Humanoid Machine

Chapter 28: Tricky game


The rabbit's worried look disappeared from sight as the door closed.

Another poker card was removed from the table, leaving only the Joker and the Ace of Spades.

Andre stood up slightly and changed into a more leisurely posture, with his whole back pressed against the back of the chair and his legs stretched out wantonly, like a luxurious aristocrat raised on gold and gems, who was already used to this kind of game, his eyes full of silent mockery.

For a moment, it seemed as if all the players were chess pieces manipulated by him, which invisibly exerted huge pressure on the opponents.

But the player opposite him was completely unaware of it.

Yuan Yuxue was still staring at the two silver cards, waiting for the butler to announce the start of the next round of the game, and then she prepared to draw the cards.

This time it was his turn to draw first.

When Yuan Yuxue's fingertips touched the cold card, Andre suddenly said, "Now there are only two of us."

Yuan Yuxue: “.”

"Let's change the rules of the game." Andre didn't mind Yuan Yuxue not responding to his words. "Anyway, there is no possibility of your answer being heard. You don't need to answer the next question on paper."

Andre's fingertips pounded on the table, tapping rhythmically: "We will have a face-to-face Q&A session. The time is still 100 seconds."

This direct form of communication will be more oppressive, especially when the opponent is a big and unpredictable boss and there is only one player fighting alone in your camp.

But Yuan Yuxue didn't realize that this confrontation was disadvantageous to him, and responded calmly: "Okay."

The pen and paper were then removed. Yuan Yuxue turned over the cards in her hand.

Ace of Spades.

Andre looked at the joker in his hand, but he didn't look very proud. After two seconds of silence, he said, "It's still the same question."

"Describe an event that I remember vividly. It must be different from your previous answer."

Yuan Yuxue tilted his head slightly, without any confusion on his face, but his gaze inexplicably made Andre feel embarrassed as if he was seen through - and then he heard Yuan Yuxue's words.

"You were once locked in a closet, and someone left a message in the closet."

Andre's pupils shrank slightly.

It was difficult to describe his expression at that moment: anger, embarrassment, malice, or perhaps the huge murderous intent towards Yuan Yuxue that was pouring out at this moment.

The housekeeper and the servants maintained a puppet-like silence. Yuan Yuxue's breathing was so light that it was almost inaudible. A pin drop could be heard in the hall. The only sound that could be heard was the "clicking" sound of some bones being crushed.

Andre's golden eyes seemed to turn slightly red. He stared at Yuan Yuxue silently, as if he was watching his prey. After a long silence, he asked, "Do you think that was me?"

Yuan Yuxue's calmness at this moment was like an extreme indifference, "It's not time for the second round of questions yet."

"..." Andre looked like an angry beast, ready to burst out of dormancy at any time and dissect the flesh and blood of the player in front of him. But surprisingly, he endured it and raised his chin slightly, "Correct answer."

In the first round of the tracking game, the words that Yuan Yuxue saw in the closet where she was hiding, ranging from fear and guilt to resentment and despair, were not left by the previous player, but by Andre.