Humanoid Machine

Chapter 113: Haunted House Trial 20


After all, Lao Wang is an old player. Of course, it is impossible for him to develop inappropriate curiosity because of the knock on the door and do something suicidal like opening the door.

But the sound really bothered him. As the night deepened, the knocking sound became more regular and rhythmic. It was clear to the ear. At first, it sounded like someone was knocking on the door from a distance, but later, it sounded like it was knocking right next to his ear.

It's just that ghosts have such magical abilities that they can isolate themselves from external influences and send these strange sounds directly into the ear canal, affecting people's rationality and mind. Lao Wang could only stop struggling and forcefully close his sleepy eyes.

Just pass this night.

He thought.

At the same time, Ajian on the first floor was also forcibly awakened and opened his eyes.

But he couldn't sleep in the first place, and he was alert, and kept recalling what happened today in his mind.

Although Yuan Yuxue did not blame him, Ajian always thought that what he said at that time seemed to have caused Yuan Yuxue serious harm.

His expression was cold at the time, his eyelashes slightly drooped, and he looked so indifferent, as if he could disappear from sight at any time.

—Ajian couldn't help but start to feel annoyed.

Almost every time he and Yuan Yuxue got along, it was not a pleasant experience. The first time he accidentally hurt Yuan Yuxue, it seemed very stupid.

And this time, something unexpected happened again. He said something that made Yuan Yuxue hate him.

I don't know what he thinks of him...

Ajian had a lot on his mind and didn't feel sleepy that night, so of course he was woken up by those annoying noises.

Because of his background, A Jianben was extremely sensitive to any supernatural events and immediately realized that the situation this time was different from the previous ones.

If the previous one was more like misleading and harassment, then the strange sound was only far away outside and did not threaten himself.

But this time, the supernatural incident... hit him very close.

Ah Jian's heart sank slightly. There was an inexplicable cold wind raging in the room, but he was not surprised at all, because he knew in his heart -

Something has come in.

Ah Jian was usually very cautious in dungeons, so he naturally set up a formation next to his bed. A talisman formation mainly composed of thunder and fire was pasted on the head of the bed. Even if a ghost really broke in, it would be difficult to invade the range of his formation.

Among many copies, Ajian has always been the toughest nut to crack.

If it were an ordinary day, he could continue to sleep peacefully without worrying about being attacked by ghosts.

But at this time, Ajian's mind was confused and he could hardly fall asleep, so he just sat there and began to recite the Heart Clearing Mantra.

Although he was awake, he was reciting the spell, so he didn't have to worry about being blinded by ghosts and evil spirits. But as he was reciting, he suddenly heard a slight sound coming from the bathroom, which was not far away from the room.

The lights in the corridor suddenly lit up, and you didn't have to look very carefully to notice that the light was coming from the direction of the bathroom.

The pale white light flows softly like water and moon, and is dimly imprinted on the floor tiles like a silver waterfall or moonlight.

Then came the sound of the hot water switch being turned on, and the sound of water flowing from the shower head.

The water splashed on the floor tiles, making a crisp sound. At the same time, the bathroom door seemed to be open, and a light mist floated out of it, smoky and lingering, like a fairyland.