How to Destroy the White Moonlight Image

Chapter 55


Although the old director of the He family killed someone in public, he was a wealthy man after all. He obtained a mental illness certificate for himself at that time and successfully escaped from danger. However, because he has to assist in the investigation, he is currently being held in a mental hospital.

He Zeyan still goes to school with Su Baiyue every day.

Su Baiyue felt that He Zeyan might be the most diligent ghost in the world. Although he died young, he still had to work hard to take the college entrance examination every day and change his destiny as a ghost.

"Xiao Bai." Zhang Tao is a sports student and is much more leisurely than Su Baiyue and other people who rely on scores for a living. He held the milk tea in his hand and leaned against the window to talk to Su Baiyue with a smile.

Ever since she knew that Zhang Tao liked men, Su Baiyue became more wary of him. Because what Zhang Tao likes is He Zeyan's anus.

Su Baiyue had secretly tested it and found that He Zeyan's buttocks were indeed upturned and white, but a little hard. After all, he is a ghost, and his body cannot be as soft as when he was a human.

Su Baiyue couldn't help but think of a word: young man with a cocky butt.

He Zeyan, who was sleeping on the desk, heard Zhang Tao's voice and suddenly opened his eyes and stared at him intently.

Zhang Tao handed him the milk tea in his hand. A smile full of joy.

He Zeyan turned his head expressionlessly, and took Su Baiyue's little head back.

Su Baiyue was forced to lower her head and continue to do the questions.

Zhang Tao asked for trouble and didn't feel embarrassed. He just put the milk tea on the window sill and left with a smile.

As soon as Zhang Tao left, the ghost immediately started making trouble unreasonably.

"You just smiled at him three times."

Su Baiyue: "...he likes men."

He Zeyan repeated expressionlessly, "You just smiled at him three times."

Well, this hurdle cannot be overcome.

"I was being polite, and I still smile at you a hundred times a day." If you are jealous, everyone from Su's mother to the old man who begs with a QR code will be the one to blame. No less.

The young man lowered his head expressionlessly and used his little finger to poke Su Baiyue's face.

Su Baiyue was given a slap in the face and felt at ease at that time.

There is no other reason, because she has already tasted the power of this little tug. Su Baiyue felt that this ghost might be the most playful one. I don’t know where I learned the damaging moves, but I can actually do hundreds of tricks with my hair.

She still clearly remembers how she pressed her on the bed and teased her after her hair had grown. This hair is thin, long, crispy and numb, and it goes to strange places. (Inspired by comments, not my business)

Su Baiyue blushed and shook her head vigorously to solve the problem.

She is a woman who relies on her schoolbag to turn herself around and become her own rich family!

When school was over in the evening, He Zeyan disappeared again.

This ghost has been so mysterious lately that I don’t know what it is doing.

"Hey, Xiaobai, I just saw He Zeyan get into a car. Even rich people can't afford to drive that car. It's not an ordinary family." Wang Qianqian went home with Su Baiyue and gave her the photo she just took look.

"Do you know what people in school are saying recently? They say that the He family is no longer good. He Zeyan, an illegitimate son, has broken his dream of becoming a wealthy man and is planning to become the son-in-law of another wealthy family."

If it were the former He Zeyan, everyone would definitely laugh at his whims. But now He Zeyan has made most of the white and rich girls in the school dizzy just by virtue of his beautiful face. Isn't Shen Guiqing, who is still lying in the hospital, a typical example

"Xiaobai, take good care of your man. If he dares to cheat on you, I will help you twist off his skull." Wang Qianqian vowed.

Su Baiyue reached out and tried Wang Qianqian's skull. It was very strong, but it was still a head for He Zeyan.

The two of them went home, each looking for their respective mothers.

Mother Su asked Su Baiyue nonchalantly about He Zeyan's situation.

Su Baiyue didn't know what to ask, and was severely scolded by Su's mother.

"Yanyan is such a poor child, why don't you know how to care more about him?"

Su Baiyue pouted and ate the strawberry.

How pitiful is that ghost

As he was talking, there was a knock on the door of the house.

Mother Su opened the door and said with a surprised look on her face: "Oh, why are you here?"

Su Baiyue looked over and saw an old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit and walking in slowly with a cane, followed by an expressionless He Zeyan.

"The child has been bothering me for many days, so I came to express my gratitude. There have been a lot of things going on at home in the past few days, and I may have to stay for a while longer."

Mother Su quickly said: "What are you talking about? I like Yanyan very much."

The old man continued to nod and turned to look at Su Baiyue. His sharp eyes were full of light. He looked Su Baiyue up and down before nodding and said: "He is a good boy. When they graduate, they will get engaged first." .”

"Okay, okay." Su's mother agreed.

Su Baiyue:? ?

Although her relationship with He Zeyan is indeed unclear, as an eighteen-year-old adult with a free life, why doesn't she know about her marriage

"Xiao Bai, come here quickly and call grandpa."

Su Baiyue spoke like a repeater, "Grandpa."

The old man smiled and took a red envelope for Su Baiyue.

Su Baiyue answered it with a confused look, and then saw that the old man didn't even sit down and went alone.

He Zeyan had already sat back on the sofa.

Su Baiyue was just about to follow when she heard Su's mother say: "Xiao Bai, give the red envelope to Mommy, and Mommy will keep it for you as your dowry."

Su Baiyue: I am no longer a three-year-old child. I'm already eighteen years old!

Su Baiyue, who had cleared the red envelope, sat next to He Zeyan, picked up a strawberry, ate the tip, and handed the rest to He Zeyan.

"My family is poor and has no conditions."

He Zeyan didn't take it, but took one for himself, "My family really has this condition."

Seeing her beloved strawberry being cut into half by a ghost, Su Baiyue was heartbroken. Even though he couldn't taste anything, he still wanted to grab her food to eat.

"Who was that person just now?"

The boy who was eating strawberries paused and said, "Grandpa."

Grandpa? Is that He Zeyan’s mother’s biological father? Su Baiyue remembered that she had never heard He Zeyan talk about his family affairs, but she had heard a lot of rumors from outside.

Su Baiyue has been living in rumors that He Zeyan is a poor young man, but now, the fact seems not to be the case. He does seem to be very qualified.

Su Baiyue decided to go and find out about Su's mother.

"That's Yanyan's biological grandfather. His family used to be a soldier. Later, he retired and went to do business. I heard that he is now a rich man on some list. Alas, I don't understand. Yanyan's mother is young and beautiful. My mind was too simple, and I fell in love with Yanyan's father at that time. I had to stay with him even though I didn't hide my identity. But I didn't expect that he was a scumbag. When the business started to pick up, he started to spend time, drink and make mischief outside. Done."

"Then since He Zeyan's mother's family has such good conditions, why doesn't he go home?" Su Baiyue asked strangely.

Mother Su sighed, "I was going back, but I suddenly passed away... I heard there was a thief in the house..." At this point, Mother Su shook her head and lowered her voice, "Actually, there was no thief. At that time, the scumbag old director of the He family asked Gu Hui for money, but Gu Hui refused to give it, so he made a scene with Zhu Tang. Originally, he just wanted to steal money, but that woman Zhu Tang had a dark heart, so she just gave him money. People were killed.”

Su Baiyue was so frightened that she trembled all over.

Thinking of Zhu Tang, a woman who was gentle on the surface but vicious at heart, she swallowed secretly. Then I silently recited it three times: Now is a society ruled by law.

It's really thanks to He Zeyan that she can survive to this day.

In fact, in the final analysis, Gu Hui was still too stupid. But now Su Baiyue can also understand the reason why He Zeyan did these things.

If other people's peaceful years were built with the lives of your closest relatives, then even a silly Baitian like Su Baiyue would wish to eat their flesh and drink their blood.

After listening to the story, Su Baiyue returned to the room. The boy was sitting in front of her desk coveting her strawberry hair tie.

Okay, you look good, I’ll give it to you.

Su Baiyue had another dream, but this time it was not a spring dream.

She dreamed that she was standing in a hospital, with the lights on in the front ward and the sound of a fierce quarrel coming over.

A young man dressed in white stood at the door of the ward, and the black mist in his hand steamed up, gradually lingering in the entire ward.

Su Baiyue subconsciously walked over, but her hand penetrated He Zeyan's body. She called him in panic, "He Zeyan!"

The boy didn't seem to hear her voice.

Su Baiyue turned her head and looked into the ward, and saw Zhu Tang and Mr. He in hospital gowns, each holding a fruit knife and stabbing each other.

He muttered a name in his mouth, "Gu Hui."

This is the inner demon of both of them, and also He Zeyan's inner demon.

The thick bloody smell spread, and Su Baiyue almost felt sick. She saw He Zeyan walking into the ward, and Mr. He and Zhu Tang suddenly stabbed him with bloody daggers.

"He Zeyan!" Su Baiyue shouted in shock, and then sat up from the bed suddenly.

The young man sleeping peacefully next to him opened his sleepy eyes after hearing Su Baiyue's words.

Ghosts don't need to sleep.

"He Zeyan, are you still alive?" Su Baiyue was in shock.

He Ze stretched out his hand and pulled his hair, and said in a calm voice: "Dead."

"Oh." Su Baiyue nodded and quickly prepared to catch up on her sleep.

Just stay dead.

Then he won't die again.

It was widely spread that the old director of the He family and his wife stabbed each other in the mental hospital, and the He family was completely ruined.

The dream of He Zeyan, an illegitimate child, flying up a branch and turning into a phoenix was also shattered. Those who watched the joke had to come to the classroom window three times every day.

Su Baiyue looked at the ghost next to her who had "really good family conditions", and thought about the wedding room in a large villa in the city center that the old man had just given her, and felt that we could still talk about it again.

After the college entrance examination. He Zeyan got engaged to Su Baiyue.

Wang Qianqian cried so hard that she refused to take off Su Baiyue's wedding dress. I swear to my death that this silly Baitian got married so many years earlier than me.

On the night of the engagement, He Zeyan, who was wearing a suit, slowly untied the small knot on his head and said in a cold voice: "I know the process very well, let's get started."

Su Baiyue, who had already gone to the kang and was stripped naked:...

When Su Baiyue knew that she was pregnant, she was dumbfounded.

So is the thing in her belly a human or a ghost

Regarding this matter, He Zeyan gave a very clear explanation, "Ghost fetus."

Amidst the joy of Su's mother and a bunch of people, Su Baiyue held her belly and shivered.

He Zeyan stood next to Su Baiyue. When he saw her like this, he said expressionlessly: "Kill her."

Su Baiyue:! ! !

"This is your child!"

"You don't like it." He Zeyan frowned.

He Zeyan, who has inherited hundreds of millions of dollars, is sitting on the boss's chair, holding his little wife with one arm, sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, showing her the country he has built for her.

"I like it, I like it, there's no one I don't like." Su Baiyue, who knew He Zeyan was not joking, quickly waved her hands and protected her belly.

Although it was a ghost fetus, it was still her own child, so Su Baiyue was still afraid of it while raising her. During her ten-month pregnancy, she could clearly feel that this child was no different from other children. He can eat, sleep, and make noises, and even doing B-ultrasound examinations in the hospital is very healthy.

Su Baiyue felt relieved.

After ten months of pregnancy, she gives birth.

Although Su Baiyue did not suffer when she gave birth to the child, she felt her scalp numb as soon as she saw He Zeyan standing nearby, staring at the ghost fetus.

If she hadn't managed to hold on without fainting, the headlines the next day might have been that the newly-minted young rich man strangled his own son to death with his own hands. Is this a loss of morals or a distortion of human nature

In order to commemorate the child whose father escaped, Su Baiyue named him "He Sheng".

Although He Sheng was no different from other children when he was a child, when he reached the age of talking and walking, he began to show extraordinary abnormalities.

Su Baiyue could often see him killing ghosts with his bare hands, twisting octopus balls into twists and throwing them on the ground for rubbing, crushing black kittens with his bare hands and then putting them back together.

It's really great.

He Sheng always felt that he was different from others. He can see things that others cannot.

His father doesn't love him.

Although his mother gave him enough love, he still felt very unhappy.

He didn't understand why he was different from others.

"He Zeyan, Shengsheng is missing!" Su Baiyue searched around the villa but couldn't find He Sheng, so she immediately called He Zeyan.

He Zeyan, who was in a meeting, listened to Su Baiyue's hoarse voice crying on the phone, secretly clutched the phone, whispered a word of comfort, turned around and pushed the door open.

The place that was supposed to be the company corridor suddenly turned into a park open space after He Zeyan opened the door and walked out.

He Sheng was hiding there. He had just entered junior high school this year. He had a slender figure and was squatting there with a huge schoolbag on his back. The schoolbag was heavily slumped, making his whole person feel uncoordinated.

He Zeyan, who was wearing a neat suit and looked like an elite, walked over with an expressionless expression on his head.

The ghosts that were originally surrounding He Sheng immediately ran away like crazy. One ghost was so scared that he didn't even dare to pick up his head after it fell off, so He Sheng threw it to him.

Octopus Ball and the black kitten curled up and hid behind He Sheng.

He Sheng stood up and stared at He Zeyan with red eyes, "It's all because of you! Why did you give birth to me in the first place! You didn't even consider whether I would be happy or not!"

He Ze stretched out his hand and grabbed He Sheng's neck, "If you don't want to live, then die."

"Uh..." He Sheng's face turned red and he struggled hard.

Octopus Ball jumped up and was stepped on by He Zeyan. The transparent tentacles stretched hard and made a difficult and awkward gesture.

The black kitten trembled with its paws in an attempt to catch He Zeyan, but before it could move its paws, it was frightened by the ghostly energy coming out of him and fell to its knees.

He Zeyan suddenly let go, and He Sheng fell to the ground.

The man lowered his eyes and looked condescendingly at the young face that was exactly the same as his, "If you die, she will be sad."

He Sheng touched his bruised neck and finally understood.

Children are really just accidents.

"Go home." He Zeyan turned around.

He Sheng buried his head and followed He Zeyan back home with a dejected look on his face.

Su Baiyue's eyes were red from crying. When she saw He Sheng coming back, she quickly looked up and down. After seeing the pinch marks on his neck, she said nervously: "What's going on? Who bullied you?"

He Sheng complained while crying, "Dad pinched me and said he wanted to kill me."

Su Baiyue:! ! !

He Zeyan: ... It should have been settled long ago.

He Sheng: Still very happy.

The author has something to say: He Zeyan: I am also very affectionate today.

Su Baiyue: Don’t eat me.

He Sheng: Don’t kill me.

What a harmonious family.

What story do you want to see next? I have two additional ones here: a story about Pan Jinlian from the Republic of China (a sickly man who marries young and a young beauty) and a wealthy family who pays a lot of money for a son (pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger and fakes a bankrupt son-in-law versus a single young lady who wants to carry on the family lineage). And the overbearing stepbrother in copywriting. You can also add more.