How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 44: The evolutionary history of loyal dogs (17)


"You, what are you doing?! You don't understand politeness at all!" Dong Qingzhan rebuked loudly.

Of course, if you ignore his red ears and his very unnatural voice, this sentence is still very shocking.

Duan Jingzhe didn't even hear what he said, but just stared at him with eyes wide open.

Dong Qingzhan's heart tickled when he saw his bright black eyes, and his whole body seemed to be steaming.

"Can I eat it?" Duan Jingzhe looked at Dong Qingzhan's slow response, and finally couldn't help but say it. His dark eyes were full of hope.

Just as Dong Qingzhan was about to refute, he met those wet eyes in a blink of an eye. The refusal that I wanted to force to say turned around in my mouth and then held it back.

"Eat if you want, where is all this nonsense coming from!" Dong Qingzhan's face was surging with heat, he turned his face away unnaturally, and said angrily.

When Duan Jingzhe heard this, his eyes narrowed happily, and the whole person immediately exuded a strange look, the dazzling eyes made Dong Qingzhan's heart skip a beat.

Dong Qingzhan put his fist on his steamy cheek as if disguised, his eyes dodging, "Really, really ugly! I don't understand a bit of etiquette!"

Duan Jingzhe ran towards Dong Qingzhan excitedly, holding his face with a big kiss.

The moist and soft touch spreads on the cheeks.

Dong Qingzhan burst into flames.

"No, no shame!"

Dong Qingzhan subconsciously covered the place where he was kissed, it was especially hot there, his face was burning red, and his throat couldn't help rolling up and down.

When Dong Qingzhan finally came back to his senses, Duan Jingzhe had already swept away all the dishes on the table, stroking his stomach and leaning on the sofa with satisfaction, with a look of happiness on his face.

Dong Qingzhan looked at Duan Jingzhe's shining face, and his face showed a little warmth again. After a while, he suddenly widened his eyes and roared, "You have eaten everything! I haven't eaten yet. !"

Duan Jingzhe glanced at him blankly, and after a while, he seemed to be slow to react, and a blush slowly appeared on his face.

Dong Qingzhan stared at the reddish face, a little restless all over his body.

Just as Dong Qingzhan was about to have a seizure, he saw the damn poor boy come up with a blushing face, and his eyes flickered for a moment, then rubbed his lips directly against him.

Dong Qingzhan's head "boomed" and subconsciously trapped Duan Jingzhe, who wanted to leave, in his arms.

The hot and humid touch felt like it was burning directly into his heart.

He didn't want the feeling to go away at all.

He instinctively stretched out his hand to control the back of Duan Jingzhe's head, and pressed and rubbed hard on the other's soft, wet lips. After a long time, the thirst and anxiety in his heart gradually calmed down. Dong Qingzhan slowly slowed down his movements, grabbed the bright red lips that had been rubbed by him and seemed to be overflowing with blood, and licked them gently.

Patiently outlines the plump lips little by little.

The soft and warm feeling made Dong Qingzhan feel that his heart was full at this time.

It's just that the person in his arms didn't cooperate, struggling to get out of Dong Qingzhan's embrace.

Dong Qingzhan's eyes darkened, but instead of his gentle gesture, he used the tip of his tongue to forcefully separate the lips that he had drawn for a long time, and swept over the white teeth.

Feeling the trembling body under his lips, Dong Qingzhan's body suddenly burst with excitement. He bit Duan Jingzhe's very favorite lower lip fiercely, and the other party couldn't help but let out a soft cry in pain. Dongqing Zhan suddenly increased the strength of his hold on the back of his head, and his wet and greasy tongue rushed in.

The moist and hot feeling made Dong Qingzhan addicted for a while.

He raised his tender tongue, blocked his retreat, and pressed hard step by step.

Cuddle with each other, dance together.

Just when Dong Qingzhan was indulging in it, a loud and coquettish whistle suddenly came from not far away.

Dong Qingzhan looked sharp.

He quickly pressed Duan Jingzhe's head into his arms, then turned around and kicked the stool beside him towards the place where the whistle came from!

However, the other party flashed lightly and quickly, followed by the loud sound of the stool hitting the door panel.

After Dong Qingzhan saw the figure clearly, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

"Dong, Hao, Yang", every pronunciation was squeezed out between his teeth by Dong Qingzhan, and his suppressed voice was full of ice slag.

Dong Haoyang raised his eyebrows ambiguous, with a look of good drama on his face.

Dong Qingzhan was furious when he saw it, and could not wait to punch him hard in the face right now!

However, feeling the person in his arms, Dong Qingzhan could only stand there gnashing his teeth.

After Dong Haoyang saw the current form clearly, he winked at Dong Qingzhan playfully.

Dong Qingzhan's anger rose.

"I'm just here to inform my late student to remind him to go to the office." After that, Dong Haoyang asked ambiguously, "Well, you can continue, and I can move the class to tomorrow."

Before Dong Qingzhan was angry and beat someone, Dong Haoyang escaped extremely quickly.

His ambiguous laughter could be heard in the distance.

Dong Qingzhan narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Sooner or later, he will teach him a lesson to his so-called good brother!

When Dong Qingzhan was gnashing his teeth, the fluffy little head in his arms had struggled to get out.

Red cheeks, wet eyes.

…and those delicious red lips.

Dong Qingzhan's nose suddenly became hot, and the feeling of dryness suddenly rose.

I couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water to moisten my dry throat that seemed to be on fire.

Dongqing Zhan strongly resisted the urge to squeeze the person into his arms again.

Turning his head slightly, Dong Qingzhan opened his mouth arrogantly, with an irresistible joy in his brows and eyes, "I know you like me, although I don't like a poor boy like you that much, it's okay to be in the future. "

Dong Qingzhan looked at the poor boy who had obviously not recovered, and resisted the urge to raise the corner of his mouth, "You will be my daughter-in-law in the future!"

"Although it is impossible for you to disagree, a polite person like me still asks for your opinion. If you agree, nod your head."

Duan Jingzhe still didn't come back to his senses, staring at him blankly with a pair of misty, wet eyes.

The corner of Dong Qingzhan's mouth curled up uncontrollably, he directly supported his fluffy head with his hand, and pressed it down.

Seeing Duan Jingzhe nodding by himself, Dong Qingzhan couldn't help laughing anymore. He coughed twice to hide his joy, pretending to be serious, "Since you nodded, then you will be my daughter-in-law! We will hold the wedding when we return to the spaceship!"

"Well, since I'm your husband, I have to be responsible to you. In order to help you complete your studies better, you should go to that damn Dong Haoyang to go to class now!"

Dong Qingzhan turned Duan Jingzhe back with a stern face, pushing him forward two steps.

Duan Jingzhe nodded subconsciously and slowly moved towards the door.

Dong Qingzhan looked at the back, and his heart was very itchy. In the end, he couldn't hold back. He pulled him back and kissed his bright red, wet and waxy lips vigorously, and then dawdled in dissatisfaction. twice.

Quite a bit unfulfilled, let go of people, and reluctantly sent them out the door.

Dong Qingzhan licked his lips dissatisfied, and after thinking for a while, his eyes lit up, there is still so much time at night! After thinking about it, Dong Qingzhan couldn't wait to enter the bedroom and put the two single beds together.

Gearing up, eyes shining, waiting for the night to come.


"professor Zhang!"

"Xiao Wang, you're back!" Professor Zhang greeted the young teacher, but was rather absent-minded. Xiao Wu has gone to the Student Management Office to check, but there is no result yet, and he is really impatient to wait.

Mr. Wang laughed when he saw Professor Zhang's appearance, "Professor Zhang is absent-minded when he sees your current appearance. Are you happy because you just got a genius?"

Professor Zhang is very sensitive to the word "genius" now. When he heard Mr. Wang's words, his spirit suddenly became tense, and he hurriedly asked, "What kind of genius? How do you know?"

Teacher Wang said with a smile, "I was the invigilator next to me during the genius test, how could I not have known that. Having said that, that student is really amazing! He even got a perfect score in such a difficult theoretical test, nothing else to say. Just this memory and diligence can throw other students several blocks away. I wanted to let you know at the time, but then I thought, such a smart student must be able to perform very well without me saying it, so I didn’t run to disturb you. ."

Following Teacher Wang's words, Professor Zhang's face became darker and darker.

"In the past, you have paid special attention to students with high scores in the theoretical exam. This time you get a full score, and you can get what you want." Teacher Wang did not notice Professor Zhang's abnormality, and said with a smile, "Now that student He must have become your direct disciple, are you particularly satisfied with him?"

He thought that he would wait for Professor Zhang's happy answer, but who knew that he was actually scolded by the scolding that covered his face.

"Who told you not to tell me! I haven't seen any students with perfect scores in the theory test!"