How to Fall in Love with the Villain

Chapter 71: Taifu, will you marry me? (nineteen)


"This is today's medicine, don't forget it", Shui Xirong handed Dong Haoyang a paper bag, smiling very happily.

It's just that the smile revealed a bit of weirdness.

Dong Haoyang took it expressionlessly.

"How's that little bastard doing lately?"

"The body is getting worse and worse, but the imperial doctor is still unable to diagnose and treat." Dong Haoyang's tone did not contain any fluctuations, as if the person he said had nothing to do with him.

"Very good", the strange excitement in Shui Xirong's eyes was full of excitement, and the words revealed a silk guide, "You will be able to take revenge soon, keep working hard, if you can have dinner with that dog emperor, it will not be exhausting. Put these powders into his meal by all means."

Dong Haoyang nodded.

"The maid next to Concubine Ming is ours." Shui Xirong stared at Dong Haoyang, trying to see what happened in his eyes, "I can ask her for help in the future."

Dong Haoyang still did not have any mood swings.

The vigilance in Shui Xirong's eyes slowly dissipated, and she smiled, "Go ahead, remember not to forget your hatred."

"Yes, Master."

The mansion of Lord Yuan Pushe has recently caused a lot of discussion among the people in the capital. Everyone is very surprised by the changes in the Dongfu in the past three years, and it feels more exciting than the drama sung in the theater.

Since the death of Lord Shedong, the right servant of the former Shangshu Sheng, Dongfu has fallen into a strange atmosphere, and strange things have come out one after another.

First of all, Dong Wenbo, the current head of the Dongfu family, announced that he had married a flat wife. If only that was the case, everyone would laugh at Dong Wenbo being affectionate and ignorant of proportions. But the strange thing is that Dong Haoyang, Dong Wenbo's direct son, is also extremely supportive of this matter. Rumors say that the eldest son of Dongfu has a good relationship with this flat wife who came out of nowhere, and once vomited blood from his biological mother.

This is just the beginning, and the more shocking is yet to come.

Dong Haoyang voluntarily gave up the inheritance of the Dongfu, and spoke to the outside world. He believed that his talent and morality were inferior to his younger brother, and he had no face to accept the ancestral property of the Dongfu, so he gave everything in the Dongfu to his younger brother Dong Zhe'an.

As soon as this rumor came out, countless people joked that the person who said this was a fool, and no one believed it, but after Dong Haoyang admitted it on the street, he gave everyone a sudden blow.

Some scholars think that Dong Haoyang is a rare gentleman, but more people think that his brain is caught in the door.

But no matter what others say, Dongfu still goes its own way. The status of Dongwenbo's flat wife and concubine has been improved again and again, but his direct son has repeatedly obeyed them.


"Today I will take you to see our people. They are all your benefactors, so you must listen to what they say."

Shui Xirong led Dong Haoyang out the door and went straight to a desolate temple in the west of the city.

For three years, Shui Xirong never really trusted Dong Haoyang, and even if he was assigned to do things, she would never involve her own secrets. It wasn't until some time ago, after he and Ji Wenhui faced each other, that Dong Haoyang slapped Ji Wenhui mercilessly, and Shui Xirong completely let go of her guard.

Looking at Ji Wenhui's unbelievably painful expression, Shui Xirong felt a different kind of pleasure in her heart. She originally wanted to observe the affairs of the church with Dong Haoyang for a while, but Ji Wenhui's distressed expression made her change her mind.

It would be better if it was a little more painful.

There is a group of strange people in the temple. They are dressed in snow-white clothes, but they have strange patterns on their chests and hem, and they are blood red.

"The Holy Maiden"

"The Holy Maiden"

Seeing Shui Xirong coming in, everyone bowed and saluted, made a strange movement with their hands, and finally bowed with their hands on the top of their heads.

"Get up," Shui Xirong closed her eyes, waved her arms rhythmically in a semicircle, and then made a different gesture.

After the salute, Shui Xirong took Dong Haoyang to get to know everyone.

During this period, Dong Haoyang's eyes did not fluctuate at all, and he respectfully saluted those people.

"The lord of Yuanning is incompetent and incapable of destroying life. I want to save the world under the Heavenly Mandate of the Dragon Blood Religion, and the life will be peaceful and peaceful. The dead will live in bliss." Shui Xirong stood on the high platform in the middle and read it aloud. .

"There is still life and peace, and the dead will live in bliss."

The congregation present followed Shui Xirong reciting this sentence, and their expressions were extremely pious.

Piety to the point of abnormality.

Dong Haoyang followed those people and did the same thing, said the same thing, and had the same expression.

"Haoyang is my new follower, and he is a very credible child." Shui Xirong smiled very amiably and looked at everyone lovingly, "Everyone can find him if you are busy, he will definitely help Yours."

Dong Haoyang nodded expressionlessly in agreement.

After January, Dong Haoyang fully integrated into their organization, helping them spread their teachings among the people, solving problems for those who were in trouble, and helping those so-called own people in the palace to convey news. For a while, the Dragon Blood Sect was flourishing.

"Sir, it's time to send troops." Dong Haoyang was drinking tea in the house of the governor of Jingzhao with a relaxed expression.

"Master Taifu is really wise and righteous. He went into the tiger's den alone, not afraid of danger, and made such a contribution to the Qingming Dynasty!" The Yin of Jingzhao Prefecture saluted Dong Haoyang with a solemn expression, "The achievements of Master Taifu I will definitely show up to you, and I will never let you suffer like this in vain."

Dong Haoyang waved his hand and said with a smile, "My lord, you are serious, you are all for the sake of the saints, so why do you suffer. As long as you can arrest all these cult members and bring them to justice, you will not be in vain for my three years of falsehood and guilt. , how can our Yuanning country let this cult’s slanderous words confuse the public and insult my Yuanning country’s prestige!”

When the governor of Jingzhao heard this, he also thought of the chaos created by the Dragon Blood Sect, and was immediately extremely indignant.

This Dragon Blood Cult existed many years ago, and it caused a catastrophe twenty years ago. They preached everywhere, announced rumors and incited the people to riot, in an attempt to completely subvert the Yuanning Kingdom and replace it.

The people who were bewitched by the rumors burned, killed, looted, and even threw their own beheaded children in front of the government yamen. Only Yuan Ningguo was not tolerated by the Tao of Heaven, and would rather let his child return to reincarnation than let him grow up like this. a dirty place.

Those cultists seemed to be under control, and they couldn't listen to anything except the orders from the Dragon Blood Sect.

I just feel that my actions are acting for heaven and accumulating virtue for future generations.

The government office didn't take it seriously at first, and only thought that killing a few people would be enough to deter him. But they later found out that these people were simply crazy, and they were not afraid of death at all. Once the government suppressed them, they would rush up one after another. Many government officials in many places died at the hands of these cultists.

The emperor was furious, ordered the immediate eradication, and even handed the matter over to the army.

After a bloodbath, as long as the disciples of the Dragon Blood Sect were beheaded in the street.

At that time, the dense corpses could even completely block an entire street.

After a month, this matter slowly subsided. Although those who were alive survived, their family members were brutally killed. For a time, the city was full of death.

After this incident, Yuanning's national strength was greatly damaged, and its prestige among the people was far less than before.

From the emperor to the people who were not deceived, they all hated the Dragon Blood Sect, and the officials everywhere never relaxed their pursuit of those remnants of the sect. It was not until more than five years later that Yuan Ningguo slowly recovered his vitality, and the matter of the Dragon Blood Sect gradually disappeared in front of people.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, this cult has made a comeback again, and the witches they worship are still hidden in the homes of court ministers!

The governor of Jingzhao was frightened and angry, and bowed his hands to Dong Haoyang, then hurriedly summoned his subordinates and issued an urgent order.


It was destined to be a restless night.

The sky in the capital was flushed red by the torches of the officers and soldiers, and the clamor caused by arresting people was incessant.

All the places that Dong Haoyang had been in contact with were provided in detail, and Jingzhao Mansion did not disappoint him.

Although one or two small fish escaped, all the main figures in the sect were arrested and brought to justice.

No, another important person escaped.

That is the saintess of the Dragon Blood Sect, Dong Wenbai's flat wife Shui Xirong.

When arresting her, she held Dong Wenbo hostage, a sharp dagger was placed across his neck, and a single force was a deep bloodstain, and the blood flowed down the dagger little by little.

Dong Wenbo was paralyzed immediately, and his pants suddenly became wet and smelly. If Shui Xirong hadn't carried him, I'm afraid he would have collapsed to the ground long ago.

Listening to Dong Wenbai's tragic howl, the officials were a little hesitant.

After hesitating for a while, Shui Xirong threw down a strange object, and with a "Peng" sound, a burst of smoke with a strong pungent smell filled in front of them.

By the time those officials finally opened their eyes, Shui Xirong had long since disappeared.

in a dilapidated hut.

"Dong Haoyang, you have to die—" Shui Xirong squeezed out these words from between her teeth, her eyes were bloodshot, and the resentment in her eyes seemed to be real.

She hates!

I can't wait to dismember Dong Haoyang's five horses! ! !

The layout of more than ten years was destroyed like this.

Originally, she had the opportunity to wipe out Yuanning's dog emperor and those little bastards. Those chronic sex would definitely make them die silently, but they were ruined by Dong Haoyang and Ji Wenhui. They had to dormant again, daring not to show any clues.

But now, in a good situation, the cultists hidden in palaces, government offices, markets, etc. have gradually gained power. As long as they continue to develop, they will be able to make a comeback.

In the end, she was deceived by the little bastard Dong Haoyang!

I brought him into contact with all the middle and high-level leaders of the sect, but now he has been removed one by one.

Everything is ruined.

Shui Xirong suddenly burst out laughing wildly, until the end of the laugh, tears came out.

"East Haoyang"

"I will definitely make your life worse than death!!!"

The voice was full of resentment.