Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 90: escape


Not to mention Lu Ye's torment, Dong Shuye was really surprised to see that he failed to kill Lu Ye with a single technique.

Only then did he realize that what Luo Ji said was true. This disciple from some top sect was able to fight with spirit patterns. He saw with his own eyes a shield-like spirit pattern on the opponent's body, blocking several fireballs.

It's no wonder that people like Luo Ji returned home in vain. When Luo Ji came back yesterday, he searched for the battle report and learned that this guy had lost.

However, he is not Luo Ji after all. Luo Ji was born better than him, and his cultivation is even more heaven-level, but his cultivation is a flaw.

He is a dignified seventh-layer cultivator, and his means are naturally far more than that.

Spiritual power surged, and a fireball the size of a washbasin appeared in front of him. Almost as soon as it appeared, it blasted towards Lu Ye, and the speed was extremely fast!

"Now I'll see how you block it!"

Seeing the fireball hit, Lu Ye's scalp felt numb. Although there were a lot of fireballs just now, they were only the size of a fist. He was barely able to block it. How could he block this basin-sized fireball

"Amber!" Lu Ye growled.

Amber's speed increased by another point, and it suddenly jumped out.

The huge fireball fell from the sky, almost rubbing Amber's butt and hitting it. Lu Ye was aching from the hot breath. Even if he had spiritual power to protect his body, it would not help. He even smelled the smell of burnt hair...

I was secretly glad that this thing seemed to be big, but the speed was slower than the small fireball just now, otherwise Amber wouldn't be able to hide.

However, the next moment, he changed his face, because the huge fireball did not land on the ground, but turned around abruptly, chasing straight towards them.

This thing will bend!

In mid-air, Dong Shuye was gliding behind his back with one hand, choking with the other, relying on the air to control the wind, floating like an immortal, but his spiritual power surged wildly, like a murderous spirit possessed, and murderous intent was surging.

The speed of the huge fireball was getting faster and faster. Seeing that it was about to hit, Lu Ye knew that if he didn't have any countermeasures, he would be bitter with Amber the next moment.

He took a deep breath, returned the long sword to its sheath, raised both hands in front of him, and while the spiritual force was urging him, a guardian spirit pattern immediately appeared in front of him.

This is obviously not enough, the guardian spirit pattern is barely able to block the small fireball before, let alone such a big fireball.

However, with the crazy infusion of Lu Ye's spiritual energy, the slap-sized guardian spirit pattern suddenly expanded, becoming the size of a desktop in a very short period of time.

Above the spiritual pattern, the complicated and complicated patterns flow and wriggle, and the rays of light bloom.

At this moment, Lu Ye felt that his body was hollowed out. Although he didn't have time to take a closer look, this spiritual pattern definitely consumed at least 30% of his spiritual power.

In other words, with such a spirit pattern, at most, he will use up all the spirit power.

He has never stimulated the spirit pattern like this before. In the past, whether it was urging Fengrui or Yushou, it was only a momentary thing, but the spirit pattern has one thing in common. As long as there is enough spiritual power to maintain it, it will last forever.

The reason why the gathering spirit pattern can be preserved in principle is because it has the effect of gathering the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the gathered spiritual energy can maintain its existence.

The huge fireball slammed into the Yushou spirit pattern. When the collision hit, Peiran Mo Yu's power was transmitted. Amber's body was crushed to a short height, and he almost fell to the ground. Lu Ye's arms were even more muscular, as if the top What heavy things live on.

The scorching aura rushed towards the face, and on the fireball, tongues of fire pierced, and the luster of the guardian spirit pattern quickly dimmed.

But what reassured Lu Ye was that he blocked the blow...

He even wanted to tilt the guardian spirit pattern and push the fireball out.

However, before he could do anything, Dong Shuye, who was not far away, snorted coldly: "Stupid!" The technique in his hand changed.

With a loud bang, the flames swept across the four directions, the vast void became twisted, and the surrounding trees were burning.

do you died? Dong Shuye fell down and looked coldly.

Under normal circumstances, a Lingxi 3rd-layer can't stop one of his spells no matter what, but the target he wants to kill this time is obviously not an ordinary 3rd-layer. This guy is a disciple of a certain top power. That one-handed spirit pattern alone is astounding.

There was a rustling movement in the jungle, and it quickly disappeared.

It's not dead? The corners of Dong Shuye's eyes twitched, and the murderous intent was even hotter.

Just when he was about to continue chasing and killing the past, there was a message from the battlefield brand, and he wanted to ignore it, but he couldn't help but remember what Lu Ye said before, his heart jumped, and he quickly checked.

It was the message sent by Cao Ye. It was simple and clear, but it made his heart sink to the bottom of the valley!

"Wang Yan led the six hundred monks from Xuanmen to attack the station, brother, hurry back!"

If he didn't catch up with Lu Ye, Dong Shuye would definitely rush after seeing this message, but now Lu Ye is under his nose, how can he be willing to give up at this time

Therefore, after making a slight choice, he sent a message back.

At the Jiuxingzong station, the guardian formation has been fully opened, and there are monks stationed in every important place, waiting for the formation.

Xuanmen suddenly rushed out and came to attack. This was something that none of the Nine Stars Sect disciples thought of. After all, a war was declared before, and it ended with the Nine Stars Sect losing. Cao Ye couldn't figure out what Wang Chen was going to do.

But things have already happened. As the monk with the highest cultivation base in the station, Cao Ye is duty-bound to direct the monks in the station to participate in the protection.

But he can't do it alone, so he immediately sent a message to tell Dong Shuye, but Dong Shuye's reply made him feel helpless, there are only three simple words: "Hold on!"

At this moment, what can I do other than persevere

The defense formation was in full operation, and a large number of spirit stones were burning, turning it into a defensive force to keep the Xuanmen cultivators out of the station. It is conservatively estimated that it would be no problem to resist the attack from the Xuanmen side for a day or two.

Therefore, although the Nine Stars Sect was besieged, the monks in the station were not too flustered except for being a little nervous.

"The Age of Rebirth"

"Wang Chen of the dog" day!" Cao Ye scolded inwardly, really, this guy didn't know what the madness was.

At this moment, a disciple suddenly rushed over and reported something, Cao Ye was shocked and quickly walked out of the hall.

At a glance, I saw a figure, holding the hand of a purple-clothed woman, hurriedly walking towards this side.

"Luo Ji!" Cao Ye shouted, jumped up in place, and landed in front of the figure, looking at him, and then at the woman in purple who was being held behind him: "What are you doing?"

Luo Ji frowned and said, "I'm leaving."

"Go?" Cao Ye wondered, "Where are you going at this time?"

"Of course, leave here, or wait to die?" Luo Ji looked at an idiot.

Cao Ye frowned, not sure what Luo Ji meant, stopped him and said, "You can leave if you want, what are you doing with Ziyi?"

Luo Ji said: "From now on, Ziyi is no longer a disciple of your Nine Star Sect."