Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 11: Introduction to the admissions of the spiritual world


Seeing this scene, Lu Ye immediately understood that this test is divided into two levels, one is to check whether there is any aptitude for cultivation, and the other is to check the level of talent.

There is a difference between aptitude and talent. The former determines whether a person can practice and whether he has the qualifications to practice. The latter determines how high a person will achieve in the future. In theory, the better the talent, the higher the achievement in the future. high.

Of course, the talent test here is only a general test due to limited conditions. It is not guaranteed to be completely accurate, but it is always inseparable, and the deviation will not be too large.

In terms of aptitude, Lu Ye is not worried, he has already enlightened, and he will definitely be able to practice.

As for the level of talent, it's hard to say. He doesn't know what his talent is, and he has to go to the tent behind to test it to find out.

The first person with the aptitude for cultivation has appeared, which added a little vitality to the originally dead and quiet queue, and suddenly gave birth to a feeling that I can do it again.

However, the reality is cruel after all.

In the next test, more than ten people were eliminated, and finally a person with cultivation qualifications appeared.

Re-enacted as before.

The long queue keeps shortening, one slave after another goes from expectation to disappointment...

Generally speaking, there will always be one person with cultivation aptitude among more than ten people, and this ratio is similar to what Lu Ye understands.

He stood in the second half of the queue, but because of the fast detection speed, he stood in front of the table in less than a stick of incense.

"Have you ever been enlightened?" the monk behind the desk asked in the same way.

"It opened a hole." Lu Ye replied honestly.

That Xiuwei immediately raised his head, looked Lu Ye up and down, and said with a smile: "Okay, finally someone enlightened."

Although seven or eight people passed the aptitude test before, those seven or eight people were not enlightened. Among the queues here, Lu Ye was the first!

"Come on, put your hands on this." The monk pointed to the crystal ball on the table.

Lu Ye is puzzled, isn't this thing a test of qualifications? I have opened my own mind, what else do I need to test

The cultivator should have seen the doubts in Lu Ye's heart, and explained: "On my side, not only the qualifications, but also the proficiency."

"Success?" Lu Ye was even more at a loss, he had never heard of such a thing.

Perhaps because Lu Ye opened his spiritual aperture, the cultivator patiently explained: "Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, among the five elements, everyone's spiritual power will be biased towards a certain type, this is the line, and each kind of line Each has a different focus.”

"So it is!" Lu Ye suddenly realized, and wondered again: "Before that..."

The cultivator smiled and said, "They haven't even opened their spiritual orifices, they have no spiritual power, and they can't detect their attributes."

"That's it." Lu Ye understood, raised his hands and covered the crystal ball.

"Move your spiritual power into it," the cultivator instructed.

Lu Ye acted according to his words, and at the same time stared at the changes in the crystal ball, he was also curious about what he was doing.

The crystal ball first lit up, which meant that Lu Ye had the aptitude for cultivation, but for someone like him, this result was meaningless.

The next change is the detection of the line.

Under Lu Ye's attention, an orange flame suddenly appeared in the crystal ball, and it was burning!

This scene made his pupils shrink a bit, because the orange flame looked... so familiar.

"Oh?" The cultivator behind the desk raised his brows and said with great interest: "The five elements are the main fire, um, there are some gold lines, not bad, okay, let's stop."

Lu Ye can understand the main fire of his five elements. After all, he was able to open his mind thanks to the talent tree. It was the talent tree that devoured a mass of orange flames, so that he suddenly opened his spiritual orifice.

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The leaf on the talent tree that bears the sharp spiritual pattern is also burning.

But he didn't understand Jinxing, and only vaguely wondered if this would be his original business.

"Put this thing away, and go find my third senior brother in the tent at the back." The cultivator handed Lu Ye a jade tablet, which Lu Ye thanked and took it. He saw that the jade tablet had his name engraved on it, and there was a word on the bottom. , it should represent an opening, and the other side is engraved with its own line.

After crossing the table, Lu Ye walked towards the back.

There is a tent set up temporarily not far away. Those who have passed the qualification test before have entered here to check their talents.

Standing in front of the tent, Lu Ye first pleaded guilty, then opened the curtain and walked in.

The space inside the tent is not small, there is a meticulous and stern cultivator, sitting cross-legged on a futon, closing his eyes and resting, thinking that this is the three senior brothers.

Not far in front of the third senior brother, there is also a circular disc made of some kind of wood. The disc is the size of a table top, with eight pits on the edge, and some bald ones are born beside the pits. little sapling.

Lu Ye came to him and clasped his fists in a salute: "Lu Ye has seen senior brother, this is my jade token, and I want senior brother to test it."

The three senior brothers opened their eyes, took the jade card, looked at the front and back, and raised their brows: "Have you opened your eyes?"

It seemed that this disc was used to detect the level of talent. Lu Ye walked up to it, sat cross-legged in the center, and accidentally glanced at it, and found that there were many complicated lines and patterns engraved on the disc.

Spirit pattern? Lu Ye suddenly became interested and looked at it carefully, but with his current eyesight, he couldn't tell what the purpose of these spirit patterns was at all.

The only spiritual pattern he knew was Feng Rui.

The number of spiritual patterns imprinted on the disc is very dense, and they are closely connected to each other and integrated into one.

This is not just the spirit pattern, Lu Ye woke up and remembered something he had heard before.

This is a formation!

Is the formation made of spirit patterns

"Cough!" Third Senior Brother's light cough interrupted his thoughts, and Lu Ye hurriedly sat upright.

The eyes met, and after a brief silence, the third senior said: "My Qingyumen is located in Cangluan Mountain in the hinterland of Bingzhou, with 300 large and small Lingfeng. In terms of comprehensive strength, it ranks among the top five in Bingzhou. They are all in the Divine Sea Realm, and under the sect master, there are hundreds of cultivators in the True Lake Realm…”

Lu Ye originally thought that the third senior brother was a taciturn person, but at this moment he realized that he was wrong.

As soon as the third senior brother opened his mouth, he continued to introduce various situations of Qingyumen, and Lu Yeyun was foggy and stern when he heard it.

And somehow, the rhetoric of the third senior brother actually gave him a strong sense of sight.

When the third senior brother kept talking about "how is the sword sect in the door, how is the law sect...", Lu Yechen's memory rolled up.

The corners of Lu Ye's mouth twitched slightly, thinking to himself, is this the introduction to the recruitment of the cultivation world