Humanoid Machine

Chapter 119: Haunted House Trial 26


When the day was about to dawn, Lao Wang opened his eyes.

He didn't sleep very well last night. After all, he had been through so many things, and no matter how brave he was, it would be difficult for him to sleep till dawn.

Moreover, he was still thinking about the tip the female ghost had given him yesterday, and wondered if there was something wrong with his work... Being a worker is really not easy. It would be fine if it were in the real world, but in a dungeon, if you are irresponsible at work, you will have to pay with your life.

As the sky was just getting light, and it seemed that there was no danger and ghosts were not likely to appear, Lao Wang got up and prepared to take a walk to check if there was anything wrong with his daily cleaning work.

Lao Wang took the elevator down from the sixth floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, he saw Ajian coming out of the room. This scene was very similar to last night.

Last night, he also opened the elevator door and bumped into Ajian.

But at that time, Ajian looked strange and pale, and it turned out that he was possessed by an evil spirit.

This scene was too familiar, like a replay of yesterday, almost giving Lao Wang a heart palpitation. However, the psychological trauma was over for a while. Although Ah Jian looked ugly at this moment, it was indeed himself, not possessed by a ghost. There was an explanation for his bad complexion. The faint dark blue under Ah Jian's eyes was obviously due to not sleeping last night.

Lao Wang sighed silently in his heart. If he were Ah Jian, he would probably not be able to sleep well either. It was bad enough that he was possessed by a ghost, and his relationship with Yuan Yuxue was particularly awkward.

—Lao Wang still believed in his own judgment. It was obvious that Ajian didn't like Yuan Yuxue very much, so he was so harsh!

In fact, it is normal for them to not get along. They are of similar age, people of the same sex repel each other, and they are both very capable.

Ah Jian had a magic spell to protect him, so he was probably not a simple person before entering the infinite world. Yuan Yuxue was very skilled, and maybe she even had a talent. Lao Wang guessed that the Hongmeng-breaking skill he saw that day must be Yuan Yuxue's talent.

These two young men would be leaders in any given copy.

It's fate that we happened to be in the same copy.

It is normal to be competitive with each other.

It's just that Yuan Yuxue seems to have a cold personality and is more capable than Ajian, which makes Ajian feel depressed.

In Lao Wang's opinion, Ah Jian was just jealous. Young people are full of energy and it is inevitable that they will feel conflicted after being hit. He is the oldest among them and has some consideration. Of course, he would not expose the young man's shameful thoughts in front of Ah Jian.

Lao Wang waved to him and did not mention what happened last night. Instead, he talked about the hint given by the female ghost yesterday, asking Ajian to find out what went wrong with him.

"If it happens again, I'm afraid my body won't be able to survive it." Old Wang sighed with a bitter face.

Ajian also nodded silently.

After all, this is a task for both of them. If it is not completed within one day, neither of them will sleep well.

In fact, the villa does not have strict standards for their tasks. As long as there is no obvious dirt, they will not be judged as derelict in their duties. After all, the villa is so big that it is impossible to take care of every corner.

After so many days, Lao Wang has become more experienced. He got up early in the morning and set the cleaning range of the sweeper, watched several robots set off, checked the general hygiene again, and continued to be at a loss with Ajian.