Hui Tian

Chapter 37


On the outskirts of Shenhai City, behind the mountain of Xingye Village.

Abandoned paper mill.

One after another, vans stopped in front of the empty factory gate, then the doors opened and several different teams unloaded their filming equipment from the vans.

"Fortunately, we found such a good place before. The mountains are high and the emperor is far away, so it is easy to deal with the 'big beasts'." A "producer" was smoking a cigarette and walking into the factory with ease, chatting with the photographer. "It's a pity that there are fewer opportunities to shoot 'big beasts' now. No one dares to deal with cows and sheep. Last time, I found a girl to deal with a big dog, but she couldn't do it no matter what. She deserves that she won't make much money!..."

"Oh!" The photographer, carrying his equipment, shook his head with emotion, "How much money can you make by taking pictures of small things nowadays? Who would spend money to buy a goldfish, a turtle, a rabbit, a cat, or a dog? Only last time did Lao Zhang hire someone to gut a cow alive, and the cow cried out in pain when the hot internal organs were taken out, and the calf also cried while kneeling beside it - that film was good, and it sold for tens of thousands!"

The people behind laughed.

"Old Zhang always has ideas, and this time is no exception." Someone next to him continued, "He said that thing was 1.7 meters long and weighed 100 kilograms. I thought it was a person. I was so scared that I quickly clicked on it and saw that it turned out to be a dwarf horse! Hahahaha—"

The producer was beaming with joy: "You don't understand, this is called a gimmick! Let's use this as the title when we get back. He has figured out the traffic password..."

Dozens of people came to the gate of the courtyard. The producer pushed the door open and said, "Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang! Everyone is here, hurry up—"

He paused.

In the dilapidated factory yard, a young girl stood in front of a door not far away with her back to them. When she heard the voice, she turned around and smiled at everyone:

"Are you here?"

"Hey, where did that girl come from?" A bunch of people suddenly became excited. "Is it the actress hired by Lao Zhang?" "JK White Socks, this wave of money is huge!" "How did the girl get into the industry? Where is Lao Zhang?"

A group of people rushed into the yard and looked around, but saw the girl looking at them with a smile, which was quite innocent and sweet: "Zhang Zongxiao?"

She tugged at the chain in her hand: "Here it is."

There was the sound of iron chains rattling, and something stumbling towards the door, like a pig, a dog, a cow, a sheep, or the pony they were planning to photograph today.

Everyone was stunned.

A shadow emerged from the darkness, kneeling on all fours and crawling on the ground, with a spiked iron collar around his neck. His wailing was blocked in his throat by the horse's bit, and he could only make desperate whimpers.

Rather than being a human, it looked more like some kind of weird horse made from broken bones.

That's Zhang Zongxiao.

Screams, shouts, and roars broke out at the same time. Some people rushed forward, some retreated, and more people subconsciously wanted to escape. However, they had no time to rush out of the factory yard. The iron gate slammed shut with a bang, as if an invisible force had locked it heavily.

"Don't run away so quickly," Chu Yan turned around, the girl's innocent smile had disappeared, and her voice was cold and condescending: "Don't you like this?"

"The main part of the show hasn't started yet."
