Humanoid Machine

Chapter 13: Tricky game


Behind the glasses, the woman's face has become seriously distorted.

Her cheeks melted in the twist, her jaw almost dropped to her chest, her neck slowly stretched, like a boneless and soft snake wrapped around her shoulders, searching for prey. Her yellow and sharp teeth were covered with strands of fresh flesh and blood, which seemed to still retain the warm breath of the moment they were bitten off.

"How long have you been like this?" Glasses suddenly asked.

He did not turn around, but continued to stare at the pile of corpses, as if he was completely unaware of the approaching woman's head.

The head was hanging behind him, looking at him with a sinister and resentful expression.

The violent husband who returns home day after day, countless slaughters and cannibalisms, the basement filled with corpses that are almost squeezing out of the door - how long will this kind of life continue

Or is this a horror movie where one is stuck in a cycle of reincarnation and never sees the end

Glasses turned around.

Facing the woman who looked like a monster, he was unusually calm. In comparison, when Glasses saw his "mother" in her normal state, he seemed to be even more terrified. Under the broken lens, his eyes were calm, and the lens reflected the woman's almost distorted and weird figure at this time, but his voice seemed very gentle.

"I will help you get rid of it."

Get rid of this nightmare that seems to have no end in sight, and get rid of this extremely twisted family relationship.

He took off the lenses that were crooked from the frame, revealing a pair of dark eyes underneath.

The edges of the enlarged pupils were faintly stained with scarlet, looking like the burning color of sunlight.

The "mother" who was being stared at by the glasses, stretched her neck and drooped limply. She stood there, as if becoming docile in an instant, and her gloomy face didn't look so ghostly anymore.

Glasses walked forward, clasped her neck with his slender fingers, and tightened his grip. A look of pain and fear suddenly appeared on "Mom's" face, which was very strange for her monstrous image, but she remained motionless.

"Damn it." Outside the movie, Hei Pi cursed softly and said, "It turns out he has a 'talent'."


Catching this word, Yuan Yuxue quickly turned her head and glanced at him with a slight doubt in her eyes.

Thinking that Yuan Yuxue was a newcomer, Heipi naturally explained in detail: "It is something similar to superpowers, which can be exchanged for points in the system mall. However, the talent type is randomly refreshed, and the amount of points required is also terrifying. Another possibility is to activate the talent independently when performing a copy, which is generally more useful-"

As he spoke, he showed a somewhat strange expression.

"I think I know who he is. If it's him, I've heard about his deeds before." Heipi said, "He was a newcomer who entered the dungeon at the same time as me. He stimulated his talent in the second game and was very famous in the forum at that time."

"The exact mechanism is unclear, but it has something to do with his eyes... He is called a ghost controller or a ghost rider."

Compared to them, talented people are of course much safer in the copy world.