Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 4: Talent tree


Amidst the crackling sound, the faint flame throbbed a few times, and finally went out.

The torches on the dark stakes burned out.

The hidden mine tunnel was plunged into darkness, but Lu Ye did not completely lose its light. There were still some faint rays of light in his eyes in the originally dark environment. He could see the outline of Manager Yang's corpse not far away, and he could also see the corpse. The cold light on the sword that he left aside...

It's not that the mine tunnel is not dark enough, but that his eyesight has increased.

After opening his spiritual aperture, Lu Ye clearly felt that some wonderful changes had taken place in his body, and even his weak body due to injuries had given birth to a lot of power in vain.

"Haha...haha...hahahaha..." Lu Ye couldn't help laughing wildly. The laughter echoed in this claustrophobic environment. He didn't stop until the injury was affected.

Suppressing the joy in his heart, he recalled the accident just now.

What is certain is that his sudden enlightenment is related to the shadow tree, and it is also related to the dark red ore he has never seen before.

No, the ore is not the point, the point is the orange flame inside the ore!

The shadow tree grew roots and devoured the flame, and as a result, he became enlightened.

The shadow tree has never changed like this, it should have been stimulated by the orange flame...

It seems that my previous thoughts are correct, this shadow tree can indeed provide me with some wonderful help, but I have not been able to find the right way for a long time.

After clarifying his thoughts, he quickly concentrated. He wanted to see what the shadow tree looked like now. Anyway, that orange flame was eaten by the shadow tree, and there would always be some changes.

Xu was because he was too excited. Even though Lu Ye had tried his best to concentrate, he couldn't see the shadow tree. This happened often before, which was the reason for his lack of concentration.

He took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and waited for a long time before trying again.

This time, I saw the shadow tree successfully. Sure enough, just as Lu Ye thought, the original gray shadow tree had some changes.

In general, the shadow tree is still the same, and the roots that have been born before have never been seen, but near the position below the canopy, there is a leaf shrouded in a blazing fire, as if burning.

Lu Ye tried his best to concentrate, looked at the burning leaf, and vaguely saw an extremely complex and complicated pattern imprinted on the leaf.

He concentrated, trying to see the pattern clearly.

Mutation prominence!

A small leaf kept expanding in front of his eyes, obscuring his vision instantly. At the same time, a large amount of inexplicable information poured into his mind uncontrollably, and Lu Ye suddenly felt as if someone had smashed it with a sledgehammer. With a swipe of his head, he passed out without even uttering a word.

When he woke up again, Lu Ye was dizzy and had a splitting headache.

Shaking his head, he forced himself to get up and leaned back against the rock wall.

He recalled what happened before he fell into a coma, but was surprised to find that there was a lot of information in his mind that he had never touched before. These information were deeply ingrained, as if they were his own memories.

Lu Ye calmed his mind, carefully checked these memories that should not exist, and quickly understood the truth of the matter.

It was also the reason of the shadow tree. The shadow tree devoured the orange flame, and as a result, there was a burning leaf on the tree.

There is a mysterious pattern on the leaves, which carries a lot of magical knowledge. When Lu Ye investigates carefully, this knowledge is forcibly poured into his mind.


This is what is carried in the leaf, and it is a spiritual pattern called sharp.

Lu Ye has heard of the spirit pattern, which is a kind of mysterious power, which is closely related to the monk's life, practice, and battle.

It seems that there is another kind of person who specializes in the study of spirit patterns, called spirit pattern masters, but there are generally very few such people, because it is not easy to study spirit patterns.

After understanding this, Lu Ye wanted to mobilize the spiritual power in the spiritual aperture.

However, he found that the spiritual power in the spiritual aperture was extremely heavy and could not be mobilized at all.

After thinking for a while, Lu Ye remembered that he was still under the shroud of the elemental magnetic field. How easy is it to mobilize spiritual power

It was for this reason that Guanshi Yang died at his hands before.

He stood up and staggered toward the distance, feeling the reaction of the spiritual energy in the spiritual aperture as he walked. He didn't stop until he could mobilize the spiritual energy. This position had already left the range covered by the metamagnetic field.

The originally heavy spiritual power became extremely active. Under Lu Ye's Shi Wei, he walked in the body. Wherever he went, it was warm and warm. He had never had such an experience. He was greatly surprised.

After playing for a while, he remembered the spirit pattern, almost instinctively, poured spiritual power into the palm of his hand, and in an instant, a bright light flashed across the palm of his hand.

Although it was fleeting, Lu Ye could still see clearly that Huaguang was an extremely complex and cumbersome pattern, exactly the same as the pattern carried on the burning leaves!

"This is Fengrui?" Lu Ye looked down at his palm. Logically speaking, he had just opened his own spiritual orifices, and he didn't know much about how to use his spiritual power, let alone to construct a spiritual pattern with his spiritual power.

But he did it so easily, as if he had gone through countless exercises.

There was a faint light consumption on the palm, like a large firefly, and there was a burst of tingling pain in the palm, giving Lu Ye the feeling that there were many needles stabbing himself in the flesh.

Although it is a palm, this palm feels extremely sharp at the moment, Lu Ye feels that he can split a stone with one palm!

Thinking of this, he immediately pulled a washbasin-sized stone from the side. This kind of stone can be seen everywhere in the mine tunnel and is of no value.

Placing the stone in front of him, Lu Ye raised his palm and chopped it down.

A stone the size of a washbasin cracked, and the incisions were neat.

Lu Ye was stunned. Although he thought he could split the stone just now, he never thought it would be like this. This is not splitting, it is cutting, and it was only his hand that cut the stone. !

And all this is just because of the sharp blessing, this spiritual pattern seems to make the blessed object extremely sharp.

I saw a monk in Xieyue Valley smash a stone with one palm, and he was shocked, but now it seems that he is also capable of doing it, and doing it better.

This is still cutting stones, but what about cutting people

The brilliance on his palm slowly dissipated after cutting the stone, which was the reason for the exhaustion of spiritual power. At the same time, Lu Ye felt that his whole body was empty, and a boundless sense of weakness struck.

He was heartbroken.

He had just awakened, and a spirit pattern formed in his heart itch for a while, which was somewhat over his head. This was a serious overdraft.

Fatigue hit, Lu Ye forced to endure it. If he fell asleep at this time, he didn't know if he would be able to wake up.

He hurried back to the place just now, picked up a bottle of Qi and Blood Pill, poured out a few pellets and stuffed it into the mouth, picked up another piece of animal meat, and ate it.

The efficacy of Qi and Blood Pill melted, gradually filling his body, and the feeling of weakness slowly subsided.

Leaning against the rock wall, he organized his thoughts.

After the shadow tree that accompanied him for more than a year devoured a mass of orange flames, he opened his spiritual aperture and became a monk, and then when he checked the shadow tree, he found a burning leaf, from the burning In the leaves, he got the sharp spiritual pattern...

Looking at the shadow tree at this moment, Lu Ye couldn't help but have a strong sense of sight.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Ye suddenly realized: "Isn't this the talent tree?"