Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 132: Longquan quenching body


At some point in the hall, a secret passage leading to the underground opened, and monks walked in one after another, and the sound of empty footsteps came from deep below.

Everyone followed the secret road all the way in a spiral, and walked straight for about a stick of incense before arriving at a bronze gate.

The door is thick and simple, and the sense of vicissitudes is blowing. There is a flying dragon carved on the door, which is vivid and like a living thing.

The door was open, and a reddish mist surged behind it.

The monks who came here did not stop, they poured into the red mist and disappeared, the open bronze gate, the surging red mist, as if there were invisible beasts entrenched in it, swallowing the monks one by one.

Lu Ye was just behind Xie Jin and followed him into the red mist.

But after walking in, I suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness. That feeling came and went quickly. When Lu Ye came back to his senses, Xie Jin was no longer in front of him. Not only him, but also the previous The monks who walked in couldn't see it.

Lu Ye didn't panic. On the way to gather, Qiao Qiaoer asked some things about Longquan, but Xie Jin didn't hide it, so he said a lot, but because his cultivation was not high, what he knew was only hearsay. .

One of them has a peculiar experience of entering this place. All people who enter here will appear in a small independent space and will not have any intersection with other people.

As for why this happened, Xie Jin couldn't say why, only the elders in the sect speculated that it seemed to be related to the secret of space.

Lu Ye turned his head and looked around. The light red mist was not too strong, so it did not completely cover the surrounding environment. After looking at it for a while, he found that the place where he was was a bit like a secret room. In the center of the secret room, there was a bowl. The mouth-sized spring is spewing spring water. The spring water that spews out does not flow around, and will soon seep into the ground. As the spring water spews, a reddish mist escapes.

This secret room is not big, with a length and width of about 30 feet, and there is nothing else except the steaming spring.

The current situation makes Lu Ye feel novel. He doesn't know where the others have gone, but he thinks that he is in a separate secret room just like himself.

This place, I am afraid, hides some secrets. Lu Ye didn't have the heart to explore these. Several nearby forces have been entrenched here for so many years, and any secrets must have been explored by them long ago.

There was not much time, Lu Ye walked to the corner of the secret room, took out a futon to spread, and sat cross-legged on it, calmly.

Xie Jin said that he only needs to meditate and practice normally. With his own breathing, the light red mist will temper the cultivator's physique.

Lu Ye was a little worried.

After some attempts, sure enough, this meditation practice had no effect at all, and the reddish mist lingering around the body was not introduced into the body at all.

This mist is the root cause of tempering the cultivator's physique. If it cannot be introduced into the body, it will naturally not have the effect of tempering.

He had already responded to this, and Lu Ye began to construct the spirit gathering pattern in his spiritual aperture...

The gathering spirit pattern can be turned into an extremely small funnel, introducing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into Lu Ye's spiritual aperture. If the light red mist here is regarded as the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the gathering spirit pattern should also be able to play a role.

Soon, a spirit gathering pattern was formed, and Lu Ye immediately felt a different feeling. Under the traction of the gathering spirit pattern, the mist was gathered, passed through the funnel-shaped spirit pattern, and poured into the spiritual aperture. .

It was different from the feeling when he was practicing. When the mist poured into his spiritual aperture, Lu Ye immediately felt a slight pain, not too intense, as if someone had lightly poked him with a needle.

This made him feel relieved, because Xie Jin said that this is a normal phenomenon, and tempering the body is not a good experience, and everyone will feel pain here.

This is also the reason why Tang Wu asked everyone to do what they can. The higher the cultivation talent, the greater the benefits they can get here, and the greater the pain they have to endure.

As the gathering spirit pattern continued to function, the slight pain continued to come.

This pain Lu Ye could almost ignore, he started to build the second gathering spirit pattern, waited for a while, the third, the fourth...

Lu Ye snorted softly until thirty spirit gathering patterns were constructed.

At this time, with the continuous influx of the pale red mist, the pain has become extremely obvious, it no longer seems that a needle tip is gently poking him, and there seems to be an extra long needle in the body, which is in the limbs and bones. constantly wandering in and out.

Lu Ye temporarily stopped the construction of the spirit pattern, because he felt that he couldn't hold on any longer.

The pain became more and more intense, until it reached a peak, Lu Ye suddenly felt a burning sensation all over his body, and his whole body seemed to be on fire.

The severe pain made him sweat profusely and wet his clothes.

But then, the pain started to ease again. Although it didn't disappear completely, it was much better than before.

Lu Ye calmed down and constructed the spirit gathering pattern again.

Thirty-one, thirty-two... Not until forty.

When I reached a limit again, I felt the same as before, my body started to burn again, and the pain was relieved...

He constructed the spirit pattern for the third time.

Until all of his spiritual apertures were blessed with spirit gathering patterns, there were as many as fifty-four.

The pale red mist around him swarmed and was swallowed up by Lu Ye. He clenched his fists and endured it hard, his body trembling constantly.

Suddenly, two huge blood-red pupils suddenly appeared in his mind, staring at him in the air, those blood-colored eyes were full of chaos and killing, and under their gaze, Lu Ye felt cold all over.

It seemed like a moment, and it seemed like thousands of years, Lu Ye suddenly opened his eyes, but there was nothing in front of him.

His expression was amazed, and he didn't know if it was an illusion or what, but just now, under the gaze of those blood-colored eyes, he clearly heard an old voice, and what the voice said, Lu Ye couldn't hear it clearly.

The pain in the body has disappeared completely, and the stomach is rumbling, and there is a strong hunger that has never been seen before.


A strange sound came out, and Lu Ye looked at it, but saw a flat object spurting out of the spring in the middle of the secret room.

He looked at it for a moment in surprise, and wanted to get up to get it, but after walking a few steps away, he realized that something was wrong.

His body... seems to be out of balance, not the kind of dizzy one, but an imbalance that he can't control.

He clearly wanted to walk to the spring, but within a few steps he crossed the spring and reached the other side of the secret room, almost hitting the wall.

He stopped quickly, closed his eyes, and silently probed himself.

His own qi and blood seemed to be more than twice as abundant as before, and his flesh and blood became more powerful. He lightly clenched his fist, and a powerful force was surging.

The physique has been greatly improved! This is the reason why he can't control his body, because his strength has increased too much in a short period of time, and his speed has also increased rapidly, but his mind has not yet adapted to the improvement of his body.

When I calm down, even everything around me seems to slow down.

Longquan tempering, can there be such a big benefit? Lu Ye was a little surprised.

It shouldn't be like this. If Longquan tempering really had such huge benefits, this place would have been occupied by the top sects long ago. How could it be the turn of Qingyu Mountain and Tailuo Sect to hold a Longquan meeting? Although the top sects are located in the core circle, they only need to send some people.

Xie Jin said before that tempering in Longquan is indeed beneficial, but it will not make a person reborn. Compared with the treasures of body tempering occupied by those top sects, Longquan is still a lot worse, so let Lu Ye and others Don't expect too much, just do your best, but in addition to the function of tempering the body, Longquan has another function, which is the reason why those big sect disciples come to share a piece of the pie.

But Lu Ye clearly felt a reborn feeling at the moment.

He took a deep breath, slowly calmed down, turned around, and began to slowly walk in this secret room.

The beginning was not very smooth. He was like a baby who had just started to walk. If he accidentally hit the wall, but after a few laps, the situation improved after getting used to the changes in his body.

It was only at this moment that he discovered that the light red mist that had been filled here had disappeared without a trace, and that the spring was still spouting spring water, but no more mist overflowed.

The hunger is getting stronger and stronger, as if I haven't eaten for many days.

For the time being, Lu Ye ignored the inexplicable objects spurting out of the spring, and continued to walk in the secret room, taking out some dried meat from the storage bag to eat.

Even eating a dozen pounds of jerky makes me feel full.


When Qingyue's voice came, Lu Ye was startled at first, and then he reacted.

clang clang…

The voice hurried.

Xie Jin said that when the bell rings three times, it means that the time has come and everyone has to leave.

Three days have passed? Lu Ye was a little surprised, he felt that he had only been here for a long time.

Before the final bell rang, he hurried to the spring, grabbed the thing that had been sprayed out of the spring, and stuffed it directly into the storage bag, without having time to find out what it was.

The previous feeling of weightlessness came again, and Lu Ye only felt that a flower appeared in front of the bronze gate.

There were people all around, and obviously everyone was sent out. The sour smell came, and Lu Ye couldn't help frowning. The smell was extremely strong, and there seemed to be more than one kind, and many women were stimulated by the smell. Make retching noises.

"Get out, get out, it stinks!" Someone shouted, taking the lead to return to the way they came.