How to Destroy the White Moonlight Image

Chapter 30


After all, it is a royal hunting ground, and there are other noble sons and daughters of noble families who are hunting not far away. The eldest prince's people didn't dare to be too arrogant. Previously, they only dared to stab people in the dark and pretend to be wrong. Even if he is punished afterwards, he cannot be resurrected after death, so this transaction is not a loss.

Gu Nanxian had just attracted most of the assassins to the cave, so when the bearded Third Prince and Su Baiyue appeared, they did not alert the First Prince's people.

But as the second male lead, the third prince is destined to suffer this fate.

When the eldest prince heard the news that the "third prince" had fled into the cave, he galloped over on his horse and happened to bump into the third prince. At that time, Su Baiyue had already separated from the third prince according to the plot.

Yes, although the third prince usually seemed to be a very upright gentleman, at this critical moment, he didn't care at all for a dragster like Su Baiyue. He ran for his life without thinking about himself, and at the same time, he gritted his teeth and wanted to arrest the eldest prince and hold him accountable.

But the eldest prince is much smarter than the third prince. Although he didn't recognize the Third Prince at first, he remembered that he was the guard beside the "Third Prince" and how could he let him go. He immediately made people chase him again, and the Third Prince fell into an embarrassing run.

So when Su Baiyue came out of the royal hunting ground, there was almost a quarrel inside.

The third prince disappeared.

The queen cried so loudly that all the soldiers around the hunting ground were sent out. The eldest prince pretended to comfort the queen, but his eyes glanced at Su Baiyue from time to time.

Su Baiyue put on her curtain hat and sat in the carriage, and quickly called Ginkgo back home.

"Girl, how come the third prince is missing?" Ginkgo knelt down next to Su Baiyue with an anxious look on her face and poured a bowl of tea for her, looking nervous.

On the other hand, Su Baiyue had no expression on her face, but because she exercised too much today, she was still depressed even when she was resting in the carriage.

It is early spring now. Although the cave that Gu Nanxian just entered is full of twists and turns, as the male protagonist, Gu Nanxian naturally has the ability to come out of it, and as soon as he comes out, he will be regarded as the third prince by the imperial guards lingering around. Take him back and start his male protagonist's counterattack career.

As for the third prince, although he was not caught by the eldest prince, he did not ask for anything. After being accidentally injured, he ran away and accidentally entered the opera garden and met the heroine.

When Su Baiyue sent Gu Nanxian to the third prince's house, she had already told him all the information about Gu Nanxian's life experience, so when the third prince heard the heroine Qian Xun call him "Brother Nanxian" At this time, the third prince acquiesced.

This is the so-called connection of thousands of miles if you are destined, but if you are not destined, you have to hold it.

The third prince, the second male protagonist who has been among hundreds of flowers and never touched his body, began to be unable to extricate himself from the heroine and became deeply obsessed with it. He must marry this pure girl as snow and take him home as the principal prince's concubine. Unexpectedly, when he led the heroine back, the hero had already occupied the magpie's nest, and then snatched his heroine away.

Su Baiyue thought for a while, and her task now was to wait for the eldest prince to send a cup of poisonous wine to eliminate the uncertain factor in her.

Although the eldest prince did not know whether Su Baiyue knew that he planned this matter, he did not allow any omissions in his plan, so he must put Su Baiyue to death.

"Girl, the third prince is not lost in the mountains, is he? I heard that there are many snakes, insects, rats and ants in those places, and there is even a snake cave." Ginkgo was still kneeling next to Su Baiyue and chattering.

Su Baiyue, who was wandering in the sky, was suddenly shocked, "Snake cave?" Why didn't she know that there was a snake cave in the royal hunting ground

Ginkgo said: "It was originally going to be removed. But I heard that the cave has nine twists and turns and no one can get out, so the snake cave was shelved."

Su Baiyue was stunned for a while after hearing this. It's another cave with nine twists and turns. Could it be that there are two caves

With this in mind, she asked.

Ginkgo continued to nod and said: "Of course not, the royal hunting ground is huge, there are more than two caves."

Su Baiyue: A bolt from the blue! What did this idiot like her do? Which cave did she send Gu Nanxian to? ! !

"Quick, quick, go back, go back..." Su Baiyue quickly ordered the coachman.

"What's the matter, girl?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Su Baiyue comforted herself.

Gu Nanxian has the aura of a male protagonist, so he will be fine.

The carriage went round and round and returned to the royal hunting ground. Su Baiyue wore a curtain hat and ran as fast as she could, using all her strength to eat. Finally, she found the cave where many soldiers were stationed.

When the queen heard that the third prince was inside, she cried with her head buried in her chest and ignored everyone's advice. The soldiers had ropes tied to their bodies and went in one by one, but they all returned without success.

Su Baiyue guessed that these soldiers probably didn't dare to go in at all, because she could hear soldiers nearby talking about how to survive in such a snake cave.

Good luck! She won't really send the male protagonist to heaven!

Su Baiyue knelt on the ground with a plop. Seeing her true feelings, the empress beside her couldn't help but hug her and cry violently.

This cave is actually a snake cave!

In the weather that had just awakened in spring, in addition to those who had just woken up from hibernation, this snake cave contained countless hungry baby snakes waiting for food. Although Gu Nanxian has the halo of being a male protagonist, he was missing arms and legs when he came out!

At this time, Su Baiyue suddenly felt lucky that she had fed Gu Nanxian those Laoshizi poisons and detoxification pills. Although I didn’t expect it to be used here, it’s better than nothing, right

The two sad women, the Queen and Miss Gu, were persuaded to go back.

In the Gu Mansion, Su Baiyue was lying on the couch, covering her heart, tossing and turning, feeling a tearing pain all over her body. The most important thing is that she is very hungry and can't get enough no matter how much she eats. The feeling of hunger penetrated into the bone marrow and was frightening.

Ginkgo originally thought that her girl would be too worried to sleep or eat, but she didn't expect that in addition to napping all day long, her girl would actually have to eat six times a day! In just a few days, it was as if I had gained a few extra ounces of meat.

Is this the legendary sadness that leads to overeating

No news came from Gu Nanxian for a long time. Su Baiyue finally couldn't hold it in any longer and went to the cave again.

The soldiers had almost given up, and the Queen had cried several times and was sent back to the palace long ago.

Su Baiyue covered her dull heart, squatted on the ground, and murmured: "Gu Nanxian, Gu Nanxian, Gu Nanxian..."

In the deep cave, the man covered in broken flesh and blood suddenly opened his eyes and looked in one direction.

It was dark there, but a familiar voice could be heard faintly.

He grabbed his heart, tensed his muscles, staggered to his feet, and walked towards the passage.

The weather was very good today. Su Baiyue was helped by Ginkgo to stand up. She looked up at the dazzling sunshine, her hoarse voice opened. Just when she was about to rush into the cave with all her strength, she suddenly saw the man appearing at the entrance of the cave. man.

The man was covered in blood and his appearance was almost unrecognizable. He was holding a forehead wiper in his hand and stood there with a knowing look in his eyes.

"It's the third prince, it's the third prince..."

The surrounding soldiers jumped for joy, while Su Baiyue stood there blankly, staring at the man.

The man came closer, his body covered with the smell of blood.

He stayed in the snake cave for three days and three nights. How did he survive

"Girl, that's great, it's the third prince!"

Su Baiyue was pulled back by Ginkgo, and she said: "Third Prince..."

The man's originally bright eyes dimmed instantly. He stretched out his hand to tie the wisp on his forehead, staggered, turned around and left.

Su Baiyue subconsciously stretched out her hand and grabbed him, "You, you..."

Gu Nanxian seemed to know what Su Baiyue was going to say, but he refused to answer. He only hoarse his voice, turned around with scarlet eyes, and lowered his eyes like a dark poisonous snake: "I will eat alive all the snakes in the snake cave." ”

Su Baiyue's eyes widened in shock, and she suddenly felt her fingertips soften. She lowered her head and saw something like a red rope wrapped around the man's thin wrist, squirming slightly.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a live snake!

The tiny red baby snake was spitting out snake bites, and its eyes were also very beautiful red, but they were particularly cold. Exactly the same as the man at this moment.

The young snake slithered out of sight. Gu Nanxian put aside Su Baiyue, turned around and followed the soldier.

Su Baiyue covered her depressed heart and felt a burst of ecstasy.

God was so kind to her!

The man who was walking in front suddenly came to his senses, saw Su Baiyue's smiling face, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Since she wants him to be the third prince, then he should be the third prince.

Gu Nanxian raised his chin and said in a low voice, "Burn this snake cave."

Gu Nanxian returned safely, Su Baiyue felt a huge stone in her heart, and the hunger disappeared without a trace.

She skipped back to her mansion, waiting for the eldest prince to bring her poisoned wine, but she didn't expect that the eldest prince would go directly to the third prince's mansion. Not long after, it was reported that the Queen felt that this incident was too unlucky. She also thought that the third prince and Gu Zhulan were not too young, so she wanted to take advantage of these few days to get married to offset the bad luck.

When Su Baiyue heard the news, she almost fainted as if she had been hit in the head.

"Congratulations, girl, congratulations, girl." Ginkgo happily congratulated Su Baiyue.

Su Baiyue sat on the solid wood round stool, her eyes glazed over in a daze.

Gu Pinglan, the eldest sister of the Gu family, who was envious and jealous of Gu Zhulan, came to seek her bad luck again. But before Gu Pinglan started to speak, she was grabbed by Gu Zhulan's arm.

"Sister, I suddenly feel that you and the third prince are a match made in heaven."

If you want her to marry now, don't you want her to die? Although the male protagonist is a little angel, don't think that she is blind. She turned dark when she came out of the cave, okay

Gu Pinglan angrily threw away Gu Zhulan's hand, "Gu Zhulan, don't go too far!" After saying that, Gu Pinglan ran away crying.

Ginkgo on the side quickly praised: "The girl is still smart."

The clever Su Baiyue looked hopeless and even wanted to visit the eldest prince's house to ask for a glass of poisonous wine.

No matter how hard Su Baiyue hid, the wedding day came as promised. She originally wanted to send someone to see what the real third prince was doing, but she didn't know what Gu Nanxian said to Mr. Gu, and now she couldn't even get out.

The marriage of the third prince, the Queen's biological son, is a huge event.

After being tortured all day, Su Baiyue was finally able to sit on the wedding bed and rest for a while, but she didn't expect that Gu Nanxian actually kicked out all the people serving in the wedding room.

There was silence in the wedding room. Su Baiyue held her bare hands, wearing a red wedding dress and a veil on her head. She could feel her heartbeat beating.

Is her heartbeat beating so fast

"Zhu Zhu'er." The man didn't take off his wedding veil, but he spoke first.

Su Baiyue could see the brand-new pair of soap boots on the man's feet from under the hippa.

It has a flat bottom.

The wedding ceremony was suddenly uncovered. Su Baiyue adjusted to the color of the wedding candles in the room and looked up. I saw the man in front of me, wearing a wedding robe and red clothes, with a face like a jade crown and a graceful appearance. A newly made forehead wisp was tied on his forehead, and the hanging tail rested on his shoulders.

The man's expression was cold, but it showed a bit of deceptive warmth under the light.

At this time, Gu Nanxian should want the heroine Qian Xun to be by his side to give him care and love, instead of her being a stinging peony sitting here to gain hatred!

"Go to bed." The man opened his mouth and said.

Su Baiyue:! ! ! Isn't there some foreplay

Seeing the woman standing there stunned, Gu Nanxian deliberately ignored her face, which became more and more beautiful after putting on makeup, and just pretended to be casual and said: "Do you want to cleanse your feet first?"

The author has something to say:

After marriage licking licking mode