed surprised and said, "It's come to this point, do you still want to be my lover?" Yan Shiying looked at Yue Xiuning's livid face, and laughed out of joy.

"Yue Xiuning, why are you so infatuated with me?"

At that moment, Yue Xiuning's expression was so ugly that he seemed to want to kill someone.

Ji Luoqing was shocked when he saw it, and without even thinking about it, he shielded Yan Shiying from behind, as if he was afraid that Yue Xiuning would do something to Yan Shiying on the spur of the moment.

Noticing Ji Luoqing's actions, Yan Shiying shook Ji Luoqing's hand reassuringly, and shook her head slightly at him: "It's okay. You go out."

Ji Luoqing hesitated to speak.

He looked at Yan Shiying, as if he wanted to see something on her face, but found that in her eyes, he saw nothing.

Whether it was Yue Xiuning, Xia Fanyi or him... no one was in her eyes.

My heart sank uncontrollably.

Ji Luoqing walked towards the door, and before he walked out of the room, he saw Geng Wen'an who was standing at the door at some point.

At this moment in the private room, Yue Xiuning and Xia Fanyi were standing in the room, Geng Wen'an and Ji Luoqing were standing facing each other at the door, and only Yan Shiying was sitting on the sofa, sipping tea calmly and leisurely.

Noticing that there was another Geng Wen'an in the room, the atmosphere became more tense.

Geng Wen'an smiled faintly in such an atmosphere that was about to explode, "What are you doing standing there? If you have something to say, you can't sit down and talk about it."

Just like in Shengbo, Chaoyuexiu Ningxia Fanyi and the two smiled peacefully, and when their eyes fell on Yan Shiying, they paused for a moment.

The stagnant atmosphere was broken again by Geng Wen'an, and they sat down as promised.

The private room was divided into completely different locations. Yue Xiuning and Xia Fanyi sat opposite and far away from Yan Shiying respectively, while Geng Wen'an sat on the sofa next to Yan Shiying without any hesitation.

The door of the room was closed by Ji Luoqing, and the box fell into silence. No one noticed that the door was not completely closed, leaving a gap.

After the few people sat down, Geng Wen'an smiled gently at them as if he hadn't seen the photos on the table: "What's wrong? They all look so ugly."

Xia Fanyi was trying to let Geng Wen'an look at the photos on the table, only to find that when Geng Wen'an was talking, he had slowly put away the photos one by one, sorted them into a stack and put them in an envelope, his movements were smooth and smooth, and he was indescribably calm and smooth.

Xia Fanyi seemed to have noticed something, and he asked suspiciously: "You... have you known it for a long time?"

Geng Wen'an just smiled lightly.

"I've pretty much understood what happened. In other words, you all hate Yan Shiying's deception now, right?"

Both Yue Xiuning and Xia Fanyi remained silent, as if they had indirectly acquiesced.

But at the bottom of his heart, he felt that there was something wrong with Geng Wen'an's words, and he didn't have any emotional fluctuations after learning the truth. He was as calm as a...


"In that case."

Geng Wen'an suddenly hugged Yan Shiying in his arms, "Then Yan Shiying will be mine."

… What? !

Several people were stunned at the same time, and even Yan Shiying seemed a little at a loss for this sudden change in the plot.

But she immediately reacted, and immediately said in front of the two of them deliberately and pitifully: "Don't you care about what I did to you?"

Geng Wen'an shook his head and chuckled, looking at Yan Shiying affectionately, "I don't mind."

"Then what about the fact that I lied to you?"

"do not mind."

The words are firm like the kind of infatuation with deep love and no regrets.

When the two sang together, Xia Fanyi and Yue Xiuning almost fainted.

In the end, they still had to watch her fall into the arms of others, but they didn't even have the qualifications to stop her. How is this different from their previous situation? !

Yue Xiuning held the armrest of the chair with such strength that he seemed to break the armrest, and looked at Geng Wen'an with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Seeing Yan Shiying obediently snuggling into Geng Wen'an's arms, the little bird said softly, "Then I'll go with you."


The eyes of the other two were almost bleeding.

This guy Geng Wen' could he do this? !

They all knew that as long as they followed suit, they might now be able to get the same status and treatment as Geng Wen'an. But the resentment of being played with by her and discarded like garbage, the hatred of being trampled and used by her, made them feel like a gnat in their throats, and they couldn't say a word.

Originally, they could have better strategies and methods to force Yan Shiying to give in, after all, she was at fault for this matter. However, the people who were supposed to unite with them broke the rules first.

If they really hate Yan Shiying, are really determined to kill Yan Shiying, or forget about Yan Shiying completely, then no matter who owns Yan Shiying, they will He hit her mercilessly.

But they can't.

Looking at Yan Shiying who was hugged tightly by Geng Wen'an, the cold emotion of not being able to get it and hating it moved back and forth in his heart like a stream of water.

"Since you don't speak, it means that you all agree, right?"

Geng Wen'an calmly glanced at them and spoke, Yan Shiying let Geng Wen'an hug her tightly, as if she couldn't see the terrifying eyes of the two, she raised her lips almost provocatively.

"wait… "

Before Yue Xiuning could finish speaking, Geng Wen'an lifted Yan Shiying's chin, and kissed her deeply while the two watched her at the same time.

Ambiguous sucking sounds and panting resounded in the quiet air, Yue Xiuning and Xia Fanyi's faces turned green, almost driving them crazy watching this scene.

Geng Wen'an...!


A deep and angry shout sounded, and the two ended the lingering deep kiss.

Finally, Geng Wen'an reluctantly sucked Yan Shiying's lips a few times before letting go, and looked at Yue Xiuning politely, "What's wrong?"

Yue Xiuning took a deep breath, stared at Yan Shiying gloomyly, "Yan Shiying, this matter is not going to be easy! Just wait for me."

After speaking, as if he couldn't stay any longer, he got up and strode away.

"Yan Shiying..."

Xia Fanyi looked vaguely at Yan Shiying's mouth, and just as she called out her name, she saw her lying on Geng Wen'an's body like no one else, raised her head and pecked Geng Wen'an's lips a few times.

She turned her head to the side after being gentle, half-closed her eyes and looked at Xia Fanyi charmingly, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Xia Fanyi's face twisted violently, and then he strode out of the box.

Yan Shiying and Geng Wen'an were the only ones left in the box.

As soon as everyone left, Yan Shiying immediately pulled Geng Wen'an's hand away, straightened out her messed up hair and clothes, and then nodded to Geng Wen'an, "Then I'll go too."

He changed his face quickly, as if he was just a tool to be used.

Geng Wen'an lowered his head and chuckled, as if he was not surprised by Yan Shiying like this.

He followed Yan Shiying out the door, and just as he took Yan Shiying's hand, she pushed her away impatiently.

"The person has already left, so the show can end here, right?"

She stood in front of Geng Wen'an coldly and distantly, "Is there anything else you want?"

Geng Wen'an blinked slowly.

"Shi Ying, what I just said is serious."

He didn't ask Yan Shiying why he called him to the box suddenly, nor did he ask why the two of them suddenly exposed all his actions, he just said this calmly.

"What I said on the rooftop at that dinner party was not a joke."

At that time, he said that if no one wanted her, then he would like to have her.

Now is the time.

Yan Shiying raised her eyebrows, and glanced at him very coldly, "No need, I have no intention of being with you at all."

Geng Wen'an thought for a short while, and then said softly, "So what you said in the box just now was just to lie to them."

"if not?"

"I see." Geng Wen'an smiled casually, and took her hand, "Then do you have a plan on where to go next?"

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Yan Shiying shook off Geng Wen'an's hand, "I won't accompany all of you, including you, Geng Wen'an."

Geng Wen'an stood where he was and watched her quietly for a while.

He didn't make a fuss, just nodded calmly, "I understand."

If Yue Xiuning and Xia Fanyi had the same personality as Geng Wen'an, then everything she did today might be useless.

Yan Shiying smacked her tongue secretly in her heart, but she turned her head and walked away without any hesitation on her face.

Until she walked out of the long corridor, she could still feel that there was a gaze watching her from behind.

After the turmoil is over, the official performance of Shengbo will be ushered in.

Before going on stage, the atmosphere among the leading actors was weird, especially between Xia Fanyi, Yue Xiuning and Yan Shiying, there seemed to be an invisible undercurrent surging.

But the public performance was unexpectedly successful. After the whole scene ended, the audience burst into applause.

Different from the surprise and bewilderment during the rehearsal, everyone showed 100% enthusiasm for the official performance.

After the curtain call, everyone changed clothes and removed makeup backstage.

Yan Shiying was pouring some makeup remover onto a cotton pad, and wiping it on her face little by little, when her phone suddenly turned on.

After reading the message that popped up on the screen, Yan Shiying immediately called the other party.

"What do you mean? You mean the list has changed again?"

The voice on the other side of the phone was very quiet, "At first there was no Qin Shuyao, but when I got the news, Qin Shuyao was on the latest list. This change is to add her name."

"I see, see you at the old place then."

Out of San Platinum, called a taxi. When she arrived at the cafe where she met Ji Luoqing for the first time, there was already someone waiting for her at her usual seat.

As soon as he saw her, the man nodded to her, "Yan Shiying."

Yan Shiying was sitting across from that person, and when they met, she went straight to the point, "Didn't you say that the number of places to go abroad has been confirmed and will never be changed again? Who is helping Qin Shuyao with the list?"

"Professor Bai."

Yan Shiying was silent for a while.

In the original plot, Lian Shaobai's original role was to bridge Qin Shuyao's relationship with the Daniel's daughter.

The big cow's daughter is naturally Professor Bai's own daughter—

Unexpectedly, the plot has changed so much, but the butterfly wings still let Qin Shuyao take the same path as setting the plot.

But she already had a backhand.

Glancing at Xu Wanyun across the way, Yan Shiying smiled and comforted her again: "Don't worry, I can guarantee that the recommended spot will still be yours. The college said it depends on the resume qualifications of the applicants, but in fact it's still the competition of the sponsors behind. Your resume is no worse than Qin Shuyao's, even if Professor Bai is involved, I can guarantee that you will be recommended."

"Besides," Yan Shiying added, "You are also very good. Even if you don't get recommended, you can choose any school in City A with this grade."

Qin Shuyao's recommendation quota is an important turning point in the original plot, and the entire overseas plot is thus opened.

So when she saw that Qin Shuyao's little sister was Xu Wanyun, Yan Shiying planned to use Xu Wanyun to squeeze Qin Shuyao out.

The two of them have similar backgrounds and identities, they are equally poor and hardworking, Qin Shuyao seems to have a smooth journey because she is the heroine, so why doesn't she give Xu Wanyun this chance

As it turned out, she was right.

For a person like Xu Wanyun, she will not let go of any opportunity to climb up. She started preparing for this position long before Qin Shuyao, her resume is excellent and impeccable, and she has maintained a good relationship with several teachers. Even if Professor Bai came forward, Yan Shiying believed that the hospital would definitely favor Xu Wanyun more.

And her affirmation seems to have given Xu Wanyun great encouragement.

"Yan Shiying," Xu Wanyun said to her solemnly, "Thank you."

Thank you for giving me a chance to fly upwards.

After saying goodbye to Xu Wanyun, Yan Shiying walked out of the cafe carrying her bag.

After walking a few steps, a white-haired old man came forward and asked her for directions.

Yan Shiying felt a little strange, she glanced at several passers-by who passed by her, and pointed the way to the old man.

After pointing to leave, the old man held her back.

When Yan Shiying felt that something was wrong, several tall and burly men swarmed from the side, and surrounded Yan Shiying without saying a word.

These people were carrying knives more or less on their bodies, and they were menacing and had bad eyes. When Yan Shiying saw them appearing, she wanted to back away, but was grabbed by the corner of her clothes by the old man beside her.

One of the leaders took out a piece of white cloth, grabbed Yan Shiying and wanted to cover her mouth, while the others paid attention to the skillful blocking of passers-by's sight, and the division of labor was clear. It seemed that they had come prepared for her.

Yan Shiying didn't move, and secretly held her breath. When the big man was about to cover her face with a white cloth, Yan Shiying quickly slapped the joint of the big man's wrist, and then threw the small bag on her body hard to the store not far away.

She was carrying a small bag from C's family when she went out today, and the four corners were covered with metal. When she threw it, it was like a brick flying across the shop, smashing the bonsai and the small blackboard in front of the shop.

There was quite a commotion, and immediately someone ran out upon hearing the sound, cursing in a low voice while glaring at several people.

A few pedestrians on the street were also attracted by the silence, and more and more people stopped and looked here.

After Yan Shiying succeeded in the blow, she immediately ran away, squeezed into crowded places, and shouted loudly as she ran.

She knew that she would definitely not be able to compete with several people by herself, and could only create chaos and movement in the shortest possible time, the more eye-catching the better.

After a short period of confusion, the people behind them immediately came back to their senses and chased after her. While methodically outflanking her, they kept shortening the direction of her escape.

Just looking at these people revealed a well-trained.

Yan Shiying thought something was wrong in her heart, and when her heart was faintly anxious, she heard a violent engine start.

Out of the corner of my eye, I only saw an arrogant bright red supercar approaching from the side of the road, and the person sitting in the open-air driver's seat was Xia Fanyi.

Yan Shiying's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately gave up the roundabout escape route and ran straight in Xia Fanyi's direction.

Xia Fanyi was also taken aback when he noticed her, as if he didn't expect to meet her here.

But seeing the burly men she was chasing after her sticking like shadows behind her, Xia Fanyi stopped beside Yan Shiying without saying a word, "Get in the car."

Before the words finished, Yan Shiying turned over and hid in the co-pilot, urgently urging: "Go quickly."

Just as the car was about to start, several people behind had arrived. Some tried to grab the body, while others took out a knife and slashed at the rear of the car in a hurry.

A tooth-piercing piercing metallic sound came from the rear hood. Several people had already touched the car body, but they could only watch helplessly as the car body drove out of their sight like an arrow off the string.

Yan Shiying was really relieved seeing several burly men drifting away from sight.

Xia Fanyi also looked shocked, and didn't even care about an obvious scratch on the supercar, and began to think: "Are you not injured? Who are you offending, and even sent mercenaries to deal with you?" ? I've seen their logos on my second brother's kit, and they're not cheap to hire."

"Oh, by the way, don't go back to that apartment of yours, they might have already sent someone to watch... and your car overturned just now, it's too dangerous, I can open the car door in time, I think you've been in trouble these few days let me… "

Halfway through Sui Sui's thoughts, Xia Fanyi seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly fell silent.

The incident of her being exposed not long ago was still vivid in his mind. After getting out of danger, this incident grew between the two of them like a thorn, and the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing for a moment.

After a while, Yan Shiying finally said, "Thank you."

"It's okay." Xia Fanyi said quickly, as if she had made up her mind: "That folder is still at my house, do you want to check it?"

Yan Shiying thought for a moment.

This incident always made her feel something was wrong, but since the clue was right in front of her eyes, she had the intention to check it out.

After Yan Shiying agreed, she took out her mobile phone and checked the remote camera installed in her apartment.

Everything in the room shown in front of the camera is normal, but I don't know if there are people squatting outside the apartment.

But... who will send these people

Yan Shiying fell into deep thought.

All the way without words.

Not knowing whether it was to avoid the embarrassing atmosphere or the possibility of being followed behind him, Xia Fanyi turned on his horsepower and arrived at the Xia family's mansion within ten minutes.

This seems to be Xia Fanyi's own private house. After parking the car, Xia Fanyi brought Yan Shiying into the house.

Along the way, only the footsteps of her and Xia Fanyi could be heard. The house was not small, but Yan Shiying didn't see anyone, not even a servant.

While feeling a little strange in her heart, Xia Fanyi had already closed the door casually, calling her to the living room to sit down.

"what do you want to drink?"

"Clean water is fine."

Yan Shiying sat on the sofa, glanced around the spacious house, and asked casually, "Where are the rest of your family?"

Xia Fanyi's voice came from the kitchen, "They all went to a meeting and came back in a few days."

"What about your servants?"

"I happened to ask for leave a few days ago."

Yan Shiying was silent for a moment, then quickly smiled and said, "What a coincidence."

Xia Fanyi came out of the kitchen, looked at Yan Shiying, and showed a perfectly curved smile as if it had been precisely measured.

"Yeah... What a coincidence."

In an instant, Yan Shiying finally understood what was wrong.

The timing of Xia Fanyi's appearance, the dazzling red supercar, the mercenaries that happen to be related to him...

Everything coincides like a perfect closed loop.

Yan Shiying felt a slight coolness behind her.