Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 107: My surname is Lu, and the characters are Yiye


When Hua Ci hurried back to Yingshan, Ruan Lingyu greeted her.

"How's it going?" she asked.

Ruan Lingyu said solemnly: "The injury is very serious." She has grown so big, and she has never seen such a seriously injured person. To be honest, she is surprised that Lu Ye is still alive. It can be said that there is hardly a single part of Lu Ye's body intact. The place, with injuries like that, is more painful to live than to die.

"Are you Senior Sister Huaci? Please save Lu Ye." Yiyi stepped forward, looked up at Huaci, and begged.

Hua Ci looked at the reputation and was slightly startled. The last time Lu Ye came here, he was alone, but this time it was actually a sweet-looking girl who sent him here.

There was also a huge tiger lying on the ground. The tiger was supposed to be completely white, but the blood on its body dyed most of its body blood red.

It just lay there, its chest and abdomen constantly rising and falling...

Hua Ci didn't say much nonsense, and said, "Where is the person?"

Ruan Lingyu said, "Where he lived before."

"I gonna go see."

After a while, in the bamboo building where Lu Ye lived before, Hua Ci saw the young man who seemed to be covered in blood. She was used to seeing the injured monk, so she couldn't help frowning.

This injury... is too serious.

She stepped forward to check Lu Ye's situation, her brows furrowed even more.

At this moment, Lu Ye, who was in a coma, woke up, opened his eyes, and looked at the woman sitting next to him with a hazy vision.

Looking at each other, Hua Ci chuckled: "Who is this? We are really destined to meet again so soon."

Lu Ye was a little embarrassed... Anyway, there was something wrong with what he did without telling him last time.

"With such a serious injury, immortals can't be saved, immortals can't be saved." Hua Ci slowly shook her head, and said the most heart-wrenching words in her softest voice, "If you have any last words, hurry up and say it, it will be too late."

"Wow..." Yiyi, who was standing aside, burst into tears immediately.

Ruan Lingyu also had a sour nose and red eyes. She couldn't help but stretch out her arms and hug Yiyi, letting Yiyi vent her emotions on her chest.

"Scare... what a child does." Lu Ye said weakly, "Don't listen to her... fart."

He stretched out his hand tremblingly, touched it in the storage bag, and took out a bottle of medicine pill.

Hua Ci said: "If you say you can't be saved, it means you can't be saved. Quickly drag it out and bury it."

Lu Ye took out another bottle of medicinal herbs...

Huaci snorted softly, put away the two bottles of medicinal herbs without a trace, and said lightly: "It's not impossible to rescue it." Turning around and instructing Ruan Lingyu: "Lingyu, go and boil a pot of hot water." She looked at Yiyi again. : "You stay and help."

Ruan Lingyu responded immediately and rushed outside, leaving Yiyi standing there at a loss.

She looked at Lu Ye, but found that Lu Ye fainted again at some point.

"I can't die!" Hua Ci kept taking some things out of her storage bag, doing preparations, "Help me take off his clothes!"

"Take off... take off your clothes?" Yiyi was startled.

"He is covered in injuries. How can he save him if he doesn't take off his clothes? If you want him to die, you don't have to take off."

"I'll take it off!" Yiyi responded immediately, as if she wanted to undress herself, gritted her teeth, and walked to the bed with tragic steps.

The hot water was quickly boiled, and Hua Ci had already started to treat Lu Ye. The whole room was filled with green light surging, and the light gave people warmth and gave birth to vitality.

Ruan Lingyu ran out with a blushing face and stood at the door, waiting for orders at any time. Under the guidance of Huaci, Yiyi took hot water to wipe off the dirt near Lu Ye's wound.

Baimeng Book

It was so busy that it didn't stop until noon.

Compared with the previous injury, Lu Ye's injury this time looks more serious and frightening, but it is actually much better. After all, it was injured by a sharp weapon. The last time it was injured by magic, the two situations are different.

It's just that there are too many wounds, so it is more troublesome to deal with.

Huaci wiped the sweat from her forehead, then turned to look at Yiyi: "Does the tiger outside want to be rescued?"

Yiyi turned her head into a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes."

In this short half-day, she witnessed Huaci's medical skills with her own eyes. Under her treatment, Lu Ye's breathing became much smoother. Although his face was still pale, it was better than before. How could he not know this beautiful bubbling in front of him? Sister is a doctor.

Amber was also injured, but the injury was not as serious as that of Lu Ye. As Amber's companion, she could clearly feel Amber's state.

"The medical fee is on his head." Hua Ci said, pushed open the door and walked away. After a while, Amber's humming sound came from outside.

After a full day, Lu Ye woke up again.

The body is very weak, and the body is also in pain everywhere, especially the right lung, but he knows this is a good thing, if the right lung is always numb, it will be the most troublesome.

"Lu Ye, you're awake!" Yiyi's voice came, and then her face moved closer, looking at Lu Ye in surprise.

Lu Ye smiled at her and wanted to get up, but he had no strength, so Yiyi took the initiative to help him up and let him lean against the head of the bed.

Glancing over, he saw Hua Ci sitting beside him, holding a bowl of green concoction in his hand.

Lu Ye's expression was bitter.

"Now that you're awake, drink the medicine." Hua Ci leaned forward and handed over the medicine in her hand.

Lu Ye wanted to raise his hand, but couldn't, so he could only stare at her.

Hua Ci was quite helpless. She stood up and fed the concoction to Lu Ye. While feeding, she said, "Give the medicine a panacea."

"Cough cough cough..." Lu Ye almost choked to death, this black-hearted woman really fell into the eyes of money.

"Dare to spit it out and I'll put the bowl in your mouth!" Hua Ci smiled, her tone soft as water.

Yiyi turned her head to look at Huaci in disbelief, as if she had known her again.

After drinking the medicine, Hua Ci checked Lu Ye's condition again, and nodded, "It's good to have plenty of qi and blood, and the recovery is faster than others."

Hua Ci said this last time that Lu Ye's qi and blood are much stronger than those of monks of the same level, which led her to initially doubt whether Lu Ye wanted to take the path of physical cultivation.

"Then let's start today's treatment." Hua Ci clapped her hands.

Yiyi immediately walked outside.

Lu Ye was puzzled, and when Hua Ci lifted the quilt, he realized that he was not wearing clothes, but fortunately, his whole body was tightly bandaged, and he was literally wrapped into a zongzi.

The green light began to flicker, and Lu Ye crawled on the bed, feeling the pain and numbness in the wound.

"Didn't you say your name is Yi Ye?" Hua Ci suddenly said, "Why did that little girl named Yiyi call you Lu Ye?"

The last time Lu Ye stayed here for half a month, he naturally informed Hua Ci of his name.

"My surname is Lu, and the word is Yiye." Lu Ye explained seriously.

"Really?" Hua Ci responded casually.

"Hi..." Lu Ye suddenly felt a heart-piercing pain from behind.

"Ah, my hand slipped, sorry." Hua Ci chuckled lightly.

"Don't come!" Lu Ye's lungs hurt.

"This is not the attitude a patient should have towards a doctor." Hua Ci's tone began to soften.

Lu Ye's face turned black, feeling that something was wrong.