Hui Tian

Chapter 59


Dusk fell quickly, but the beach was crowded with surveillance vehicles and people were talking and walking in a hurry.

Cameron's men surrounded the entire scene. Amatullah went through a lot of procedures to bring people in. He directed his inspectors to drag the wreckage of the Fenrir ashore, and lifted up several bodies covered with white cloth and took them away. Various salvage ships made the sea surface as bright as day.

Not far away on the beach, Shen Zhuo, wearing Bai Sheng's coat, was sitting by the open back door of an ambulance, his eyes slightly closed and his face pale.

Although Rong Qi's serum was diluted 600 times, theoretically there should be no side effects, but mixing it with Yang Xiaodao's strong A-level serum would always have an impact on the body. In addition, the intense battle was too much of a burden on ordinary humans, so after the doctor's temporary inspection, he recommended that he be hospitalized for two days to avoid any accidents.

"Got it." Bai Sheng stood beside Shen Zhuo and shook hands with the local medical evolver to express his gratitude. "I'll take him there later."

The Medical Evolver nodded and was about to say something else when a stretcher happened to pass by them, and the person on the stretcher was covered in blood.

It's Nelson.

The director-general, known as the Wolf of Odin, has never looked so miserable. He has been given emergency treatment and will be sent to the Evolution Hospital by helicopter for detention and treatment. The gray haze from blood loss covers his entire face, and at first glance it is impossible to tell whether he is dead or alive.

Bai Sheng coldly watched the stretcher pass by, but unexpectedly at this moment, Nelson's distracted gaze fell on Shen Zhuo, and he suddenly opened his eyes wide as if stimulated by something.

Bai Sheng stretched out his hand to block Shen Zhuo behind him, but Nelson uttered a few words in a tearing, intermittent voice, almost with a dying obsession:

"Is it...really..."

“Reproductive isolation…”

Reproductive isolation

What the hell

The moment these words fell, Bai Sheng instinctively felt Shen Zhuo's expression tighten slightly.

But Nelson's voice was too difficult to distinguish, and it was too dark to make out his mouth shapes. Bai Sheng wondered if he had heard it wrongly, and he couldn't even be sure if Nelson had said those few words.

"-Nelson can't nominate the next Director General," a polite and smooth voice came from behind.

Bai Sheng turned around and saw Cameron standing next to the ambulance, watching Nelson's stretcher leave.

This senior official of the Security Council changed his clothes and wore a suit and tie. He looked calm and composed, completely unlike the disheveled appearance he had just shown when he got off the helicopter like a drowned chicken. He just glanced at Bai Sheng briefly, then turned to Shen Zhuo.

“No matter who the new director general is, he will not allow you to spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year to support HRG. Your small laboratory in Shenhai will only survive and become increasingly difficult until it is forced to close again.”

"The storm is coming, Dr. Shen." Cameron showed Shen Zhuo a hypocritical smile like a diplomat, pretending to open his arms: "Instead of waiting to die in Shenhai, let me once again generously open my arms to you and welcome you and your desperate researchers to join the Security Council with HRG and continue scientific exploration in a safe and stable environment. How about it?"