Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1653: It's too partial


Since ancient times, apart from holy beasts, no flesh and blood can enter the ancestral land of the soul clan.

If the will of the ancestral land does not allow flesh and blood to enter, then flesh and blood cannot enter.

The will of the ancestral land allows Lu Ye to enter, so Lu Ye can come in.

In the same way, if the will of the ancestral land allows it, Lu Ye can naturally refine the second lotus, because that lotus is the incarnation of the will of the ancestral land.

Hun Que looked at the direction of Lu Ye in the lotus pond, and really couldn't see what was so special about this human race that the will of the ancestors could treat it like this.

But he can enter the ancestral land and refine the second divine lotus, which speaks for itself.

Hun Que watched with great interest, feeling vaguely that refining the two divine lotuses was not the end, it might just be the beginning!

In the lotus pond, Lu Ye confirmed one thing. Although he had refined two divine lotuses, there was actually only one in the divine sea, but that one divine lotus seemed to have undergone some wonderful changes...

In this way, can refining more divine lotuses bring about greater changes in the two-colored lotus in the sea of gods, maybe... to become three-colored

Originally refining a divine lotus, Lu Ye didn't have much thought anymore. He just wanted to stay here for three days, refine some pool water, and strengthen his spirit.

But now that he had such a discovery, his mood immediately cheered up, and he immediately slid his body in one direction.

Not long after, a ray of light came into view in front of it, and when I looked closely, it was a single-color lotus. Lu Ye didn't dislike it, and immediately urged her spiritual thoughts to spread over, just like before.

Sure enough, the divine thoughts entered the divine lotus smoothly, and when it was withdrawn, the divine lotus was also tightened into the sea of shen.

After careful observation, there is still a two-color lotus in the sea of gods, but compared to just now, there is a little change!

Sure enough, just as I thought, this divine lotus in my divine sea can be fused with other divine lotuses to evolve to a higher quality.

In an instant, the annoyance of only refining a two-color lotus dissipated. Since the lotus can be transformed in this way, there is nothing to be upset about. As long as he has refined enough lotus, then The quality of Shenlian that can be obtained in the end must be more than two colors.

He continued to search enthusiastically.

There are quite a lot of divine lotuses in the lotus pond, and they are still being bred. Basically, every once in a while, Lu Ye can find a new divine lotus.

However, as Li Shang said before, most of the divine lotuses in the lotus pond are of low quality, so the ones he encounters are basically single-color or double-color lotus.

About half an hour later, Lu Ye had already refined about ten divine lotuses. When the tenth divine lotus was refined, he clearly felt that some wonderful changes had taken place in his divine sea.

I quickly immersed myself in watching, and saw that the two-color lotus in the sea of gods suddenly burst into three-color light. In addition to the previous purple and white, there was also a touch of black.

It has really become a three-color lotus!

In contrast, the effect of the three-color lotus on nourishing the soul is obviously much stronger than that of the two-color lotus. After being warmed by the three-color lotus, the feedback it gets is clearer and stronger.

This is just three colors, what if it is four colors

Lu Ye's heart was burning, he never thought that he would encounter such an opportunity just to send Li Shang back to his ancestral land.

Such benefits, except on the side of the ancestral land of the soul clan, looking at the starry sky, I am afraid that it is impossible to encounter them again.

In an hour, the two colors turned into three colors, and the lotus pond was only opened for three days. If you want to turn your divine lotus into five colors, there is a long way to go.

Lu Ye hastened to act.

Wherever it passed, the divine lotuses of one color and two colors were continuously refined, and Hun Que and the Rizhao elders of the soul clan who were watching from the sky above the lotus pond were stunned.

They have lived for so many years, and they have never seen such a weird thing. Even if Hun Que said it, it was the will of the ancestors, and they couldn't accept it for a while!

The ancestral land is the ancestral land of the soul clan, but even if the soul clan with the most outstanding aptitude enters the lotus pond, they can only refine a divine lotus, just like them, who can cultivate to the sun, who is not a natural talent monster Everyone in the generation has entered the lotus pond, and everyone has a five-colored lotus in the sea of gods.

But even they couldn't refine the second divine lotus when they entered the lotus pond.

A human race can actually do it!

The will of the ancestral land... is too partial.

Of course, these thoughts are only dared to circulate in the mind, and they absolutely dare not speak out.

Xu Yuan is now a little certain that this human race named Lu Yiye is either the reincarnation of that powerful person, or has something to do with that powerful person, otherwise it is impossible to get such preferential treatment from the ancestral land of the soul clan, the possibility of the former Very low, then it is likely to be the latter.

During the viewing of many sunshines, Lu Ye successively refined many divine lotuses, but for the three-color divine lotus, the improvement brought by single-color and double-color lotus is not as obvious as before.

Lu Ye realized that if he wanted to transform the three-colored lotus as soon as possible, he had to find a higher-quality lotus. It was best to find a five-colored lotus, and he could do it in one step!

It's a pity that there are only two or three five-colored lotus in the whole lotus pond, and the lotus pond itself is huge, so it is really difficult to find five-colored ones here.

The multi-colored one was not found, but he finally found a three-colored one!

Following the light of three colors to a three-color lotus, I saw a monk of the soul clan trying to refine it.

Seeing Lu Ye's arrival, the soul clan was visibly nervous...

Because the dispute over the lotus pond can attack each other, it is not a place where they can live in peace. After all, there are only a few five-colored lotus. If they are discovered by many soul clans at the same time, then whoever has the biggest fist will naturally be qualified to refine.

Furthermore, refining the Shenlian itself takes some time, which further increases the possibility of fighting.

The souls who entered the lotus pond were all in the Xingxiu state, and the fluctuations in the soul power of the souls were obviously at the level of the late Xingxiu. Seeing Lu Ye's arrival, they continued to refine the lotus in front of them while being vigilant.

Lu Ye stood not far away, quietly watching and waiting.

He is a guest after all, and it is good intentions of the host to let him participate in the battle for the lotus pond, and he has already gained something. If the three-color lotus is unowned, he will naturally refine it casually. , but it is not easy to snatch it.

Wait and see, in case someone can't refine it...

It is said that it is very difficult for the soul race to refine the lotus.

I don't know if it's because of the pressure from Lu Ye's arrival, or because the soul clan's own opportunity hasn't come yet, after a long time, he failed to refine the three-colored lotus, and he was annoyed for a while, so he couldn't help but glared at Lu Ye: "What are you looking at?"

Lu Ye smiled at him and said nothing. He had already shown enough kindness. If the other party was unreasonable, then everyone could only do it once.

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Fortunately, the soul race is not unreasonable, and there is no idea of having a fight with Lu Ye. After confirming that he can't refine this three-color lotus, he said: "If you want to try it, you may try it, anyway, you may not be able to." Refining!"

As soon as Lu Ye heard this, he stepped forward: "Then respect is worse than obedience!"

"Hmph!" The soul race stepped aside a little distance, and then saw Lu Ye standing in front of the three-colored lotus, and glanced at the lotus, he vaguely felt that there were traces of spiritual thoughts surging on Lu Ye's body , In the next moment, the three-colored lotus turned into a stream of light and disappeared!

Lu Ye slightly nodded at the soul clan: "Thank you!"

step away.

Leaving the soul clan staring at his figure in bewilderment, drifting away!

What just happened? The three-color lotus that he couldn't refine after spending so much effort, was refined away casually? Back and forth, just one or two breaths of effort.

He couldn't believe his eyes!

Damn it, why is it so easy to get other people's chances, but it's so difficult for me

He quickly made up his mind again, what are the three colors, the real opportunity is to be able to refine the four colors and five colors, he was just doing a small test, and not being able to refine the three colors does not mean that he cannot refine the four colors and five colors, maybe There are better opportunities waiting for him!

After a wave of forced self-comfort, the soul clan left in a restful breath.

Lu Ye is investigating the divine lotus in the Divine Sea at the moment. Sure enough, after refining a three-colored divine lotus, the original three-colored divine lotus in the Divine Sea has changed a lot. There is a clear tendency to evolve into a four-colored divine lotus. Lu Ye feels that, According to this efficiency, as long as three or four three-color flowers are refined, it should be able to make it evolve.

In this lotus pond, it is not easy to find four-colored and multi-colored lotus, but there are still many three-colored lotus.

The goal, the five-colored lotus, Lu Ye is confident that it will be achieved within three days!

At this time, the Rizhaos of the soul race who were watching the battle for the lotus pond were already numb, and the word eccentricity emerged in each of them!

Because they discovered one thing, that is, the newly bred lotus in the lotus pond basically surrounded Lu Yiye, and many of them appeared on his only way.

This also means that he can constantly encounter newly bred Shenlian, and then take it for his own use.

If it is said that there is no will of the ancestors to work in secret, they would not believe it if they were killed.

Counting from the opening of the lotus pond to the present, in just two hours, the number of divine lotuses refined by this kid has already exceeded one hundred!

He was still not satisfied, obviously looking around.

But what is the use of refining so many lotuses? Logically speaking, even if one divine lotus is not enough for a person, three or five should be enough, more than a hundred... He can't think of taking it out as a gift, can he

That's a little too much!

"Partial, too partial!" an elder Rizhao couldn't hold back, and muttered softly.

Because he suddenly discovered that in front of Lu Ye's trip, there was actually a four-color lotus that was rapidly gestating.

Fortunately, the lotuses bred near Lu Ye were only single-color and double-color, not even three-color, but now there is a four-color lotus.

Give him a colorful forget it!