How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 56: Taifu, will you marry me? (Four)


Dong Haoyang stared at the child and poured a bucket of water on him, and then rushed over to ask for the rose cake in his hand. A pair of wolf-like eyes stared at the piece of dessert, looking like it might pounce at any time.

Dong Haoyang's raised peach blossom eyes blinked, and he said lazily, "Do you know what it means to clean up your stench?"

Before he finished speaking, Dong Haoyang dodged to the boy's side at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and kicked him into a water tank not far away. Dong Haoyang slowly and gracefully put away his legs, slowly paced to the front of the water tank, kicked up the wooden stick next to him with a toe move, then caught it with a dashing movement, and used the end of the wooden stick to push the stick out. The crawling cub pressed in.

"When do you wash it, when do you come out again?" Dong Haoyang's voice was elegant and rhythmic. It sounded extremely pleasant, but it revealed a hint of coldness.

The child bared his teeth and glared at Dong Haoyang, and grabbed at Dong Haoyang suddenly, the sharp nails that were extraordinarily long because they had not been reduced for a long time slid across Dong Haoyang's cheek.

The smile on Dong Haoyang's face was even more intense, and the stick in his hand pressed hard again, directly suffocating the face of the fang-dancing cub in the water. The little brat struggled desperately, and waves of water splashed out, but not a single bit touched Dong Haoyang's clothes.

It wasn't until the little brat's movements became weak, that he was almost unable to move, that Dong Haoyang raised his hand.

The little brat slammed his head out, panting heavily, his chest heaving violently, breathing rapidly, and the whole person was in an abnormal state of embarrassment. After a long time, the little brat slowly calmed down. At this time, his eyes looking at Dong Haoyang were still alert and fierce, but they were mixed with deep fear.

Dong Haoyang threw down the wooden stick in his satisfied hands and stroked the dust on his hands gracefully. Then he stared at that little brat's dark eyes and said lightly, "Clean it up." The words were very light, but it made the little brat freeze for a moment, and then he slowly moved, wiping his body bit by bit.

It wasn't until the little brat rubbed his body red inch by inch under Dong Haoyang's gaze that Dong Haoyang raised his eyebrows, "Stay inside and don't move"

The little brat watched Dong Hao Yang get up and leave, his dark eyes lit up immediately, his hands immediately grabbed the edge of the water tank, and he tried to climb out of the water tank with a single effort. He hesitated for a moment just after using the force, then let go of his hand and immersed his body in the water tank.

After Dong Haoyang came back, he threw a cloth on the boy's face, "Come out and wipe it clean"

Hearing this, the little brat quickly climbed out of the water tank, wiped it with a cloth, and then stopped there. Looking at the body that still had water marks, Dong Haoyang tilted his head and smiled lightly. Hearing this chuckle, the little brat immediately ducked back vigilantly, and then quickly took the cloth and carefully wiped his body. While wiping hard, the little brat stared at Dong Haoyang vigilantly.

It wasn't until Dong Haoyang's smile that made him a little wary disappeared, the little brat's movements slowed down tentatively. After careful observation for a while, he found that Dong Haoyang didn't show that uncomfortable smile again. He didn't stop, but his dark eyes kept staring at Dong Haoyang vigilantly.

Dong Haoyang stopped watching the little brat, his mouth slightly hooked, and then he threw the clothes in his hand towards the little brat, "Put it on"

The feeling of covering his head with clothes was very bad. The little brat almost eagerly and irritable ripped off the clothes from his head. He was about to throw it to the ground, and then he felt Dong Haoyang's eyes. The little brat paused for a while, then reluctantly put the clothes on himself, and it took a while to put the clothes on crookedly.

Dong Haoyang looked at the crooked clothes, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then walked over to the little brat. The little brat stared at him vigilantly, and took two steps back, his whole body tensed. Dong Haoyang didn't care about his reaction at all, walked in front of him, squatted down and straightened the very unpleasant clothes, and then stood up.

Dong Haoyang took the rose cake out of his arms, the dark eyes of the little brat lit up immediately, and he immediately wanted to rush to grab it, but he stopped after taking a step forward, and looked at Dong Hao alertly. Hao Yang, there was a hint of imperceptible inquiry in his eyes.

Dong Haoyang chuckled lightly, and his charming peach blossom eyes curved into a charming arc, which was particularly captivating.

The little cub stayed.

"Eat it." Dong Haoyang bent down slightly and handed the rose cake to the little brat, his voice unexpectedly gentle.

The aroma of the rose cake woke the little brat from his trance, quickly took it away from Dong Haoyang's hands, and eagerly stuffed it into his mouth. The pastry was not as sticky as the steamed bun, and when the brat grabbed it hard, some small pieces fell to the ground. The little cub devoured the pastry into his stomach, and then squatted on the ground to pick up the pieces of pastry.

Before the little brat's hand touched the pieces of pastry on the ground, Dong Haoyang grabbed him by the collar of his clothes and lifted him up. With the little brat's eyes facing him, Dong Haoyang spoke slowly and his voice was gentle, but made the little brat wince in fear, "Don't let me see you picking up things on the ground to eat in the future."

After Dong Haoyang finished speaking, he put the cub on the ground, "I will come again tomorrow, you are waiting for me here."

Before leaving, Dong Haoyang glanced at the little brat with slightly raised peach blossom eyes, "Don't let me see any dirt on you in the future."

Hearing this, the little brat couldn't help thinking of what happened before, and his body froze for a moment.

After Dong Haoyang finished speaking, he easily turned over with his hands on the wall, and carefully left the palace all the way.

That kid before was the future Emperor Yanning and the current Ninth Prince Heng Rui. It's just that this future Emperor Yanning was really unlucky when he was a child. He has been in the cold palace since he was born, and he has been short of food and clothing since he was a child. In the past, his mother could get him something to eat when he was there. After his death, he could only go out and steal something to eat, because he never missed a beat.

It's not that the palace people nearby don't know his identity, but no one has ever cared. At first, after he was born, there were still some people who were afraid of him because of his status as a prince, but slowly they didn't know who started to treat him like a roadside beggar, and their attitude changed. Start punching and kicking this unrecognised kid.

Heng Rui was often beaten all over his body, and slowly he also learned to resist and fight. His fierce eyes like a wolf cub would always make those who chased and beat him back away, for fear that he would bite him.

In such an environment, Heng Rui lived until he was twelve years old.

When he was twelve years old, a major event happened in the palace, and the few princes were all killed and injured. Emperor Yuanjing was still a little anxious under the grief. All his children died. Should he hand over the world of Yuanning to others? Just when Emperor Yuanjing was extremely anxious, an old eunuch beside him reminded him that there was still a little prince in the cold palace. Emperor Yuanjing then remembered and hurriedly brought Heng Rui over.

Twelve years have developed the ninth prince's temperament like a wolf. After constant teaching, Heng Rui slowly showed the temperament and etiquette that a prince should have. What they didn't know was that Heng Rui was just hiding his temper. Although the appearance is plain, but the heart is always like a bloodthirsty hungry wolf, as long as there is a chance, he can completely explode.

As time went by, Emperor Yuanjing became more and more satisfied with this son. When he had not had any new children for a long time, he made Heng Rui the crown prince. After the death of Emperor Yuanjing, the ninth prince Heng Rui naturally inherited the throne.

At this moment, no one pressed him anymore.

The bloodthirsty hungry wolf in the ninth prince's heart was finally released. He greedily sought everything he wanted, such as luxurious palaces, exquisite costumes, and all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas. All the things he didn't get when he was a kid, he now enjoys it like crazy. And those palace maids and eunuchs who had bullied him when he was a child were all skinned and dipped in salt water by him one by one. Listening to the mournful and mournful voice, Emperor Yanning felt extraordinarily pleasant to the ears. Even those who have been released from the palace because of their old age, he also let people find out, eating all kinds of mountain treasures, while watching this bloody show.

Emperor Yanning was tyrannical, the courtiers had long been full of complaints, and Tian Yi, who was the hussar general, was also dissatisfied. However, because Tian Yi was loyal to the Yuanning Kingdom, he only spoke to Emperor Yanning, but never turned against him. Tian Yifa's wife, Dong Zhe, was very dissatisfied. He planned to kill Tian Yi's family, and then pushed them all onto Emperor Yanning.

Tian Yi made a statement to Emperor Yanning when he went to court that day, but the enraged Emperor Yanning smashed his head with a ruler, and Emperor Yanning said that he would kill his whole family. Tian Yi didn't pay attention at the time, but he didn't know that after returning home, there were corpses all over his eyes, and the only one who still had a breath was his wife. After being rescued, Dong Zhe'an panicked and described to Tian Yi the scene of their assassination in fear. As if suddenly remembered, Dong Zhe'an told Tian Yi that he had accidentally seen the tattoo on one of them's forearm. After hearing Dong Zhe'an's description, Tian Yi's eyes were split, and the tattoo was engraved on the body of Emperor Yanning's dark guard.

The whole family was slaughtered, and Tian Yi hated so much in his heart that he immediately summoned his troops to launch a coup d'etat. It is called: "walk the way for the sky".

Emperor Yanning's tyranny and cruelty left him in the courtroom, and even among the guards of the palace, he had no popular support. When Tian Yi raised his troops to besiege, the guards in the palace did not block him at all, but instead led the way for them. The only people who escorted Emperor Yanning were the eighty-one dark guards. However, although the dark guards were strong in martial arts, they were not the opponents of the thousand elite soldiers, and they were all killed in just an hour.

Emperor Yanning died at the hands of Tian Yi.

His head was hung at the gate of the city for three days, and he was spurned by countless people. If it wasn't for fear of splashing themselves, they even wanted to throw feces on him. The depth of public grievances is evident.

At this time, Emperor Yanning was only a six-year-old child.