Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 1717: The embarrassing situation of Sanjie Island is widely acknowledged


Lu Ye really didn't know about this.

Although Wushuang Island has the experience of developing from a humble to a top spiritual island, Chu Shen was the one who handled these matters. Lu Ye was not involved at all, and Chu Shen never mentioned it to him.

And if you think about it from another angle, Chu Shen himself is a monk of all things, and there is Jiuyan behind him. There is no need to worship any mountain. Jiuyan is his biggest backer, so Wushuang Island can develop rapidly and everything is stable.

If Wushuang Island still maintains the level of a top-level spiritual island, nothing will happen next. But Wushuang Island has become a top-level spiritual island, and the spiritual jade vein was born, and things have become complicated.

The Wanxiang galaxy wanted to directly control Wushuang Island, but Chu Shen disagreed. Maybe there had been some exchanges between the local Rizhao and Jiuyan, but the local galaxy was determined to control Wushuang Island. In the end, Wushuang was forcibly captured, and Chu Shen also returned the car. Bell world.

Nowadays, Wushuang Island is ostensibly managed by the Tianyan Chamber of Commerce, but in fact it is still the common property of the local galaxy. This is something Mother Rong doubts. Even the side of Chelingjie who was forced to withdraw from Wushuang Island can still manage it. Get a lot of benefit from it.

Only Lu Ye and Tang Jun were completely kicked out.

The situation on Three Realms Island is different from that on Wushuang Island, but the same thing is that the transformation at the level of the spiritual island triggered certain developments.

If Three Realms Island is still just a medium spiritual island, then there is no need to go to worship the mountain, because the Rizhao people look down on medium spiritual islands.

But one month ago, the Three Realms Island transformed into a superior spiritual island, which brought great benefits to the Three Realms monks, but also brought some hidden dangers.

The Yuluo Galaxy is not a big galaxy, and there are no strong people who can do it. In a complex environment like the Wanxiang Sea, the Yuluo monks are just a group of existences without much heft.

In such a state, if no one takes care of you, it will be very difficult to establish a complete foothold on the Wanxiang Sea.

Apart from anything else, such a piece of fat will definitely be coveted by many forces. When the attacks continue, and the Three Realms Island is in war all year round, how can the monks still practice with peace of mind

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So since a month ago, Tang Jun has been working on this matter. He has experience in managing the spirit island together with Chu Shen, and he knows the way around it much better than Lu Ye. He knows that it has transformed into a superior spirit island. If the Three Realms Island wants to be stable, it must find a shelter in the sun and live under someone else's door.

Although some benefits will be ceded, as long as it can be stabilized, the effort will be worth it.

When you work on other people's territory, you naturally have to follow their rules.

For countless years, the local galaxy of Vientiane has relied on this method to arrange local monks to practice in high-end and even top-level spiritual islands, thereby ensuring the rapid growth of the strength of local monks.

Therefore, although Wanxiang Galaxy only controls one Wanxiang Island on the Wanxiang Sea, it is content with it. Wanxiang Island can bring huge wealth to the local galaxy, and the major spiritual islands can bring huge wealth to their monks. Sufficient training quotas, and the two complement each other, are enough to ensure the long-term prosperity of the local galaxy.

"Junior brother, didn't you ask me before if any merchants came to discuss moving in?" Luan Xiao'e looked at Lu Ye, "Businessmen from all major forces will not easily negotiate with us until the situation in our Three Realms Island stabilizes. , because in their view, it is not necessarily us who will eventually occupy the Three Boundary Islands, so talking about it is in vain. Only when the situation on the Three Boundary Islands is completely stabilized can the follow-up matters be carried out. "

Lu Ye nodded and understood. If he were one of those merchants, he would probably have the same idea. He would wait and see more and wait until everything is settled. This is completely different from the development of Wushuang Island. Similarly, Chu Shen made great efforts in the development of Wushuang Island back then. He personally went to negotiate with merchants from major powers, which naturally brought about a lot of prosperity.

In the eyes of outsiders, the foundation of Three Realms Island is not strong enough to protect this superior spiritual island. Sooner or later, it will be driven out by some force.

Lu Ye said: "So Lao Tang went to Wanxiang Island to find a Rizhao to seek refuge with. Who is he specifically?"

Tang Jun said: "A Rizhao named Yuan Du." After a pause, he explained: "At first, there were only three Rizhao in charge of the Wanxiang Sea, but since that year someone sneaked into Wanxiang Island and forcibly killed one of them. After that, the local galaxy sent three more people, so now there are five people in Rizhao on Wanxiang Island."

Lu Ye couldn't help but picture Ma Bin in his mind. Speaking of which, he had never heard from this person since the last time they said goodbye, and he didn't know where the former Kyushu powerhouse was now.

Yuan Du was one of the three newly appointed Rizhao. The reason why he chose this person as his backer was, firstly, because the only one Tang Jun could indirectly contact was this Rizhao. Secondly, the three new Rizhao subordinates had The number of associated spiritual islands is small, so if the Three Realms Island shows sincerity in worshiping the mountain, it will be easily accepted.

The other two Rizhao have been sitting in the Wanxiang Sea for too long, and many spiritual islands are related to them. It can be said that they are full, and naturally they will not be able to compete with the three companions later.

"What was the result?" Lu Ye asked, "When you went to worship the mountain this time, what did you talk about with Rizhao?"

Tang Jun smiled bitterly: "We didn't talk about anything, we didn't even see anyone, and we were sent back by a kid from his palace."

Lu Ye couldn't help but frown.

Luan Xiao'e sighed: "It seems that Yuan Du doesn't think much of us either."

If he was really optimistic about Three Realms Island, Tang Jun would take the initiative to pay homage to the mountain. He would not even show his face and let a star send him away.

Yuan Du's attitude undoubtedly illustrates some problems. He is not optimistic about the Three Realms monks and feels that the Three Realms Island will change hands sooner or later, so he doesn't bother to see Tang Jun and provide him with any care.

If he really wants to do this, if Three Realms Island is attacked later, will he step in to deal with it? It's not worth the trouble.

"You need to be strong to make iron." Although He Baichuan is new here, he has lived for so many years and has a thorough understanding of the complexity of human nature.

Until Sanjie Island shows enough self-protection, there is no way to worship the mountain, which is really sad.

Lu Ye blinked and asked again: "Lao Tang, were you followed by anyone when you left Vientiane Island?"

Tang Jun was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "When I left Wanxiang Island, I put on some disguises, and I didn't notice any signs of being followed."

Lu Ye couldn't help but sneer: "That's interesting. You've already disguised yourself, and there are so many people entering and exiting Wanxiang Island every day, so the sneak attack can actually keep track of your whereabouts!"

Tang Jun's eyes were lowered, with anger and aggrievedness hidden in his eyes. He had obviously thought of something.

Luan Xiao'e realized later and said: "Junior brother means..."

Lu Ye said: "The matter is obvious. Someone tipped off the people who attacked Laotang." As for who it is, it is self-evident.

From this point of view, Yuan Du did not see Tang Jun, not only because he was not optimistic about the background of the monks in the Three Realms, but also because someone who had taken refuge in him had secretly reached an agreement with him. If Yuan Du released some news, Lao Tang would Almost suffered a disaster.

When Lao Tang went to worship the mountain this time, he came to visit him on his own initiative. If he hadn't spent a lot of money to buy a bunch of life-saving things, and if Lu Ye hadn't rescued him in time, Tang Jun would have died.

"Are the First Elder and the Fourth Elder in the open or in the dark on Three Realms Island?" Lu Ye asked again.

"It's been in the Ming Dynasty for a long time." Luan Xiao'e sighed, "During your absence, our Three Realms Island also experienced several battles."

Zhongling Island's sight of the Wanxiang Sea is enough to seduce many forces, so during Lu Ye's absence, three waves of forces have attracted the attention of Three Realms Island. These three waves of forces are strong and weak. Although Luan Xiao'e is at the peak of Yueyao , but Tang Jun is helpless, so he can only ask for help from the mermaid tribe. The first elder Yan Miao and the fourth elder Cheng Xin are now facing the problem. Only with their help can the Three Realms Island live in peace. thing.

"Have you gone to register?" Lu Ye asked.

Lu Ye really didn't know anything about the mountain worship, but he still knew some things, such as the registration.

There are many Yueyao in the Vientiane Sea. Any force that can gain a foothold in the Vientiane Sea cannot only have five Yueyao. Take Yuluo as an example. If Wu Zhuo and Qiu Wu come over one day, it cannot be just because one force only has five Yueyao. If they can have five Yueyao, they will not be able to enter the Three Realms Island.

In fact, they can enter the Three Realms Island and can stay here.

But if there is a battle for the Spirit Island, they will not be able to intervene and can only watch.

This involves a registration issue. Only Yueyao who has registered can participate in the battle for Spirit Island.

Therefore, the rule that one force can only have five Yueyaos actually refers to the number of people registered. This matter is managed by the Wanxiang Galaxy, and there is a special agency responsible for it on Wanxiang Island.

Since Yan Miao and Cheng Xin can participate in the battle for Spirit Island, it means that they have already registered and are now Yueyao belonging to Three Realms Island.

Generally speaking, only Yueyao monks need to register, not Xingxiu. However, Lu Ye has experienced this, because his official identity is the Lord of the Three Islands of Three Realms Island, and he is different from ordinary Xingxu. Same, I went to register with Luan Xiao'e and Tang Jun at the beginning.

That's why he knew this.

"The First Elder and the Fourth Elder are in the open, so the enemy knows that there are four Yueyaos in our Three Realms Island, so their arrangement is obvious. This time the two of them went to sneak attack Lao Tang, and Lao Tang will definitely send a message back. Under normal circumstances, Senior Sister Luan must go to the rescue, and there are three more of them outside to intercept. No matter which side succeeds, it will be a huge loss to Three Realms Island. Once Yueyao is killed, then they can attack Three Realms Island in the next step!" Lu Ye He said clearly.

When Luan Xiao'e heard this, she was immediately frightened.

Because things were exactly as Lu Ye speculated, then not only Lao Tang was at risk this time, but she was also at risk.