Humanoid Machine

Chapter 505: Thousand-player copy 91


It's as if believers are praying and waiting for God's mercy - a bit exaggerated, but the situations are so similar.

He has all the power in his hands.

The face covered by the soft plush scarf was slightly raised, and the pale skin shook slightly, as bright as melting snow in winter, which was very eye-catching.

Yuan Yuxue was thinking just now, but Jie Zhouyan would reach out to disturb him from time to time, either to tell him not to lean on the cold table, or to straighten the scarf that had a little air leakage so that it could fit tightly like before and keep warm.

Therefore, Yuan Yuxue's reaction was half a beat slower than usual, but that didn't mean he didn't listen carefully to Lucky A's words - in this regard, Yuan Yuxue had always been very polite and good at being a silent listener.

Even though he was confused, he listened quietly and carefully to every word Lucky A said.

When the "problem" shifted to him, Young Master Yuan's eyelashes seemed to tremble slightly.

All the details of his expression were carefully captured. Even with such a small change, Lucky A felt his heart tremble. Then, he heard Young Master Yuan say in a very calm tone, "I really don't need these human currencies."

When Young Master Yuan said this, Lucky A's mood instantly sank to the bottom.

Even though I had expected it, I couldn't help but feel a little depressed at this moment.

He thought that his preparations were perfect, but they might not be appropriate.

This blow was much greater than the cold stares given by Ajin and the other man combined.

However, Yuan Yuxue and the other two players actually had different ideas.

What Ajin and the others considered "inappropriate" was more because the assets in this world were just numbers and did not have much meaning. They could only be used to provide some convenience in the context of the copy.

What is truly valuable, of course, are the points in the dungeon.

But in fact, in Yuan Yuxue's view, these two are

All are unnecessary.

He has also worked with human companions in the past when carrying out missions.

Although he is good at fighting alone, he can also serve as an attacker, sacrifice, and finisher in team missions. In short, he will do whatever is difficult, and his team awareness is much higher than some humans. At this time, Yuan Yuxue just used to... regard Lucky A and the others as companions sent by the laboratory to perform tasks.

Although they are not in the same team.

His only teammate at the moment is Jie Zhouyan.

But in essence, the mission objectives do not conflict.

This made Yuan Yuxue very willing to share information and provide help with them. However, because the laboratories were affiliated with different branches, some conflicts had arisen during the execution of tasks. In order to avoid trouble, Yuan Yuxue needed to determine their general purpose before the cooperation - they just had to not come to cause trouble. As for the concept of "stealing credit"...

Yuan Yuxue had no such concept.

Of course there is no reward for completing the mission. After each operation, you will just return to the "cocoon" to replenish energy and occasionally repair your body functions. There is no so-called "merit" in it.

Fortunately, the A guys were very nice and didn’t look like they were there to cause trouble.

Yuan Yuxue raised her hand slightly and touched the table. The butler standing beside her naturally brought up what the young master wanted. He had been standing beside her before, holding a plush roll in his arms, which looked a bit like an ancient book, but also like a small, exquisitely folded blanket.