Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 60: Gathering


During the day, Lu Ye had already cultivated the twenty-one orifices to full capacity. As long as the twenty-two orifices were opened to avoid obstacles, they would be one step closer to the Lingxi third-layer realm.

He didn't take the barrier-breaking effect, although that thing had a miraculous effect on breaking the spiritual orifice barrier.

According to Lu Ye's estimation, the Barrier Breaking Fruit should be very valuable. The last time I took it was because I was in a hurry to advance to the first-level Lingxi level. Now that there are enough Yun Lingdan, it only takes a little more time to achieve the same goal. Lu Ye naturally won't waste it.

He has to keep these two spiritual fruits and wait until the right time to take them, so that they can have the greatest effect.

Now that the spiritual power in his body is not the same as at the beginning, it makes it easier for him to break through the spiritual barrier.

In less than an hour before and after, the barrier of the twenty-two orifices was broken open, and a trickle of spiritual energy flowed into it.

Lu Ye practiced for a while, and completely digested the Dan power, and then stopped.

It has been three days since the last time he checked the spiritual pattern leaves of the talent tree. Lu Ye is going to check the third burning leaf tonight to see what kind of spiritual pattern it carries.

Although he was mentally prepared, when he was about to do it, he was still a little worried, mainly because the experience was too unpleasant.

But this kind of thing has to be experienced sooner or later. Longer pain is worse than short-term pain. Lu Ye is ruthless, concentrates his mind, and "looks" at the talent tree in Yuan Lingqiao.

The burning leaves rapidly enlarged, and the mysterious patterns on the leaves instantly obscured Lu Ye's vision and thinking, and the feeling of being smashed with a hammer came again.

The brain was split open, a large amount of inexplicable information poured into it, and then it was vigorously mixed...

After a long while, Lu Ye panted and opened his eyes, the tiger raised his head, Yiyi stood by the bed, looking at him worriedly.

Fortunately, there was such an experience three days ago, and Yiyi was not surprised.

Lu Ye immersed himself in his mind and checked the extra information in his mind.


This is the name of the spirit pattern carried on the third leaf.

The first spirit pattern is the attacking side, the second is the defensive side, and the third is the auxiliary side

The function of this spiritual pattern can be understood at a glance just by listening to the name. It is used to gather spiritual energy. Lu Ye stimulated the spiritual force to build this spiritual pattern on the palm of his hand. The aura of heaven and earth gathered towards the palm of the hand, and then attracted the aura of heaven and earth outside to pour in.

Lu Ye waited for a while, and found that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the room did not change much. It might be because the spiritual pattern he built was not big enough and didn't last long enough.

If there is a spiritual pattern that can cover the entire room, and even the entire business alliance, the effect of gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth should be outstanding.

But not to mention whether his spiritual power can support such a huge spiritual pattern, even if he does, it is meaningless.

His body was not able to absorb and exhale spiritual energy very well, so no matter how strong the spiritual energy from the outside world was, it was of little use to him.


Lu Ye sighed in his heart, a little disappointed.

No matter Feng Rui or Yu Shou, they can provide him with great help in battle. He was looking forward to this third spirit pattern, but it turned out to be such a useless spirit pattern.

However, comparing the two spirit patterns of Fengrui and Yushou, the consumption of the gathering spirit pattern is very small. For a spirit pattern of the same size, the consumption of the gathering spirit is only 10% of that of Yushou, and it seems that it can be maintained for a long time.

No matter Feng Rui or Yu Shou, the duration is very short, so if Lu Ye wants to use them in battle, he has to seize the opportunity and maintain them for a long time, and the expendable spiritual power will increase.

But the gathering of spirits is different. While gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it is also replenishing itself, so once it is constructed, it will continue until Lu Ye disperses it voluntarily.

If you think about it this way, this thing is not completely useless. If a large enough gathering spirit pattern is built in a certain sect station, the aura of heaven and earth in the station will become more and more intense.

Yiyi watched this scene in shock.

The night three days ago, she witnessed Lu Ye construct an inexplicable spirit pattern with her own eyes, and she saw it again tonight, and the two were completely different spirit patterns.

Yiyi wasn't sure what the use of the spirit pattern three days ago was, but this time the spirit pattern was clearly used to gather the spiritual energy of the world.

Who the hell is this guy, his cultivation is not high, but his research on spirit patterns is so thorough, you must know that this will take a lot of time and energy.

In this way, he really has something to do with the big man in the sect...

I have to say that the more Yiyi thinks, the more crooked she is, and she is also smart. Some things that should not be asked are just ignored, which makes Lu Ye very gratified. Otherwise, he should consider whether to continue the cooperative relationship with each other. .

Over there, Lu Ye had already dissipated the gathering spirit pattern, and then took off his shirt, took out his long knife and slashed it. The big tiger had to hide in the corner to avoid being accidentally injured...

One knife, one knife, Lu Ye slashed seriously.

The night passed, and at dawn, Lu Ye came to the main hall on the first floor from the third floor, sought out a business alliance manager, and made a deal with him for two pieces of Yuan magnetite.

He also had fourteen pieces of Yuan magnetite in his hand, all of which were relatively large, and the largest piece was big enough for a washbasin. He didn't trade too much, lest he meet someone like Liu Ruyin again.

Anyway, along the way, you will encounter many divisions of the Tianji Business Alliance, and the ore in your hand is scattered, which can reduce some risks.

No anti-theft novel network

When he left Qingyunfang City San before, if he wasn't in a hurry to buy a ten-point map, he wouldn't risk taking a dozen yuan magnetite, which would be really easy to be targeted.

Two pieces of Yuan magnetite, one hundred and three pieces of spirit stones, this time he did not buy the Yun Ling Dan, but kept the spirit stones.

Yun Lingdan is enough for him to use Lingxi 3rd-layer for the time being, so there is no need to keep saving.

As for the spirit stone... because he wants to save a large amount of spirit stone, and he has other uses.

Just after walking out of the Tianji Business Alliance, a male cultivator with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks greeted him and greeted him with a smile: "This fellow Daoist is invited!"

Lu Ye frowned at him, and the tiger beside him stepped forward and let out a threatening growl.

The male cultivator's smile suddenly stiffened, and he took two steps back one after another: "Fellow Daoist, calm down, there is no malice here, I just want to talk to fellow Taoist about a business."

Lu Ye looked at the aura on the opponent's body and determined that he was only a 2-layer Lingxi, and looking at his aura, the purity was below the average level, which showed that this guy's strength was not good.

Seeing Lu Ye and Da Hu staring at him together, the male cultivator's scalp was numb, and he forced a smile and said, "It's really just a business deal."

"Give way!" Lu Ye said lightly, put his hand on the hilt of the knife at his waist, and led the tiger straight ahead. The man hurriedly avoided moving away, but he didn't give up. He probably thought that Lu Ye couldn't do anything to him here. , then chased after Lu Yedao: "Fellow Daoist, I have a set of exercises to assist in my practice. If I use it, the efficiency of my practice will be at least doubled. interest?"