How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 40: The evolutionary history of loyal dogs (13)


"You... you are", the yellow-haired youth's face changed from bewilderment to surprise.

Duan Jingzhe was at a loss.

"Why, can't you recognize me?" The man smiled, his peach eyes slightly raised.

The yellow-haired youth blushed, pulled Duan Jingzhe's sleeve, and said in a low voice, "This is the teacher in charge of registration."

"Oh," Duan Jingzhe nodded expressionlessly.

"I saw on the light screen just now that you didn't pass the academy's exam," the teacher in charge of registration joked, "Would you like to be my student?"

"I have the qualification to bring a student. Although I can't follow the academy, the equipment and laboratory of the academy can be used. I am fully responsible for your course professor."

Duan Jingzhe's eyes lit up as soon as he heard that "you can use the equipment and laboratory of the academy".

"it is good"

Hearing this, the teacher hooked the corner of his mouth, and his rippling eyes were truly provocative.

The yellow-haired youth next to him watched with heat rising, and the tips of his ears were red and transparent. He felt that his nose was a little hot, and immediately lowered his head, not daring to look again.

When I signed up, I just thought this teacher looked a little better, but I didn't expect him to smile like this...

Imagining the irritating appearance of the teacher, the yellow-haired youth immediately covered his nose, only to feel a heat flow down his nose.

"That... I'll go to the toilet first," the yellow-haired youth said in a muffled voice, covering his nose, and fled away without even daring to lift his head.

The teacher, however, seemed to be taken aback by this situation, squinting a pair of charming peach blossom eyes, and approached Duan Jingzhe.

A handsome face was no more than two centimeters away from Duan Jingzhe's nose, and he blew an ambiguous breath in his ear.

"I said we would meet again."

Duan Jingzhe's usually expressionless face was full of entanglements.

His face turned red and white, but he couldn't hold back in the end.

"... teacher, you didn't brush your teeth..."

The teacher's suave face that smiled just now froze.

He stood up straight and his face was cold.

"Okay, since you agree, come with me and I'll take you to register."

Duan Jingzhe blinked, feeling a little confused about the teacher's sudden change of attitude.

Following the teacher to the student registration office to register the information, the teacher's face was always indifferent on the way.

After registering the information, the teacher led him directly to the dormitory building, threw him a key with a cold face and left.

"Stay here well, I'll come and pick you up tomorrow!"

Duan Jingzhe just wanted to nod his head, but found that the teacher had gone so far that he was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh", Duan Jingzhe still said the answer that was one step too late.

Duan Jingzhe opened the door with the key and put his luggage on the table.

This is a room of about fifty square meters, one bedroom and one living room, with bathroom and kitchen.

The decoration is very good, and it feels very comfortable at first glance.

Duan Jingzhe blinked, and he couldn't help but take a second glance at him, who never cared much about foreign affairs.

This school dormitory is really good, which is much better than the residence he assigned in the research institute in the last life.

It's just that there are two separate single beds in the bedroom, and at a glance, you know that there is another person in this dormitory.

However, there is obviously no one else in the dormitory, it seems that his roommate has not come to live.

Duan Jingzhe had very little luggage, except for his contactor, there were only a few tubes of nutrients and a set of clothes left. He basically didn't have much placement, just went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then lay down to rest.

Although I slept a lot in the spaceship along the way, the comfort is obviously much worse than that on the ground.

So Duan Jingzhe, who has always been obsessed with mecha experiments, couldn't bear it and fell asleep directly.

the next day.

The biological clock made Duan Jingzhe wake up at 6 in the morning. After taking a tube of nutritional supplements, he turned on his contactor.

There are many assembly and processing videos of mecha parts in his contactor.

When he has nothing to do, he will open these videos to learn. Although he has no parts to use now, it is good to be familiar with it.

After watching a video of the assembly of the mecha wrist parts, Duan Jingzhe closed his eyes and recalled every detail in the video just now.

As if a movie was being played back, a metal table appeared in my mind. Following Duan Jingzhe's silent recitation, one part after another appeared on the table, a total of 45 parts. In his mind, every part is clearly visible, the size of every notch, the position of every marble and the real part are exactly the same.

Thin wisps cleared the last part, and thin beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Frowning slightly, Duan Jingzhe began to draw in his mind the materials and fluxes needed to assemble the parts, and carefully held their weight.

All the materials were prepared, and Duan Jingzhe started assembling according to the order in the video. A pair of hands condensed in my mind, and picked up the most basic part of the wrist joint - the ring-shaped frame.

The so-called ring frame is not just a part, but a group of twelve arc-shaped discs. They are combined by a link button. Through the engagement of the link button, the wrist joint can not only achieve flexible rotation, but also ensure The force is evenly distributed, making the entire wrist joint more defensive.

The parts of the mech are assembled by a rigid outer frame, and the interior is controlled by some small parts to control its flexibility. The quality of a mecha part depends on the quality of its material, and the flexibility of the part. The assembly of the small parts inside is the most important part of determining the flexibility.

Duan Jingzhe controlled the other hand in his mind and picked up a part on the left. The part had a notch on the top and a spiral pattern on the inside, which just matched a place on the ring frame.

The installation of this part is very skillful, and direct installation is not possible. Because of the texture on the inner side, when installing the part, it needs to be rotated 45 degrees to the left and then quickly pressed down to the half of the bulge, because there is an organic structure on the inner side of the ring-shaped frame, and the inner texture of the part is pressed somewhere. , a metal pin will pop out of the protrusion to jam the part. If the stop position is wrong, the metal needle will directly hit the wall of the part due to the huge elastic force and cause damage.

The other parts are somewhat different from this, but they are all very technical. A slight error can lead to the scrapping of the entire part.

Duan Jingzhe controlled the hand in his mind to hold the parts to the ring-shaped frame, and there was more and more cold sweat on his forehead. He carefully placed the part on the bulge and rotated it 45 degrees.

Press hard!

One exerted too much force, and the parts directly reached two-thirds of the way. What followed was a muffled sound.

The metal needle has been hit and broken.

Duan Jingzhe's head suddenly throbbed.

At this moment, the mental strength tester behind him suddenly burst into a bright light.

Duan Jingzhe did not notice the abnormality behind him, he lay on the bed weakly, his whole body soaked in cold sweat.

Just then, the doorbell of the dormitory rang suddenly.

Duan Jingzhe opened his eyes with some effort, and walked to the door panting.

Opening the door was a handsome face, with peach blossom eyes that were swirling upwards slightly, full of temptation.

Duan Jingzhe's face was a little dazed, and he always felt that the person in front of him looked familiar.

"… Who are you?"

Finding that he was not remembered again, the man outside the door was not angry, but laughed, and turned around neatly and entered the room. With a light push with his right hand, Duan Jingzhe, who had no strength, was directly pressed against the wall. He put his hands on Duan Jingzhe's sides and got close.

However, when he got close, he suddenly found the clothes soaked in cold sweat, and the action of getting close immediately stopped, and he let Duan Jingzhe out in disgust.

"Why did you run away in the morning, how did you get so sweaty?" He wrinkled his nose in disgust, and found Duan Jingzhe's puzzled face, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, "I'm your teacher, I just saw you yesterday, why? I don't remember again."

"I'll give you one last chance. If you still can't remember my face after today, you don't have to follow me to learn in the future."

Duan Jingzhe's expression froze, his eyes fixed on the young teacher.

The teacher was stared at and felt uncomfortable. He picked up Duan Jingzhe's back collar and threw him directly into the bathroom.

"Wash it up and come out again. Don't let me see you sloppy again in the future."

After Duan Jingzhe finished packing, it was already noon. After he came out of the bathroom, he found that his young teacher was holding a round object in the bedroom thoughtfully.

After taking a closer look, Duan Jingzhe found that this was a small mental strength tester in the bedroom. Yesterday, he played with it for a while out of curiosity, and threw it directly by the bed before going to bed.

"You used it just now?" the young teacher asked.

Duan Jingzhe shook his head, thought for a moment, and then said, "I used it last night."

Hearing this, the young teacher didn't know what to think, the corners of his mouth curled up, and the raised peach blossom eyes were rippling. He threw the tester on the bedside table next to him, his movements dashing and handsome.

"You pack up and come with me"

13th Floor, Building B, District A.

"This is my office, and I will teach you classes here in the future." The young teacher pointed to a seat, "You sit first"

Duan Jingzhe sat down in response.

"The courses I teach are on the morning of 135 and the afternoon of 246. I am teaching those students at that time, and I have no time for you. But on the afternoon of 135 and the morning of 246, you need to Come to me and listen to the class." When it came to business, the young teacher's playful expression disappeared, replaced by a serious look.

Duan Jingzhe nodded.

"Although today is the weekend, since you've all come here, I'll give you the first lesson."

"I have seen your admission results, your physique is barely passing, the theoretical knowledge test is full, but the interview score is zero." The young teacher paused when he said here, carefully observed Duan Jingzhe's expression, and found that there was no What's wrong, he curled his lips a little boringly, "Do you know what your interview score of zero means?"

"It means that the teacher who interviewed you was very dissatisfied with you."

"Although I don't know why this happens, it is obviously very abnormal. Not to mention that your theoretical grades are very good, it is impossible for you to be speechless by the teacher during the interview. Besides, even if it is Students who fail the theory test have never had a zero score on the theory test."

"There must be something tricky about this," the young teacher squinted his seductive eyes and said slowly, "but it's not my responsibility to know what's going on. If you want to find out, just You have to find out for yourself."

Duan Jingzhe nodded and looked blankly at the teacher who was waiting to see the show.

Next, the young teacher did not talk about other aspects, but gave Duan Jingzhe a very serious lesson.

"Your theoretical knowledge is perfect, and you must have a good understanding of the fifty-six professional books published. I will not give a detailed explanation of the contents. As for the "Federal History", you must not be interested, either. It's no use."

"I'll generally tell you some basic knowledge here."

"In the past, human beings lived on a planet called the earth, which is the mother planet of human beings. With the progress and development of science and technology, human beings have researched interstellar spaceships, and since then they have begun to explore space. In this exploration, Humans have discovered a habitable star with an ecological environment similar to Earth."

"At the same time as human beings rejoiced, they also discovered another terrifying creature, the interstellar zerg. The shape of the interstellar zerg is very similar to various insects on the earth, but their size is hundreds of times larger, and they have terrifying features. Attack power. Humans do not have weapons against this kind of interstellar zerg, and can only rely on the weapons on the spaceship to fight against these bugs. However, because these bugs are very flexible, the mobility of the spaceship is very poor, which has also led to human beings in An absolute disadvantage against the zerg."

"In order to target this huge and flexible creature, the mecha came into being. And over the years, the mecha has gradually differentiated into a combat mecha and a working mecha from the very beginning."

"These two types of mechas are very different, and the difficulty and cost of production are also very different. Because of the different application fields, the difference between working mechas is also not small. The general working mechas are mainly based on hand movements. , so the flexibility of the upper limbs requires a lot of work. And a lot of work is carried out in one place, so this kind of working mecha has few legs, so the lower limbs of the working mecha are generally Replaced by crawlers."

"And our school teaches the manufacture of combat mechas."

"Battle-type mechas have the same physique as humans, and they are also graded from f to s. Generally, their grades are determined based on the mecha's defense power, attack power, and mecha's flexibility."

Speaking of this, the young teacher paused and gave Duan Jingzhe a meaningful look, "Based on the physique you measured during the exam, it is estimated that no matter how hard you work, you will only be able to create an E-rank mecha in your life."

"E-level in physique and D-level in mental strength. Basically, you just stepped on the bottom line of recruiting students. You are also lucky enough to have no chance to study."

Duan Jingzhe nodded, and answered very honestly, "Yes."

The young teacher raised his eyebrows, his eyes were full of interest, "But things are unpredictable, and it's not that such a person who breaks the rules has never happened. Since I brought you into this school, you have to give me a good fight. !"

Duan Jingzhe's expression became serious, and he said "yes" respectfully.

The young teacher laughed abruptly, and his particularly attractive peach eyes turned slightly, "I'll give you some information, go back and see for yourself."

"I see that you are not in good spirits, so I won't go to the laboratory to assemble it. Take a good rest today, and come to me tomorrow, and I will take you to the laboratory."

After all, the young teacher fiddled with the contactor on his wrist. Almost at the same time, Duan Jingzhe received a folder on his contactor.

"The information I gave you is all the parts of the a series, and the information has their schematic diagram and content structure. There are 108 parts in the a series, I know your memory is good, your task today is to go back and get the information of these 108 parts Memorize them all, and I'll check them tomorrow."

The young teacher suddenly gave a slightly malicious smile, "You don't want to know what will happen if you don't finish the task."

Duan Jingzhe nodded solemnly and saved the documents he received.

"Okay, let's go, come here to find me tomorrow afternoon," the young teacher waved his hand.

Duan Jingzhe did not move, staring at him blankly.

"What else do you do?" The young teacher raised an eyebrow.

"I'm remembering your face"

After Duan Jingzhe went back, he found out how rich the content of the information given by the teacher was. Although Duan Jingzhe has a good memory, it obviously takes a lot of time to read these.

The so-called look at his spirit is not good, so let him come back to rest well and purebred is bluffing.

Because Duan Jingzhe stayed up all night reading these materials, he reluctantly finished reading it, and stayed up until 11 in the morning.

Duan Jingzhe just lay down for two hours when he got up from the bed with a pair of very obvious dark circles under his eyes. He took out the last tube of nutritional supplements he brought from his backpack, and hurried to the teacher's office while eating.

Seeing Duan Jingzhe's state, the young teacher was obviously very satisfied, and his puzzling peach eyes narrowed slightly.

"Very well, it looks like you were very attentive yesterday."

"Follow me and I'll take you to the lab."

The laboratory is a little far from the teacher's office, so you need to leave the building and walk through a long corridor to get there.

"This whole building is a place for experiments, but each laboratory is equipped with different materials, that is, the assembled mecha parts are different. You can come to me to get the permissions of these laboratories. A laboratory assessment standard, you can come to me and ask for the access permission of the next laboratory."

Duan Jingzhe followed the teacher into the first laboratory.

The young teacher used his contact device to brush the door on the side, and the metal door shrunk directly to the ground. After the two people completely entered, the door rose again.

"The mecha part set up in this laboratory is the calf part of the mecha", the teacher clicked on the light screen of the laboratory, pointed to the mechanical calf displayed on it and said, "Although the calf part of the mecha is larger, he The flexibility of the hand is far less demanding than the hand, and his support is not as good as the thigh part. So this part requires the fewest parts, and it is also the easiest part of the entire mech manufacturing."

As soon as Duan Jingzhe entered the laboratory, his eyes began to light up. Looking at the parts, he was very excited. Hearing the teacher's speech at this time, he changed his expressionless face and nodded excitedly.

The young teacher is obviously very satisfied with Duan Jingzhe's current performance, with a smile on his face, "Among the 108 parts of the a series that I showed you yesterday, 34 are needed for the calf part. This a series of 34 parts Completely constitutes the calf of the mecha."

"Now I'll show you the assembly of the calf section."

The young teacher led Duan Jingzhe to the experimental bench.

A row of rectangular metal boxes are neatly placed on the experimental table, and each metal box has a corresponding code on it.

The teacher directly brushed on one of the boxes with his own contactor, and opened the metal box, which contained 34 parts of the a series.

"Do you know the number of each part?" The teacher picked up an I-shaped part in the box.

"a-s09-04", Duan Jingzhe read out the part number almost subconsciously.

He didn't sleep last night, all the numbers and structures of these parts were in his mind, and he himself had simulated the appearance and internal structure of the parts in his mind. He imagined it in his own mind, and then he would deal with the data. Duan Jingzhe has gone through hundreds of ideas from the initial mistakes to being able to clearly present each part in his mind.

So much so that now he sees that these parts are basically in a state of conditioned reflex.

"What about these?" The teacher pointed to the parts in the metal box one by one, and Duan Jingzhe quickly said their numbers.

"Very good", there was a hint of satisfaction and surprise in the slightly picked peach blossom eyes of the young teacher, "Next, please remember my assembly steps."

After that, he picked up one of the parts and moved his hands quickly.

After only ten minutes, a complete calf part was assembled.

Duan Jingzhe was shocked, so fast!

He has seen the assembly video of various mecha parts, but none of the videos can be assembled as fast as the teacher.

The teacher seemed to know what he was thinking, and explained slowly, "For mecha builders, one of the physical fitness tests for getting started is physical strength and the other is mental strength. These two qualities are extremely important in mecha manufacturing."

"One part may take a person for half a day. If you have poor physical fitness, you will not be able to hold on at all. Once there is an error due to lack of physical strength, the entire part will be completely destroyed. Many parts are made for flexibility reasons. There are some internal organs. Once you assemble one of them, you must assemble the next part within a certain period of time. As for mental power, it is a very important existence during your assembly. Your mental power determines your observation. , if your mental power is strong enough, you can control the internal changes of each part in a very subtle way, so as to better control the timing of assembly."

Duan Jingzhe nodded seriously.

"But there is one more thing, it is not listed separately for assessment, and no one even specifically proposed it." The teacher paused, "That is hand speed!"

"Hand speed?" Duan Jingzhe was a little dazed. He had heard the word, but it was in the mecha warrior's tutorial.

"Yes", the teacher moved his fingers, "This word appears more often in the mecha combat department, but it is rarely seen in mecha manufacturing. But in fact, not only their control requires hands Hurry up, our assembly needs more!"

"Even the most basic parts will have more than two small organs. Only when they are connected to the most suitable position with the most suitable force will the flexibility of this part be higher. Some people's mental power is very powerful and can control it. Parts change, but because their hands are so slow, when they move, it’s often past the best time.”

Duan Jingzhe's eyes lit up, no wonder he always felt powerless when he was working in the former factory.

He has always known what went wrong, but he has never been able to find a solution. It turns out that he is just not fast enough!

"Moreover," the teacher continued, "it is difficult to improve physical and mental strength, but there are ways to practice hand speed."

It has been half a month since the teacher took Duan Jingzhe to the laboratory.

During this half-month period, Duan Jingzhe learned that the teacher's surname was Dong, and he was an associate professor of the Mecha Manufacturing Department. Of course, Duan Jingzhe finally completely remembered the teacher's appearance, and there will be no more embarrassing situations where they meet and don't know each other.

From the first time the young and romantic teacher Dong took him to the laboratory, he directly told him the class time of each laboratory and asked him to avoid the class time of the students.

Duan Jingzhe basically spent the rest of his time in the first laboratory except for going to Teacher Dong to learn the trigger points of each part. He did not deliberately assemble the parts of the mecha calf, but exercised the speed of his hands over and over again.

Teacher Dong even gave him a handful of green beans and asked him to throw them into the air, grabbing the beans as fast as he could.

Bean tossing practice has become an indispensable part of Duan Jingzhe's daily life. He basically spends two hours on it every day. Every day, my arms are sore and my hands are numb. Duan Jingzhe gritted his teeth and massaged his fingers before going to bed. No matter how difficult it was to raise his hand, he still persevered every day.

Finally one day, his hand slowly returned to its normal state. And he felt as if his hands had been washed, and the palms felt very light!

Duan Jingzhe felt this situation and ran to the laboratory immediately, and started to assemble the parts with his hands flying. According to the order that had been deeply imprinted in his mind, Duan Jingzhe assembled the parts smoothly for the first time, without a trace. hysteresis!

Surprisingly, he put the assembled parts into the tester, and the result displayed was E-class!

Duan Jingzhe was very happy, but soon he calmed down and repeated the assembly process of this part over and over in his mind. Although the assembly this time was one level higher than before, Duan Jingzhe clearly felt that the process was not perfect and he still had room for improvement.

He closed his eyes quietly and simulated every step and even every tiny reaction of the parts. After repeating it more than ten times, Duan Jingzhe's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, but he didn't have time to wipe it.

Finally, when he ran the fourteenth simulation, he found something wrong.

According to his assembly method, the second metal needle of a-s09-78 will pop up 0.5s in advance! Although this 0.5s will not break the metal needle, the friction will prolong the assembly process and seriously affect the flexibility of the parts!

Duan Jingzhe suddenly opened his eyes, his black eyes filled with excitement.

He just adjusted his assembly steps and time in his mind, and the assembly was completed once, and the time was 5 minutes less than before!

Duan Jingzhe couldn't wait to open a metal box and took a deep breath to calm himself down. Duan Jingzhe's heart is now empty, and the whole person is in an extremely calm state. In a situation he couldn't feel, the mental power in his mind suddenly radiated out, and the mental cloud that had been curled up in a corner seemed to be stimulated and swelled little by little. According to Duan Jingzhe's idea, they stretched out a long filament little by little, carefully probed into the mechanism of the parts, and quickly fed back every sound of the mechanism to Duan Jingzhe's mind.

The hands are flying, and the speed is extremely fast.

When Duan Jingzhe came back to his senses, an installed calf part was already placed on the table.

Duan Jingzhe couldn't help but froze for a moment, then frowned.

This is how the same thing? Why can't he recall the details just now

Duan Jingzhe just wanted to put the parts in his hand to the tester to test, but his contactor rang.

"Okay, teacher, I'll go there right away"

Teacher Dong asked him to go to the office now. Duan Jingzhe didn't think about it, he put the mecha parts in his hand beside him and walked out of the laboratory.


"Professor Zhang, is it a little early for students to get in touch with component assembly?" the young assistant asked while opening the door of the laboratory, "The previous sessions are still memorizing the structure of the first 10 parts of the A series. The picture."

"How early?" Professor Zhang said in dissatisfaction, blowing his beard and staring, "I think it's too late for them to come to the laboratory to conduct experiments!"

"The students in this class are not bad," Professor Zhang said with pride, "I just improved the teaching method and asked them to memorize it more. Now most of them have completed their tasks, and only a few can't memorize them. Down a construction drawing of the first 10 parts of the series."

"Let them do a good experiment this time, they will definitely be better than the previous students." Professor Zhang stroked his gray hair upwards, very proud.


After Duan Jingzhe came out of the teacher's office, he went straight back to the dormitory.

I don't know why I always feel very tired today, he is going to take a good rest today.

He was just stunned when he opened the bedroom door.

A stranger in black was lying on the other bed.

The man in black clothes was full of coldness, and after hearing the sound, he looked at Duan Jingzhe.

Duan Jingzhe nodded expressionlessly, but he had some doubts in his heart. He always felt that this person was somehow familiar.

He has lived here for more than half a month. At the beginning, he was still waiting for his other roommate to appear, but this person has not come for so long, Duan Jingzhe has already determined in his heart that this dormitory has no other room. people. Who knew that a stranger who looked very familiar would come at this time.

Seeing Duan Jingzhe's reaction, the man was obviously a little displeased, and with a cold snort, he turned his back to Duan Jingzhe.

Duan Jingzhe stared at this man for a while with some doubts, his brows slightly wrinkled.

Where on earth had he seen this man? Why does it feel so familiar

Duan Jingzhe thought about it for a long time and couldn't come up with it, so he just gave up, picked up the beans he put on the table, and went to the living room to practice.

The moment Duan Jingzhe looked away, the stiff back he was staring at slowly relaxed. When the door was closed, there was a sudden snort full of anger in the room.

the next day.

Duan Jingzhe still got up on time according to his biological clock, but because of a newcomer yesterday, he didn't sleep very well.

After waking up, Duan Jingzhe simulated the installation process of the mecha parts in his mind as usual.

At about seven or eight o'clock, the doorbell rang suddenly.

Duan Jingzhe opened his eyes, pulled away from the simulation in his mind, and got up to open the door.

"Little Azhe, how was your sleep today?" A dazzling handsome face came into view, and a frivolous tone sounded in Duan Jingzhe's ears.

Duan Jingzhe took two steps back expressionlessly, "Mr. Dong"

"What are you doing so far away from me?" Teacher Dong raised her eyebrows, her peach blossom eyes flashed, she leaned slightly towards Duan Jingzhe's position, supported the door on the side with both hands, and directly trapped Duan Jingzhe between his hands. He spoke word by word very slowly, but it seemed to be endless, and the words were extremely ambiguous, "Yesterday I dreamed of you, I really miss you, I can't wait to come to see you in the morning."

"I don't know, do you miss me?" When he said this, he directly leaned into Duan Jingzhe's ear and blew a sigh of relief into his ear.

At this moment, a strong wind slammed over!

Teacher Dong felt the attack, but instead of the gentle and careless look just now, he neatly avoided it sideways.

The action is called a suave, and the expression is called a complacent.

After escaping, Teacher Dong even took care of his shirt, and then gave Duan Jingzhe a wink from a distance.

"Dong, Hao, Yang", a voice that seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth rang out gloomily.