How to Destroy the White Moonlight Image

Chapter 78


Su Baiyue slowly released her mouth from biting Lu Dongqing's palm. She saw a small tooth mark clearly and obviously imprinted on the tiger's mouth of the man's fair and slender palm. As her teeth relaxed, a slight leak Blood comes.

Su Baiyue licked it subconsciously.

The male protagonist’s blood actually smells fruity

"Silly Baitian, something is very wrong with this forest. We were all trapped in a fantasy world just now and almost couldn't get out." Xiao Xiao looked around with a serious look on his face, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, hurry up and get in the car. We need to leave immediately."

Fantasy? Su Baiyue was pulled up by Xiao Xiao, and before she could stand still, she was stuffed into a military vehicle.

Everyone galloped out of the forest and returned to the survival area.

Everyone who leaves the survival area must undergo a thorough physical examination when entering again.

After Su Baiyue finished the inspection, she came out of the room and heard everyone's excited chatter behind her.

"It's actually a lightning power..."

"There are also fire powers..."

The one with the thunder power was Xiao Xiao. She wiped the wooden warehouse in her hand expressionlessly and put it on her back.

The one with the fire power is Hu Yanyan. I heard that it suddenly burst out in the illusion. Although she didn't feel anything after coming out of the illusion, after scanning with a machine, she found the small crystal core inside her head.

"Ah hahaha, I actually have the power of fire," Hu Yanyan looked up to the sky and roared, "Thanks to my mother for giving me a good name!"

"It's really a big success today. There is a thunder type power, a fire type, and a wood type power. We have so many superpowers in the survival area, so we don't have to worry about it in the future."

"What kind of wood power?" Hu Yanyan leaned over.

The person who spoke was uncharacteristically respectful to her, with even fear on his face, "Before you came back, a new group of people arrived in our survival area. There was a man among them who said he used to be a member of the special forces. At the beginning, the wood-type superpower burst out, that kind of vine.”

When Su Baiyue heard the word "vine", she subconsciously looked in the direction of the speaker's finger.

I saw the high-erected defensive wall, first surrounded by barbed wire, and then layered with thick vines, densely entangled, making the entire defensive wall look like a wild forest.

Although these vines were also vines, their thickness and size seemed to be carved from the same mold, and they could not be compared with the vines that were wrapped around her.

Those vines can be big or small, soft or hard, they are magical fairy wands.

"Lu Dongqing, don't you have space powers? Why didn't you detect it?" Xiao Xiao asked him in a low voice when he saw Lu Dongqing walking out of the room without any trouble.

Lu Dongqing shook his head and said that he didn't know, "Maybe this kind of machine is not perfect yet and can't detect everything."

Xiao Xiao nodded without thinking much. Because she had seen Lu Dongqing display his spatial powers. Since he said so, that's how it should be.

"Ah, I'm on fire!" Hu Yanyan, who was showing off his fire power, burned his clothes and jumped towards Su Baiyue.

A vine flew over from the side, picked up Hu Yanyan and threw it into the air.

A ladle of water poured down at once, completely soaking Hu Yanyan. Although he was embarrassed, the fire in Hu Yanyan's body was finally extinguished.

She didn't care whether she was naked or not, and quickly patted her towering chest and gasped happily.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on her, especially the men, as if they were staring at the meat of a starving wolf.

If it were Hu Yanyan in the past, he would have dared to go up and do it with just a piece of bread. But now, ordinary people would not dare to get close to Hu Yanyan.

I heard that these people with super powers act differently from ordinary people.

Especially those who have just burst out their superpowers and are not yet fully in control of them. Because they are emotionally excited when doing things, their superpowers will leak out.

I heard that a few days ago, a woman with a superpower had her neck strangled by a superpower who couldn't hold it back while she was having sex with a superpower.

When the woman was carried out, her whole body was limp, and not even a complete bone could be found on her body.

I heard that it was crushed piece by piece.

"Wang Miaomu?" Xiao Xiao was shocked when he saw the tall man walking out of the crowd controlling the vines.

Behind Wang Miaomu was a young baby, the same one who hung in the bushes last time.

The baby's face was sullen, and the baby fat on her face gradually faded away, making her look frighteningly thin.

In comparison, Su Baiyue, a 21-year-old girl, is whiter and tenderer with baby fat, as fresh and tender as a wonderful little white rabbit raised among wolves.

Everyone obviously eats whole grains together, so why does she look like a marshmallow that can melt with just a lick

Su Baiyue was also confused about this.

"What a coincidence." Wang Miaomu led his younger brother to Xiao Xiao, with a rare smile on his resolute face, "It turns out you have thunder powers."

Facing his idol, Xiao Xiao's cool face still couldn't hide the shyness of a little girl, "It happened accidentally when I went to fight zombies just now. I didn't expect it either." Xiao Xiao couldn't lie, and his face turned red after saying this. He didn't dare to look at Wang Miaomu at all.

Wang Miaomu turned his head and looked at Hu Yanyan, "You are also very good, but you are still unstable. Find a place where no one is around to practice in the future."

Hu Yanyan looked Wang Miaimu up and down, then suddenly reached out and pinched his arm.

"Brother Mu, your muscle proportions are really good."

Xiao Xiao, who was standing next to him, immediately pulled his face down.

Hu Yanyan, a woman, sees a handsome man like a dog sees shit.

As a piece of shit, Wang Miaomu pulled away his arm expressionlessly, "You can practice if you want."

"Oh, then... when are we going to practice together?" This is a public hookup.

But the man who doesn't understand the style obviously doesn't understand. Wang Miaomu turned his gaze to Xiao Xiao and said in a slightly bright voice, "I heard that there were nine people when you went out. Where are the people who went with you?"

Before everyone sets out as a team to fight zombies, they will register with the gatekeeper in case they don't know you died outside. Wang Miaomu must have seen the register at the guard office and saw the familiar names of Xiao Xiao and others.

"Dead..." After a pause, Xiao Xiao raised his finger to the trunk, "There is one left, crazy."

Apart from Xiao Xiao, Hu Yanyan, Su Baiyue and Lu Dongqing, there was only one wind power user left alive. I heard that when I encountered a zombie, I ran fast and was lucky enough to survive.

But I don’t know what kind of stimulation I received in the fantasy world, and I went crazy.

But compared to others, he was quite lucky.

Because others died immediately. Die in the illusion, die in your own inner demons.

Su Baiyue remembered what she saw in the illusion, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Lu Dongqing standing next to her.

She lowered her eyes, and delicate red marks were faintly visible on her slender arms.

If it was an illusion, where did these red marks come from

Su Baiyue clearly remembers what happened in the fantasy. She remembers Lu Dongqing's warm and familiar touch when he grabbed her, and she remembers the fruity fragrance spreading from her breath. And the slippery vines wrapped around her so tightly that she couldn't even breathe properly.

If those were really illusions, why was the touch of the vines so clear? Moreover, she clearly bitten vines in the illusion, but when she woke up, she actually bit Lu Dongqing's hand...

"Lu Dongqing." Su Baiyue carefully reached out and pulled Lu Dongqing's hand.

Lu Dongqing lowered his eyes.

After getting off the military vehicle, the look on the man's face was very pale.

He lowered his eyes to look at Su Baiyue, and lightly opened his thin lips, "Huh?" A simple word, with a delicate and hoarse voice with a final tone, came out from his throat, and went into Su Baiyue's ears with a tingling feeling. .

Su Baiyue felt something was wrong for no reason.

She raised her hand to cover her heart, "Well, what did you see in the illusion?"

If the male protagonist also enters the illusion, it means that there is really an extremely powerful zombie or person with illusion powers staying in the forest. Isn't it mentioned in this script

The man suddenly frowned and looked at Su Baiyue with a heavy gaze. Those eyes were like ink that couldn't be melted. In the gradually darkening sky, even the last bit of light disappeared.

"I saw you pushed me into the pile of zombies."

With these cold words, Su Baiyue's face suddenly turned pale. She grabbed her little hand and her body couldn't stop trembling.

Has the hero finally decided to kill her? Should he chop with an ax, kill with supernatural powers, or throw him into space to fend for himself

For a time, Su Baiyue thought a lot, and her teeth chattered with excitement.

Lu Dongqing, who was standing next to Su Baiyue, saw the little girl's face turned pale with fright and her teeth chattering. The cold look on her face suddenly disappeared.

He raised his lips slowly and raised Su Baiyue's hand extremely gently, "The reason why the illusion is called an illusion is because it is false. It is the most terrifying inner demon in people's hearts. What I fear most is Jiujiu abandoned me, but as long as Jiujiu stays by my side for the rest of his life, that inner demon will never come out."

The place where Su Baiyue and Lu Dongqing stood was very far away, and no one came over.

When she heard the man's words, she felt infinite sadness in her heart.

Does it mean that if you want to die, you have to bring out the inner demons of the male protagonist

What is the inner demon of the perverted male protagonist? Of course, in his previous life, Ning Jiujiu was pushed into a pile of zombies, and there were no bones left.

But if she wants to escape in this life, will she continue to push the male protagonist into the zombie pile

If the male protagonist accidentally gets cocked, she will be guilty of a big crime.

Su Baiyue fell into endless entanglements.

"Then, did you dream of anything else?" Su Baiyue asked tentatively: "For example, that slippery thing..."

Lu Dongqing suddenly leaned over, pressed against Su Baiyue's ear, and said in a low voice: "I dreamed about it."

"What?" Su Baiyue was excited.

Could it be that Lu Dongqing was also entangled in that perverted vine


Su Baiyue:? ?

The man continued: "It's so slippery that you can't catch it."

Su Baiyue:! ! !

She is still a child!

"Tonight, come back and sleep." The man grabbed Su Baiyue's waist and pushed her against the tree behind him.

The man's hot breath sprayed on her neck. Su Baiyue's body, which was still trembling due to the vines, could not withstand such exciting temptation, and her thin legs almost shook into sieves.

After not exercising for too long, her muscles were sore all over her body after being dragged by vines and flying around in the sky. She could shake like a seventy or eighty-year-old woman even if she bent her legs slightly.

Su Baiyue firmly believed that the vines in the fantasy world were real.

Maybe that vine is the creator of the illusion, and it does everything it can to steal clothes every day.

The rough bark scraped against Su Baiyue's body, reminding her of the touch of vines. Although the vines are much smoother and smoother than the bark, they are also so slippery that it is difficult to grasp them.

"I, consider..." Su Baiyue turned her head, revealing a pink neck with finger marks.

The man's eyes darkened, and he stretched out his hand to cover her, "Jiujiu, you don't have any powers. If Hu Yanyan catches fire at night..."

Then Su Baiyue turned into a roasted suckling pig.

A true warrior dares to face the dripping blood and face the bleak life! Su Baiyue said seriously: "I'm going to sleep with Hu Yanyan."

Lu Dongqing:…

Ha, very good.

The man's originally unattractive complexion turned even gloomier and darker at this moment.

Su Baiyue only felt that her neck was chilly.

She craned her neck and glanced in the direction of Hu Yanyan and Xiao Xiao, and found that these two people were still talking to Wang Miaomu.

Wait a minute, Wang Miaomu, Vine

She knows! Those vines belong to Wang Miaomu! This beast, beast, livestock, pig, rabbit mother raised! Bah, something worse than a pig or a rabbit!

Calling him a pig or a rabbit are insulting to such a delicious little cutie!

The author has something to say: Do you understand? Sometimes the vines are not real vines, but illusions