Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 16: The guidance of the huge sea


After a while.

"You are a little interesting." Pang Da Hai has already collected the two pieces of ore.

Yu Xiaodie stood aside in fright, seeing that instead of being angry, he was smiling happily. He really couldn't understand what this senior was thinking.

Seeing enough sincerity, Pang Danghai said bluntly: "Cultivation is a lifetime thing, so in the early stage of cultivation, it is best for monks to determine the direction of cultivation according to their own attributes or talents. Of course, I am not talking about talents. The cultivation talent you just tested is your fit with a certain faction."

"Faction?" Lu Ye keenly grasped the key point, and was a little puzzled. Don't you want to point out the sect selection? How about what faction

"Yes, faction!" Dapanhai nodded, "There used to be many strange factions in the cultivation world of Kyushu, but not many factions survived in the end. There are only six main factions, which mainly focus on physical training, and close combat military training. , Dharma practitioners who study techniques, medical practitioners for hanging pots to help the world, ghost practitioners for psychic ghosts, and external practitioners who are proficient in alchemy, drawing amulets, forming arrays, and making utensils. Of course, there are other small factions that have survived. , but it is not common, if you have the opportunity to meet in the future, you will naturally know."

"It can be said that these six major factions include 99% of the monks in the cultivation world of Kyushu, and they also determine the direction of the monks' cultivation. If you choose the right direction, then the future cultivation will naturally be twice the result with half the effort. For example, if someone is born with divine power and a strong physique, then Naturally, it is the way to choose the body to cultivate. For example, if someone is born with an excellent talent in magic, it is naturally the way to cultivate. Some people don’t like fighting and killing, so they go to alchemy and save them. People are all suitable for their own choices, so it is very important to determine the faction, otherwise a person who wants to Yujian joins the Valley of Flowers, and no one can teach you."

Huo Pang Hai eloquently introduced it, and Lu Ye and Yu Xiaodie nodded repeatedly. Even Yu Xiaodie had never heard of this information.

"According to what Senior Brother said, different sects focus on different factions?" Lu Ye vaguely understood what he meant.

"Did I say so?" Huo Panghai was surprised.

"Senior brother just said that the people in Baihuagu don't teach swords."

"You're smart." Pang Danghai glanced at Lu Ye approvingly, but he didn't expect that he could infer something just through his own words, "Generally speaking, there can't be only one faction in a sect, at least two Three, as many as four or five or even more, for example, the top ten first-rank sects basically have all the factions complete, of course, there are exceptions, the Northern Profound Sword Sect has only one military cultivation faction, and it is the most extreme in military cultivation. That kind of." Speaking of this Northern Profound Sword Sect, the fat on Huan Hai's face couldn't help but twitch, as if he thought of some unpleasant memories.

He paused, then continued: "Although a sect is composed of several factions, there will always be different focuses. In this case, the lower the sect, the more obvious it is, because they do not have many factions. Energy and resources make all factions go hand in hand. Take Fenyueshan, who was present this time, for example, they mainly focus on the Dan Xiu in the Faxiu and the external cultivation. The prefectures are all well-known. If the five elements belong to the fire, if they want to worship the Burning Moon Mountain, they will undoubtedly have a greater advantage, because the spiritual power of the fire belongs to the fire is needed when refining alchemy."

When he said the last sentence, he glanced at Lu Ye, and the meaning of the hint was obvious.

Lu Ye suddenly said: "Is this what the senior brother said before, determine the faction based on one's own line of work?"

"Exactly." Dapanhai nodded, "Gold master is sharp, you can follow the path of military cultivation, law cultivation, and physical cultivation, and wood masters vitality, you can follow the path of physical cultivation, medical cultivation, Dharma cultivation, Dan cultivation, array cultivation, and water cultivation. Xingling is soft, tolerant of all things, all factions are not excluded, fire is violent, other factions can be compatible except for medical cultivation, ghost cultivation is not suitable, earth cultivation is heavy, and it is most suitable to become body cultivation, so what path do you want to take in the future? , not only depends on your interests, but also depends on your affiliation, there is a saying among mortals that men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and this saying is the same in the world of practice."

"Everyone has been tested now, and someone will distribute something to you later. The key is to stay with you. You have to choose carefully. Which sect you want to join, it is best to determine which sect focuses on which faction. Do these factions conflict with your lineage?"

"Understood." Lu Ye nodded sternly, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, brother."

Although the huge sea seemed a little greedy for money, he took two pieces of ore from him, but these words he said were indeed inaudible, enough to offset the value of the two pieces of ore.

Dapanhai waved his hand: "It's all common sense, and you have little contact with the outside world, so you don't know."

"I also want to ask a teacher, my attribute is the main fire and supplementary gold. Which sect is better to choose this time?"

"Well, you..." Pang Danghai looked at him down and down and smiled: "I don't think it matters which one you choose."

Lu Ye's face was as black as the bottom of a pot: "Why did the senior brother tell me so much?"

Huge Hai was overwhelmed with joy: "I heard that there was a guy with a talent for Yi Ye, I came to see it! You know I haven't seen Yi Ye for so many years... Hahaha!"

The whole body of his laughing fat was shaking, and Lu Ye could not wait to rush up and hammer him to death!

I don't know which bastard spread his talent out, and it really is good things don't go out and bad things go thousands of miles.

Just when Lu Ye was about to be unable to bear it, Dangpanhai suddenly stopped laughing, lowered his voice and said to Lu Ye: "If I were you, I would keep my expectations to a minimum, and don't be half-hearted, so... it might be possible to get what you want. willing!"

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Yu Xiaodie, and said with a smile, "Little girl, is there anything you want senior brother to point out?"

Yu Xiaodie couldn't ask for it, and quickly said: "Which sect do you think I should join?"

"Do you like to fight and kill?" asked the huge sea.

Yu Xiaodie shook her head into a rattle, no girl likes to fight.

"Then go to Baihua Valley." Huge Haidao said, "Most of Baihua Valley are medical practitioners. They don't have to fight and kill, and even if they are captured, they will not be treated too harshly."

"Hundred Flowers Valley..." Yu Xiaodie thoughtfully, bowed and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother."

Her five elements, the main tree, is just right for Baihua Valley, and Dapanhai obviously knows it and gives such instructions.

The huge sea left, leaving Lu Ye standing in a bad mood.

Yu Xiaodie wanted to comfort him, but she didn't know how to speak, so she opened the topic: "Senior brother, there is something I don't want to understand."


"Just now you gave that brother Pang four pieces of ore and he didn't want it. Why did you take two pieces and he wanted it instead?"

Lu Ye explained casually: "In his opinion, those four stones belong to him. He doesn't know how to cherish what he has, and only when he loses it can he know how precious it is."

Yu Xiaodie heard the words and fell into deep thought, only to think that this statement makes sense.

Of course, this also has something to do with the low value of the two pieces of ores that Lu Ye took away. The real value is the two left over.