Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 35: Breaking fruit


Looking back now, Yiyi and Dahu never showed any intention of killing Lu Ye from the very beginning, and Lu Ye started the fight first.

They even said that the reason why they came to Lu Ye was because Lu Ye broke into Dahu's territory and killed too many beasts.

They probably wanted to drive Lu Ye away and ask for something from Lu Ye by the way.

If Lu Ye was a cultivator with a little common sense, nine out of ten their plans would have succeeded.

However, the situation did not develop as expected. Up to now, stealing chickens is not a loss of rice, but instead is blocked by Lu Ye in the cave, which is a dilemma.

For Lu Ye, he didn't have to share life and death with the big tiger. Although killing tigers and eating meat would be of great benefit to him, if the price paid was too great, the battle would not be worthwhile.

It's just that he has already spent a Fire Snake Talisman, and his chest is still injured, so naturally he has to find some compensation from the other party.

Several storage bags could not satisfy Lu Ye, this thing was locked, who knows what was inside. And there are not many good things in the storage bags of the low-level monks, not everyone has a rich family like him.

"You can take these storage bags to Qingyunfang City and find someone to open them. There must be good things in them." Yiyi said anxiously.

"Qingyunfang City?" Lu Ye frowned.

"That is the square market where the scattered cultivators gather. It is only fifty miles away from here. I can take you there."

"No need!" The reason why he stayed in this jungle all the time was because his cultivation was too low. In his plan, he would never leave here easily unless he was in the Lingxi realm.

Lu Ye's lack of oil and salt gave Yiyi a headache. She begged, "Can't you just let us go? We already knew we were wrong."

Lu Ye said lightly: "If you make a mistake, you will pay the price. My patience is limited. You'd better not talk nonsense!"

Yiyi bared her little white teeth: "If you really fight, you won't get better, I don't believe it..."

"Really?" Lu Ye raised his hand and took out another magic talisman.

Yiyi was stunned in an instant, looked at the magic talisman, and shrank her neck, knowing that she was really kicked on the iron plate. In the face of such a person, the storage bags of a few low-level monks really can't impress each other.

She seemed to have made up her mind, sighed, and said, "There is one more thing, I will fetch it for you."

The big tiger seemed to understand her plan, and immediately turned his head and snorted at her, Yiyi forced a smile, raised his hand and touched the big tiger's head: "Wait for me here, I will come back as soon as possible, don't talk to him until I come back. conflict."

The big tiger roared again, and Yiyi straightened his face: "Be obedient!"

The big tiger lowered his head.

Yiyi patted its head again, turned around and disappeared into the rock wall, disappearing.

Leaving Lu Ye and Dahu to continue their confrontation.

However, the exchange between Yiyi and Dahu just now made Lu Ye understand that this monster should be able to understand human nature. If it doesn't understand human nature, how can Yiyi cooperate with it to scare those low-level monks

As time passed, Lu Ye's expression gradually became solemn, because the tiger who was blocked by him in the cave gradually became restless, walking back and forth in the cave, looking up at Lu Ye from time to time.

Lu Ye smelled a dangerous breath, which made him even more vigilant.

This time, Yiyi took a long time to go, about an hour or so, Yiyi suddenly appeared again, but her state was obviously wrong at the moment, her body became a little translucent, giving people a feeling of extreme weakness.

Lu Ye frowned, wondering if the woman was pretending or was really injured, but his attention was quickly drawn to what Yiyi was holding.

It was a red-colored fruit, the size of a baby's fist. Once this fruit was brought in by Yiyi, it filled the cave with a peculiar fragrance.

"What is this?" he asked. Although he didn't know what the fruit was, he instinctively felt that it was definitely a good thing.

Yiyi said weakly, "Breaking the barrier."

"What's the use?" Lu Ye asked again.

Yiyi is a little puzzled. Logically speaking, it is impossible for important disciples such as Lu Ye who came from major sects to have not heard of the name of the Breaking Barrier Fruit. This thing is a precious treasure to any cultivator in the Lingxi realm, but she is at this moment. Not in a good state, and he didn't have time to talk nonsense, he explained: "It is used to break the barrier of spiritual orifices."

Lu Ye's eyes lit up, he didn't know where Yiyi found this fruit, but if what Yiyi said was true, then this thing would be too useful to him, he raised his head and motioned to Yiyi: "Throw... send it here. !"

Yiyi shook her head: "The fruit can be given to you, but you must take the oath of heaven and ask for the heaven, and you must never hurt us again after you get the fruit."

Even though she was weak and almost asleep, Yiyi didn't forget her current situation. If Lu Ye got the fruit, it would still be detrimental to them.

Lu Ye didn't know what the oath of heaven's secret was, but he had heard the phrase "respectfully invite the secret of heaven" once before.

He probably understood what Yiyi meant, so he nodded and said, "Yes!"

After considering the wording a little, Lu Ye said: "Lu Ye, a monk in Bingzhou, I respectfully invite Tianji, if Yiyi will give me the fruit of breaking the barrier, and on the premise of not taking the initiative to provoke and hurt me, I will no longer embarrass Yiyi and Amber!"

He thought it was just a simple oath, but what he didn't expect was that after his voice fell, an invisible and mysterious force descended from the sky and crashed into the battlefield mark on the back of his hand.

That power didn't do him any harm, but it gave him a wonderful feeling that if he violated what he just said, there would be no good end.

This discovery made Lu Ye's heart shudder, and he immediately understood that oaths in this world are not just casual words, especially the oath of celestial secrets that I respectfully invite Tianji to witness.

And after Lu Ye made the oath, Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, floated in front of Lu Ye, and handed him the barrier breaking fruit in his hand.

"Are you injured?" Lu Ye picked up the barrier-breaking fruit, looked at Yiyi and asked.

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded, turned to greet Amber: "Amber, let's go."

The sturdy Amber walked out step by step, and Lu Ye exited the cave holding the amulet.

After a while, Amber walked out of the cave, Yiyi plunged into Amber's body and disappeared, the big tiger turned his head and roared at Lu Ye, jumped a few times, and disappeared into the jungle.

Looking at the direction where the big tiger disappeared, Lu Ye pondered for a moment, then shook his head slowly. This half-day encounter can be said to be bizarre to him, but fortunately, the final result was not bad.

Looking at the barrier breaking fruit in his hand, Lu Ye's expression became hot. If this thing really has the effect of what Yiyi said, then his achievement of Lingxi Realm is just around the corner!