How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 42: The evolutionary history of loyal dogs (15)


Professor Zhang's gray beard is curled up, and his face is dissatisfied, "What are you panicking?! I told you to be calm and not be surprised. And there is something in this laboratory that is worth your attention. Shocked?!"

The young assistant couldn't even speak. He pointed at the tester and stammered, "Teach, professor! You, come and see!"

Looking at his assistant's shocked look, Professor Zhang walked over without hesitation, although he didn't take it seriously.

"What's the matter, is it possible to test out a D-class component?" Professor Zhang joked humorously, but his assistant didn't find it funny at all.

Just after speaking, Professor Zhang came to the front of the tester. And his assistant was hurriedly pointing to the letters displayed on the tester to show him.

"I really don't know what the test came up with to make you lose so—"

The professor stopped abruptly before he finished speaking.

He stared in disbelief, "B, B grade! How is that possible!"

The assistant recovered a little of his sanity at this time, and his words became clear, "I was also frightened when I saw the test results just now, and I thought I was wrong."

Professor Zhang did not listen to what the assistant said at all. He picked up the calf part of the mecha under the tester with the fastest speed in his life, and looked over in shock. He didn't even care about his usual complaints about his aging body, and with the flexibility that young people didn't have, he went straight to the experimental bench and picked up a tool.

Three or two times, the casing of the part was removed.

Professor Zhang's face was flushed, and he couldn't be more excited. Zhen and Zhen picked up this mecha part, and her eyes were even a little red because of excitement.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and get me the tester in my office!" Professor Zhang's voice trembled with excitement.

The assistant hurriedly responded and ran out of the laboratory in a hurry.

He had never seen the professor look so rude before, and this time the incident must have shocked the professor. He himself was shocked by the test results of the mecha parts, and looking at the professor's appearance, he paid more attention to this matter. He immediately ran to Professor Zhang's office as fast as he could, and brought the high-end tester he had there.

The tester in the laboratory is only the most basic. It can test the comprehensive properties of the mecha parts, but it cannot show their precise level. The one in Professor Zhang's office can test all the data of each attribute very accurately.

When he ran into the laboratory pantingly, Professor Zhang was already jumping in a hurry.

"Why did you come here! It's too slow!" When Professor Zhang saw his assistant come back, he stopped in a hurry as he circled the field. Originally, he wanted to rush over and grab the tester, but when he saw the mecha parts in his hand, he immediately stopped again.

He shouted impatiently, stomping his feet impatiently, "Hurry up and put the tester on the table, what are you waiting for!"

The assistant didn't even pay attention to the answer, trotted and put the tester on the test bench, and then reached out to pick up the mecha parts in Professor Zhang's hand.

Professor Zhang turned sideways flexibly, stared at him, and looked at him vigilantly, "What are you doing?!"

The assistant didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Don't I usually test it for you?"

"No, I don't need you this time, I'll do it myself!" Professor Zhang covered the mecha parts in his baby's hand, for fear that someone else would steal it from him, he bypassed the assistant and carefully placed him under the tester.

Anxiously waiting for the test results.

Just a few seconds made Professor Zhang feel tormented.

After Professor Zhang stomped his feet and turned around for several times, the tester finally sounded a pleasant beep.

Professor Zhang's wrinkled face immediately tensed up, his eyes widened, and he rushed to the front of the experimental bench. The assistant's heart skipped a beat, for fear that Professor Zhang's actions just now would knock him out.

[Material: F grade]

[Flexibility: Class A]

[Comprehensive assessment: Grade B]

Professor Zhang's wrinkled eyes kept staring at the tester without blinking. After seeing the result, his eyes suddenly burst out with extremely bright light.

"My God, the flexibility has reached Grade A!" Professor Zhang's gray beard trembled with excitement, and his words began to vibrate, "It is possible to make Grade A flexibility with F-grade materials. The parts are simply a genius!"

Professor Zhang carefully lifted the mecha parts from under the tester, as if he was holding a priceless national treasure.

"Professor?" The impact of the young assistant was obviously not as great as that of Professor Zhang. Looking at Professor Zhang's excited appearance, he whispered a little tangled.

Didn't the professor always say that he wanted to be indifferent and calm, and he just scolded himself, how could he turn his head and be so rude.

Professor Zhang obviously didn't feel the young assistant's complaints, but the assistant's sudden sound woke him up. He immediately anxiously called his assistant.

"Quick! Let me see who did this homework!"

The assistant quickly responded and raised his hand to take over the parts in Professor Zhang's hand, but Professor Zhang avoided it. As soon as I looked up, I saw Professor Zhang's face full of vigilance and entanglement, and the wrinkles on his face even stretched out a little.

The assistant didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Professor, you have to give me the parts before I can check."

Professor Zhang hesitated for a long time, and then carefully handed over the parts in his hand, while also specifically exhorting, "Be careful, but don't break it."

The assistant agreed with all his mouth, but his heart was already laughing and lying down. How can the mecha parts be damaged so easily, not to mention that he is empty-handed, even if he smashes it with a hammer, it can't be smashed! Professor Zhang obviously forgot his common sense about this component!

The assistant struggled to hold back a smile, carefully took the part of the calf from Professor Zhang's hand, and swept it with the small instrument in his hand.

"Huh?" The assistant was surprised.

Professor Zhang has been staring at the assistant's movements closely, and the assistant's reaction immediately made him nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"The information on this widget is anonymous and not exclusive to students"

Because mecha parts are very precious, there is a certain limit for everyone to receive. In the laboratory, each set of mecha parts will be packed in a metal box. Usually, this metal box is tightly closed, and only those with permission can open it. The chip on the metal box records the student's information.

Each group of parts will have the same logo, which belongs to the metal box. The outermost part also has the same chip on it. The information of this chip is the same as that of the metal box. These chips are specially added by the college to facilitate the recording of students' grades.

The assistant was confused when he saw the results displayed on the recorder, "Isn't this the student's homework?"


As soon as Professor Zhang saw the result, he almost didn't take a breath.

Since he handed over the mecha parts to his assistant, he has been uneasy in his heart, and has been looking forward to the master behind this operation. He had even decided that no matter what background the student was or whether he had a teacher or not, he would definitely be hired as a student for himself. As a result, he now told him that he didn't know who made this part? !

When the assistant saw Professor Zhang's trembling appearance, he panicked and quickly stepped forward to support him. In a hurry, he patted him on the back and gasped, "Professor, don't worry, the people who can do experiments here are also people from our school. It will be a matter of time to find out."

Hearing this, Professor Zhang calmed down a little, and hurriedly said to his assistant, "Hurry up and check it out for me, I must know who this student is!"

The assistant grimaced, "Okay, I'll check it right away, but professor, go to rest first, don't be tired."

Professor Zhang looked dissatisfied, and his tone was still a little anxious, "What rest is there to rest, you said that I have encountered such a genius now, and I haven't found out how to rest?!"

The assistant wanted to persuade him again, but was directly scolded by Professor Zhang, and there was no way he could just run out of the laboratory management office with a bitter face to check the records.

After going out, the professor was still a little worried. The assistant directly pulled a person next to him and asked him to take care of him.

Lu Liangjun had forgotten something, so he came to get it, but was inexplicably pulled by the professor's assistant. Originally, he was still a little unhappy, but after knowing what the assistant said, he immediately agreed with a smile.

His goal has always been to become Professor Zhang's disciple, but the abominable thing is to let that trash get him out of the top 100. After entering the school, he has never given up this goal. Fortunately, the first place this time is not worthy of the name. Although he entered the door of Professor Zhang, he has always been dissatisfied with Professor Zhang. And his talent is much better than that person, as long as he works harder, Professor Zhang will definitely accept him as a disciple!

Isn't this time God gave him a chance? !

If you let yourself take care of Professor Zhang, he will definitely let Professor Zhang discover his excellence!