How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 22: Tiger Tribe (22)


Mu's mood has been very low recently, and he found that the Ayu he liked began to ignore him.

Since Ayu started to receive a lot of things, Ayu's attitude towards himself has gradually changed. It's not that Ayu likes those things, because he hasn't received them since. But he also started not accepting the things he gave to Ah Yu.

Suddenly one day, Ayu ignored her and avoided him everywhere.

Mu began to panic. Did he find out that he liked A Yu, that A Yu didn't want to accept him, so he avoided him like this

Mu was very scared. He had lived with A Yu since he was a child. He could not accept the days without A Yu, and he could not accept A Yu as a partner with other orcs.

This panic came to a head when Mu searched for several days and A Yudu refused to see him.

No, this is absolutely not possible!

Mu didn't even know what to say, his heart was in a panic, he was afraid that Ayu would leave, but he didn't have any capital to keep him, he had never felt so incompetent before.

In the next few days, Mu's mind was full of the appearance of A Yu leaving, and he was ruthless and decisive.

He likes Ayu, Ayu takes him to recuperate his body, picks herbs for him, and makes his body become as healthy as it is now. Everything is brought to him by Ayu.

But what did he give Ayu

Depression filled Mu's chest for a while.

Before Mu had recovered from this emotion, A Yu suddenly came to him.

Mu's heart was in shock except for panic. Ayu must have come over and told herself not to pester him! Let him completely cut off his thoughts about him!

No, this is absolutely not possible!

For the first time, he refused to see A Yu, thinking in his heart that there must be room for turning things around, and he must not be rejected by A Yu now.

But A Yu insisted on guarding outside the door and shouted loudly. Mu's heart throbbed for a while, and he couldn't help but walk towards the door.

Mu reluctantly stiffened his face, and let Ayu leave with a cold attitude. Looking at Ayu's sad face, Mu's heart seemed to be torn into pieces, and the pain penetrated into the bone marrow.

But he can't follow Ayu to collect medicine, and he can't give Ayu a chance to reject him.

Uneasy and extremely distressed, Mu, for the first time, went to ask his father, who he regarded as his enemy, for the first time, "Uncle As, I want to ask you a question."

Asi, who had never been treated with this attitude by Mu, was also very shocked, and asked in a gentle tone, "What's wrong?"

Mu Di painfully confessed his thoughts to Ashtan. Just after he finished speaking, there was a trace of regret in his heart. How could he tell him what he liked about Ayu? It certainly won't do him any good if he knows.

But beyond Mu's expectations, Asi told him the way to pursue females with a loving look on his face.

"All females like a plant in the forest very much, called Dream Flower...", Asi described the shape and growth location of Dream Flower in detail to him, "Dream Flower is something that all females only dream of. , it represents pure love and a supreme commitment."

There was a hint of vigilance in Mu's heart, "But why haven't I heard of it?"

Asi smiled, "I forgot for a while, this dream flower is the divine flower in our Snake Tribe, and there is no record of this kind of flower in the Tiger Tribe."

Mu nodded. Although he wanted to take it off and give it to Ayu, he did not act rashly because of his vigilance against Asi.

But this day he finally couldn't sit still.

"I heard that the little orc picked up the moon fruit and wanted to give it to Ayu. Ayu is really lucky. There are so many little orcs who like it."

Mu was anxious, and when he thought that A Yu would receive a gift from others, Mu could not wait to rush up to stop him.

He didn't care what tricks Asi would do any more, he turned and left the house and headed for the forest.

Seeing Mu's leaving back, Asi smiled meaningfully.

Mu walked towards the depths of the forest according to the route that Asi told him. He dealt with several small beasts on the way, and finally arrived at the place where Menglihua was before noon.

The blue petals are clear and transparent, dream-like and beautiful.

Mu was stunned for a while.

He cautiously leaned forward, only to feel a sweet and greasy fragrance that was completely incompatible with the pure flowers, which made Mu instantly feel dizzy, and his eyes were a little dry.

Mu frowned suspiciously, but finally shook his head and carefully picked the flowers.

At this moment, Mu suddenly felt that a fire burst out from his body, burning roaringly.

He felt hot, unbearable from his chest to his limbs.

Even the exhaled breath was extremely hot, as if it could burn through the blue flowers in front of him.

Mu only felt the endless restlessness, and he wanted to vent all the fire in his body.

Hot and stuffy.

I really want to…

I miss Ayu...

Thinking of Ah Yu's appearance, Mu's throat seemed to have been burned by fire, burning and thirsty.

He wants to take off A Yu's clothes and press them hard!

It's not enough, it's not enough!

Only then did Mu fully understand that he had fallen into Asi's trap, and he immediately threw the little blue flower in his hand.

But it's too late.