How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 28: The evolutionary history of loyal dogs (1)


Duan Jingzhe looked blankly at the young man covered in embarrassment at his feet, recalling what had just happened.

He is a researcher, a mechatronics researcher.

Today he was in the lab experimenting with how to improve the robot's flexibility when suddenly the lab exploded.

Inexplicably, he came to such a place.

He stared blankly at the wall of light that appeared in his mind.

"Influence the villain?"

Duan Jingzhe slowly shifted his gaze to the person under his feet and looked at it calmly.

After a long while, he pulled him and dragged him into the laboratory next to him.

Looking at the young man who was constantly bleeding out, oh, that light wall said it was called Dong Qingzhan, Duan Jingzhe silently judged his death index in his heart.

Conclusion: If the wound is not bandaged, it will die.

If he dies, according to the light on the wall, he will not be able to live.

Duan Jingzhe lowered his eyes expressionlessly, and dragged out a medicine box from the cabinet next to him.

The movements are skillful and smooth to bandage the wounds of the young man, but the movements always seem to be a bit inconsistent, like a well-input program, but the skill lacks some anger.

After Duan Jingzhe finished bandaging, he looked up and down the bandaged body, paused for a while, as if thinking of something, found a nutritional supplement from the side, dragged his head, and fed the nutritional supplement .

Seeing that the pale complexion was getting better, Duan Jingzhe slowly put down his hand and turned to the experimental bench next to him without hesitation.

As if the one behind him was not an injured person, but just a mechanical part to be dealt with.

Duan Jingzhe, who turned around, looked at the half-finished mecha model on the experimental bench, and there was a hint of frenzy in his eyes.

The place Duan Jingzhe was in was an abandoned factory on Planet Amir. Within a few hundred kilometers, there were piles of scrap iron and no one lived there.

Duan Jingzhe's current body happened to have the same name as him, also called "Duan Jingzhe", and he was also an obsessed with mechatronics.

The difference is that this "Duan Jingzhe" came from a poor family. His parents left him due to an accident when he was four years old. He was raised by the orphanage until he was twelve years old, and then he went out to pick up some odd jobs and earn money to support him. Own.

By chance, "Duan Jingzhe" found a job on mecha. His job at the time was not simple, it was the installation of the foot joints of a mecha model. If it weren't for the fact that the factory couldn't meet the deadline, it wouldn't let a novice take on such a job.

It's just that no one thought that a child who didn't grow all the hair would have such a high talent in this regard.

Just a demonstration, he can assemble those parts very skillfully, and it takes only a little more time than a skilled worker.

After assembling it three or four times, "Duan Jingzhe" was even half as fast as a skilled worker.

The factory master was very happy after seeing this. He not only took care of his lunch and dinner, but even raised his salary. Of course, there is more work to be handed over to "Duan Jingzhe".

"Duan Jingzhe", who had just come out to find a temporary job, stayed here forever.

From the initial joint parts, to the final assembly of the whole body, and even the adjustment of circuit welding in the middle, "Duan Jingzhe" has mastered everything in just six years.

And "Duan Jingzhe"'s feelings for mecha have changed from purely making money to a fanatical pursuit.

He longed to get in touch with the real mecha.

Become a real mecha maker.

The mecha models made by their factory are actually just children's toys, and of course they are considered to be high-end toys. The mecha model is completely imitated by the mecha, except that it cannot be used by people and the function is greatly reduced, the others are comparable to the real mecha.

The mecha model is produced to cultivate children's mecha awareness from an early age.

The mental strength of children is not enough to drive the real mecha, and in order to exercise the ability of these children from an early age, the mecha model came into being. They combined with the children's consciousness and made a series of actions according to the children's instructions. .

"Duan Jingzhe" had inadvertently watched the mecha combat video played in the factory during meal time.

The imposing manner of the real mech and the mech model is simply worlds apart.

The magnificent momentum instantly captured the heart of "Duan Jingzhe", he wanted to be a real mecha maker, not just stay on the model.

By chance, "Duan Jingzhe" found the current abandoned factory, which contains an abandoned laboratory. "Duan Jingzhe" was excited to discover that this laboratory was doing mecha research!

So he settled here.

During the day, he assembles the mecha models in the factory, and at night, he spends sleepless nights in this research institute checking the various materials left behind before.

Such a beautiful day made him smile even during a short sleep.

Suddenly one day, the owner of the factory gave him a notice.

"Child, I know your talent in this area, and I know your love for mechas." The factory manager looked at him lovingly, "You are still young, unlike us old men, you still have An opportunity to pursue your dreams.”

"This is the admission letter from Mullis Mecha Academy, you can go there and have a look." The factory director touched "Duan Jingzhe"'s head and looked at him expectantly.

Duan Jingzhe browsed the pictures in his memory, and the movements in his hands stagnated for a while, and the cold face that had always been like a robot was suddenly infected with a touch of warmth, but it disappeared in an instant.

There is still a month before he goes to Mullis Mecha Academy, and he still has a month to continue his research on "Duan Jingzhe".

When Dong Qingzhan woke up, he saw such a picture - a thin young man surrounded by a desolate atmosphere staring at the test bench frantically, moving his hands quickly, flexibly assembling the parts on the test bench quickly, two One hand flipped up and down, like a gorgeous performance.

Dong Qingzhan's eyes were full of bloodthirsty light, he licked his lips, and the expression on his face was full of tyranny.

Those hands are so beautiful.

I really want to - chop them up and keep them.

Dong Qingzhan narrowed his eyes dangerously, tightened his body, ready to step forward at any time to knock down the young man in front of him and chop off his hands. Just as he was about to draw out the laser gun behind him, his whole body suddenly froze.

Dong Qingzhan's eyes suddenly widened, and his tyrannical eyes were full of disbelief.

Why would I be wrapped into a dumpling!

Dong Qingzhan's tyrannical eyes were immediately full of bloodshots, extremely terrifying.

He stopped, looked at the surrounding environment with those blood-red eyes, and finally moved to the thin young man.

He remembers being shot down by the Star Guard, and seems to have fallen around an abandoned factory before losing consciousness.

Dongqingzhan's eyes are full of dangerous storms. He has never been so embarrassed before. As a famous star thief in the interstellar, his team will be defeated by the Interstellar Guard? !

Their route of action this time has changed several times, and it is impossible for anyone other than themselves to know, and those Star Guards clearly set up a lot of ambushes for themselves on the planet Temir.

The air around Dong Qingzhan's body tightened, and there was a flash of ruthlessness in his eyes.

It seems that there are worms that eat inside and outside.

He didn't even know that there was such a person seeking death in his team!

Dong Qingzhan's eyes glowed red, and his body was filled with a ferocious aura.

Now in this situation, Dong Qingzhan looked at his right hand that was tied into a zongzi, his face suddenly stiffened, his ferocity receded, and the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

It seems that he should have been saved by the beautiful collection in front

Dong Qingzhan lowered his eyes slightly, hiding the deep suspicion in his eyes.

In just an instant, Dong Qingzhan's aura became wild and tyrannical.

"Come here!" Dong Qingzhan kicked down the metal shelf next to him with his only movable right foot.

There was a loud bang, and the various items placed in the dilapidated laboratory shook in unison.

The deafening voice slammed into his ears, Dong Qingzhan couldn't help frowning, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his wild beast-like eyes.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't kick this shelf.

Really annoying.

Dong Qingzhan was in a very unhappy mood, so he waited for the beautiful collection to receive a lesson and gave him a hard lesson.

As a result, until the sound of the shelves hitting the ground slowly disappeared, the laboratory was silent.

The movements of the thin young man in front of him did not stop at all.

It was as if he didn't feel the sound from his side at all.

Dong Qingzhan was instantly irritable.

The red and tyrannical eyes looked at the thin young man in disbelief.

No one has ever dared to ignore him like this!

"Come here!" Dong Qingzhan had forgotten that he was annoyed by the sound of the shelf hitting the floor just now, moved his body, and kicked down a shelf again in a rage.

"Boom!!!", the loud voice stimulated Dong Qingzhan's eardrums, but he didn't care about it, he just stared at the thin young man, and when he saw his figure, he paused, and Dong Qingzhan was quite content. squinted his eyes.

However, Duan Jingzhe just paused, and continued his work without even turning his head back.

Dongqingzhan "… "

He only felt a surge of anger go straight to the top of his head from his chest.

Repeated the action just now.

Until the four surrounding shelves had been kicked by him, and the eardrums were shaken with a burning pain, Dong Qingzhan didn't see any reaction from the thin young man to him.

The anger in Dong Qingzhan's heart was completely shaken by these loud noises, and he said weakly in the direction of the thin young man, "Hey..."

The thin young man slowly turned around, a hint of doubt appeared on his expressionless face, "Is something wrong?"

Dongqingzhan "… "