Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1698: The dirty tribe is coming


In the starry sky, there are all kinds of races, including those without intelligence or with low intelligence. There are not even ten thousand but eight thousand.

Among all the races in the starry sky, two races are the most notorious, one is the Zerg race, and the other is the Vampire race!

Without him, the Zerg likes to invade the realm and embezzle the realm's heritage to develop themselves. Therefore, the Zerg is basically extinct.

What the vampires do is not much different. The creatures in the realm they target will generally become their blood slaves, and they will take them life and death.

Therefore, the situation of the two insect-blood clans in the starry sky is not very good, and everyone is basically shouting for beatings.

The Vampires are still able to disguise themselves as human beings and are in a better situation, but the Zerg are not. Even if they turn into human form, the characteristics of the Zerg are very obvious and easy to distinguish.

In addition to these two major races, there is actually another race that is hated and despised by all races.

That's the dirty tribe!

However, unlike the Insect Blood Clan, which is a household name, not everyone knows about this Filthy Clan, because they rarely show up, but once they show up, it will bring devastating disaster.

Take Yuluo as an example. We still haven't figured out what the invading enemy is.

The root of everything lies in the hidden nature of the Hui clan.

The Vampire Clan has five top-level realms, each of which is formed by part of the body of the Blood Ancestor. Although the locations of these five realms are not fixed, they are basically traceable.

The same is true for the Zerg tribe. Several top-level insect nests are basically under the surveillance of the strong people in the starry sky, and they cannot move easily. If there were not many strong people from the blood tribe and the Zerg tribe, it would be difficult for the strong people from all the races in the starry sky to reach a consensus. I am afraid that they would have been captured by others. They worked together to eliminate it.

No one in the world knows where the foundation of the Kehui clan is.

They often appear suddenly with the help of insect tunnels, destroy a galaxy, and then disappear without a trace, leaving only the mess and cruelty on the ground.

It is rumored that the foundation of the dirty clan is called dirty earth, which is a huge and unparalleled realm and one of the top realms in the starry sky. However, these are just rumors and no one can confirm it.

Lu Ye and Ma Shangsi communicated quietly, and they did not hide it from Yu Luo's Ji Yao. Han Dong couldn't help but turn his head and look: "Junior Brother Lu, you are well-informed, do you know something?"

Now Yuluo must first figure out what race the enemy is and what they want to do. Only in this way can we have appropriate countermeasures. If we don’t even know these most basic information, then a fight will inevitably happen. You will suffer a loss.

Lu Ye said: "I'm not sure, but Ma Shangsi told me that the people killed in the insect tunnel should be the Hui tribe."

"The dirty tribe?" Several Yuluo Yueyao and even Wu Zhuo looked confused, obviously they had never heard of it.

Lu Ye turned to look at Ma Shangsi: "Tell me carefully."

Ma Shangsi then revealed the information he knew about the Hui clan. Han Tong felt that Lu Ye had been in the Wanxiang Sea for several years and had a lot of knowledge. However, among Yueyao present, Ma Shangsi was the one who really had the most knowledge.

This guy is the strongest and has lived the longest. He once pretended to be a human and stayed at the Vientiane Sea for an unknown number of years. He is far more knowledgeable than Lu Ye.

After hearing about the race of the dirty race, Qiu Wu looked solemn: "How can fellow Taoist Ma tell that the person coming this time is the dirty race?"

Ma Shangsi said: "It's very simple. Their invasion method is basically the same as what I've heard about. They all use a cold insect tunnel. It is said that the Hui tribe controls a starry sky treasure called Tianshuang Mirror. With this treasure , the Wei tribe can randomly place the frost and cold air at a certain location in the starry sky, which should be the cold area that your world saw before. This frost and cold air does not cause much harm, and is even useful for the practice of some monks. But it also has another biggest function, which is to freeze space and then break it, artificially creating an insect path that can travel back and forth!"

"Starry sky treasure!"

"Tian Shuang Mirror!"

Yuluo Yao had a look of shock on her face for several months.

Even though they were from a remote place, they had still heard of the name of the Starry Sky Treasure. It was a treasure that was nurtured when the Starry Sky was born, and there were countless treasures in the entire Starry Sky.

Lu Ye paid attention to another point. Although he didn't have the Starry Sky Treasure, he had come into contact with it, so his reaction was not as big as that of Yuluo's Yue Yao: "Random? In other words, the Hui Clan has no way to determine the sky. Where exactly will the frosty air be placed?"

"That's what I said." Ma Shansi nodded.

"Tamad!" Wu Zhuo couldn't help but cursed, "Why are you so unlucky?"

Yao Yao also felt extremely unlucky during Yuluo's months.

The starry sky is so big, why did frost and cold air appear in the Yuluo Galaxy that day

Yuluo is so remote. It took a lot of effort for Lu Yiye to find a way to the Wanxiang Sea. It seemed that good times were coming, but this happened.

Qiu Wu looked solemn: "As Fellow Taoist Ma said, isn't the Hui clan extremely powerful? There should be a lot of sunshine... right?"

Ma Shangsi nodded: "There are naturally a lot of strong men in the Hui clan, and there must be sunshine, and the number will not be small, but the world owner does not have to worry about sunshine coming, because as far as I know, the insect tunnel opened by the Sky Frost Mirror is not the same as the real one." There are differences in the insect passages, and they have certain endurance limits, so it is impossible for Rizhao to kill them directly through the insect passages."

Han Dong pondered: "The insect tunnel is like a water pipe. Rizhao's volume is larger than the water pipe, so it can't get through? If we force it through, is it possible to burst the water pipe?"

"That's almost it." Marshans nodded.

Everyone took a long breath and felt a little relieved, because with Yuluo's current strength, if Rizhao really came to kill him, then everyone wouldn't have to resist, just wash their necks and stretch out.

But even so, the situation is not optimistic, because if Rizhao can't get through, Yueyao will definitely be able to get over.

Moreover, for a race as big as the Hui Clan, not to mention too many Yueyaos, only thirty or fifty of them would come, and the Yuluo Galaxy would not be able to stop them.

Seemingly sensing everyone's concerns, Ma Shangsi said: "The situation should not be that pessimistic. The Hui tribe is a race that conquers everywhere, so the battlefield they open up with the help of the Sky Frost Mirror is definitely not limited to Yuluo."

Hearing this, Lu Ye's eyes lit up: "In other words, even if the other party is really from the Hui tribe, what we need to face is only a small part of the power of the Hui tribe?"

"That's right. Now that the Insect Path has been opened, if you want to save this galaxy, there is only one way. Kill all the invading enemies and let the Hui clan retreat before they know the difficulties." Ma Shangshan said.

Having said that, Ma Shangsi knew that it was too difficult to achieve this with the power of Yuluo. He secretly made up his mind that if the situation went bad, he would have to take the Holy Lord out of here and never let the Holy Lord stay here. Here it is.

Next, Ma Shangsi shared some information about the Hui tribe that he knew. The more they understood the Hui tribe, the more everyone realized the hardship of the upcoming situation.

While on the road, there was a steady stream of news coming from the cold region.

The situation is not optimistic.

It has only been a few days, but the cold region is already almost lost.

It’s not that the Yuluo monks didn’t work hard enough. Although they didn’t know the details of the Hui clan, Yao Yao, who had been sitting there for several months, could also understand that if the cold realm could not be defended, Yuluo would be destroyed soon, so they almost tried their best. .

But the invading enemy is not afraid of death, and the filthy power in the body will escape after death. Now the cold area has been filled with filthy power. Originally, when the enemy invaded, there was only one insect passage for passage, and the Jade Snail As long as the monks guard the exit of the insect tunnel, they can take advantage of the geographical advantages, but now the situation is reversed.

If the Yuluo monk wants to kill the enemy, he has to risk being corroded by the power of filth.

The current situation over there is that the Yuluo monks are unable to kill or not kill the enemy, so they are helpless.

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This is the most difficult thing about the Hui tribe. They don't care about death, because those who die are basically not their own monks, and the initial death is just to pave the way for the final conquest.

Judging from the news sent back from the cold region, the enemies Yu Luo killed were not the Hui tribe at all, but monks of various races enslaved by the Hui tribe.

The Fu tribe has been hiding in the shadows all year round, launching wars with the help of the Sky Frost Mirror. Countless galaxies have been destroyed. Not all the creatures in those galaxies have been killed. Many creatures have been infiltrated by the power of filth, and then become slaves of the Wei tribe. , for them to launch a new war.

Therefore, there is only one thing that Yuluo monk can do at the moment, and that is to use all his strength to disperse or purify the filthy power in the cold realm.

The effect is not great, because those who have this kind of power are basically medical practitioners, and medical practitioners are the least numerous among all factions.

Lu Ye's star boat was already heading towards the cold region at maximum speed, but even so, it would still take several days to arrive.

Two days later, new news came back from the battlefield.

After the Hui tribe in the Cold Territory gathered to a certain size, no new enemies appeared. Instead, they were setting up something. And as time went by, Yuluo's Yueyao people felt that the insect path in the Cold Territory was trending. In a stable posture.

This insect tunnel was created by the cold air of the Sky Frost Mirror freezing and shattering the space. It was different from the normal insect tunnel, so it was not stable at first, and its size was limited. This was also the reason why Rizhao could not kill him directly and forcefully passed through. , there is a risk of the insect tunnel collapsing. Once the insect tunnel collapses, the creatures that pass through will not end well.

But now, with the various arrangements made by the Hui clan, the insect path actually has a stable posture!

This is a very bad phenomenon, because if the insect path is stable enough, can the Rizhao of the Hui tribe come over directly

If this is the case, Yuluo will be completely doomed.

When the news came, everyone turned to look at Ma Shangsi, who shook his head and said: "That's all I know about the Hui clan, and I don't know the rest. But according to the intelligence that came before, everything the enemy has done is extremely... Maybe you really want the sunshine to come over."

A group of Yueyao's scalps were numb.

Qiu Wu couldn't help but urge: "Hurry up, hurry up!"