How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 43: The evolutionary history of loyal dogs (16)


After thinking about it, Lu Liangjun pushed open the door of the laboratory and walked in. Sure enough, he saw Professor Zhang sitting in his seat with an excited or uneasy expression.

He was a little puzzled when he saw Professor Zhang's current state.

Before he came to Mullis Mecha Academy, he had heard from his uncle that Professor Zhang was a person who attached great importance to etiquette. Not only does he pay attention to himself, but he also has very strict requirements for his students, and is extremely disgusted with those who are ignorant of teachers and impetuous by nature. Lu Liangjun didn't see Professor Zhang very often since he entered school, but every time he met, Professor Zhang looked extremely serious.

But why is Professor Zhang so gaffe now

Lu Liangjun was puzzled in his heart, but his face was not obvious, and he walked over respectfully.

"professor Zhang"

Hearing the voice, Professor Zhang glanced at Lu Liangjun and frowned, "Who are you?"

"I'm your student. I met Mr. Wu when I came here. He asked me to take care of you."

Professor Zhang's gray beard twitched, "It's a nonsense! What can I do, how can I let you as a student come to take care of me! Xiao Wu is too good at doing things!" After speaking, Professor Zhang wanted to get off the stool stand up.

Lu Liangjun rushed over and supported him, "Mr. Wu is also worried about you, so please don't be angry. Besides, I have admired the professor for a long time, and it is a great honor to be able to get along with you. Teacher Wu is also helpful. I've been very busy."

Professor Zhang paused, looking at Lu Liangjun's face a little bad.

Lu Liangjun's heart was stunned, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Suddenly I remembered that my uncle once explained that what Professor Zhang hated the most was people who were flamboyant and who would talk in scenes.

Thinking of this, Lu Liangjun immediately changed the subject without waiting for Professor Zhang to react.

"Professor, I saw that you seemed very happy just now. I wonder if something good happened?"

Professor Zhang's frown that was still tightly wrinkled immediately loosened, and there was a strong sense of pride and excitement between his brows. Because the surprise this time was too great, he, who has always been serious, couldn't help but find someone to share it with, even though this person was just a student he didn't know.

"Today, when I checked my homework, I found a genius!" Professor Zhang's eyes were shining as he spoke, and his gray beard was curled up proudly, "I can't believe my eyes."

When Lu Liangjun heard this, his eyes suddenly burst into a strange look.

Heart secretly surprised.

He knew that his grades would be very good this time, but he didn't expect that Professor Zhang would value it so much! What a surprise! Lu Liangjun happily filled his brows with joy. He made a lot of preparations for this experimental class. He learned about the content of this experimental class from his uncle, and practiced it secretly many times in private. His uncle even guided him by the side. His family has always hoped that he could worship Professor Zhang, and he was generous with his resources, so he had a lot of parts that he could practice on his own. Coupled with the guidance of his uncle, Lu Liangjun finally produced an F-class. armor parts.

This result surprised even his uncle.

Most of the students can successfully assemble the graded mecha parts at the end of the semester, and more often make some complete parts that are not even graded. If he can make an F-class part in the experimental class, it will definitely impress Professor Zhang.

So during the experimental class, Lu Liangjun assembled very carefully, and skillfully and quickly installed the mecha's lower legs. Although he didn't test it himself, he can be sure that what he made this time is definitely an F-class part!

He originally thought that this incident would only make Professor Zhang look at him differently, but he never thought it would surprise Professor Zhang so much.

"I must accept this genius as a disciple! I can't take advantage of others!" Professor Zhang said excitedly, not knowing whether he was talking to Lu Liangjun or talking to himself, "It's just such a genius, I don't know if you want to worship me as a teacher."

As soon as Lu Liangjun heard this, a heat surged in his heart, and his eyes became hot. This was the moment he had been looking forward to for a long time!

He has been striving for this goal several years ago. Although he made a little mistake when he entered the school, he has finally achieved it now!

Lu Liangjun felt that his blood was boiling with excitement!

"I must!" Lu Liangjun responded loudly with red eyes.

And the professor, who was still muttering to himself, subconsciously looked at Lu Liangjun when he heard such a sentence. When Professor Zhang understood what he was talking about, he was overjoyed.

"You made that mecha part?!" The professor immediately grabbed Lu Liangjun's hand and asked impatiently.

"Yes," Lu Liangjun nodded, looking at Professor Zhang, he felt an inexplicable sense of refreshment and pride.

"Okay!" Professor Zhang said incoherently with excitement, "It's amazing, dear boy, I've never seen a higher qualification than you! What's your name? Have you been a teacher? If you don't, I'll be your teacher. No no, even if you have a teacher, you can still worship me as a teacher, there is no teacher more professional than me!"

Professor Zhang kept talking like a barrage of cannons, holding Lu Liangjun tightly with his wrinkled hands, for fear that he would run away.

Lu Liangjun nodded, his expression full of arrogance and pride that he hadn't noticed, "I haven't been a teacher yet, and I've always hoped to be your teacher, Professor Zhang!"

When Professor Zhang heard this, he was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Okay! That's great! My child, what's your name? I'll find someone to file your information with me!"

"Lu Liangjun"

As soon as Lu Liangjun's answer came out, the originally excited atmosphere immediately cooled down.

Professor Zhang's brows furrowed tightly, Lu Liangjun, isn't this the student who made the F-class mecha parts

"Did you make this thing?" Professor Zhang resumed his solemn appearance and took out the mecha part that was judged to be B-class.

As soon as Lu Liangjun saw Professor Zhang's reaction, his heart skipped a beat. After he hesitated to scan the information area of the mecha parts with his contact device, the whole person froze.

His face suddenly turned blue and purple, red and white, very wonderful.

It's not his job.

The huge sense of humiliation is like a tight big net, falling from the sky and surrounding him tightly, with almost no gaps!

Shame, humiliation! He felt that a layer of skin had been pulled from his face!

At this time, Lu Liangjun could not wait to dig a crack and bury himself!

When Professor Zhang saw Lu Liangjun's appearance, he immediately understood what was going on, and he said indifferently, "Okay, I know what's going on, you go back first."

Lu Liangjun didn't have the face to stay here, with a flushed purple face, he turned around and walked out without even saying hello to Professor Zhang.

At this moment, Professor Zhang's assistant pushed the door and came in. Seeing that Lu Liangjun's appearance was wrong, he asked a few questions worriedly.

Lu Liangjun didn't even bother to talk to him, he clenched his fists tightly, and walked out of his side quickly with a stiff face.

As soon as he walked out of the laboratory, he heard the conversation inside.

"Professor, what happened just now?"

"It's okay, he just thought he was a genius."

Professor Zhang's words were like a loud slap in the face!

Lu Liangjun opened his blood-red eyes, filled with surging hatred.

in the laboratory.

"Let's not say anything else, have you found any results?" Professor Zhang's voice was full of anxiety.

The assistant nodded, "I asked the administrator, and they said that anonymous disks are only owned by teachers."

"This is impossible!" Professor Zhang frowned, "I am very familiar with these teachers who teach here. I still know who they are and what level they are. It is impossible for anyone to make mecha parts with a flexibility of Grade A."

The assistant hesitated for a moment, "Could it be that the teacher gave his anonymous disk to someone else?"

Professor Zhang's turbid eyes suddenly lit up.

"Go and check to see if any teacher has recently registered a student under his name!"


Duan Jingzhe woke up in a daze, and before he opened his eyes, he smelled a very strong aroma of food.

Confused eyes widened immediately.

So fragrant!

Pushing open the door following the aroma, he found that there were four plates full of vegetables on the dining table in the living room, and two bowls of white rice that looked appetizing.


Duan Jingzhe swallowed a large mouthful of saliva, his eyes that had been stunned for a long time exuded an extremely dazzling light, a kind of faint green wolf light.

He hadn't seen so many meals since he came into this world! The only time he ate a natural meal was on the ship that came to Mullis! Although that was just a box of rice and two green leaves, it was also a normal meal!

Duan Jingzhe looked at this table of fragrant food, and his mind was suddenly unable to hold anything but these.

"Hey!" As soon as Dong Qingzhan came out of the kitchen, he saw Duan Jingzhe staring at a fluffy chicken coop head, his eyes shining brightly at the table of food.

Duan Jingzhe immediately looked over when he heard the voice, his eyes shining brightly.

The bright black eyes were like crystal obsidian, and Dong Qingzhan's heart swayed uncontrollably.

He touched the tip of his nose unnaturally, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Duan Jingzhe's tightly pursed lips suddenly parted a small slit, and the small tip of his tongue stuck out, licking his lower lip lightly.

The bright red lips were immediately dyed with a seductive luster.


Dong Qingzhan's Adam's apple rolled, and his ears turned red.