How to Destroy the White Moonlight Image

Chapter 127


Su Baiyue washed her hands eight times and sat helplessly in front of the window, staring at the warm winter sunshine outside.

She's not clean anymore, yah yah yah.

When Lu Yinheng was pushed out by Bao Meng, he saw the little fool squatting in the small courtyard in front of the temple, muttering incessantly and not knowing what he was talking about.

"What are you doing?" the man asked.

Su Baiyue, who was unprepared, immediately said: "Let the ants bite your ass." After saying that, Su Baiyue subconsciously turned her head and saw Lu Yinheng sitting in a wheelchair behind her, looking down at her from a high position.

The sun was very bright today, and the man was sitting in a wheelchair with his backlight. Su Baiyue squinted her eyes and could only vaguely see the outline of his face, but could not see the expression on the man's face at all.

Lu Yinheng's momentum was suppressed, and Su Baiyue swallowed hard.

There was a "grumpy" sound, and the sound was extremely clear.

Su Baiyue originally thought the man would be angry, but unexpectedly, he didn't say anything and just let Bao Meng push him to the center of the small yard to bask in the sun.

It snowed last night and has not gone away this morning. The red wall tiles are covered with a thin layer of snow color. The whole world becomes quieter.

The man just sat there. Surrounded by snow, the sun shone warmly on his translucent white skin, revealing the warm color of jade. He had extremely thin limbs and was wearing a coat. He just sat with his eyes closed. His slender eyelashes drooped, revealing a thin shadow on his eyelids.

The arrogant and cruel tyrant actually has such a soft and fragile side.

The maids serving in the palace passed by in groups, all attracted by the tyrant.

The tyrant was born extremely well. If he hadn't had a bad temper and would kill people at the slightest disagreement, those beauties and palace ladies would have flocked to him like koi fish crossing the river.

The tyrant is very quiet, and this skin hides his violent and vicious nature. Just like those things with beautiful appearances, the more beautiful they are, the more poisonous they are, but people are still attracted by his skin and forget his vicious nature.

These new maids had not yet seen the tyrant's temper, and their voices gradually became louder.

"I heard that's the new queen."

"It's really pathetic. I heard he's a fool."

"Can a fool become a queen?"

"Then a disabled person can also act as an emperor..."

The man sitting in the wheelchair suddenly opened his eyes. It was dark, calm, and filled with a horrifying aura like an ancient story.

Su Baiyue could clearly see the killing intent gradually rising in his eyes. The tiny bloodshot slowly overflowed from the bottom of his eyes, occupying almost half of his eyes.

No, this tyrant is about to get violent!

Su Baiyue grabbed the loose snow in front of her and threw it at the cussing palace maids in front of her.

The maids screamed and ran away, and soon ran away while cursing.

Now Lu Yinheng is no better than before, even the palace maid dares to chew his tongue.

If it were normal, these palace maids would not even dare to look at him.

Lu Yinheng rolled his eyes and saw Jiang Lupu standing under the tree with his hands covered in snow water.

The little girl is wearing a coat skirt and a felt hat on her head. Her little bun face is hidden in the snow-white felt hat, which makes her round eyes even more beautiful.

Lu Yinheng looked down and saw her little hands that were frozen red by the snow.

The originally soft and boneless little hands were twisted together like carrots, and those eyes looked at him timidly, like a poor child who had done something wrong.

Lu Yinheng suddenly wanted to laugh.

The scarlet color in the man's eyes slowly faded, and he half-squinted his eyes and stared at Su Baiyue.

"Why did you throw them away?"

Su Baiyue thought for a while and said cautiously: "They scolded you." In fact, Su Baiyue was protecting their lives.

But what Su Baiyue didn't know was. Also returning with Bao Meng were the secret guards left by Lu Yinheng at the border. These secret guards are hidden in every corner of the palace. As long as Lu Yinheng gives an order with a look, these palace ladies will not see the light of tomorrow.

After hearing Su Baiyue's answer, Lu Yinheng looked at her again.

The little fool was so bullied by him that he was still thinking about him.

What a fool.

Lu Yinheng closed his eyes and continued to bask in the sun. Then he lightly opened his thin lips and said, "Tonight, you can sleep in the coffin."

"Why!" Su Baiyue jumped up immediately.

She answered so perfectly, why should she sleep in a coffin? So is the eerie coffin where people sleep

Su Baiyue felt numb all over when she thought of that dark coffin.

"Because I'm angry." The man spoke slowly, with a soothing tone, as if he was talking about a good day today.

Why are you so angry

Small-minded rotten ass! Be careful if I let ants bite you!

Su Baiyue cursed in her heart, but she still wanted to coax her out of face. After all, she didn't want to sleep in the coffin.

"Why are you angry?" She approached cautiously.

As the limp body approached, Lu Yinheng smelled the sweet smell again.

It was this smell that lingered around him every day, making him unable to sleep peacefully.

Lu Yinheng swallowed his throat. Although his eyes were closed, he could still imagine the little girl's pink lips licking her face when she leaned over to talk.

Lu Yinheng thought of yesterday's scene in his mind.

The little girl cried so hard that she sat on him and twitched, pressing against his body, like a soft bun with the scent of flowers, which she wished he could swallow in one gulp.

But now he can't.

If the bun is too soft, it will break if you hit it too hard.

The man's hand hidden in his wide sleeve moved slightly and without trace, sliding across the wheelchair, as if it was stuck to the woman's smooth skin.

The man gasped and opened his eyes.

"Just be angry when you're angry. There's no reason." After saying that, Lu Yinheng asked Bao Meng to carry him back.

Su Baiyue followed closely, feeling that she couldn't just compromise like this.

"Then let me coax you, okay?"

Lu Yinheng, who was put on the bed by Bao Meng, closed his eyes and suddenly became interested when he heard those soft words.

How to coax a fool.

"Okay." The man opened his eyes and saw the little face close at hand, as well as the little hands that were red from the snow.

Su Baiyue smiled sweetly and held the tea bowl hidden behind her in front of Lu Yinheng.

Lu Yinheng half-closed his eyes and said nothing.

Su Baiyue suddenly opened the lid of the tea and poured the contents towards Lu Yinheng.

Several ants that had been forcibly dug out fell on Lu Yinheng in a daze, spinning around.

Lu Yinheng suddenly narrowed his eyes and stared sharply at Su Baiyue.

The little fool smiled and said, "I'll play with ants for you."

Bah, rotten ass, I will bite you to death!

Lu Yinheng's hands hidden in his wide sleeves suddenly tightened into fists, and then slowly relaxed.

He raised his lips, his eyes were as cold as snow, and uttered two words from his throat, "Very good."

When Su Baiyue was tied up by Bao Meng and thrown into the coffin, she still expected that this was just a man trying to scare her.

But this is clearly not the case.

He is an inhumane tyrant!

"Ah, no!"

The extremely strong Bao Meng picked up the coffin board and was about to cover it with Su Baiyue.

Su Baiyue immediately kicked her feet and rushed forward with all her strength.

Lu Yinheng was sitting in a wheelchair next to the coffin. Su Baiyue's head was against his knees, hitting him hard.

The collision made his hair disheveled and his eyes red, looking like a little lunatic.

Bao Meng couldn't bear it.

"Your Majesty, the Queen didn't mean it..." Isn't this because she's not smart? "She also wants to make you happy." You insisted on marrying this stupid person, so why do you dislike her now

Lu Yinheng said nothing.

Because he didn't know why, he just knew that this little fool was playing tricks on him.

Being teased by a fool, haha.

The tyrant's young and fragile mind was hurt.

"Cover the coffin." The man was cold and ruthless.

Bao Meng held up the coffin board with one hand and wanted to fish Su Baiyue with the other hand, but found that the little queen had clung to Lu Yinheng like an octopus.

Bao Meng had no idea where to start.

"Don't, don't put me in a coffin, I was wrong..." Ying Ying Ying.

The little girl blushed, spoke aggrievedly, and even hiccupped. She leaned softly in Lu Yinheng's arms, not daring to relax even though the man's bones ached.

Seeing this pitiful little look in Bao Meng's eyes made him, a tall and thick man, feel unbearable.

"Your Majesty, just scare me..." What if I scare you even more stupidly

Lu Yinheng let Su Baiyue lie on him and said calmly: "Put me into the coffin together."

"Your Majesty!" Before Su Baiyue could jump up, Bao Meng had already jumped up before her.

"Your Majesty, although you say you are not doing well now, you will definitely get better. You can't give up on yourself!" Bao Meng said two idioms in a hurry.

Lu Yinheng said nothing, but looked at Bao Meng slowly.

Bao Meng instantly calmed down and quickly stuffed Lu Yinheng and Su Baiyue into the coffin.

With her big eyes open, Su Baiyue watched helplessly as the coffin board was closed in front of her, leaving only a small gap for breathing.

Yaoshou! What kind of perverted quirk is this!

Let her out quickly!

Su Baiyue lay on Lu Yinheng's body, her little hands still tied and hung around the man's neck.

While chewing on the silk tied to her wrist, she groaned and twisted, but was stopped by Lu Yinheng sternly.

"Don't move." A man's low voice came from the darkness.

If you don't move even if you say you can't, then wouldn't that mean I lose face

Su Baiyue continued to twist, and then suddenly stopped.

Hmm... Why does this tyrant still carry a stick with him

The author has something to say: Thank you little angels for voting for me~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [landmine]:. 1 piece, soy milk sauce w 1 piece

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Doudou’s sister 66 bottles, Zheng Caicai 30 bottles, Xingyu 20 bottles, Xisuo 20 bottles, Qici 10 bottles, Chenguang Xiwei 10 bottles, Eucalyptus 10 bottles, and the debt devil Zhao Botao 10 bottles , 10 bottles of Ren Yilou, 6 bottles of Bawei, 5 bottles of Lulula, 5 bottles of eukaryote, 5 bottles of locked, 4 bottles of He Yao, 3 bottles of 29453538, 3 bottles of You Hide Me, 2 bottles of Gu Qu Baichuan, Zhiyi 2 bottles of Yuanyi, 2 bottles of Wu Xie’s stuffy oil bottle, 1 bottle. v. v. 1 bottle, Stella 1 bottle, K 1 bottle, Adorkable noodles 1 bottle, Summer 1 bottle, Camellia 1 bottle, A little fairy Ai? 1 bottle, Tang Yu 1 bottle, Yuzu 1 bottle, Tangluo 1 bottle, 18535561 1 bottle

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^