Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 25: sneak attack


Lu Ye was gently awakened by the headmaster. When he opened his eyes, he saw the headmaster standing beside him, and he quickly got up.

"Headmaster." Lu Ye rubbed his eyes, patted his face, and immediately sobered up a lot.

"It's time to disembark." The headmaster said with a smile.

The more than ten sects of the Haotian League evacuated from the Xieyue Valley together. Now that they have reached the site of the Haotian League, they naturally return to their respective houses. Several sects have already left one after another.

Lu Ye packed up the quilt, stuffed it into the storage bag, tidied up his appearance, and walked out of the cabin with the headmaster.

After a short while, he came to the deck. Someone was waiting. It was a tall middle-aged man with a majestic appearance.

Lu Ye didn't recognize the man, and after looking at it for a while, he felt that this middle-aged man seemed to have the smell of a soldier.

The headmaster stepped forward and said a few words to the man.

The man suddenly turned his head, looked at Lu Ye, who was standing beside the headmaster, and said, "It is your destiny to be able to enter the Jade Blood Sect, but you must cultivate well, and don't humiliate the lintel of the Jade Blood Sect."

Lu Ye responded quickly: "Yes!"

The headmaster clenched his fists: "Then the old man will leave first."

"Please!" The middle-aged man stretched out his hand.

The headmaster turned his palms, he took out an object from nowhere, and tossed it casually, and a twinkling carriage appeared on the deck.

The two horses pulling the cart were all snow-white and unusually handsome.

Before Lu Ye could see clearly, his figure involuntarily floated into the carriage, and the headmaster urged his spiritual power to wrap him.

"Let's start!" The middle-aged man shouted loudly, and following his order, a gap was opened in the protective formation of the flying dragon ship, and the gust of wind roared in, blowing the clothes of everyone on the deck.

The headmaster and the middle-aged man greeted each other with fists clasped. As the two horses pulling the cart raised their heads and neighed, the hooves of the horses gave birth to rounds of aura, rushing out of the gap in the protective formation, and galloping towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Watching the Shuangrong carriage disappear from sight, the middle-aged man turned around, strode towards the cabin, and left a sentence: "Bring me that bastard from Pangpanhai!"

"Yes!" Several cultivators of the Haotian Alliance took the orders, with gloating smiles on their faces. Although he didn't know what Junior Brother Pang did to make the Deputy Alliance Leader angry, but looking at the Deputy Alliance Leader like this, Junior Brother Pang had to lose a few pounds. meat.

In the double army carriage, Lu Ye looked at this and touched it with great interest, his eyes full of surprise.

After coming to Kyushu for more than a year, it was only in the last few days that he realized that the Kyushu he knew was not the real face of this world at all. There were too many things in this world that he could not imagine.

For example, the previous flying dragon ship, such as this pair of military carriages, this huge gap in cognition made him feel one thing.

This is a world of cultivation, and joining the Jade Blood Sect gave him the capital to integrate into this world of cultivation, and as his cultivation continued to increase, the splendor of this world would eventually be revealed little by little.

Otherwise, if you spend your whole life mining on the ore veins, how can you see these colorful

"These two horses... are not living creatures?" Lu Ye stood on the carriage, reached out and touched the butt of the horse in front of him, and found that he didn't feel like he was touching flesh and blood. Instead, he felt like he was touching a piece of metal, which was cold.

After a closer look, it was discovered that the two horses really did not have the breath that living creatures should have, but they were too vivid, giving people the illusion of living creatures.

The car behind him is open, and there is a big umbrella above the car. The umbrella rotates with the wind and hangs down like threads of aura, blocking the high winds.

The headmaster sat in the car, heard the words and said with a smile: "This is the creation of the Yan masters, and it is used for transportation."

"Master Yan?" Lu Ye was curious.

"A kind of external repair, good at making weapons, if there is a chance in the future, you will come into contact with it."

Lu Ye didn't ask any more questions, and waited and watched with interest for a while, and then he obediently came to the car park and sat down.

The car is very spacious, and it is not a problem to sit three or five people.

Of course he wouldn't be stupid enough to sit side by side with the headmaster, at least he still understands the importance of respecting the teacher.

"How was your practice before?" The headmaster asked.

"It's going well." Lu Ye replied, through the previous practice, he confirmed one thing, that is, it seems that there is not much hidden danger in his own practice.

In the past few days, he took more than ten pills of Yun Lingdan, and he opened the third orifice, not to mention the efficiency of other people's cultivation, at least it is impossible to take the pills one after another like him.

The erysipelas stasis mentioned by the headmaster, which caused the obscurity of spiritual power, did not appear.

It is also possible that it was not yet time. After all, he only took more than ten capsules of Yun Lingdan, which still needs to be observed to confirm.

He was considering whether to tell the headmaster about his enlightenment, but when he was hesitating, he heard the headmaster ask: "Among the six cultivations, which path do you want to take?"

The so-called six repairs are undoubtedly the information that Dapanhai mentioned before.

Lu Ye really hadn't thought about this. Right now, he can be said to have just come into contact with the world of cultivation. He is ignorant and ignorant of everything. How can he think of determining his future path

Then he asked, "What do you think the headmaster thinks?"

Tang Lao stretched out his hand to stroke his beard and said: "You are not very strong, and you don't have any special talent, so you are not suitable for physical training. There are only military cultivation, law cultivation and external cultivation. When it comes to external cultivation, in fact, every cultivator understands some methods of external cultivation to a greater or lesser extent, so it can be regarded as a path of minor cultivation, and there is no need to specialize in it.”

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Lu Ye understands: "That is to say, the only suitable paths for disciples to take are military cultivation and law cultivation?"

"That's right."

"Which way did the headmaster take?" Lu Ye asked curiously.

Tang Lao laughed: "This old man is a cultivator, you don't have to imitate the old man, it is a step-by-step process to determine the path you want to take, and you need to ask your true heart. , I'm not asking you to make a choice in a hurry, and wait until you return to Aoshan..."

Lu Ye was listening to the teachings of the headmaster, but suddenly the world was spinning.

As the field of vision revolved, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a mass of flames burning in the air. He fixed his eyes and found that the burning carriage was actually a double army carriage. The carriage had no idea what attack it had encountered. , scattered down.

Lu Ye shook his head, always feeling that the burning Shuangrong carriage was exactly the same as the one he rode before.

He suddenly realized that the carriage he and the headmaster were riding in had just been attacked by an inexplicable attack!

It was only at this moment that he realized that he had been taken away from the carriage by the headmaster and was floating in mid-air. The headmaster was full of aura, wrapping him in it, clenching his fists with one hand, looking around coldly, his face extremely solemn.