Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 87: Xuanmen expedition


Lu Ye still remembered that when he first met Amber, he was in a trance when he met its amber pupils.

After that, Amber didn't have many anomalies until this time.

Yiyi thought about it and said, "No." She turned her head and asked, "Amber, do you know magic?"

Amber responded with a hoot.

Yiyi said: "It said no."

The corners of Lu Ye's mouth twitched. So far, he still hasn't figured out how Yiyi communicated with Amber. It's amazing that he can judge what the other party wants to express by his voice.

It can only be said that this is Yiyi's unique ability as a ghost.

Lu Ye didn't ask any further, he just thought of this and asked casually.

After eating and drinking enough, Lu Ye began to practice, Amber crawled beside him and slept soundly.

Silent all night.

Xuanmen was stationed, Chu Tian, following Lu Ye's request, was collecting elixir and food from the same door. As a result, the news that Guoshanhu Yiye was about to leave spread like wildfire.

Before it was completely dawn, Chu Tian started to contact Lu Ye, determined the location, and brought two junior brothers over to meet Lu Ye. After the delivery, Lu Ye got a lot of food and more than 200 pills.

At this time, it was already bright, and Lu Ye turned on the tiger's back, Chu Tian clasped his fists and said, "There will be a period later, and I will contact you often when I have time."

Lu Ye nodded slightly, Amber's figure sprang out, and walked towards the depths of the Split Sky Gorge.

Looking at the figure of Lu Ye leaving, Chu Tian suddenly felt envious, such a travel and practice is really easy and carefree, but he was born in a big sect, with such confidence and background, he is really like this, I am afraid he will not live for a few months.

Leading the two junior brothers back to the Xuanmen station, he was summoned by Wang Yan at the first time and hurried over.

When I arrived at the place, I realized that something was not right. All the people in the station were called together, not only the disciples of the sect, but also the loose cultivators who were attached to the sect. Hundreds of people gathered on a square. , Wang Chen stood there straight, his hand on the hilt of the sword, as if waiting for something.

The atmosphere is a bit chilling...

Chu Tian stepped forward, clasped his fists and saluted, "Senior Brother!"

"Then the mountain tiger is gone?" Wang Yan asked.

"Let's go." Chu Tian replied.

Wang Chen nodded slightly, a little pleased: "It's good to go, let's join the ranks." He seemed to want Lu Ye to leave sooner.

"Yes!" Chu Tian walked into his own queue and was confused by the current battle. However, Wang Chen suddenly gathered all the people, obviously he was going to make a big move.

Chu Tian had some guesses in his heart. If this is the case, then there will be a big battle today.

Time passed slowly, and after a stick of incense, Wang Chencai, who had been standing there, suddenly raised his brows and said loudly, "My Xuanmen and Jiuxingzong have been stationed next to each other for thirty years. There are casualties, and there is no way to resolve the blood feud between each other. Although my Xuanmen won the Tiantianxia battle a few days ago, as long as the Jiuxingzong station is still there for one day, my Xuanmen disciples will not be able to live in peace! So I intend to capture the Jiuxingzong station. I also ask you brothers and sisters to help me!"

As soon as he said that, the audience was in an uproar.

It was only one day after the declaration of war, and Wang Yan was going to capture the Jiuxingzong station, which shocked all the Xuanmen disciples. The Xuanmen won the war when the war was declared. At this time, it is time to enjoy the fruits of victory, not extravagant branches.

"First Evolution"

You must know that capturing the garrison is not that simple. The garrison is guarded by a large formation, and it is impossible to capture it without breaking the formation.

But when they think of Wang Chen's various performances over the years, everyone knows that this matter should have been arranged by Wang Chen long ago.

Chu Tian was the first to raise his arms and shout: "I would like to follow my senior brother and show the might of my mysterious door!"

Everyone shouted in unison: "I would like to follow my senior brother and show the power of my mysterious door!"

In front of the crowd, Wang Chen smiled: "Very good!"

Turning his head to look at Chu Tian: "Send the message to Guo Shanhu and tell him that Dong Shuye has gone to hunt him down in person before a stick of incense."

Chu Tian was shocked when he heard the words, not only was Dong Shuye's daring, but also Wang Yang's well-informed.

Dong Shuye is the cultivator with the highest cultivation base in the Jiuxingzong station. With him, the Jiuxingzong station is solid, but if he leaves, the defense of the Jiuxingzong station will be discounted immediately.

It seems that the killing of the Young Sect Master of the Nine Star Sect really made the side lose face. The declaration of war with Xuanmen could be lost, but the tiger who crossed the mountain had to die. If not, Dong Shuye would not be able to risk leaving the station and personally chase and kill.

He would not leave in a big way, otherwise it would give Xuanmen a chance, but even so, Wang Chen also got the exact news. Obviously, there was an arrangement outside the Jiuxingzong station. As long as Dong Shuye left the station, Wang Chen would You can get the news right away.

He also remembered that at the celebration banquet last night, several brothers and sisters from the same sect never showed up...

But how did Dong Shuye know that Guo Shanhu had left

Chu Tian is not stupid, he just wanted to understand the whole story in an instant.

The news was leaked from Xuanmen's side.

No wonder that when he reported the request for the mountain tiger trade to Senior Brother Wang Chen last night, he would ask himself to go to the same sect to collect it. Obviously, it would be easier to allocate it from the sect.

When he was collecting spiritual pills and food, many people asked him why, and he didn't hide it, so he told the news that Lu Ye was going to leave.

It is impossible for the disciples of this sect to send messages to the Nine Stars Sect, so the leaked news will be those loose cultivators who are attached to it!

Just as he was thinking about this, Wang Yan suddenly looked at a monk in the crowd and said, "Shi Jun, do you have anything to say?"

The loose cultivator named Shi Jun sweated on his forehead and replied nervously, ""

Wang Chen just looked at him.

Shi Jun's expression became even more nervous, and he blurted out, "Senior Brother Wang, spare your life!"

"Looks like you really have nothing to say."

The thumb flicked the long sword around his waist, and the sound of the Qingyue sword sounded. The long sword turned into a sword light, and it came to Shi Jun in an instant, and circled around his neck. Shi Jun's body immediately stiffened. .

When the sword light returned to its sheath, Shi Jun's head fell off, blood spurted from his neck and neck, and his headless body fell to the ground.

This change made all the loose cultivators break out in a cold sweat and looked at Wang Chen in disbelief.

Wang Chen's expression was cold: "Shi Jun, who is attached to my Xuanmen, is actually the dark son of the Nine Stars Sect. Today, I will kill him to set an example. I hope you can do it yourself."

When this remark came out, everyone couldn't believe it, but remembering Shi Jun's last words, he found that this should be the truth. Shi Jun finally begged for mercy, obviously guilty of being a thief.

"Go, destroy the nine stars!" Wang Chen waved his hand.

After a while, hundreds of monks from Xuanmen filed out of the station, and the entire station suddenly became empty!