How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 67: Taifu, will you marry me? (fifteen)


When Heng Rui saw Emperor Yuan Jing, his face was full of surprise, and his eyes were full of admiration for Emperor Yuan Jing.

Yuan Jingdi's heart suddenly softened.

He, who has never been close to princes, has an unprecedentedly short stature this time. He gently stroked Heng Rui's little head, and his voice was full of smiles.

Heng Rui hesitated for a while, but he still couldn't control his inner desire, and rubbed lightly on Emperor Yuan Jing's palm.

"It's really nice to see the royal father," with some surprise and caution in his tone.

Emperor Yuanjing's palm was slightly itchy, but his heart was even more unpleasant, a little distressed, but there were still some doubts and temptations in his words, "This is the second time you have seen your father, why do you miss your father so much?"

"The concubine often tells the emperor about you, and she says you are the greatest person in the world," Heng Rui said earnestly and happily, and then his expression slowly dimmed, "Before the concubine died, she told me Said that I must be filial to you."

The last doubt in Emperor Yuan Jing's heart disappeared, he sighed slightly, and recalled that beautiful and gentle woman. If she had not been too angry because of her family at that time, but had ordered more investigations, I am afraid that now that woman would be very happy with her emperor.

The memories of more than ten years ago are particularly deep and sincere, and the little temper that was annoying to Concubine Hui at that time is also very beautiful now. Lost things always make people miss, and the more you miss, the deeper the feelings.

But now, all these feelings have been transferred to Heng Rui, the son whom he has not seen for many years.

"Your mother-in-law is a gentle, kind and good woman." Emperor Yuanjing's eyes looking at Heng Rui became softer and softer. "It was the father's fault in the past. I didn't take good care of your mother and son. The father and son will protect you in the future."

Heng Rui shook his head seriously, "Mother and concubine said that the father is never wrong, and whatever the father does, there must be your reason!"

Hearing these words, Emperor Yuanjing couldn't help being shocked. How long had he not felt this kind of unreasonable trust and dependence

He couldn't help but think of the prince he trusted and loved.

The prince has become more and more ineffective recently. As the crown prince of a country, he even embezzled the life-saving money of the victims! When I saw the results of the investigation, I was furious, and without thinking about it, I called the prince over to confront him. But the prince has repeatedly denied it, and even angrily accused himself of being biased, throwing dirty water on him. When his heart was cold, he threw all the evidence on him, and the prince cried to himself.

When did that smart and upright child become what he is now

Comparing the two, although Emperor Yuanjing saw this son for the second time, he already had a very deep affection for him.

Who doesn't like a son who trusts and admires him wholeheartedly

After Emperor Yuan Jing left, the joy on Heng Rui's face disappeared instantly, and the indifference caused the palace servants next to him to feel a chill.

Heng Rui cast a cold glance at him, "Go down"

The palace servant hurriedly bowed and stepped back. This person was a palace servant near the original Leng Palace. In order to make Heng Rui adapt to it, Emperor Yuanjing assigned a few of the original Leng Rui palace staff to serve at Heng Rui's side.

These people all know Heng Rui's true temperament. Although they don't tell him how loyal they are, they will never rebel, so Heng Rui doesn't hide anything in front of them.

Heng Rui suddenly laughed gloomily.

The only impression he had of the woman he called his mother was crying, and she couldn't do anything but cry. As for the gentleness and kindness in the man's mouth, he didn't feel the slightest bit.

If it wasn't for a kind palace maid who brought him to the age of three, I'm afraid he would have died as soon as he was born.

It's a pity that good people don't live long, and the coldness in Heng Rui's eyes is getting stronger and stronger. He is the only person who treats him well, but he can only watch her gasp in front of him.

I heard that she collided with the Sage, and the Sage was merciful, instead of directly executing her, she was beaten a hundred times.

Emperor Yuanjing, who had deprived him of everything, now told him that he would protect himself, how could he possibly believe it


Emperor Yuanjing arranged for Heng Rui very quickly, and the next day he was sent to the place where the princes specially studied.

Twelve years have not been taught, the spiritual knowledge is like a child. Although Emperor Yuan Jing was quite fond of Heng Rui in his heart, this fact made him feel embarrassed.

He couldn't bear that his son was inferior to a six-year-old child, especially when he told the outside world that the ninth prince had just returned from studying with a master, so Emperor Yuanjing never showed up after Heng Rui entered the school.

Until one day, when Emperor Yuanjing went to the school to inspect the learning progress of other princes, the teacher of the teaching was pleasantly surprised to report to Emperor Yuanjing the outstanding talent of the ninth prince Hengrui, and Emperor Yuanjing cast his eyes on Hengrui again.

Smart and unforgettable, this is the son of his dignified ruler of a country.

Since then, Emperor Yuanjing has given Heng Rui 12 points of attention, which makes the other princes very jealous. There are endless things like ridicule and finding fault, but Heng Rui has never been angry, just humbly avoided. Among these people who found fault, the most serious one was Prince Hengming.

The change in Emperor Yuanjing's attitude towards him could be clearly noticed by the crown prince. Emperor Yuanjing's original love for him was now poured into a prince who ran out inexplicably, which gave the prince a strong sense of crisis.

Although the crown prince was no longer in the school, he signaled the sixth and seventh princes, who had always been obedient to him, and asked them to take good care of this new prince.

The imperial palace was originally the territory of Emperor Yuanjing, so the prince naturally had the ears and eyes of Emperor Yuanjing. So the prince just ordered, and Emperor Yuanjing knew about it, so he was even more disappointed with this child he once loved very much.

Heng Rui had a very difficult time in the school, but he never mentioned it to Emperor Yuan Jing. Emperor Yuanjing, who knew the real situation, also asked Heng Rui how his brothers treated him, but Heng Rui's answer was nothing but "extremely caring and caring".

Talented and intelligent, close brother.

Heng Rui's excellence made Yuan Jingdi feel a little shaken in his heart. Maybe this child is the one who really has the capital of the prince

Thinking of the prince's past, Emperor Yuanjing finally suppressed the shaking in his heart.

Until one day, Heng Rui's true origin was spread to all the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty. From the mysterious high man to the uninstructed child born in the cold palace, the differences from heaven to earth have caused discussions inside and outside the court.

Emperor Yuanjing was furious and slapped the prince to the ground.

"Why do you do such a thing! Heng Rui is your own younger brother. What good is this to you!"

"Father, why do you think I did it!" The crown prince said angrily, but he was extremely shocked at the fact that Emperor Yuanjing attached so much importance to this matter.

"Forget it, let's go." Yuan Jingdi closed his eyes tiredly, he no longer had any hope for this incompetent son.

The prince wanted to say something, but was invited out by the chief eunuch. After going out, the eunuch chief said a few words to him. After a reminder, the prince finally understood, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

What he did this time not only targeted Heng Rui, but also stepped on the face of the entire royal family.

He suddenly had some panic.

Can the father forgive him

The news that everyone in the court knows, and the princes and concubines who are in high positions have no reason not to know. So the princes who didn't like Heng Rui naturally began to attack Heng Rui with his background.

When Emperor Yuan Jing came to see Heng Rui, he saw those red eyes that were obviously crying.

For the first time in such a long time, Heng Rui threw himself into his father's arms like a real twelve-year-old child.

"I didn't harm the mother-in-law, I didn't harm the mother-in-law..." The soft sobbing made Emperor Yuanjing couldn't help feeling distressed.

After being asked by the palace officials, Emperor Yuanjing knew that the other princes had recently said that it was because of Heng Rui's existence that Concubine Hui was killed.

Emperor Yuanjing punished several princes one after another, and his angry appearance frightened the pampered princes for a while.

Since then, although he was unhappy in his heart, no one has clearly targeted Heng Rui again.

Heng Rui was very satisfied with this result.

His life experience was revealed when he was "pressed" when he met the prince.

He wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect the prince to cooperate so well. Now my cheap father is loving him more and more.

The development of these things is very satisfactory, but there is one thing that makes Heng Rui brooding.

He hadn't said a word to Dong Haoyang for several months.

From the day he came out of the cold palace until now, the only intersection between him and Dong Haoyang is to see him respectfully and humbly following the prince from a distance.

Although he was far away, Heng Rui could clearly see that Dong Haoyang was smiling.

Very nice smile.

Just why is the person he smiled at the disgusting prince

The gloom in Heng Rui's heart slowly settled, but when Dong Haoyang looked over, a sincere and sincere smile immediately appeared on his face.

A gloomy mood was brewing in his dark eyes.

How can you laugh at others

You can only laugh at me.