Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1706: Purify


The Shenhai Hui clan who came from the insect path were killed almost as soon as they showed up. On the other hand, if we attack from a distance, we will not suffer any losses at all.

But neither Lu Ye nor Yuluo's Yueyao were happy at all.

Because everyone is aware of the Hui clan’s plan!

Such a scene actually happened once when the Insect Path was first formed. At that time, the Hui Clan also sent many divine seas from the Insect Path, and the Yuluo monks guarding here were killed until they were weak.

At the beginning, the Jade Snail had the advantage of the terrain, and the Hui tribe coming from the other end of the insect tunnel could not stand at all. However, as more and more Zui tribe died, the power of the dirt escaped, and the insect tunnel was slowly destroyed. The nearby area turned into a filth.

The Yuluo monk could only retreat.

With the expansion of the dirty land, the Yuluo monks retreated further and further, and the geographical advantage was gradually eliminated. The Wei clan dispatched Xingxu and Yueyao to gradually take back the geographical advantage that originally belonged to Yuluo.

So when Lu Ye came here with Qiu Wu and others, Yao became a little disgraced after sitting here for a few months. It wasn't that they were not strong enough, it was the intrusion of the Hui tribe that was hard to resist.

This filthy area is the bridgehead created by the Wei clan.

The plan of the dirty tribe is now obvious, which is to use the death of more low-level dirty tribes to expand the scope of the dirty realm.

Theoretically speaking, as long as enough of the Hui people die, it is possible for this field to cover the entire Yuluo Galaxy. No matter how strong Lu Ye and others are, they will not be able to use it.

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Of course, this is only theoretical. In fact, it is almost impossible to achieve this, because it requires the death of too many dirty people to achieve it.

But if we just expand the scope of the filthy field to a point where the Yuluo monks are helpless, there is still hope.

Apart from anything else, as long as the size of this area expands three to five times, it will be extremely dangerous for Yuluo.

The Hui tribe invaded and conquered countless realms, and countless races of creatures became their slaves. They were able to accomplish this regardless of death.

But Yuluo can't hold back and kill him...

This is the most disgusting thing about the Hui Clan. It is not good to kill them, but it is even worse not to kill them. Throughout the ages, it is not that there are no galaxies that can withstand the first wave of offensives from the Hui Clan, but they are often defeated by such rogue tactics.

The offensive continues, and the Hui tribe continues to die.

At a certain moment, a strange creature with a dark body and a round body emerged from the insect tunnel. As soon as it appeared, it was blown apart by a battleship.

At the moment when this strange creature died, extremely thick filth suddenly erupted from its body and spread in all directions.

Visible to the naked eye, the dirty field, which was already large in size, suddenly expanded in a circle!

The expressions of the group of Yueyaos all changed.

The death of the Pure Divine Sea's Filthy Clan brought little improvement to the Filth Realm, but the number of deaths was too great. Therefore, since the Filth Clan took action, the Filth Realm has been slowly expanding outwards, not at a very fast pace.

But the filthy power contained in the body of that strange creature was obviously extremely strong, and after its death, it actually brought a significant improvement to the filthy field.

This is not a good situation.

Of course Yuluo's Yueyaos can rush in and guard in front of the insect road. If the opponent dares to send Yueyao over, they can gather and surround them. However, when fighting deep into the filthy realm, they need to maintain mana protection at all times. Yuluo's Yueyaos How long can it last

If they relax a little, Yueyao from the dirty tribe can successfully descend. Once they succeed in descending on the first one, there will be a second one, and a third one...

"I'll go take a look." Lu Ye said and walked towards the filthy field.

"Be careful!" Qiu Wu didn't know what his plan was, but if there was only the Shenhai Hui clan over there, Lu Ye was basically not in danger in the past, so he didn't stop him.

Lu Ye nodded and entered the filthy realm.

The power of filth is obviously more intense than before. This is the change brought about by the death of countless filthy people in the Divine Sea. In such an environment, once Yuluo Yueyao penetrates deeply, the pressure will definitely be greater than before.

Stopping his figure, Lu Ye silently activated his magic power.

The next moment, the magic power suddenly expanded outwards, and the whole person seemed to be on fire. With Lu Ye as the center, a huge circular halo spread out.

This was an explosion of his own magic power. In this state, even with Lu Ye's background, he could not maintain it for too long, so while activating his magic power, he held two spiritual crystals in both hands to replenish his own consumption.

Immediately afterwards, he activated the power of the talent tree, and the invisible roots of the talent tree spread out, with tentacles reaching every corner where the mana spreads.

"Ah?" Outside the filthy realm, Han Dong, who was paying attention to Lu Ye's movements, suddenly screamed.

The others also looked surprised and were immediately overjoyed.

Because looking around, where Lu Ye was, surrounded by a fiery red halo, the filthy power like gray mist was quickly dissipating. It disappeared in the blink of an eye, and a vacuum zone appeared directly in the filthy field. .

The situation was like Lu Ye using his magic power to burn the filthy power.

Yuluo's group of Yueyaos were all surprised and surprised...

Lu Ye had previously shown his ability to help them burn out the filthy power that invaded their bodies, so after seeing this bizarre scene, everyone was surprised, but they took it for granted.

Since even the filth that invades their bodies can be burned, then burning the filth outside is naturally not a problem.

Only Qiu Wu showed a worried look after the surprise.

Because since Lu Ye had this ability, why didn't he use it in the first place? This is not a broom to cherish, it should consume a lot of money, so Lu Ye didn't use it at the beginning, but now it can't be used, because the filthy field is expanding, and if it continues to be left unchecked, Yuluo will be in a very bad situation.

Qiu Wu's guess was correct, but not entirely correct.

Lu Ye's doing this indeed consumes a lot of mana, but it is not what Qiu Wu imagined. It consumes his own mana. If it is just like this, Lu Ye has no worries at all. The mana consumption is replenished by refining the spiritual jade.

The power to burn the filth consumes the fuel reserve of the talent tree!

And the speed of consumption was terrifying. Lu Ye could feel that the talent tree's fuel was rapidly decreasing.

Fortunately, when he left the Vientiane Sea, he replenished the talent tree's fuel, otherwise Lu Ye would not have dared to do this.

Lu Ye kept moving around in the filthy realm, and wherever he passed, all the filthy power was burned away.

The efficiency of fuel consumption is terrifying.

It was dozens of times faster than when he practiced under the Wanxiang Sea!

This is not because the power of filth is more powerful than the water of the Wanxiang Sea, but because the range it spreads is too large. The situation of practicing under the Wanxiang Sea is different from now. When practicing, he only needs to burn out the intruders within himself. The impurities in the body are enough, but now he is burning out the filth in a large area around him.

This is not burning mana, this is completely burning money! Lu Ye was heartbroken beyond measure.

Soon, Lu Ye passed through the filthy realm. Wherever he passed, a huge hole appeared in the muddy realm.

Turning around, Lu Ye rushed into the filth again.

At the Insect Path, the filthy tribesmen of the Divine Sea are still pouring out in a steady stream, but the filthy realm can no longer expand. Instead, as Lu Ye goes back and forth, one pure land zone appears after another.

After working hard for half a day, Lu Ye arrived at the location of the Insect Path. At this moment, a huge area of filth had been completely burned by him, but as long as there were still evil tribes coming to the Insect Path, the filth would never be able to stop it. Completely cleansed.

I don’t know if the Fu tribe is not aware of the situation here, but the arrival of the Fu tribe in Shenhai still shows no sign of stopping.

Lu Ye knew that the matter was not over yet, so he only stayed at the insect path for a moment, then turned around and rushed back.

A group of Yuluo monks looked at him like a savior.

Lu Ye was not very happy, he just looked at Qiu Wu and said, "Qiu Realm Master, I have to leave."

Qiu Wu was startled: "Where to go?"

"Move the reinforcements!"

Yuluo's own power alone cannot solve the problem of the Hui tribe. At present, the Hui tribe has no intention of closing the insect tunnel, and it is obvious that they still have evil intentions towards Yuluo.

The previous battle didn't hurt them at all!

In this case, just gather more and stronger power to let the Hui tribe know that Yuluo is not a soft persimmon that can be easily kneaded.

Furthermore, his talent tree fuel needs to be replenished.

He can purify the dirty field once, or he can purify it a second time, but as long as the invasion of the dirty tribe continues, he has to keep purifying, so the fuel of the talent tree needs to be kept abundant.

Instead, you can ask the Yuluo Realm to help collect fire treasures. They should have a lot here.

The problem of talent tree fuel is easy to solve, but the current strength of our own side is not enough to make the Wei clan fearful, nor can it beat them painfully. Lu Ye thought about it and decided that he would have to borrow the power of the soul clan to solve this problem.

If the Soul Clan's Rizhao could be invited, the Hui Clan should be able to retreat despite the difficulties.

The only thing that worries people is whether the Hui clan will make any big moves during his absence, but if they want to completely solve the problem of the Hui clan, this risk must be borne.

"Reinforcements..." Qiu Wu was puzzled, "Where are you going to bring in reinforcements?"

In this galaxy, Yuluo is the strongest. He has heard about the explosion area and Qianqiu Tomb. There is an indefinite galaxy where there is sunshine, but if this is the past, the journey will be too far.

"I have my own plan!" Lu Ye didn't explain much, "I'm going to take Ma Shangsi with me, so I can only look at you here. No matter what, we can't let the Hui clan stabilize the insect path!"

The reason why we bring Ma Shangsi is because he is faster and can save time.

Qiu Wu looked worried: "How long will it take?"

Lu Ye silently made an estimate: "It should be about the same time in January!"

"January..." Qiu Wu was stunned for a moment. In just one month, where could Lu Ye go to move reinforcements

However, Lu Ye didn't say anything, and he didn't want to ask in detail. He looked solemnly: "The survival of Yuluo is at stake here. Junior brother, don't worry. Even if Yuluo fights to the last person, he will never let the Hui tribe stabilize the insect path!"