Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 38: go out


After attaining the Lingxi Realm, Lu Ye discovered a very interesting thing, that is, his perception of the aura of the surrounding environment became more acute.

The spiritual energy of the Lingxi battlefield is much richer than the outside world. In the outside world, even if Lu Ye is in the state of cultivation, he cannot detect the existence of the spiritual energy, but here, as long as Lu Ye can calm down, he can basically perceive the spiritual energy around him.

Now that the nine orifices are forming a stream, Lu Ye found that even if he didn't feel it deliberately, as long as he focused a little bit, he could clearly feel the aura of the world around him.

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement.

Does it mean that you can practice spiritual energy by exhaling it? Lu Ye thought so, and his heart was excited. If this is true, his future practice will be much smoother.

Try it now.

After half an hour, Lu Ye's face darkened and he stopped his practice.

The situation is the same as before. I don't know what's going on with my body. It is difficult for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to be guided into the body. At this speed of cultivation, it takes a year and a half to cultivate the tenth orifice to a full state. loading is not possible.

It seems that he tested his talent before, and it was not without reason that he got the result of Yi Ye.

However, at this time, Lu Ye also had a vague understanding that the way a cultivator breathes and breathes his spiritual energy does not mean that he swallows it with his mouth, but his body. In that state of practice, hundreds of millions of pores on the cultivator's body are going on. A wonderful breath that absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the body, turning it into the spiritual power of a monk!

However, he really couldn't use this method of practice.

Standing up, Lu Ye felt that it was time for him to go out and have a look.

More than a month ago, I was sent to the Lingxi battlefield by the headmaster. I was lucky to live in this jungle. I haven't encountered too powerful enemies for so long. Yiyi and Dahu, who came to seek trouble, were also arrested He knocked hard.

But life can't always be so lucky.

If he keeps hiding here, he will always encounter powerful and invincible cultivators. At that time, he will not have the strength to resist.

In more than a month, he has grown from a monk who opened three orifices to the current Lingxi level, and has opened ten orifices, and has grown tremendously.

It is undeniable that his cultivation is still very low, but if it is supplemented by the magic talismans taught to him, he still has some self-protection power.

As for where to go... I have to find the tiger and the girl. I heard some interesting news from the girl before.

Two days later, Lu Ye found the snow-white tiger crawling on the ground in a cave, but just as he walked in, a translucent shadow floated out of the tiger and looked at Lu Ye vigilantly: "Come here. doing what?"

It was the Ling Ling who claimed to be Yiyi. This guy looked extremely weak when he left that day. It has been nearly ten days, and her body is still translucent. light.

As soon as there was movement on her side, the sleeping tiger immediately woke up, stood up and roared at Lu Ye.

Lu Ye didn't go inside, so as not to irritate this spirit and tiger, what's more, with the oath of heaven, he couldn't do anything to this pair.

"Don't panic, I'm just here to ask something." Lu Ye said.

"What are you asking?" Yiyi looked at him.

"I heard what you said about Qingyunfang City before, can you tell me more about it?"

"You want to go to Qingyunfang City?"


Lu Ye can’t get through the way of breathing out the spiritual energy, and refining the essence and transforming it is not a long-term way. All the animals in the vicinity are almost killed by Lu Ye. The source of happiness is the practice of taking drugs. The place where the monks gathered, Lu Ye was going to go there to have a look, maybe he could get some spiritual pills to eat.

At the worst, he can also open his eyes. Since he stepped into the cultivation world, he has been working behind closed doors, which is not a good thing.

"Is that so..." Yiyi tilted her head and thought for a while, then stuck her tongue out at him: "I won't tell you, if you want to know, go find it yourself!"

Having suffered so much grievance from Lu Ye before, how could Yiyi cooperate with him obediently? Right now, there is the oath of heaven. As long as she and Dahu don't take the initiative to provoke and hurt Lu Ye, Lu Ye can't do anything to her, why should you be afraid

Lu Ye stared at her for a moment, then turned and left.

"Huh?" Yiyi didn't expect it, she didn't expect Lu Ye to walk so quickly, after a little hesitation, she swayed, floated to Lu Ye's side, and said, "But if you can beg me If so, maybe I'll tell you when I'm in a good mood."

Lu Ye glanced at her and felt her bad character.

"Please beg me, if you don't beg me, I won't tell you. Otherwise..." Yiyi fluttered in front of him with a smile, like a little butterfly, "You say you are wrong, I I'll forgive you!"

Lu Ye stopped, took out the long sword from the storage bag at his waist, and slowly drew the sword out of its sheath.

"What are you doing?" Yiyi was so frightened that Hua Rong turned pale, she instantly cowardly stepped aside and hid behind the big tiger who came out. The big tiger also lowered his body and made a roar.

"I told you that you can't mess around because of the oath of heaven, otherwise you will die without a place to be buried!" Yiyi poked a small head from behind the big tiger and warned in a serious tone.

Lu Ye ignored her, just pointed his sword at the void in front of him, spiritual energy poured into the room, and the long sword flashed with light, and whispered softly, "It's decided!"

"Decide what?" Yiyi was confused.

"Starting today, ten beasts will be killed every day until there are no more beasts in this area!" Lu Ye said in a loud voice, and then touched his stomach again, "I'm hungry!"

"Keng!" The long sword was sheathed, and Lu Ye stepped forward.

Yiyi was stunned for a moment, and then her expression became bitter. Dahu turned his head to look at her, and rolled his eyes humanely.

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"Senior brother, please stay!" Yiyi shouted, chasing after Lu Ye.

After a stick of incense, under a big tree, Lu Ye looked at the graffiti-like patterns on the ground, and Yiyi pointed out the direction in front of him: "This is Qingyun Mountain, and the square market at the foot of the mountain is Qingyunfang City. The location is here, you walk from here, go east, after twenty miles, you will cross a small river, another ten miles, there will be a chaotic stone forest, and you will reach Qingyunfang City after another twenty or thirty miles."

Lu Ye frowned and said impatiently, "Just tell me which way to go, don't say anything."

"This way!" Yiyi decisively reached out and pointed in one direction.