Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 97: Formal healing


In the room, Lu Ye sat upright on the bed with his upper body naked.

Hua Ci was sitting opposite him, and her warm and jade-like little hand stroked his chest: "Your injury is much faster than I expected. Why, are you trying to take the path of body training?"

Lu Ye asked inexplicably, "Why do you say this?"

"Your qi and blood are much more abundant than the monks of the same level, so the injury will heal faster. The monks temper their own qi and blood in the early stage, don't they want to take the path of physical cultivation?"

"No." Lu Ye shook his head.

He has no interest in becoming a body cultivator. If there is no accident, he will become a soldier cultivator in the future. It feels good to slash people with a knife. As for the reason why Hua Ci said that he has more qi and blood than cultivators of the same level, Lu Ye faintly Guess this is probably related to what he eats a lot every day.

Since he started to practice, his appetite has been amazing, especially after mastering the gluttonous meal, he has eaten more.

The more he eats, the more qi and blood he will naturally have, but he has been refining and transforming qi all the time, so there is not much change in his body shape.

"There is no best, meat barbarians are nothing good. In the words of the cultivation world, those people enjoy the best resources and suffer the most poisonous beatings." Huaci said and laughed to herself, "And you The body shape is also not suitable for body repair.”

"Meat barbarian?"

"That's what they call Tixiu."

"It's interesting." Lu Ye smiled knowingly, "Then what do others call medical repair?"

Hua Ci pondered for a while: "I usually cry for my father and mother?"

Lu Ye frowned: "What's the point of this?"

"The heart of the doctor's parents, haha." Hua Ci smiled flamboyantly.

Lu Ye's face darkened, and the image of the intellectual woman with tenderness in his heart suddenly collapsed...

He found out that Hua Ci's external performance was just an illusion. Only by getting familiar with her will he discover her true character.

"You have been touching my chest since just now. Is this healing?" Lu Ye couldn't help but ask, although this feeling of being touched is not bad, it can't be like this forever. After all, he is also a bloody spirit. Fang Gang's boy.

"No." Hua Ci retracted her hand, "I forgot to talk to you for a while."

She sat in front of Lu Ye and looked at him with a serious look: "It starts now, there may be some discomfort later, please bear with it, don't make any strange noises, the sound insulation here is not very good, it is easy to cause Others misunderstood."

Lu Ye didn't know how to respond to her words, and he didn't have the time to respond. After Hua Ci finished saying these words, she suddenly pointed to Lu Ye's chest, her fingertips surging with spiritual energy.

Lu Ye groaned suddenly, not only did he feel pain at the spot where he was hit, but there was also an inexplicable feeling, which made him almost want to call out.

Huaci's mouth twitched with a smile, pointing out one after another.

Lu Ye's face began to twitch, and he kept groaning.

"Cultivators fight with people, and they are injured from time to time. Although there are different methods of treatment, they often leave some hidden dangers. These injuries are usually not obvious, but they are deeply hidden in the body's internal organs. Although there is no fatal risk, if accumulated Too much may affect the physical body, or affect the spiritual orifice, which will hinder future practice. Ordinary sword injuries are relatively easy to deal with, but the injuries caused by Faxiu cannot be removed by medicine pills. You are injured, so there are fire poisons left in your body. Once these fire poisons invade your spiritual aperture, it will be difficult for you to open your body in the future. So if conditions permit, I suggest that you find a medical practitioner to recuperate your body every once in a while. It can ensure that there are no hidden dangers.”

Lu Ye had gritted his teeth at this moment, and Hua Ci couldn't respond to what he said, he was afraid that he would really make some strange noises when he opened his mouth.

He seriously doubted that this woman did it on purpose... Otherwise, it would have been better to tell him these things before, why choose at this time.

After a while, Hua Ci changed her point to pat, her two little hands patted and slowly stroked Lu Ye's chest, and with her pat, pure wood spiritual power was slapped into Lu Ye's chest. at the chest.

After the most difficult time, Lu Ye slowly relaxed.

After a stick of incense, Huaci stopped.

Lu Ye looked down and saw that his chest was blurred with blood. The injury on his chest was a burn, so the recovery was not so fast. After being slapped by Huaci, the original scab was cracked and blood was flowing out. It looks more serious.

But Lu Ye knew that was not the case. The only serious thing was the appearance. With the blood flowing out, there were other things, which should be the fire poison that Huaci said.

He took a deep breath and felt that his breathing became much easier, and his whole body even had a feeling of transparency.

Huaci came forward again and smeared the green concoction on Lu Ye's chest, urging her spiritual power to help Lu Ye recover from the trauma. After doing this, he wrapped up his chest.

Next are two arms, the same processing method, the same process...

Finally, the slash on the back...

By the time everything was done, Hua Ci was already dripping with sweat. She raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead and stood beside Lu Ye's bed with a faint expression: "What a pity, I'm afraid it will take ten days to recover."

"Hello..." Lu Ye looked up at her.

Hua Ci covered her mouth and smiled: "Oh, how did you say what you said in your heart?" Then she said again: "But don't worry, you are my biggest guest, and I will definitely treat you well."

Reaching out his hand: "Benefit ten elixir."

Lu Ye didn't speak, and took out ten elixir for her. Although the cost of medical treatment today was twice as much as before, he could feel that Huaci's method was really helpful to his recovery. According to his original estimate, his injury After a month of recuperation, I want to recover.

But now, I'm afraid it won't take more than ten days.

Moreover, Hua Ci was really attentive today. At this moment, her body was dripping with sweat, her face was pale, and her consumption was obviously huge.

"Refreshing, as expected, the family has a daughter, and one's actions follow one's heart, which is really enviable." Hua Ci teased.

Lu Ye was stunned for a moment before realizing that this guy was saying that he was rich and self-willed.

"Give it back to me if you don't want it!" Lu Ye raised his hand and grabbed it towards her.

Hua Ci turned around, dodged nimbly, and said with a chuckle, "Have a good rest!" Shi Shiran left.

"Close the door!" Lu Ye yelled at the back of her leaving.

no respond.

Lu Ye got out of bed angrily, closed the door by himself, and then walked back.

He secretly decided to leave this ghost place quickly after his injury was healed, or he would be pissed to death one day sooner or later.