Humanoid Machine

Chapter 14: Tricky game


This behavior is entirely due to Yuan Yuxue's habits when performing tasks in the past.

The robot will not get tired and will not be allowed to stop, so Yuan Yuxue rarely gives herself time to rest and seems to always be running non-stop - so as not to miss some subtle clues.

The house still exuded a damp and dilapidated atmosphere, as if the dust that had accumulated for a long time had been blown away and exposed to the sun, with a sense of decay and oldness. Perhaps because the ghosts had disappeared, the gloomy feeling that had always shrouded the roof had dissipated a lot, and it looked like just an ordinary house.

Except that the basement was filled with countless corpses.

The study and the second bedroom where Yuan Yuxue was staying had already been checked. Now Yuan Yuxue was heading to the master bedroom.

This master bedroom was not much bigger than the second bedroom. There was an old-fashioned desktop TV in the room. The wallpaper was mottled and peeling, the wall was yellow, and the upper part was covered with water stains and slightly cracked cracks. Yuan Yuxue found a wooden table and dressing table, which was obviously belonging to "Mom".

He searched through them carefully and found an item that looked out of place among the other items.

A collection of foreign novels in translation.

The name of the novel is "Monkey's Paw", a very short story, and Yuan Yuxue quickly entered it into the database.

The story can be summarized as a couple who are given a monkey's paw and can make three wishes, but all three wishes bring terrible misfortune.

It looks very much like a fable from a horror novel.

The second valuable item found was "Mom's" diary. Yuan Yuxue opened it with the hand that was not stained with blood.

There are not records every day, but a paragraph of text will be recorded every few days.

Sometimes I complained about the soaring prices and couldn’t even afford to weigh a few pounds of meat; sometimes I was jealous because I heard the lady next door talking about how her son got a bonus while her children were still idle at home. These fragmented records of life suddenly stopped for a long time.

The time of the next record jumped to two months later.

The handwriting of "Mom" was crooked, different from the previous smooth handwriting. The force was so strong that it tore through the paper, leaving bulges on the surface of the paper.

"I regretted it, and he hit me again."

Written in the diary.

She has no family and married her current husband right after graduating from college. This was originally a makeshift, imperfect marriage that lasted for twenty years on thin ice.

In the past, her husband had a tendency to commit domestic violence. He would kneel down and cry to her after he sobered up, and promised to change his ways many times. After they had a child, he did seem to have changed his ways, and they had been getting along well until now, until the economic downturn in recent years, when her husband's career suffered setbacks, and his brutal temper was exposed. He began to drink, cheat, and commit domestic violence again, threatening her that if she did not divorce him, he would lose everything, kill the child, and then kill her.

She spent a long time in this hazy nightmare. The words in the diary became more and more extreme, and the more blood was revealed.

She wanted to die, to put an end to all her misery. But the day after she wrote her suicide note, she suddenly calmed down, or more like crazy... The woman said that she got a "monkey's paw".