How to Destroy the White Moonlight Image

Chapter 57


"What did father take you in to do?" Su Baiyue held Jin Zeyi's little hand and sat in the room to apply medicine to his old wounds.

Jin Cheyi frowned, but still had a pale look on his face, as if he had been frightened in the study.

But Su Baiyue knew that the young male protagonist was not frightened by Master Jin, but that he was afraid that his imposter lie would be exposed, so he frightened himself like this.

After all, he is still young. When he grows up, even if a knife is placed on his neck, his expression will probably not change at all.

But this little male protagonist is cute.

Su Baiyue couldn't help but reached out and pinched his intact cheek. It's a pity that Jin Cheyi is so thin that he can't even touch the flesh of his face.

Su Baiyue could not help but feel a moment of regret.

"Dad cut my hand open and dropped the blood into the bowl. Then he cut his own hand again and dropped the blood into the bowl." Being touched by Jin Qingrou, Jin Zeyi's face turned red with embarrassment as he spoke. At that time, even his voice became shy.

The ancient standard version of blood recognition.

Su Baiyue nodded and said clearly: "This is called blood recognition. Father recognizes you now."

Jin Cheyi nodded his head slightly. He had just turned ten years old and was very thin due to long-term malnutrition. She was also pitifully short, and when she stood up, she reached Su Baiyue's chest.

Girls grow faster, and boys don’t start growing until they are fifteen or sixteen years old. That period of time will be as long as taking hormones.

The most important thing now is to take good care of the little male protagonist's body.

Su Baiyue ordered her grandma to call a doctor. She checked his pulse carefully and found out that it was just a weak body. She immediately decided to start giving him food supplements.

Medicinal supplements are not as good as food supplements. Jin Cheyi has been hungry for so long and cannot eat too well all at once.

But fortunately, this little male protagonist is not picky about food. He will eat whatever is given to him. Even the bitter concoction that makes his whole body tremble can be swallowed without expression.

At first glance, he looks like a child who has been through hardship since childhood.

Jin Cheyi never went to school, but Mr. Jin really wanted to have a scholar in his family, so he specially hired a teacher for his children. Little boys and girls study in the same room, hanging their heads and memorizing the books every day.

Su Baiyue also read there. But as I get older, I no longer join in the fun.

Because Mr. Jin is patriarchal. He never believed that women should study, and believed that a woman's lack of talent was a virtue. If Jin Qingrou's biological mother hadn't insisted at that time, Jin Qingrou would not even be able to read a single Chinese character.

The next day, Jin Cheyi was sent to study.

In the house, Su Baiyue was choosing winter clothes for him.

Mrs. Jin regarded Jin Cheyi as a thorn in her side and wished she could get rid of him quickly, so naturally she would not carefully prepare things for him. Mr. Jin is someone who doesn't care about the affairs of the household. The most important thing he does every day is to visit his cousins and concubines, Hu Tianhaidi. Then the next step is to look at his son's study status.

Su Baiyue used her own private money to ask the nanny beside her to buy some things for Jin Zheyi for boys.

This nanny is the old nanny who discovered Jin Zheyi with Jin Qingrou last time. She also came here as a dowry with Jin Qingrou's biological mother, and she is the most loyal. I only wanted to care about Jin Qingrou and Jin Zhe Yihao, so I took the money and hurried out of the house to buy things on the street.

The nanny here just left, and Jin Zheyi happened to be back from school over there.

Su Baiyue saw the injury on his face and frowned: "What's wrong?"

Jin Cheyi once saw other people going to school, and he was envious in his heart. He was happy when he went there today, but he didn't expect that he would look depressed when he came back.

"I don't understand even what the gentleman said." Moreover, he couldn't even hold a brush or grind ink, and he even overturned the book.

Jin Cheyi looked frustrated.

The most important thing is that because he is a newcomer, he will inevitably be squeezed out and made things difficult by the "old people" inside. The most prominent among them is Mrs. Jin's biological son, the eight-year-old little bully, Jin Yuanbao.

Jin Yuanbao was completely pampered by Mrs. Jin to the point of being lawless. He was a real naughty child. The injuries on Jin Zheyi's face were caused by his leadership.

Su Baiyue gave Jin Zheyi medicine and felt very distressed.

She finally managed to heal the injury on the little male protagonist’s face!

Jin Zheyi's new cotton-padded jacket was also torn, and it was so dirty that it rolled on the ground countless times. Su Baiyue had an inexplicable urge to teach the naughty kid a lesson. Her brother Yi is so good, someone outside must be bullying him!

"Does it hurt?" Su Baiyue touched it carefully.

Jin Cheyi shook his head, "It doesn't hurt." The pain on that side should be more.

Suddenly there were shouts and curses outside the house, and Mrs. Jin came to the door with her precious son Jin Yuanbao, who had been beaten with a bruised nose and face.

Jin Yuanbao is two years younger than Jin Zheyi, and is now eight years old. Because they are fed good food and drink on weekdays, they are kept fat and healthy.

When Su Baiyue led Jin Zheyi out, she saw Jin Yuanbao's pig-headed face and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Mrs. Jin was so angry that her head was smoking.

She raised a son well, and she didn't even dare to touch him with a finger. This Jin Zhe was easy to fall into, but he was beaten like this when he came. Is there any way to do it

"Sister, look, that little bastard beat my son like this. I must ask the master for comment today!" With that said, Mrs. Jin went up to start a fight with Jin.

Su Baiyue quickly hid the person behind her.

She said she wanted to ask the master for comment, but in fact it was Mrs. Jin who selfishly wanted to bring people into her yard and torture them. Over the years, those short-lived concubines and wives have disappeared. It can be seen from Mrs. Jin's menacing look that if such a little kid falls into her hands, he will die prematurely.

In fact, Su Baiyue is quite strange. How did such a little guy, who looked as thin as an ant, beat Jin Yuanbao, who was twice as fat as him, into that state

What Su Baiyue didn't know was that Jin Cheyi had been living under the hands of those big men since he was a child. Those big men raised so many boys and girls that they never had enough food every day. Although Jin Cheyi was young, he managed to eat the most food every day with his fierce energy.

He has no etiquette, justice or shame, and only thinks of filling his stomach every day.

Even if he stole the original Jin Zheyi's identity and became the current Jin Zheyi, he would not regret it. What's more, that Jin Zheyi is already dead.

He once saved that Jin Zheyi's life, now let's regard it as something he gave back to him.

The real Jin Cheyi was a rich man who had been bullied when he first came into the hands of the Han Dynasty. Later, he learned his lesson and followed the most vicious and ruthless little male protagonist to beg for food, and he managed to survive. It's a pity that my body and bones were too weak to survive.

Su Baiyue must protect Jin Zheyi.

How can one's own children be bullied by others

But before she could say anything, Master Jin over there heard the words of the maid next to Mrs. Jin and came over with an angry look on his face.

"You uneducated little brat, don't you think I'll teach you a lesson today!" Mr. Jin looked around for something that could hit someone.

Su Baiyue quickly hugged Jin Zheyi into her arms. She could feel his slender body trembling slightly.

Jin Cheyi has been beaten since he was a child, so he is not afraid at all. He was trembling because of the sudden hug.

This was the first time that someone protected him in his arms when he was about to be beaten.

So warm.

Jin Cheyi closed his eyes and was mesmerized for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes. Although he is just a little child, because he matures prematurely, his eyes are filled with too many things. But in just a moment, he was suppressed by everything and returned to the innocent look that a child should have.

"Sister, it's my fault. Even if my brother wants to kill me, I shouldn't hit him." Jin Cheyi reached out and held Su Qingrou's hand, with tears in his eyes.

"What! Kill you!" Su Baiyue looked shocked.

Mrs. Jin also panicked, "Little bastard, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Upon hearing this, Jin Yuanbao cursed and shouted, "I just want to kill you, kill you!"

The childish words broke like thunder into the ears of Mr. Jin who was about to beat up Jin Cheyi.

In fact, this was what Jin Yuanbao heard Mrs. Jin say yesterday. The child kept it in mind and used it when he bullied Jin Zheyi today.

I just thought it was some very harsh words.

"You bastard!" Mr. Jin was very angry and slapped him directly.

Master Jin has always believed that filial sons will emerge under the stick, and even Jin Yuanbao has been beaten frequently.

Jin Yuanbao was slapped and fell to the ground, then burst into tears, pointed at Master Jin and cursed: "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

While Mrs. Jin felt distressed, she was so frightened that she covered Jin Yuanbao's mouth.

It's a pity that Master Jin has already heard it.

"You bastard, you bastard! You are so lawless. Not only do you want to kill your brother, but you also want to kill your father! Look at me today, look at me not teaching you a lesson today!"

"Master, Master, Brother Bao is still young. He is not sensible. He is not sensible. Don't be angry. If you have anything to say, speak it out!"

Mrs. Jin was also born as a merchant, but her family's situation was much more difficult than that of the Jin family. In fact, after the death of Su Qingrou's biological mother, it turned out that Mr. Jin wanted to marry another daughter from a scholar's family. Unfortunately, other families saw that Jin Qingrou's mother died unjustly and refused to marry their daughter.

It just so happened that Mrs. Jin secretly seduced Mr. Jin, and then walked in with a bulging belly. She won the man in one fell swoop and secured her position as the eldest wife of the Jin family.

Therefore, Mrs. Jin has always regarded Jin Yuan Bao as a lucky star.

Her lucky star was beaten today, and Mrs. Jin held a grudge against the siblings Jin Cheyi and Jin Qingrou.

Sooner or later, this pair of mourning stars will look good!

Here, Su Baiyue took Jin Zheyi's hand and quickly comforted: "It's okay, it's okay. Whether to kill or not, that's Brother Bao's joke." No wonder her little chicken-like male protagonist would be so cruel Beating someone up turns out to be because they were forced into a hurry.

It's true that the rabbit bites people when it's anxious. Her little rabbit is so pitiful.

Su Baiyue had a motherly heart.

There's nothing I can do about it, Jin Cheyi looks so delicate and cute.

After all, he is the male protagonist, and his good looks are not just for boasting. It looked so good when it was wrapped in a sack, but now that it's tidied up properly, it's like a replica of the four beauties' prototypes when they were young.

"I will teach you how to read and calligraphy in the future." Su Baiyue touched his little head with a soft voice, "As for you, you also need to practice martial arts. This will strengthen your body and help you grow taller in the future. But practicing martial arts is to protect yourself. Yes, we must not bully the weak and help the lonely elderly.”

Su Baiyue inspired to cultivate the young male protagonist into an upright and upright young man.

Jin Cheyi nodded obediently.

But Su Baiyue never expected that her plan was doomed to fail from the beginning. Originally, this was just a crooked seedling. No matter how straightened it was, it would appear to be straighter and upward at most, but those roots had long been crooked and lost their shape.

Su Baiyue was afraid that Jin Zheyi would suffer a loss, so she often asked her nanny to go to school with Jin Zheyi in the past few days.

As long as the nanny is here, no one dares to bully him.

In fact, since Jin Zheyi beat Jin Yuanbao violently last time, no one dared to look down upon him anymore.

Jin Cheyi is very young, but he is well versed in these dirty truths. He knows that if a person wants to live well, he must be ruthless.

Be ruthless to others, but even more ruthless to yourself.

Jin Cheyi has always been smart, well-behaved and good-looking. His husband likes him very much and even often praises him in front of Mr. Jin.

Master Jin fell in love with Jin Cheyi more and more, and even looked at Jin Qingrou much better.

Inexplicably, because of Jin Zheyi, Su Baiyue's status suddenly rose, and even the food in the yard underwent earth-shaking changes. The reason is that Jin Cheyi accidentally mentioned to Mr. Jin yesterday that he had to study at night, but he was always hungry for dinner because he was not full.

With a wave of his hand, Master Jin installed a small kitchen in Su Baiyue's yard. Food is served 24 hours a day.

With a confused look on her face, Su Baiyue looked at the large table of food in front of her and swallowed secretly.

You know, some people look glamorous on the surface, but secretly they are so poor that they even have to pawn off their jewelry.

Mrs. Jin has suffered such a big loss and will definitely not let it go.

When she heard that Mr. Jin actually built a small kitchen for Jin Qingrou's yard, she gritted her teeth with hatred.

"Mom, that Jin Cheyi was praised by his husband again for his study today." Jin Yuanbao gnawed on the drumstick very unhappily.

Jin Yuanbao is not smart in reading, and he even gets scolded every time. He came last in every exam. The old gentleman who taught even hinted to Master Jin and asked him to bring a doctor to see if Jin Yuanbao was born mentally retarded.

Because of this matter, Mr. Jin felt that he could not lose face, so he gave Mrs. Jin a good scolding when he returned.

Mrs. Jin was also so angry that she grabbed Jin Yuan Bao and scolded her again, leaving indelible damage to Jin Yuan Bao's young mind.

Until now, whenever Jin Yuanbao hears his husband praising others for their good homework, he will lead someone up to give him a beating.

But it's a pity that he couldn't beat Jin Zheyi, so he could only come back and mutter to Mrs. Jin.

Mrs. Jin scolded Jin Cheyi vigorously as usual, then touched Jin Yuanbao's head and said: "Good son, eat more and study hard. Your father likes children who study well. Come on, that little bastard Jin Cheyi solve."

A little brat can turn the world upside down!

Over there, Su Baiyue and Jin Cheyi finished their dinner and urged him to study.

Looking at the boy's serious and strong back, Su Baiyue felt very unfulfilled. Why are you so good? Aren’t ordinary children going to have a bit of a fuss and then be pulled by their ears to learn? Just like Jin Yuan Bao.

Missing Cao Cao, Cao Cao has arrived. Jin Yuanbao, a chubby little man, leaned against the carved wooden door and peered inside.

Su Baiyue frowned, "What are you doing here?"

Jin Yuanbao puffed up his fat pig face and grunted: "Mother said she would poison you two to death. Put it in Tremella Fungus and Lotus Seed Soup and let you drink it."

Su Baiyue:…

Su Baiyue turned around, took a plate of white jade cake from the embroidery table, handed it to Jin Yuanbao, and asked him, "Do you want to eat it?"

Jin Yuanbao reached out and grabbed it.

Su Baiyue quickly slapped his hand away and said, "Call sister."

Jin Yuanbao looked at Bai Jade Cake and hummed, "Sister."

Over there, Jin Zheyi, who was reading and writing, suddenly tightened his hands, and the intact big character had an extra horizontal line.

Jin Yuan Bao, who was eating the white jade cake, felt an inexplicable coldness on the back of his neck. He quickly imitated the damn way and cursed again, "You, me, little bastard, you are a loser."

Su Baiyue really didn't know whether to call this Jin Yuan Bao cute or stupid... But if what Jin Yuan Bao said was true, then this Mrs. Jin was really vicious.

The novel only briefly describes Jin Cheyi and Jin Qingrou's struggle to make a living in the Jin Mansion, but they did not expect that their lives would be threatened.

"Sister." Su Baiyue was thinking about something, and Jin Zheyi put down the brush in his hand, walked over, and said in a soft voice: "Sister, I am scared to live in such a big yard alone, and I want to sleep with you. .”

For the first time in such a long time, Jin Cheyi acted coquettishly with her. Looking at the boy's delicate and cute little face, what else could Su Baiyue refuse to do!

Give, give, give whatever you want!

The author has something to say: Su Baiyue: My brother is so cute!

Brother: When I grow up, I will love my sister well.

Su Baiyue: OK, OK.