How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 38: The evolutionary history of loyal dogs (11)


Duan Jingzhe left the noisy crowd and walked to the location of the second test without hesitation.

Test of theoretical knowledge.

There are multiple testers in the exam hall. When there is someone in front of the tester, four light walls will rise around him to wrap the person inside.

Duan Jingzhe received the magnetic card for this round of exams from the teacher, then walked to an unmanned machine and swiped at the card slot in front of the instrument.

The surrounding area immediately surrounded, and the test questions were also displayed on the screen of the tester in front of him.

Duan Jingzhe's expressionless face instantly filled with brilliance.

A pair of dark eyes sparkled.

After all the test questions were done, Duan Jingzhe was still a little unfulfilled, and walked out of the test room where the wall of light had been lowered.

[no.1 Duan Jingzhe Score: 100 Grade: Excellent] At this time, Duan Jingzhe's score was also displayed on the light curtain in the hall.

Almost as soon as the results came out, everyone was shocked.

"Oh... my God, there must be something wrong with my eyes, I actually saw a full score appear... "

"There may be something wrong with my eyes...", the person next to him said blankly.

"...Isn't it saying that no one has ever scored more than 80 on the Mullis theory test, why is there a full score this time!" A tall young man stared at the light curtain in a stunned manner.

"How could it be possible to get a full score in the test? Could it be that there is a problem with the machine?" A person said sourly, with a very angry expression on his face. His usual grades are so good, this time he only scored 67 points, how could someone get a perfect score!

The invigilator next to him was obviously unable to recover, rubbed his eyes, and stared at the light curtain that announced the results.

From disbelief to ecstasy, the invigilator's face became more and more red with excitement.

"Fantastic! This time, Professor Zhang, the student, will definitely be satisfied!"

The theoretical test of Mullis Mecha Academy involved fifty-six professional textbooks, and the book list of these fifty-six professional textbooks has already been announced.

It's not that no one has memorized these books carefully, but because it takes too long and a lot of knowledge is very biased, although I have memorized a lot, it is not worth the loss.

A senior who graduated once said that it took him three years to memorize all the fifty-six textbooks, but during the five years of studying in the Mecha Academy, more than 90 of the fifty-six textbooks were over. % knowledge is not used at all.

Since the best score for everyone is only 80, and the average person in the test can also be admitted, why do you need to study these textbooks specially

Therefore, in the theoretical examination stage of Mullis Mecha Academy, there have been no students with full marks for many years.

At this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

"There must be something wrong with this exam! I'm not convinced!"

The crowd was silent for a while, and then they all looked at him with the eyes of a fool.

That man's face was flushed red, no, it should be a lot of people who think the same as me, how can no one agree with me!

A kind-hearted boy next to him patted him on the shoulder, "The testing instruments of Mullis College are controlled by the central optical brain. All the questions are randomly selected before the exam, and there can be no problems."

The person who was unconvinced about the concept of the central light brain still knew. At that time, he immediately wanted to find a crack to crawl in, shrinking his body and constantly retreating, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

But after doing this, the scene calmed down.

Start looking for people who got perfect marks on the exam.

"It's him!" A person pointed to Duan Jingzhe who was walking outside and said, "I just saw that the light curtain was refreshed when he came out."

Everyone's eyes flashed on Duan Jingzhe.

When everyone saw it clearly, everyone was silent for a while, and then became irritable.

At this time, Duan Jingzhe still maintained a very lost state because he could not continue to do the questions.

Looking at the very obvious loss of expression, everyone can't wait to go up and beat him!

What the hell! You got a perfect score in the test and you are lost! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻Duan Jingzhe felt these hot gazes and looked at them hesitantly.

Everyone held their breath.

For a while, is this person arrogant and arrogant, or is he humbly saying that he is just a fluke.

It's just that after everyone waited for a while, they only saw the man nodded to them expressionlessly, and then turned and left decisively.

… FUCK! You are not the leader of the inspection and you nod your hair! What about your words! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ At this time, Jingzhe's heart was tangled.

Unexpectedly, the planet of Mullis has so much etiquette, just leaving the exam room, not letting go without saying hello.

It's really troublesome...

The invigilator hesitated for a while watching Duan Jingzhe leave, and finally sighed and stayed in his seat.

"Professor Zhang doesn't like people greeting him in advance, let's forget it. This student must be very talented, and Professor Zhang will not miss it."

However, if this invigilator can predict the future, I am afraid that he will slap himself immediately.

When Duan Jingzhe left the place where the theoretical knowledge was tested, the group of people who had been watching in the physical examination room also came here.

Of course, including Lu Liangjun.

As soon as he arrived, he heard the noise of the people around him discussing something. After hearing it clearly, he turned his eyes gloomily to the extremely dazzling light curtain.

[no.1 Duan Jingzhe Score: 100 Grade: Excellent] He clenched his fists tightly, and the expression on his face was terrifying.

But in just a moment, he regained his composure and even smiled slightly. This sudden change made the attendant next to him look horrified.

"Fortunately, I said hello in advance. What if your theoretical knowledge is perfect?"

While the other candidates were still discussing silently, Duan Jingzhe had already reached the third and final test site.

This is an interview.

This interview is divided into two stages in total, and a total of two teachers are required to consider before the final result can be obtained.

There are two light rooms in the center of the hall, the light room on the left needs to be entered first, and the one on the right is where the final grades are made.

Duan Jingzhe stood in line directly in front of the first light room.

After about 20 minutes, all the people in front of Duan Jingzhe had finished their interviews. He swiped the magnetic card in his hand on the door, and the light wall revealed a small door for one person to enter and exit.

This is a space of about thirty square meters, with a brown metal table in the middle, and a middle-aged man sitting behind the table.

Seeing the candidate information displayed on the desktop screen, the middle-aged man's eyes flashed.

"Your name is Duan Jingzhe?"

Duan Jingzhe nodded expressionlessly.

The middle-aged man quickly clicked on the light screen, found some information to ask, and began to ask Duan Jingzhe questions.

"You can go to the next teacher for an interview," the middle-aged man said without looking up.

Duan Jingzhe nodded expressionlessly, then turned and left.

Duan Jingzhe, who walked out of the door, was a little puzzled. Why did this teacher always ask him some obvious questions? It always ends with "right or wrong".

However, Duan Jingzhe is also very satisfied. He doesn't like it and is not used to talking more. This kind of question obviously only needs to be answered in one word. Although he feels something is wrong, he still likes it very much.

The middle-aged man helped the gold-wire glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked at the exam comments on the screen coldly.

"I don't respect the teacher, and I don't have high enthusiasm for mecha research. It is recommended not to pass."

He calmly hooked the corner of his mouth and clicked send.

Light room on the other side.

"The quality of the students is getting worse and worse now! Look at the student evaluations that Xiao Gao sent me just now!" An old professor in the light room blew his beard and stared at him with anger, "The study attitude is not correct, but Come to Mullis for the exam!"

"Where are we Mullis!"

"No, this student must not have it!"

The young assistant next to him looked at Professor Zhang's anger, and hurriedly stepped forward to support him, patted him on the back and said, "Don't be angry, Professor Zhang, Teacher Gao has always been stricter, maybe that student wasn't like that either. unbearable."

The old professor stared at him, "What is Xiao Gao strict? I look at him and he is too tolerant! Even he said that he has a bad attitude in learning and disrespects the teacher. What a serious kid!"

"No, I despise this kind of person with a bad attitude! As soon as he comes, you shoot him out!"

"This...", the young assistant looked embarrassed.

"What is this! I can't make you any more!" The old professor blew his beard and stared, his face full of anger.

Seeing that the old professor was very angry, the young assistant immediately responded.

"Okay, I'll see this student in a moment, and I won't let him in to make you angry!"

"Hmph, that's almost it!" The old professor snorted from his nose and turned back to his seat.

The young assistant looked bitter and went out to lock the door.

The light room where the old professor and the young assistant are located has two compartments, while the old professor stays in the inner compartment. Candidates need to pass the young assistant first before going to the inner compartment for an interview.

When Duan Jingzhe came in, he saw a face full of sympathy.

Duan Jingzhe blinked, expressionless.

"Cough...", the young assistant coughed unnaturally while staring at the information on the light screen, "I have read your information, and Teacher Gao has also commented on you, you can look at the light screen in the hall later for the specific results. "

Duan Jingzhe blinked blankly, why is this over

Although he was puzzled, Duan Jingzhe nodded and turned to leave.

outside the hall.

Duan Jingzhe found a seat and sat down, clicked on his contactor and began to check some professional information about the mecha.

There is still about an hour before the results are announced, and he needs to wait patiently here.

During this period, the candidates also came out of the test room one after another, and took their seats one by one.

Some of them recognized Duan Jingzhe, pulled the person next to him and pointed at Duan Jingzhe and whispered.

And the yellow-haired young man Duan Jingzhe met when he happened to sign up also came out of the test room, and his eyes lit up when he saw where he was concentrating on reading the information.

"Hey! Brother!" He slapped Duan Jingzhe on the shoulder.

He responded with a bewildered look.

"You did well on the test! I saw it on the light screen, you actually got a perfect score on the theory test! You are not a person! No wonder you can memorize all the test instructions, you must have a super good memory. I am super I admire you!"

Duan Jingzhe was silent for a while, and then asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

This person seems to be very familiar with him, has he met

The yellow-haired youth twitched the corners of his mouth, his face full of black lines, "I was in front of you when we signed up, we even talked!"

He took back what he just said about the man's memory.

Even people who have just met can't remember, what kind of memory is this!

Just as the young man with yellow hair and Duan Jingzhe were chatting, the light curtain outside the hall suddenly lit up, and a pleasant reminder sounded in the hall.

"The test results have been released, all candidates are requested to check at the light curtain in the hall. Candidates who have passed, please go to Area A to go through the admission procedures!"

There was a commotion outside the hall, and all the candidates hurriedly gathered next to the light curtain.

Duan Jingzhe also stood up.