Humanoid Machine

Chapter 29: Tricky game


Before Andre turned into a ghost, he was also the young master of this villa.

But his status at that time was different from what it is now. He was a complete wretched creature, not valued, bullied by others, and had only a noble title to cover up his shame.

He also has many "friends", but rather than friends, they are more like masters who find him funny and play with him.

At the birthday party, his collar was stuffed with cold cake, and he lay on the ground barking like a dog while the young masters surrounded him with laughter and said they wanted to play games with him.

A "trick game" in which he was the only one being teased.

Andre came up to him flatteringly, circling around his master's legs like a puppy.

The young masters were tired of hanging him on the balcony to let him enjoy the cool breeze, so they stuffed Andre into a small closet and said they were going to play hide-and-seek to see how long it would take for someone to find him. Andre stayed in that narrow, coffin-like closet for two days and two nights. He suffocated and became dehydrated, with his nails ulcerated and oozing pus, but the young masters who came to visit the villa laughed out loud.

"Alas, we forgot about you!"

"Why aren't you laughing? Isn't this game funny?"

Andrei started laughing too.

He once suspected that he was an illegitimate child, or a wild child of unknown origin, which was why he was treated so unfairly. Until the day he came of age, he was taken to the basement.

Andre heard them describe themselves like livestock to be slaughtered: they had special physiques, their organs could perfectly fit into any race, and they were perfect donors.

His father had no shortage of children, but lacked a tool to make friends with other nobles, so he raised him like livestock until his organs matured.

The anesthetic was not effective enough, and Andre was awakened by the pain. His sensory organs were cut and taken out of his body, and the people around him recorded which sick noble they were assigned to.

He died, but the resentment lingered.

In the chaos, the voice of "it" was heard.

"It" said, I will grant you one wish.

As long as you pay a small price.

Andre's wish was fulfilled.

He made all those who bullied him pay the price. Every corner of the villa was covered with smelly blood and flesh. He gained the most powerful power he had ever had in his life and turned into a ghost.

Those who bullied him were turned into puppets, dogs, and broken into pieces. If the story ended here, it should be the end of evil being punished, but he still had to pay the price -

As the property of the copy, he is trapped in the villa forever, repeating all the pain he experienced before his death, and welcoming the "players" who will suddenly appear in the villa. He will kill them with the prank games he once hated the most, until he forgets the past and everything about being a "human". He can even get more and more intense and twisted pleasure from these games, and turns into a ghost from body to mind.

Become a ghost assimilated by the copy.

The thin silver card was opened and placed on the table. The sharp sound woke him up. Andre pulled himself away from the humble and embarrassing past and looked up at Yuan Yuxue.

The other party has already started this round of questions and answers, and luckily drew the joker.

Unable to exert cognitive cues, and also having no idea what kind of questions Yuan Yuxue would ask, Andre faced him with an almost negative attitude, raised his chin slightly and said, "Ask."