How to Destroy the White Moonlight Image

Chapter 121


The sky was dim. In the glass flower room, Su Baiyue squatted in front of the flower pot, carefully stretched out her delicate hand, twisted a petal of the flower and put it into her mouth.

The fine velvet petals, with a sweet taste, slide along the tip of the tongue and past the taste buds. Let your hungry stomach soothe a little.

Recently, those slaves paid less and less attention to her. They brought her three meals a day and then sent them back intact. Except for some tasteless mud-like stuff, Su Baiyue couldn't bite anything at all.

But today, even those muddy things were omitted for her.

Even if those slaves passed by the flower room carrying food, they would not give her a look.

Because today is the day when the Rodobel family receives important people. No one has time to care about her, a noble lady who has fallen out of favor.

There are two big shots here today.

One is Robert, Count of Clermont, who represents the royal family.

The other one is General Hoshilk, who represents the Federation.

These two are now popular figures in the interstellar world. The Rodobell family has spent a lot of effort preparing for the banquet half a month ago.

And today is the big day to entertain these two big shots.

On such a big day, Alibella, as the shame of the Rodobel family, was of course not allowed to appear at the banquet.

So she was locked in the flower room, and until now no one had noticed the fact that she was hungry.

Su Baiyue's squatting feet were a little numb. She held the petals in her mouth, stood up and moved her hands and feet. Suddenly she heard an extremely weak whimpering sound from the little beast.

Following the sound, Su Baiyue found the little thing curled up in the flower pot.

It was a chick with yellow velvet all over. It has a thin, pointed mouth and a body as round as a ball. The fur all over her body was fluffy, revealing a pair of pure golden soybean eyes, staring at her warily.

Su Baiyue swallowed her saliva and whispered, "What a cute little chicken."

The chick was round, rolling, and fluffy. Su Baiyue stretched out her hand to catch it, but accidentally got pecked on the back of her hand.

Although the chicken is small, it is very strong. With just one peck, the skin on the back of Su Baiyue's hand was broken.

In fact, it was her fault that she was too delicate. With skin like hers, even if she rubbed it against the ground, she could still scratch a layer of oily skin.

Covering the back of her hand where a small hole had been pecked, Su Baiyue pursed her lips and squatted there unhappily while talking, as softly as if she was acting coquettishly, "Why are you so bad?"

Hoshilke's mind is not very clear now. He has no strength at all. He just relies on instinct to fight against all threats from the outside world.

He heard a soft voice speaking against his ear.

Just like the wind in May, the lotus in summer, and the moon at night, gentleness can be summed up by all the beautiful adjectives.

Hoshilk tried hard to identify the person in front of him.

He saw a little girl wearing a luxurious princess dress squatting next to him, revealing a slender and weak arm with pink fingertips, and carefully pulled his wings.

Seeing that he didn't respond, he boldly took a step further.

Hoshilk suddenly exerted his strength and flapped his wings violently.

But he found that his strong and powerful wings were not working. At least the woman in front of him was still staring at him with a pair of slightly golden eyes.

Ignorant and naive, like the cleanest spring.

Hoshilk felt strange.

If it were normal, for a weakling like this, he would be able to smash her to pieces with a slight wave of his wings.

"What powerful chicken wings."

Hoshilk heard the woman say this.

He was very confused, what was a chicken

But when he met the woman's sparkling eyes, Hoshilk thought that this woman was just like the female half-orcs outside who only looked at him infatuatedly. So the sentence just now should be praising his wings.

Hoshilk had heard so many compliments like this that he was completely indifferent.

Hoshilk turned around and moved his body.

When he turned his head, he happened to face the glass of the greenhouse next to him. An unknown little beast covered in yellow fur was reflected in the glass, looking face to face with him with a pair of golden eyes.

Hoshilk scoffed.

He could crush such a weak creature with just one finger.

After thinking about it, he raised his long and powerful claws, then suddenly became unstable and fell down, falling headfirst into the flower pot.

Only then did Hoshilke realize something was wrong.

Where is his tall and mighty beast form? Where is his strong and powerful tail? Where is his mighty and slender dragon horn

Why are they all gone

"Can I just call you Chicken Wings?"

The soft voice was still speaking.

Hoshilk realized that although this woman was slender and small, from his perspective, she was a little too big.

So it was him who was wrong.

And the little palm-sized thing reflected in the glass just now was none other than himself.

Hoshilke didn't know why he became like this. He only knew that he was plotted against him and drank drugged red wine, causing him to go into heat in advance.

When Hoshilke realized something was wrong with his body, he immediately avoided the eyes and ears and left the banquet hall first.

He was not very clear about the subsequent memory.

He followed the sweet smell and walked in confusion.

When he woke up again, he found that he was already here. And the body has become like this.

The little chicken slowly narrowed his eyes with a sinister expression.

He will make these people pay the price.

Voices came from outside the glass greenhouse.

Su Baiyue subconsciously turned her head and looked over, only to see a man walking outside.

Wearing the attire of a royal noble, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, he has a slender figure, and his handsome outline is faintly revealed under the moonlight.

He was a royal man, he seemed to be looking for something, he looked very anxious.

Although Su Baiyue was locked in the flower room, in order to prevent her black hair and eyes from being exposed, the Rodobelle family dyed her gold and covered her eyes.

Robert, Count of Clermont, who had just successfully drugged Hoshilk, accidentally found this place. In the dim moonlight, he saw the woman standing in the flower room.

Seventeen-year-old Alibella is like a flower in bud.

In the transparent glass flower room, she was wearing a gorgeous princess dress. Her figure was slender and graceful, and her exposed skin was as white as snow. The brilliant blond hair was spread over her shoulders, revealing a pair of cat eyes. Her big fluffy tail dragged on the ground, and a pair of pink and white cat ears were folded together on her head. She stood there tenderly, with tears in her eyes, terrified and helpless.

Easily arouse men's most primitive desires.

Robert completely forgot his purpose. He couldn't wait to enter the greenhouse, but found that the greenhouse was locked.

And just when he was about to force his way in, Delair suddenly appeared and stopped him.

"Why are she locked up? Who is she?" Robert asked anxiously.

Delair glanced at the confused Su Baiyue through the glass greenhouse and said, "She is my sister. She is in poor health and cannot bear any mental strength."

Now across the entire galaxy, even newborn babies have spiritual power.

Robert didn't believe it, but after Delaire's explanation, he could believe it. There was really a delicate crystal beauty in the glass flower room.

"Let her out." Robert looked at Ali Bella's profile and felt like he was trapped.

He would be willing to kill such a beauty.

Delaire said: "Earl, she is not yet an adult."

Noble ladies who are not under age are not allowed to have contact with strange men.

There was regret on Robert's face, and he reluctantly turned around and walked away. Finally, he remembered his purpose and continued to look for Hoshilk.

This banquet was actually a Hongmen banquet for Hoshilke.

Over there, Su Baiyue let out a little breath when she saw someone leaving.

When he turned around, he saw the little chicken squatting behind him, staring at Robert's back with a pair of pea eyes, a thoughtful expression on his face.

Even though you are just a chicken, you still have to think, do you think you are a fighting chicken

"Ha, I caught you!" Su Baiyue suddenly picked up the little chicken.

The little chicken who was about to resist met Su Baiyue's big, watery eyes. For some reason, he suddenly stopped moving.

She is a waste with no mental power and poses no threat to him, so just let her run wild.

Su Baiyue carefully took the chick back, and the first thing she had to do was give him a bath.

After all, a chicken that rolls around in a flower pot will never be clean.

Hoshilke had never been so close to another woman. He watched the little girl busy in the room defensively.

Those golden eyes noticed her white and delicate little hands, which were especially gentle and soft when holding him.

Hoshilk thought that since he had already acted recklessly once, it wouldn't matter if he did it one more time.

The little chicken was very obedient at first, but when Su Baiyue said she wanted to see if he was a boy or a girl, he suddenly flapped his chicken wings and ran away. Then he was caught back by Su Baiyue and tortured. She held up two chicken feet to check her gender, and was finally pressed into a basin, washed, wrapped in a towel, and placed at the head of the bed.

"So you are a boy."

The great General Hoshilk was wrapped in a thick white towel, with only one head exposed. Wet like a bald chicken. He decided to forget about the shameful incident.

Su Baiyue patted the little chicken on the head and spoke in a soft voice. Hoshilke didn't hear what she was saying clearly, because when he turned his head, he saw that the little girl was already asleep.

Wearing pure white pajamas, her face didn't grow at all, only vaguely showing the prototype of a beautiful woman. The slender eyelashes, bright red lips, and fair little face are so close, like a beautiful oil painting.

Young but tempting.

Su Baiyue had raised chickens for several days, and suddenly one day she saw an unknown object on her bed. It's not a good thing if it's wet.

She turned her attention to the little chicken eating meat.

Although the chicks are small, they eat a lot. He took care of all the meat that Su Baiyue didn't want to eat.

"Did you do this? You defecated everywhere!"

Su Baiyue pointed at her bed and scolded him.

Hoshilk raised his butt and refused to admit it.

As the great General Hoshilk, the future leader of the Federation, how could he defecate anywhere

Su Baiyue groaned angrily, lifted Hoshilke up with her soft hands, and threw him into the basket by the window.

There were her old clothes spread out there, which was the nest that Su Baiyue prepared for the chick after discovering those unknown objects.

"You will sleep here from now on, and you are not allowed to go to my bed!"

The little chicken narrowed his golden eyes and whimpered in his throat, like a wolf or a beast.

That night.

The little chicken that was originally curled up in the basket suddenly gave off a burst of golden light.

The golden light faded, and a slender man stood in the moonlight, stretching his body slowly. He was not wearing any clothes.

The man is extremely handsome. He spent the moonlight and slowly opened his cold golden eyes. When he saw the little thing lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, he gently curled his lips and walked over.

The next day, when Su Baiyue woke up, she found that her room had been robbed.

Her favorite dress was missing.

There was a pool of milky white unknown substance left on her bed, exuding a faint smell of odor, as if it had been stepped on by some wild beast and left a smell, proving that this place was her territory.

And the most important thing is that her chick is missing!

Su Baiyue almost collapsed.

Her Orleans chicken wings! Why did it fly!

And it wasn't until many years later that Su Baiyue understood.

The tears she sheds now are all the water that got into my head back then.

After getting her wish and eating chicken every day, she felt that she should have stewed this perverted male protagonist back then!

The author has something to say: What should I write below~ I want to be more exciting and thank you little angels for voting for me~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: 3 Bingtanggan, 2 Guangyuyun, 1 mis.Sweet Douhua, 1 Hubutao, 1 Lord Yanyanyan, 1 Tangyu, Yaya 1 piece, the pig is a little cub 1 piece

Thank you to the little angel who threw [Grenade]: Meaya 1

Thank you to the little angel who threw [Shallow Water Bomb]: Bailu Weiyi 1

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Guess~(?bo??)~ 76 bottles, Xuan 60 bottles, Nan Kong 50 bottles, Huanyi 25 bottles, Big Nymphomaniac 20 bottles, Lin Linlin 20 bottles, Yong La Tiao 20 bottles of bully you, 20 bottles of tweets, 20 bottles of Bailu Weiwei, 20 bottles, strange aunt? 20 bottles, 35769981 10 bottles, 10 bottles of mints, 10 bottles of tons tons tons, 10 bottles of Su Xiyun, 10 bottles of livia, 10 bottles of Glazed Moonlight, 10 bottles of 18824603, 10 bottles of Mimi Mimi Mimi, 10 bottles of Loose Breeze, 10 bottles of Breeze Whispers, 10 bottles of ky dog rolling, 10 bottles of Hahahaha, 10 bottles of Yuanyuanyuanyuanyuan, 8th Floor of the Sky 10 bottles, 10 bottles of Rabbit with Maple Leaf Lipstick, 10 bottles of Sao Broken Leg, 10 bottles of Lin Sanbeng, 10 bottles of Suo Ke, 10 bottles of Ning Meng, 9 bottles of Wu Jugen’s Shy Little Wife, 8 bottles of Meiya, and Shasha 8 bottles, black screen 6 bottles, Miao Ke 6 bottles, Xu Miaomiao 5 bottles, melon-eating people 5 bottles, custard buns before death 5 bottles, Chenbenbuyi 5 bottles, Ximu 5 bottles, Xu Xu 5 bottles, c bank 5 Bottles, 5 bottles of Eucalyptus, 4 bottles of 19556699, 4 bottles of Limo, 4 bottles of Monster, 4 bottles of 123123, 3 bottles of Gu Shi, 3 bottles of must-pass in every exam, 3 bottles of cc, 3 bottles of Dreamcatcher, 3 bottles of Luo Xiaosi, and Shancha Yi 3 bottles, 3 bottles of Mengniao Niao, 2 bottles of Wen Ran Liuli, 2 bottles of I Love Yang Yang Every Day, 2 bottles of Really Can’t Find the North, 2 bottles of Buyu Leng, 2 bottles of Hermann zz, 2 bottles of Jiujiu Shengge, Yeah 2 bottles of Heiya, 1 bottle of Guqubaichuan, 1 bottle of Yuzi Don’t Drink, 1 bottle of Jionglanxingmi, 1 bottle of Zhenzong, 1 bottle of 35240566, 1 bottle of draco, 1 bottle of Yingchi, 1 bottle of 35150315, well your eyes There are 1 bottle of Xingxing, 1 bottle of 25815039, 1 bottle of Peach Z, 1 bottle of Chen Eucalyptus, 1 bottle of Song Yijian, I am going to the college entrance examination, I will come back in July 1 bottle, 1 bottle of 31193031, 1 bottle of Gu Shiqi, 1 bottle of Su Ziyu bottle, 1 bottle of mist

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^