Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 140: whose burial place


Tianzi No. 3 is the guest room where Lu Ye is.

The old man thought for a moment: "This kind of talent is rare."

The higher the talent, the more spiritual energy that can be swallowed, and the reason why the spiritual energy in the Tianzi room is more concentrated is the same as Lu Ye guessed. Consume Spirit Stones.

The greater the strength of the circle's operation, the greater the consumption of spirit stones.

The cultivators with excellent talent have seen many people, and there are many people who consume more than Lu Ye, but it is a bit unusual to consume three or four more spirit stones every day with a fourth-level cultivation base.

"Are you going to kick him out?" the steward asked.

"They don't owe you Lingshi, so how do you rush? Remember, we are in business, no matter who comes, we must be fair and just, and we can't act according to our own preferences."


"Go down." The old man waved his hand.

The steward respectfully resigned.

The old man sat on the chair for a while, and then slowly shook his head.

I don't know which disciple from a major sect went to the outer circle to sharpen himself, but if a fourth-layer is targeted by a sixth-layer, I am afraid that he will not live for too long.

On the sixth day of staying in the business alliance, while Lu Ye was resting, Amber came up to rub him.

Lu Ye looked at Yiyi: "What do you want Amber?"

Yiyi communicated with him and said, "Amber wants that scale you took out last time."

Suddenly, Lu Ye took out the scale armor again. Amber stepped forward and took a sharp breath at the scale armor. A blood line poured into Amber's nostrils. After shaking his head a few times, he fell to the ground and fainted. The pale red light continued to travel around its body surface, tempering its physique.

Lu Ye is not going to learn amber, the blood lines in the scales look very high, and even a monster like amber can't hold it. Lu Ye estimates that if he takes a sip, there is a high probability that he will not end well.

However, this thing does have a miraculous effect on body quenching. Amber's physique has been greatly improved since the last body quenching. Now it is the second time, and I don't know how it will grow.

He still maintains the frequency of his practice.

One by one, the spiritual orifices opened one after another.

On the fifteenth day of staying in the business alliance, under the constant impact of spiritual energy, the barrier of the sixty-third orifice gradually loosened. Just before the barrier was about to be broken, Lu Ye stopped practicing.

He stood up and checked his state. He was full of energy and blood, and his sixty-three orifices were about to be broken, so he could start implementing his plan.

I took Amber to the first floor of the Business Alliance, found a manager, and spent a hundred spirit stones to buy a few spirit talismans.

As a result, there are only more than 230 spiritual stones left. The main reason is that he spent 150 spiritual stones for the half-month stay, but the effort is worth it. The efficiency of cultivation in that room has improved. Many, the original plan of about 20 days was completed in 15 days, which shortened the time by several days.

He had less than one hundred spirit pills in his hand, and after thinking about it, he simply exchanged for another two hundred spirit pills, leaving more than thirty spirit stones for use.

Everything was ready, Lu Ye rode out of the business alliance on amber.

A pair of sharp eyes immediately stared at him, it was Dong Shuye who had been waiting outside the business alliance for half a month.

Looking at each other, Lu Ye's expression was ugly, like a mourning concubine.

It's finally here!

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Ye took a picture of the Fengxing Talisman directly on Amber, and rushed out after looking in one direction.

Dong Shuye rose into the air and chased after him.

Behind him, the stall owner of the shop burst into tears... Life is really difficult, it hasn't opened for half a month, and since Dong Shuye stood here murderously, no customers dare to come.

He didn't dare to drive people away. The sixth-layer cultivation was not a decoration. How could he easily offend a third-layer.

Now this god of plague is finally gone! The stall owner remembered the sadness of the past half-month and couldn't help crying.

Amber's speed has improved a little, it should be because of the bloodline quenching body before, and with Fengxing's blessing, even if Dong Shuye can slide and chase, he can't chase it for a while, which makes him feel annoyed.

Fortunately, he learned to be smart, and during the pursuit, he threw a spiritual pill into his mouth to replenish the consumption, and at the same time, he held a spiritual stone in each hand to absorb the spiritual power.

The situation returned to half a month ago. During the chase, he continued to go deeper into the wilderness. After half a day, Amber's speed slowly slowed down, and his physical strength was too much. Fortunately, Dong Shuye was the same, even if there was a spirit pill and spirit stone. Restoring them together will not make up for the loss of spiritual power.

As if they were in a good mood, they each stopped to repair, but this time, Lu Ye started to run away after a long time. Dong Shuye would not let him escape, and immediately got up and chased after him.

A day later, Dong Shuye stopped in front of a cave and frowned!

He was in midair just now and saw Lu Ye riding the snow-white tiger into the cave with his own eyes. This strange situation made him a little suspicious.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for the fleeing party to easily plunge himself into death. It is obviously abnormal for the other party to do so.

But he quickly thought of a possibility. This cave might be connected to the other side. If the other side escaped from here, his advantage of sliding would be lost.

Thinking of this, Dong Shuye didn't hesitate any more, plunged into the cave and quickly went deep inside. Of course, he was not stupid. To prevent Lu Ye from ambushing himself, he raised his hand and patted a golden talisman on his body. , even if the enemy launches a sneak attack from the dark, he still has time to react.

The cave was dark and damp, and beyond Dong Shuye's expectations, the other party didn't do anything in this cramped environment.

The further you go, the wider the cave becomes.

Until a certain moment, he rushed into a spacious cave on the side of the mountain. This cave has the appearance of two acres of land and is more than ten feet high. There are stalactites hanging upside down on the top of the cave, dripping water droplets and making noises.

Although the environment was dark, he saw Lu Ye who was hiding in the innermost cave at a glance. At this moment, Lu Ye was sitting cross-legged, and his spiritual power was boiling.

Dong Shuye can determine what conspiracy and tricks the other party has, but this is a semi-enclosed space. There is no other way out except the entrance he walked in. That is to say, as long as he blocks the position of the exit, there is no escape for convenience. !

He was determined, finally, caught, this guy! Even if the other party has any conspiracy and tricks, they are vulnerable in the face of absolute strength.

He took a deep breath and smiled sarcastically: "This is the burial place you chose for yourself?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Ye's qi suddenly floated, and his spiritual power fluctuated wildly.

Lingxi five-layer realm!

Dong Shuye was stunned. When he was chasing Lu Ye before, the opponent was clearly only at the fourth level, but he disappeared after a while, and he was actually at the fifth level. This only shows one problem, that is, the opponent is stuck in the fifth level. On the edge, I deliberately chose to be promoted at this time!

What a fast practice speed!

Two and a half months ago, the other party was only at the third level. When he saw Lu Ye at the fourth level, Dong Shuye was secretly surprised, but considering that the other party stayed in the third level for a long time, the improvement of the first level was normal.

But now the improvement is not normal!

Two and a half months from the third-layer to the fifth-layer, this kind of cultivation speed is simply appalling.

Dong Shuye felt more and more that his choice was right. If he missed this opportunity, even if he had a chance to see this person next time, he would probably not be an opponent. It was not certain who would kill who.

Just when he was surprised, there was a sudden wave of spiritual power behind him. Dong Shuye didn't even think about it, he raised his hand and hit it with a spell.

A shadow disappeared in a flash, and at the same time, a spirit talisman exploded at the entrance of the cave, supplemented by the magic technique he punched out, the rocks at the entrance of the cave shattered, and rumbled down, blocking the entrance of the cave tightly. .

Dong Shuye was slightly startled, and only then did he realize that the magic talisman was not attacking him, but to block the exit. Now he can't retreat if he wants to!

The strong spiritual power fluctuations approached quickly, Dong Shuye turned his head hastily, just as he saw Lu Ye's body like a thunderbolt, rushing towards him.

At this moment, Lu Ye, who was like a mourning concubine when he walked out of the business alliance before, had a calm expression and a calm expression. Facing the golden arc slash from Dong Shuye, he twisted his body and avoided it.

This is indeed a place of burial, but he chose it for Dong Shuye!

On the way to escape, he had already asked Yiyi to find a suitable terrain, because he had to take into account Dong Shuye's advantage of sliding. If you want to kill Dong Shuye, you must have a good location.

Yiyi found this cave, not too big, but not too small, barely meeting Lu Ye's requirements.

Let Yiyi mobilize the power of the magic talisman to block the entrance of the hole, also because he is afraid that Dong Shuye will escape.

The cave is now completely closed, and only one of him and Dong Shuye can get out alive today!

Promoted to the fifth-layer, there is a small Zhoutian circulatory system in the body, and his speed and explosive power have improved a lot. Lu Ye is confident that as long as he can get close to Dong Shuye, he can kill him!

Fa Xiu is indeed powerful, proficient in various techniques, and his shots are fierce, but Fa Xiu has another name.

When I was chatting with Huaci before, I heard her talk about it. The woman said that in the cultivation world, the monks called the physique cultivators fleshy barbarians, the soldiers cultivators were a bunch of reckless men, and as for the law cultivators, they were just a bunch of crispy skins!

Compared with the same level of physique and military cultivators, the physique of the Fa cultivators is undoubtedly the worst, because they have to study magic all the year round and have no time to temper their physique.

Even those ghosts and ghosts have a stronger physique than Faxiu.

When low-level cultivators are fighting, it is Faxiu's world to keep a distance, but once they are approached, Faxiu's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

In the confrontation half a month ago, Lu Ye was only at the fourth level, and could only break into Dong Shuye's position eight feet away, but now he is at the fifth level, so he is confident that he can break through the blockade of Dong Shuye's technique and slaughter the in front of him.

On the way in, Lu Ye moved, dodged away from the oncoming spells, and quickly drew closer to each other. Under the bright light of the spells, Dong Shuye's expression became a little flustered.