Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1685: Come back and tell a lie


The soul clan lived in an environment like the ancestral land, and the soul jade was basically useless. If they wanted to practice, they could do it directly on the lotus land.

Only when leaving the ancestral land, can the soul clan expend energy to condense some soul jade for backup.

However, Lu Ye still got more than two hundred pieces of soul jade from Xu Yuan, which was left over from Xu Yuan's last trip, and it has been many years.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms,

It was useless to keep it for myself, but Lu Ye asked for it and gave it to him.

Beside the starry sky pool, which seems to be a miniature of the entire starry sky, one old and one young stand still.

However, it is not easy to find the way to Kyushu in this starry sky pool, because Lu Ye can't locate the specific location of Kyushu in this starry sky!

So I can only ask Xu Yuan to help. He has been here for many years, and when he has nothing to do on weekdays, he only studies the starry sky pool. Naturally, his understanding of the starry sky environment is not comparable to that of Lu Ye.

"Where are you going this time?"

"The Jade Conch Galaxy." Lu Ye opened his mouth, and first gave a rough range. It would be best if there is a channel in the Starry Sky Pool to directly enter the Jade Conch Galaxy.

Xu Yuan said: "Tell me an iconic place, you said that this old man in the galaxy has never heard of it."

In the starry sky, there are so many galaxies, and Xuyuan is not heard of every galaxies. For places he has never heard of, it is undoubtedly difficult for him to find the corresponding position in this starry sky pool.

"The random explosion area?" Lu Ye took the next best thing.

Xu Yuan shook his head.

"Thousand Hills Tomb?" Lu Ye asked again.

As long as Xu Yuan can help locate any place, he can deduce the location of Yuluo and Kyushu based on this location.

It's a pity that Xu Yuan has never heard of such a spectacle of the starry sky as Qianqiu Tomb.

"Wuding, Jingyue, Beixuan, Daluo galaxy?"

If this is no longer possible to locate, Lu Ye really doesn't know how to find the corresponding area of Kyushu from the starry sky pool, because he is only familiar with this route.

As for deriving from the Vientiane Sea, it is unreliable, because after leaving the Vientiane Sea, you need to pass through a wormway after passing through the Changyun galaxy, and directly enter the Misty Dragon Wonder. There is a fault in the middle, and you cannot follow it. Route derivation location.

Fortunately, Xu Yuan finally nodded this time: "The old man of the Da Luo galaxy knows."

Lu Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

Xuyuan's spiritual thoughts surged, and he began to get busy, and soon arrived: "I found it."

Hearing this, Lu Ye immediately released his divine thoughts, and followed Xu Yuan's guidance, immersing his mind into the starry sky pool.

"This location is near the Daluo galaxy, and it's up to you next."

"No problem!" Lu Ye nodded. As long as Da Luo is located, it is not difficult to deduce the direction of the jade snail.

The mind was immersed in the starry sky pool, as if the whole person had really come to the huge starry sky. While traveling through the mind, Lu Ye quickly found the projection of the indeterminate galaxy in the starry sky pool, and continued to move forward. On the battlefield where they clashed with the insect and blood clans, they passed through Qianqiu Tomb and passed through the explosion zone.

Locate the jade snail!

Traveling through the Yuluo galaxy with the grand vision spread out by his mind, Lu Ye easily found the specific location of the Qingli Dao Realm, and even found the projection of the Yuluo Realm here.

Speaking of which, Lu Ye has never been to this place in Yuluo Realm. Last time, he planned to go to Yuluo himself, but he was in a hurry, and he had to entrust Wu Zhuo to do some things.

Silently memorizing the specific location of the Jade Conch Realm, Lu Ye began to look for traces of Kyushu.

It's easy to find!

Because Kyushu has another very iconic thing next to the projection of the Starry Sky Pool.

Blood refining world!

Looking down from the starry sky, the Blood Refining Realm looks like the body shape of a female giant whose head has been severed and whose limbs have been cut off. It is still the same when projected into the starry sky pool, but it has been shrunk countless times.

So when seeing this iconic projection, Lu Ye knew that the next boundary must be Kyushu!

Find the projection of Kyushu in the starry sky pool, then the next thing will be easy to handle.

Just look around for a way to get in and out.

After a few breaths, Lu Ye locked a position.

"Elder, I'm going." Lu Ye turned his head and greeted Xu Yuan, then followed the position of the passage, plunged into the starry sky pool, and disappeared.

"Floating!" Xu Yuan shook his head, thinking that young people can really make a fuss, but when he thought of himself when he was young, he didn't seem to be much better.

The years are long, gone forever.

In the Yuluo galaxy, somewhere in the starry sky, several star beasts are on the way of migration. They are round and look like balls, black and white, two colors, two big and three small, lined up in a neat queue, I don’t know Where do you come from, and don't know where you're going.

This should be a family of five.

While gliding leisurely across the starry sky, the void on the side suddenly twisted.

Seeing this, the five star beasts that were moving steadily forward were all frightened. Immediately, one counted as the other, the color of their bodies changed, and even their chubby figures began to distort.

In the blink of an eye, the five star beasts turned into five meteorite-like objects, scattered in all directions, without any breath left on their bodies, as if they were real meteorites.

The void twisted more and more violently, until at a certain moment, a figure suddenly stepped out of it!

Lu Ye turned his head to look at the stars around him, and found that he was not familiar with it...

When he was promoted to Xingxiu at the beginning of the year, although he left Kyushu to explore, he only explored one direction. If he was in that direction, he would have his mark on the astrology along the way, and he would have no way of knowing other directions.

There should be no mistakes in the Starry Sky Pool. I have definitely arrived in the Yuluo Galaxy. As for how far it is from Kyushu, I have no way of knowing.

Lu Ye's eyes flicked over the five large and small meteorites nearby. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but soon saw something was wrong.

This is not a meteorite at all, these are five star beasts!

If I'm not mistaken, the meteorite beast

Knowing that, Lu Ye didn't bother to pierce their disguise. Meteor beasts are harmless and timid by nature. No matter how much they practice, they can't be changed. If there is any trouble, they will immediately disguise themselves as meteorites.

However, their camouflage is extremely clever, and even star beasts that are stronger than them by a level are hard to detect. Therefore, star meteor beasts can often use this special racial method to avoid some potential dangers.

Right when I didn't see it!

Lu Ye pressed his hand on his battlefield imprint, calling out in his heart: "Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu!"

If this is near Kyushu, then I should be able to contact Xiaojiu and let him guide me.

Soon, there was an echo in the imprint, and Xiao Jiu's voice was full of astonishment and surprise: "Lu Ye?"

"Haha, I'm back!" Lu Ye replied, feeling fortunate at the same time, it seems that this location is not far from Kyushu, otherwise it would be impossible to contact Xiaojiu so easily.

"You... why are you back?" Xiao Jiu Youran couldn't believe it.

"Is this not welcome? Then I go?" Lu Ye teased.

Xiao Jiu hurriedly said: "Where is it? I'm just... I'm just surprised, why did you come back so soon?"

When Lu Ye left last time, he said that he was going to take people to the Vientiane Sea. How long has it been? It's only been three years.

But according to Xiao Jiu's understanding, going to Vientiane Sea this time, even if you hurry, it will take three or four years just for one trip, and it will take seven or eight years to go back and forth.

It is obviously not normal for Lu Ye to appear near Kyushu at this time!

This is... what happened on the road? Xiao Jiu couldn't help thinking wildly.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later, show me the way first, I'm a little confused about the direction."

Xiao Jiu pointed Lu Ye in a direction.

Lu Ye communicated with Hua Qianying in the flower world again, and then asked her to help open the door of the flower world, and released Ma Shangsi who was placed inside.

"Holy One!" Ma Shangsi stayed in the flower world obediently for several days, and now he saw Lu Ye and hurriedly saluted.

"Go there!" Lu Ye pointed him in a direction.

"Yes!" Ma Shangsi responded, and immediately sacrificed the star boat, carrying Lu Ye and flying forward.

Lu Ye was sitting on the star boat, chatting with Xiaojiu, and soon Xiaojiu knew why he came back so soon, knowing that the starry sky pool in the ancestral land of the soul clan had such a mysterious ability, Xiaojiu was both shocked and pleasantly surprised .

"Doesn't this mean that if you want to come back in the future, you can come back anytime?"

"It's not that simple. After all, the passages to and from the soul clan's ancestral land are all fixed and scattered, but it's not as difficult as before."

Lu Ye originally thought that if the worm path of Yuluo stabilized in the future, it would be very convenient to travel between Vientiane Sea and this galaxy. Who knew that before the worm path of Yuluo was stabilized, now there is the Starry Sky Pool, the ancestral land of the soul clan, as a help .

It's hard to say which one is more convenient.

However, considering the particularity of the ancestral land of the soul clan, this method can only be used by himself for the time being, and it is impossible for him to bring a large number of people into the ancestral land of the soul clan to borrow the star pool for transfer.

He can use it himself, that's because he is considered to be half of the soul clan, neither Xu Yuan nor Hun Que regard him as an outsider.

But if he wants to make some convenience for the monks of Kyushu by this, then it is not suitable.

Not to mention whether the Soul Clan would agree or not, he himself was too embarrassed to do it.

"I brought you something nice!"

"What good thing?" Xiao Jiu's tone was full of expectation.

"I'll know when I see you." Lu Ye made a fool of himself. The wreckage of that realm is second. It can only bring little improvement to Kyushu, and it can only be regarded as Xiaojiu's snacks.

But such a fetish in the flower world is rare.

I believe that Xiao Jiu will be happy to accept the attachment of the flower world. Similarly, the flower clan should not reject such a large-scale world that can grow rapidly.

Right now, Kyushu's background is indeed not strong, but its potential is second to none in the starry sky.

After all, ten thousand years ago, Kyushu was also a top-level domain, even if it is down and out now, it already has the capital to make a comeback.

When you arrive in Kyushu, just arrange for Hua Qianying to see the elegant demeanor of Kyushu.

Chatting with Xiao Jiu all the way, I learned that the current situation in Jiuzhou is very peaceful.

Moreover, this side has already established contact with Qingli Dao Realm and Yuluo Realm, and occasionally monks communicate with each other.

There are only three large realms in one galaxy, so it is natural to move around more, especially under the premise that the monks in the three realms have joined forces to send troops to the Vientiane Sea.