Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 57: on the way


In the karst cave, Lu Ye closed his eyes again and felt it quietly.

The talent tree is indeed in his source spiritual aperture. When he concentrates, he can "see" this scene.

This is not the same as before. In the past, when his attention was concentrated enough, the talent tree appeared in his field of vision, showing a state of phantom.

Maybe... The talent tree is already in the source spiritual aperture, but I haven't been enlightened before, so what I see is only the phantom in the field of vision

Once enlightened, you can feel it more intuitively.

After coming to the Lingxi battlefield, he has been busy improving his own cultivation, and he has continued to practice hard work, but he has never paid attention to the situation of the talent tree. It was not until this time that the talent tree absorbed external power, and he discovered the changes.

This is a good thing. He has always had a doubt in his heart that he didn't understand, that is, there seems to be no hidden danger in his practice of taking drugs. He guessed that it should be related to the talent tree, but the specific relationship is unknown.

Now I can intuitively feel the existence of the talent tree, and I may study it carefully when I have time.

"Looking" at the two flaming leaves on the talent tree, although Lu Ye knew that the leaves were a good thing, he still couldn't help but recall some unpleasant memories...

Holding back his thoughts of investigating, Lu Ye walked to the snake demon's body and pulled his weapon back. Then, he chopped the snake demon's body into a dozen sections and put them into a storage bag one by one.

The strength of this snake monster is much stronger than that of a big tiger, and it can breathe fire. The snake meat must be rich in spiritual power, which can be greatly nourished by food.

After finishing all this, Lu Ye looked around and made sure that there was nothing missing, and then walked out of the cave.

After more than half an hour, Lu Ye joined Yiyi and Dahu who were waiting at the entrance of the cave. Seeing that there was blood on Dahu's shoulder blade, he took out a healing pill and gave it to Dahu. This wound was killed by a snake demon during the previous battle. biting.

Lu Ye was also slightly injured, and it was the same position on the shoulder blade that he was slapped by the snake's tail, but it was no big deal.

After a while, he rode on the big tiger, stretched out his hand to touch the soft fur, and recalled the first time he wanted to see the big tiger and Yiyi. At that time, he never thought that such a majestic monster would one day become his crotch mount.

I have to say that riding on the back of a big tiger is a good experience, and even a second-floor cultivator in Lingxi like Lu Ye couldn't help but give birth to a kind of arrogance of pointing the country.

The tiger has a strong body and a spacious back, so it is not uncomfortable to ride on it.

"Where to?" Yiyi sat on the tiger's head and turned to ask.

Lu Ye felt the guidance of the war mark on the back of his hand, and pointed in one direction: "Follow this side, and follow the foot of the mountain!"

"Let's go then!" Yiyi waved her little hand, clearly in a happy mood.

The big tiger let out a low roar, and the snow-white figure rushed out like a sharp arrow. On this day, many low-level cultivators who were preparing to enter Qingyun Mountain for training saw a young man riding a snow-white tiger.

Drops of water drop into the sea, causing tiny ripples, but those ripples will eventually set off huge waves...

When night falls, under a cliff that protrudes and slopes outward, there is a depression at the bottom of the cliff, which is a natural haven.

Yiyi, who took the lead to inquire about the situation, stood there and waved: "Lu Ye, this way!"

Under the moonlight, Lu Yelong walked with awe-inspiring power, one step at a time.

Seeing Lu Ye's strange walking posture, Yiyi couldn't bear to look directly, but she still couldn't hold back, she burst out laughing...

Lu Ye walked past her and glared at her fiercely.

He thought it would be a pleasure to ride a big tiger, but on the first day, he realized that he was naive.

Mainly because the wear on both sides of the thighs was unbearable. Lu Ye was sure that his inner thighs should be covered in blood by now, and he could still feel the bumpy feeling of riding on the back of a tiger until now. It would be good to practice on the back of a tiger without being knocked over.

"Just get used to it." Yiyi said after him.

Walking into the natural pit, Lu Ye nodded, this place is a good place to rest.

There are traces of the bonfire burning out in the pit, which seems to be left by the previous travelers.

Lu Ye rested for a while, got up and went to find some firewood and came back to light it. He took out a section of the snake body, peeled it off, and cut off a large piece of snake meat of about ten kilograms. As for the rest, it was all thrown to the tiger.

The big tiger hugged the dozens of catties of snake meat and ate it happily.

The flames lingered, the fragrance gradually diffused, and the hot oil dripped on the fire tongue, making a stinging sound.

While roasting the snake meat, Lu Ye took out a barrier-breaking fruit from the storage bag and signaled to Yiyi.

Yiyi looked at him suspiciously.

"Two fruits are added to make five." Lu Ye explained.

Yiyi shook her head and said, "This thing is only useful to you. If Amber and I can't use it, you can keep it for yourself."

Lu Ye thought for a while and said, "Amber eats the elixir?"

Yiyi nodded: "It also eats spirit stones."

Lu Ye was shocked: "Can you eat spirit stones too?"

Yiyi explained, "Spiritual stones are the condensation of spiritual energy. Monsters and beasts can eat them, but humans can't eat them, and they can't be refined."

Lu Ye said that he has learned a lot, no wonder when Yiyi and Dahu came to rob him before, they asked for the spirit pill and they started to ask for the spirit stone.

"Then your fruits will be converted into spirit pills..." Lu Ye was a little embarrassed, "but I don't know how much this fruit is worth."

Yiyi pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You can give it whatever you want. Amber can eat two elixir a day now."

"Not much."

The snake meat was quickly roasted. Lu Ye sprinkled some salt to taste, and then he ate it up. He suddenly raised his head, looked at Yiyi, who was looking at him, and handed over the snake meat in his hand: "Do you want it?"

Yiyi shook her head: "I can't eat."

Lu Ye continued to eat.

That snake meat is really good for nourishment. After eating a few catties of snake meat, Lu Ye only felt warm and full of energy, and even the flow of spiritual power seemed to be faster.

While refining the essence, he took out his saber and walked to the open space on the side, took off his shirt, revealing his strong upper body, and chopped seriously with one knife after another.

The previous battle with that cultivator Baijing made him realize that his combat skills were a mess. He could improve his cultivation by using drugs, but it was useless to use drugs for combat skills.

And there is no one who can point him at the moment, so Lu Ye thought of a stupid way to keep slashing and slashing like this. He didn't know if it would work, but it was the only way he could come up with.

In the future, he is destined to encounter more and more powerful enemies. If he is to fight personally, his cultivation and combat skills are indispensable.

Under the moonlight, the young man was slashing earnestly, sweating profusely. Not far away, a snow-white tiger lay on the ground and slept soundly. White light lingered on his body. For the background, the painting is hazy.