How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 61: Taifu, will you marry me? (Nine)


Tian Yi, 16 years old this year, is the son of Tian Meng, the Huaihua general of the current dynasty. Although Tian Yi is young, he has been exercising in the military camp with his father for six years, and now he is a deputy lieutenant who is by his father's side.

He came back to Beijing with his father this time, and happened to meet the birthday of Shedong Boyu, the right servant of the Shangshu mansion.

Tian Yi didn't like these greetings. After celebrating his birthday with the old servant Dong, he found an opportunity to slip out. He didn't know what to do, so he wandered around. Just as he was strolling into the garden, he suddenly heard a low sobbing coming from behind the rockery.

He frowned, got closer, and found that there was a teenage child sitting on the ground with his legs in his arms and crying, looking extremely pitiful.

Tian Yi couldn't bear it in his heart, so he wanted to step forward to comfort him.

"What's wrong with you?" Tian Yi tried to calm his voice.

Dong Zhe'an was startled when he heard the sound, and suddenly raised his head to look at Tian Yi, his tender face was full of tears. After seeing Tian Yi, he was obviously a little flustered, and wiped the tears from his face indiscriminately.

In the process of wiping, Tian Yi saw a very obvious palm print on his left face, and immediately frowned.

"Someone hit you?"

"No, no," Dong Zhe'an shook his head violently, but his tears fell uncontrollably, and there was an indescribable panic in his voice, "No one hit me, nothing happened."

As soon as Tian Yi heard what Dong Zhe'an said, he knew that he was a little scared. Tian Yi did not continue to ask, but sat down beside him.

"How old are you this year?" Tian Yi asked, as if he had completely ignored the previous matters.

"Ten years old," Dong Zhe'an replied sobbing.

"I already went to the military camp when I was your age." Tian Yi looked at the void in front of him, "My father disciplined me very strictly. I grew up beating and beating since I was a child."

Dong Zhe'an was attracted by Tian Yi's words, and his sobbing slowly calmed down, "Then will it hurt?"

Tian Yi suddenly laughed. In Dong Zhe'an's eyes, it looked like the winter sun, warm and dazzling.

"It's natural, how can it not hurt?" Tian Yi glanced at Dong Zhe'an, his brows filled with righteousness and confidence, "However, pain can make people grow."

"In the beginning, I couldn't beat them when I was training. I would always be beaten, and I would cry like you."

Dong Zhe'an blushed a little embarrassedly.

"I thought my father would let me go home when I cried, but in fact it was of no use at all. Later, I found that crying couldn't get the result I thought, so I stopped crying, no matter how painful it was, I'll also grit my teeth and fight back."

Dong Zhe'an became more and more fascinated, the tears on his cheeks had already dried up, but his eyes were still a little red.

"Afterwards, they won't hurt me any more." The self-confidence on Tian Yi's face made Dong Zhe'an a little stunned, but Tian Yi looked at Dong Zhe'an's eyes at this time, and his eyes were full of It seems that the energy that can ignite people makes Dong Zhe'an's heart beat fast with him, "Crying is useless, no one will care about tears, and no one will give you charity because of your tears. Sympathize with you."

"Whatever you want, you have to work hard for it."

This sentence seemed to be a fire, and it was thrown directly into Dong Zhe'an's heart, and it burned little by little.

After Tian Yi finished speaking, he got up and dusted off the dust on the hem of his clothes and walked away.

Dong Zhe'an looked at Tian Yi's figure leaving, a little dazed, he felt his heart was a little hot, thumping thumping fast. He understands that he is completely different from that person, that he is the darkest and coldest place in the corner, and that person is like the hottest sunshine at noon, bright and dazzling.

Dong Zhe'an looked at the figure in the distance, his eyes full of yearning and eagerness.

After staying in place for a long time, Dong Zhe'an returned to his yard.

"Mother..." Dong Zhe'an shouted in a low voice, there was a hint of fear in his voice, and his body couldn't help shrinking.

"You still know how to come back," the woman sneered, "I just slapped you, but you can still run! The older you get, the better you are."

Dong Zhe'an's expression became more and more timid, "Mother... the child is wrong..."

"What's wrong?"

"Baby shouldn't run away... Mother must have reason to beat her..."

The woman interrupted him directly, her eyes were cold, "You're wrong that you shouldn't have any hope for this owner!"

"How many times has my mother told you that no one in Dongfu regards our mother and son as a family. Their grandson in Dongfu is only Dong Haoyang, and in their eyes there is no need for you to exist! "The woman pulled Dong Zhe'an to her side, looked at Dong Zhe'an's eyes, and said word by word, "It's just because Dong Boyu didn't let you go over the birthday banquet, you cry like that, but it's true. Take a break!"

"It's been such a long time, and you still haven't realized your status in this East Mansion?"

There was a hint of grievance on Dong Zhe'an's expression, and he took two steps back, but was directly pulled by the woman.

"They restricted us, mother and son, only allowed us to walk in this yard, not let us eat with them, let us go out to meet guests with them, and even asked people not to let us mother and son go out at the birthday banquet. Excuse me." Every time the woman said, Dongzhe felt more and more uncomfortable inside, "They have never cared about you, they are even your enemies."

"You are even just a shame in the eyes of Dong Boyu's immortal."

"There is only one mother who cares about you and loves you, and you only have one relative."

The woman held Dong Zhe'an tightly in her arms and spoke softly, but it seemed a little gloomy in this dim room.

"An'er, don't take them to heart, you have to work hard for what you want, and you will get everything you want in the future." The woman stroked Dong Zhe'an's head with a soft voice, with a natural lethargic expression. A convincing taste.

Dong Zhe'an was buried in the woman's arms and nodded slowly.

The woman felt Dong Zhe'an's movements, but slowly raised the corners of her mouth, with a strange coldness between her brows and eyes.